// Returns: amount in words as string.
+/* commented out in base class to enable use with hook_invoke_last
function price_in_words($amount, $doc_type)
// Exchange rate currency $curr as on date $date.
// Keep in mind FA has internally implemented 3 exrate providers
// with apprioprate provider set, otherwise implement your own.
// Returns: $curr value in home currency units as a real number.
+/* commented out in base class to enable use with hook_invoke_last
function retrieve_exrate($curr, $date)
// $provider = 'ECB'; // 'ECB', 'YAHOO' or 'GOOGLE'
// return get_extern_rate($curr, $provider, $date);
return null;
// Generic function called at the end of Tax Report (report 709)
// Can be used e.g. for special database updates on every report printing
// or to print special tax report footer