return $sJS;
+ Check if file can be updated, restoring subdirectories
+ if needed. Returns 1 when no confilcts, -1 when file exists and is writable
+function check_write($path)
+ if ($path == ''//|| $path == '.' || $path == '..'
+ ) return 0;
+ return is_writable($path) ? (is_dir($path) ? 1 : -1)
+ : ($path =='.' ? 0 : check_write(dirname($path)));
+ Copies set of files. When $strict is set
+ also removes files from the $to which
+ does not exists in $from directory but arelisted in $flist.
+function copy_files($flist, $from, $to, $strict=false)
+ foreach ($flist as $file) {
+ if (file_exists($from.'/'.$file))
+ if (!copy_file($file, $from, $to))
+ return false;
+ if ($strict && !is_file($from.'/'.$file)) // if
+ unlink($to.'/'.$file);
+ }
+ return true;
+ Copies file from base to target directory, restoring subdirectories
+ if needed.
+function copy_file($file, $from, $to)
+ if (!is_dir(dirname($file=='.' ? $to : ($to.'/'.$file)))) {
+ if (!copy_file(dirname($file), null, $to))
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$from) {
+ // error_log( 'dodanie katalogu '.$to.'/'.$file);
+ return @mkdir($file=='.' ? $to : ($to.'/'.$file));
+ }
+ else {
+ // error_log( 'skopiowanie '.$to.'/'.$file);
+ return @copy($from.'/'.$file, $to.'/'.$file);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file