-function exchange_rate_display($from_currency, $to_currency, $date_, $buttons=true)
+// Displays currency exchange rate for given date.
+// When there is no exrate for today,
+// gets it form ECB and stores in local database.
+function exchange_rate_display($from_currency, $to_currency, $date_)
global $Ajax;
- $hint = _('Get daily ECB exchange rate and save for later use in invoicing process');
if ($from_currency != $to_currency)
- if ($buttons && isset($_POST['get_rate']))
- {
- $comp_currency = get_company_currency();
- if ($from_currency == $comp_currency)
- $currency = $to_currency;
- else
- $currency = $from_currency;
- $rate = get_ecb_rate($currency);
- if ($rate && ($date_==Today())) {
- if (get_date_exchange_rate($currency, $date_))
- update_exchange_rate($currency, $date_, $rate, $rate);
- else
+ $comp_currency = get_company_currency();
+ if ($from_currency == $comp_currency)
+ $currency = $to_currency;
+ else
+ $currency = $from_currency;
+ $rate = 0;
+ if ($date_ == Today()) {
+ $rate = get_date_exchange_rate($currency, $date_);
+ if (!$rate) {
+ $rate = get_ecb_rate($currency);
+ if ($rate)
add_exchange_rate($currency, $date_, $rate, $rate);
- } else
- $rate = get_exchange_rate_from_to($to_currency, $from_currency, $date_);
- if ($from_currency == $comp_currency)
- $rate = 1 / $rate;
- $Ajax->activate('get_rate');
+ }
- else
+ if (!$rate)
$rate = get_exchange_rate_from_to($to_currency, $from_currency, $date_);
+ if ($from_currency == $comp_currency)
+ $rate = 1 / $rate;
$rate = number_format2($rate, user_exrate_dec());
- label_row(_("Exchange Rate:"),"1 " . $from_currency . " = <span id='_ex_rate'>" . $rate . "</span> " . $to_currency .
- ($buttons?" " . submit('get_rate',_("Get"), false, $hint, true):""));
- if($buttons) {
- $Ajax->addUpdate('get_rate','_ex_rate', $rate);
- }
+ label_row(_("Exchange Rate:"),"1 " . $from_currency
+ . " = <span id='_ex_rate'>" . $rate . "</span> " . $to_currency );
+ $Ajax->addUpdate('_ex_rate','_ex_rate', $rate);
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