! -> Note
$ -> Affected files
+12-Dec-2010 Janusz Dobrowolski
+# [0000318] Database error after last changes related to bu 313
+$ /purchasing/includes/ui/po_ui.inc
------------------------------- Release 2.3 ------------------------------------
09-Dec-2010 Joe Hunt
! Release 2.3.0
/*If this is the first time the form loaded set up defaults */
//$_POST['StkLocation'] = $_SESSION['UserStockLocation'];
- $sql = "SELECT delivery_address, phone FROM ".TB_PREF."locations WHERE loc_code='" . db_escape($_POST['StkLocation']) . "'";
+ $sql = "SELECT delivery_address, phone FROM ".TB_PREF."locations WHERE loc_code=".db_escape($_POST['StkLocation']);
$result = db_query($sql,"could not get location info");
if (db_num_rows($result) == 1)