! -> Note
$ -> Affected files
+04-Jun-2009 Joe Hunt
+# [0000134] Voiding a supplier credit note didn't activate the PO Receivals and void the stock moves.
+$ /purchasing/includes/db/invoice_db.inc
03-Jun-2009 Joe Hunt
! Changed to present reference number in Print Invoices/Credit Notes if global $print_invoice_no = 0
$ /reporting/includes/reports_classes.inc
# When producing advanced manufacture there should be errors when insuffient qoh in items (if 'Allow Negative Stock' is not marked).
$ /manufacturing/work_order_issue.php
+# Missing decimal calculation in BOM edit.
+$ /manufacturing/manage/bom_edit.php
+# Wrong toottip text on Process button in Purchase Order, Receive Items.
+$ /purchase/po_receive_items.php
27-May-2009 Joe Hunt
# After heavy testing a new set of nested subtypes in COA, Monthly Breakdown, Balance Sheet and P&L Statement.
server - with <strong><em>innodb</em></strong>
tables enabled (see notes below) </li>
<li><strong><em>Adobe Acrobat Reader</em></strong>
-- for viewing the PDF reports before printing them out. </li>
+- or another PDF reader for viewing the PDF reports before printing them out. </li>
<h2>Important Notes</h2>
password for “dbuser”. You would have entered this when you created
“dbuser”. </li>
<li>“<strong>dbname</strong>” is the name of
-the database. The provided scripts use the name OpenAccounting. </li>
+the database. The provided scripts use the name - frontaccount. </li>
<li>“<strong>tbpref</strong>” is the table
prefix for
the tables. If you only have access to one database, you must use table
$myrow = db_fetch($result);
$_POST['loc_code'] = $myrow["loc_code"];
+ $_POST['component'] = $myrow["component"]; // by Tom Moulton
$_POST['workcentre_added'] = $myrow["workcentre_added"];
$_POST['quantity'] = number_format2($myrow["quantity"], get_qty_dec($myrow["component"]));
label_row(_("Component:"), $myrow["component"] . " - " . $myrow["description"]);
$batch = get_grn_batch_from_item($details_row["grn_item_id"]);
$grn = get_grn_batch($batch);
+ if ($type == 21) // credit note 2009-06-14 Joe Hunt Must restore the po and grn
+ {
+ $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."purch_order_details
+ SET quantity_ordered = quantity_ordered + ".-$details_row["quantity"].",
+ quantity_received = quantity_received + ".-$details_row["quantity"]."
+ WHERE po_detail_item = ".$details_row["po_detail_item_id"];
+ db_query($sql, "a purchase order details record could not be updated. This receipt of goods has not been processed ");
+ $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."grn_items SET qty_recd=qty_recd+".-$details_row["quantity"]."
+ WHERE id=".$details_row["grn_item_id"];
+ db_query($sql);
+ }
$diff = get_diff_in_home_currency($grn["supplier_id"], $old_date, $date_, $old[2],
// Only adjust the avg for the diff
update_stock_move_pid(13, $details_row["stock_id"], $old_date, $date_, 0, $mat_cost);
update_stock_move_pid(25, $details_row["stock_id"], $old_date, $old_date, $grn['supplier_id'], $mat_cost);
+ if ($type == 21) // void the credits in stock moves
+ void_stock_move(21, $type_no);
void_supp_invoice_items($type, $type_no);
void_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no);
echo '<br>';
submit_center_first('Update', _("Update"), '', true);
-submit_center_last('ProcessGoodsReceived', _("Process Receive Items"), _("Clear all GL entry fields"), true);
+submit_center_last('ProcessGoodsReceived', _("Process Receive Items"), _("Process Receive Items"), true);
installed languages)
<li><strong>/modules/installed_modules.php</strong> (contains information about
-installed modules<strong></strong>)
- </li>
+installed modules<strong></strong>)</li><li>installed_extensions.php (contains information about installed extensions to the menu system)</li>
<li>if you have made <em>changes to other files</em>, like themes or so, backup
these files too. </li>