global $messages, $go_debug;
// error_reporting==0 when messages are set off with @
- if ($errno) {
- if(error_reporting())
+ if ($errno & error_reporting())
$messages[] = array($errno, $errstr, $file, $line);
- // don't log notices hidden with @ unless in debug mode
- if (!$go_debug) $ignored |= E_NOTICE;
- if (!($errno & $ignored))
- error_log(
- user_company().':'.$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->loginname.':'.
- basename($file).":$line: $errstr");
- }
+ else // log all not displayed messages
+ error_log(user_company() . ':' . $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->loginname.':'
+ . basename($file) .":$line: $errstr");
return true;
global $before_box;
echo "<div id='msgbox'>";
- $before_box = ob_get_clean(); // save html content before error box
+ $before_box = ob_get_clean(); // save html content before error box
// Necessary restart instead of get_contents/clean calls due to a bug in php 4.3.2
- register_shutdown_function('ob_end_flush');
+ register_shutdown_function('end_flush');
echo "</div>";
+ Helper to avoid sparse log notices.
+function end_flush () {
+ if (ob_get_level()) ob_end_flush();
function display_db_error($msg, $sql_statement=null, $exit=true)
$Ajax =& new Ajax();
// intercept all output to destroy it in case of ajax call
// colect all error msgs