--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+// FrontAccounting global system names. They have to be stored separate from
+// sys types defines to enable inclusion after every language change
+// (which happens for multilanguage bulk reports)
+global $systypes_array, $bank_account_types, $bank_transfer_types,
+ $payment_person_types, $wo_types_array, $wo_cost_types, $class_types,
+ $quick_actions, $quick_entry_types, $stock_types, $tag_types;
+$systypes_array = array (
+ ST_JOURNAL => _("Journal Entry"),
+ ST_BANKPAYMENT => _("Bank Payment"),
+ ST_BANKDEPOSIT => _("Bank Deposit"),
+ ST_BANKTRANSFER => _("Funds Transfer"),
+ ST_SALESINVOICE => _("Sales Invoice"),
+ ST_CUSTCREDIT => _("Customer Credit Note"),
+ ST_CUSTPAYMENT => _("Customer Payment"),
+ ST_CUSTDELIVERY => _("Delivery Note"),
+ ST_LOCTRANSFER => _("Location Transfer"),
+ ST_INVADJUST => _("Inventory Adjustment"),
+ ST_PURCHORDER => _("Purchase Order"),
+ ST_SUPPINVOICE => _("Supplier Invoice"),
+ ST_SUPPCREDIT => _("Supplier Credit Note"),
+ ST_SUPPAYMENT => _("Supplier Payment"),
+ ST_SUPPRECEIVE => _("Purchase Order Delivery"),
+ ST_WORKORDER => _("Work Order"),
+ ST_MANUISSUE => _("Work Order Issue"),
+ ST_MANURECEIVE => _("Work Order Production"),
+ ST_SALESORDER => _("Sales Order"),
+ ST_SALESQUOTE => _("Sales Quotation"),
+ ST_COSTUPDATE => _("Cost Update"),
+ ST_DIMENSION => _("Dimension")
+ );
+// Bank transaction types
+$bank_account_types = array (
+ BT_TRANSFER => _("Savings Account"),
+ _("Chequing Account"),
+ _("Credit Account"),
+ _("Cash Account")
+ );
+$bank_transfer_types = array(
+ BT_TRANSFER => _("Transfer"),
+ _("Cheque"),
+ _("Credit"),
+ _("Cash")
+ );
+// Payment types
+$payment_person_types = array (
+ PT_MISC => _("Miscellaneous"),
+ _("Work Order"),
+ _("Customer"),
+ _("Supplier"),
+ _("Quick Entry")
+ );
+// Manufacturing types
+$wo_types_array = array (
+ WO_ASSEMBLY => _("Assemble"),
+ WO_UNASSEMBLY => _("Unassemble"),
+ WO_ADVANCED => _("Advanced Manufacture")
+ );
+$wo_cost_types = array(
+ WO_LABOUR => _("Labour Cost"),
+ WO_OVERHEAD => _("Overhead Cost"),
+// GL account classes
+$class_types = array(
+ CL_ASSETS => _("Assets"),
+ CL_LIABILITIES => _("Liabilities"),
+ CL_EQUITY => _("Equity"),
+ CL_INCOME => _("Income"),
+ CL_COGS => _("Cost of Goods Sold"),
+ CL_EXPENSE => _("Expense"),
+// Quick entry types
+$quick_actions = array(
+ '=' => _('Remainder'), // post current base amount to GL account
+ 'a' => _('Amount'), // post amount to GL account
+ 'a+' => _('Amount, increase base'), // post amount to GL account and increase base
+ 'a-' => _('Amount, reduce base'), // post amount to GL account and reduce base
+ '%' => _('% amount of base'), // store acc*amount% to GL account
+ '%+' => _('% amount of base, increase base'), // ditto & increase base amount
+ '%-' => _('% amount of base, reduce base'), // ditto & reduce base amount
+ 'T' => _('Taxes added'), // post taxes calculated on base amount
+ 'T+' => _('Taxes added, increase base'), // ditto & increase base amount
+ 'T-' => _('Taxes added, reduce base'), // ditto & reduce base amount
+ 't' => _('Taxes included'), // post taxes calculated on base amount
+ 't+' => _('Taxes included, increase base'), // ditto & increase base amount
+ 't-' => _('Taxes included, reduce base') // ditto & reduce base amount
+$quick_entry_types = array(
+ QE_DEPOSIT => _("Bank Deposit"),
+ QE_PAYMENT => _("Bank Payment"),
+ QE_JOURNAL => _("Journal Entry"),
+ QE_SUPPINV => _("Supplier Invoice/Credit")
+// Types of stock items
+$stock_types = array(
+ 'M' => _("Manufactured"),
+ 'B' => _("Purchased"),
+ 'D' => _("Service")
+$tag_types = array (
+ TAG_ACCOUNT => _("Account"),
+ TAG_DIMENSION => _("Dimension")
\ No newline at end of file
define ('ST_STATEMENT', 91);
define ('ST_CHEQUE', 92);
-$systypes_array = array (
- ST_JOURNAL => _("Journal Entry"),
- ST_BANKPAYMENT => _("Bank Payment"),
- ST_BANKDEPOSIT => _("Bank Deposit"),
- ST_BANKTRANSFER => _("Funds Transfer"),
