$qe_line['dimension2_id'], $part, $qe['description']);
- while ($qe_line = db_fetch($qe_lines))
- {
- switch (strtolower($qe_line['action'])) {
- case "=": // post current base amount to GL account
- $part = $base;
- break;
- case "a": // post amount to GL account and reduce base
- $part = $qe_line['amount'];
- break;
- case "a+": // post amount to GL account and increase base
- $part = $qe_line['amount']; $base += $part;
- break;
- case "a-": // post amount to GL account and reduce base
- $part = $qe_line['amount']; $base -= $part;
- break;
- case "%": // store acc*amount% to GL account
- $part = round2($base * $qe_line['amount'] / 100, user_price_dec());
- break;
- case "%+": // ditto & increase base amount
- $part = round2($base * $qe_line['amount'] / 100, user_price_dec());
- $base += $part;
- break;
- case "%-": // ditto & reduce base amount
- $part = round2($base * $qe_line['amount'] / 100, user_price_dec());
- $base -= $part;
- break;
- case "t": // post taxes calculated on base amount
- case "t+": // ditto & increase base amount
- case "t-": // ditto & reduce base amount
- //$taxes = get_taxes_for_item_tax($qe_line['dest_id']);
- if ($type == QE_SUPPINV)
- $qe_line['dest_id'] = $cart->tax_group_id;
- $taxes = array();
- $res = get_tax_group_items($qe_line['dest_id']);
- while ($row = db_fetch($res))
- $taxes[] = $row;
- $tax_total = 0;
- $totrate = 0;
- // find total tax
- if (substr($qe_line['action'],0,1) != 'T') {
- foreach ($taxes as $index => $item_tax) {
- $totrate += $item_tax['rate'];
- }
- }
- $taxbase = $base/($totrate+100);
- foreach ($taxes as $index => $item_tax) {
- $tax = round2($taxbase * $item_tax['rate'], user_price_dec());
- $gl_code = ($type == QE_DEPOSIT || ($type == QE_JOURNAL && $base < 0))
- ? $item_tax['sales_gl_code'] : $item_tax['purchasing_gl_code'];
- $tax_total += $tax;
- if ($tax==0) continue;
- if (!is_tax_gl_unique($gl_code)) {
- display_error(_("Cannot post to GL account used by more than one tax type."));
- break 3;
- }
- if ($type != QE_SUPPINV)
- $cart->add_gl_item($gl_code,
- $qe_line['dimension_id'], $qe_line['dimension2_id'],
- $tax, $qe['description']);
- else
- {
- $acc_name = get_gl_account_name($gl_code);
- $cart->add_gl_codes_to_trans($gl_code,
- $acc_name, $qe_line['dimension_id'],
- $qe_line['dimension2_id'], $tax, $qe['description']);
- }
- }
- if (strpos($qe_line['action'], '+'))
- $base += $tax_total;
- elseif (strpos($qe_line['action'], '-'))
- $base -= $tax_total;
- continue 2;
- }
- if ($type != QE_SUPPINV)
- $cart->add_gl_item($qe_line['dest_id'], $qe_line['dimension_id'],
- $qe_line['dimension2_id'], $part, $qe['description']);
- else
- {
- $acc_name = get_gl_account_name($qe_line['dest_id']);
- $cart->add_gl_codes_to_trans($qe_line['dest_id'],
- $acc_name, $qe_line['dimension_id'],
- $qe_line['dimension2_id'], $part, $qe['description']);
- }
- }
return $bank_amount;