if (!$this->preconf)
return false;
- if ($this->beta) // nothing special to be done on upgrade form 2.2beta
+ // Until 2.2 sanitizing text input with db_escape was not
+ // consequent enough. To avoid comparision problems we have to
+ // fix this now.
+ sanitize_database($pref);
+ if ($this->beta) // nothing more to be done on upgrade from 2.2beta
return true;
// set item category dflt accounts to values from company GL setup
if (db_num_rows($result)) {
while ($row = db_fetch($result)) {
$res2 = db_query("INSERT INTO {$pref}refs VALUES("
- . $row['id'].",".$typeno.",".db_escape($row['ref']).")");
+ . $row['id'].",".$typeno.",'".$row['ref']."')");
if (!$res2) {
display_error(_("Cannot copy references from $tbl")
.':<br>'. db_error_msg($db));
- if (!($ret = db_query("SELECT MAX(`order_no`) FROM `{$pref}sales_orders`")) ||
- !db_num_rows($ret))
- {
- display_error(_('Cannot query max sales order number.'));
- return false;
- }
- $row = db_fetch($ret);
- $max_order = $row[0];
- $next_ref = $max_order+1;
- $sql = "UPDATE `{$pref}sys_types`
- SET `type_no`='$max_order',
- `next_reference`='$next_ref'
- WHERE `type_id`=30";
- if(!db_query($sql))
- {
- display_error(_('Cannot store next sales order reference.'));
- return false;
- }
- return convert_roles($pref);
+ if (!($ret = db_query("SELECT MAX(`order_no`) FROM `{$pref}sales_orders`")) ||
+ !db_num_rows($ret))
+ {
+ display_error(_('Cannot query max sales order number.'));
+ return false;
+ }
+ $row = db_fetch($ret);
+ $max_order = $row[0];
+ $next_ref = $max_order+1;
+ $sql = "UPDATE `{$pref}sys_types`
+ SET `type_no`='$max_order',`next_reference`='$next_ref'
+ WHERE `type_id`=30";
+ if(!db_query($sql))
+ {
+ display_error(_('Cannot store next sales order reference.'));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return convert_roles($pref);
// Checking before install
return true;
-$install = new fa2_2;
+ Find and update all database records with special chars in text fields
+ to ensure all of them are changed to html entites.
+function sanitize_database($pref, $test = false) {
+ if ($test)
+ error_log('Sanitizing database ...');
+ $tsql = "SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$pref}%'";
+ $tresult = db_query($tsql, "Cannot select all tables with prefix '$pref'");
+ while($tbl = db_fetch($tresult)) {
+ $table = $tbl[0];
+ $csql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table";
+ $cresult = db_query($csql, "Cannot select column names for table '$table'");
+ $textcols = $keys = array();
+ while($col = db_fetch($cresult)) {
+ if (strpos($col['Type'], 'char')!==false
+ || strpos($col['Type'], 'text')!==false)
+ $textcols[] = '`'.$col['Field'].'`';
+ if ($col['Key'] == 'PRI') {
+ $keys[] = '`'.$col['Field'].'`';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($test)
+ error_log("Table $table (".implode(',',$keys)."):(".implode(',',$textcols)."):");
+ if (!count($textcols)) continue;
+ // fetch all records containing special characters in text fields
+ $sql = "SELECT ".implode(',', array_unique(array_merge($keys,$textcols)))
+ ." FROM {$table} WHERE
+ CONCAT(".implode(',', $textcols).") REGEXP '[\\'\"><&]'";
+ $result = db_query($sql, "Cannot select all suspicious fields in $table");
+ // and fix them
+ while($rec= db_fetch($result)) {
+ $sql = "UPDATE {$table} SET ";
+ $val = $key = array();
+ foreach ($textcols as $f) {
+ $val[] = $f.'='.db_escape($rec[substr($f,1,-1)]);
+ }
+ $sql .= implode(',', $val). ' WHERE ';
+ foreach ($keys as $k) {
+ $key[] = $k.'=\''.$rec[substr($k,1,-1)].'\'';
+ }
+ $sql .= implode( ' AND ', $key);
+ if ($test)
+ error_log("\t(".implode(',',$val).") updated");
+ else
+ db_query($sql, 'cannot update record');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($test)
+ error_log('Sanitizing done.');
+$install = new fa2_2;
\ No newline at end of file