- ST_SALESINVOICE => _("Sales Invoice"),
- ST_CUSTCREDIT => _("Customer Credit Note"),
- ST_CUSTPAYMENT => _("Customer Payment"),
- ST_CUSTDELIVERY => _("Delivery Note"),
- ST_LOCTRANSFER => _("Location Transfer"),
- ST_INVADJUST => _("Inventory Adjustment"),
- ST_PURCHORDER => _("Purchase Order"),
- ST_SUPPINVOICE => _("Supplier Invoice"),
- ST_SUPPCREDIT => _("Supplier Credit Note"),
- ST_SUPPAYMENT => _("Supplier Payment"),
- ST_SUPPRECEIVE => _("Purchase Order Delivery"),
- ST_WORKORDER => _("Work Order"),
- ST_MANUISSUE => _("Work Order Issue"),
- ST_MANURECEIVE => _("Work Order Production"),
- ST_SALESORDER => _("Sales Order"),
- ST_SALESQUOTE => _("Sales Quotation"),
- ST_COSTUPDATE => _("Cost Update"),
- ST_DIMENSION => _("Dimension")
- );
// Bank transaction types
define('BT_CREDIT', 2);
define('BT_CASH', 3);
-$bank_account_types = array (
- BT_TRANSFER => _("Savings Account"),
- _("Chequing Account"),
- _("Credit Account"),
- _("Cash Account")
- );
-$bank_transfer_types = array(
- BT_TRANSFER => _("Transfer"),
- _("Cheque"),
- _("Credit"),
- _("Cash")
- );
include_once($path_to_root . "/manufacturing/includes/manufacturing_db.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/purchasing/includes/purchasing_db.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/sales/includes/sales_db.inc");
define('PT_QUICKENTRY', 4);
define('PT_DIMESION', 5);
-$payment_person_types = array (
- PT_MISC => _("Miscellaneous"),
- _("Work Order"),
- _("Customer"),
- _("Supplier"),
- _("Quick Entry")
- );
function payment_person_currency($type, $person_id) {
switch ($type)
define('WO_UNASSEMBLY', 1);
define('WO_ADVANCED', 2);
-$wo_types_array = array (
- WO_ASSEMBLY => _("Assemble"),
- WO_UNASSEMBLY => _("Unassemble"),
- WO_ADVANCED => _("Advanced Manufacture")
- );
define('WO_LABOUR', 0);
define('WO_OVERHEAD', 1);
-$wo_cost_types = array(
- WO_LABOUR => _("Labour Cost"),
- WO_OVERHEAD => _("Overhead Cost"),
// GL account classes
define('CL_COGS', 5);
define('CL_EXPENSE', 6);
-$class_types = array(
- CL_ASSETS => _("Assets"),
- CL_LIABILITIES => _("Liabilities"),
- CL_EQUITY => _("Equity"),
- CL_INCOME => _("Income"),
- CL_COGS => _("Cost of Goods Sold"),
- CL_EXPENSE => _("Expense"),
function get_class_type_convert($ctype)
global $use_oldstyle_convert;
// Quick entry types
-$quick_actions = array(
- '=' => _('Remainder'), // post current base amount to GL account
- 'a' => _('Amount'), // post amount to GL account
- 'a+' => _('Amount, increase base'), // post amount to GL account and increase base
- 'a-' => _('Amount, reduce base'), // post amount to GL account and reduce base
- '%' => _('% amount of base'), // store acc*amount% to GL account
- '%+' => _('% amount of base, increase base'), // ditto & increase base amount
- '%-' => _('% amount of base, reduce base'), // ditto & reduce base amount
- 'T' => _('Taxes added'), // post taxes calculated on base amount
- 'T+' => _('Taxes added, increase base'), // ditto & increase base amount
- 'T-' => _('Taxes added, reduce base'), // ditto & reduce base amount
- 't' => _('Taxes included'), // post taxes calculated on base amount
- 't+' => _('Taxes included, increase base'), // ditto & increase base amount
- 't-' => _('Taxes included, reduce base') // ditto & reduce base amount
define('QE_PAYMENT', '1');
define('QE_DEPOSIT', '2');
define('QE_JOURNAL', '3');
define('QE_SUPPINV', '4');
-$quick_entry_types = array(
- QE_DEPOSIT => _("Bank Deposit"),
- QE_PAYMENT => _("Bank Payment"),
- QE_JOURNAL => _("Journal Entry"),
- QE_SUPPINV => _("Supplier Invoice/Credit")
// Special option values for various list selectors.
define('ALL_TEXT', '');
define('ALL_NUMERIC', -1);
-// Types of stock items
-$stock_types = array(
- 'M' => _("Manufactured"),
- 'B' => _("Purchased"),
- 'D' => _("Service")
define('TAG_ACCOUNT', 1);
define('TAG_DIMENSION', 2);
-$tag_types = array (
- TAG_ACCOUNT => _("Account"),
- TAG_DIMENSION => _("Dimension")
+include_once($path_to_root . '/includes/sysnames.inc');
\ No newline at end of file