See the License here <>.
class fa2_3 {
var $version = '2.3'; // version installed
var $description;
return false;
+ if (!$this->update_totals($pref)) {
+ display_error("Cannot update order totals");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$this->update_line_relations($pref)) {
+ display_error("Cannot update sales document links");
+ return false;
+ }
//remove obsolete and temporary columns.
// this have to be done here as db_import rearranges alter query order
$dropcol = array(
'crm_persons' => array('tmp_id','tmp_class'),
'debtors_master' => array('email'),
'cust_branch' => array('phone', 'phone2', 'fax', 'email'),
- 'suppliers' => array('phone', 'phone2', 'fax', 'email')
+ 'suppliers' => array('phone', 'phone2', 'fax', 'email'),
+ 'debtor_trans' => array('trans_link')
foreach($dropcol as $table => $columns)
return false;
- if (!update_totals_2_3($pref)) {
- display_error("Cannot update order totals");
- return false;
- }
// remove old preferences table after upgrade script has been executed
$sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$pref}company`";
$n -= $patchcnt;
return $n == 0 ? true : $patchcnt;
- Update order totals
-function update_totals_2_3($pref)
- global $path_to_root;
+ //=========================================================================================
+ // 2.3 specific update functions
+ //
- include_once("$path_to_root/sales/includes/");
- include_once("$path_to_root/purchasing/includes/");
- $cart = new cart(ST_SALESORDER);
- $sql = "SELECT order_no FROM {$pref}sales_orders";
- $orders = db_query($sql);
- while ($order_no = db_fetch($orders)) {
- read_sales_order($order_no[0], $cart, ST_SALESORDER);
- update_sales_order($cart);
- unset($cart->line_items);
+ /*
+ Update order totals
+ */
+ function update_totals($pref)
+ {
+ global $path_to_root;
+ include_once("$path_to_root/sales/includes/");
+ include_once("$path_to_root/purchasing/includes/");
+ $cart = new cart(ST_SALESORDER);
+ $sql = "SELECT order_no FROM {$pref}sales_orders";
+ $orders = db_query($sql);
+ if (!$orders)
+ return false;
+ while ($order_no = db_fetch($orders)) {
+ read_sales_order($order_no[0], $cart, ST_SALESORDER);
+ $result = db_query("UPDATE {$pref}sales_orders SET total=".$cart->get_trans_total());
+ unset($cart->line_items);
+ }
+ unset($cart);
+ $cart = new purch_order();
+ $sql = "SELECT order_no FROM {$pref}purch_orders";
+ $orders = db_query($sql);
+ if (!$orders)
+ return false;
+ while ($order_no = db_fetch($orders)) {
+ read_po($order_no[0], $cart);
+ $result = db_query("UPDATE {$pref}purch_orders SET total=".$cart->get_trans_total());
+ unset($cart->line_items);
+ }
+ return true;
- unset($cart);
- $cart = new purch_order();
- $sql = "SELECT order_no FROM {$pref}purch_orders";
- $orders = db_query($sql);
- while ($order_no = db_fetch($orders)) {
- read_po($order_no[0], $cart);
- update_po($cart);
- unset($cart->line_items);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Retreive parent document number(s) for given transaction
+ //
+ function get_parent_trans_2_2($trans_type, $trans_no) {
+ $sql = 'SELECT trans_link FROM
+ '.TB_PREF.'debtor_trans WHERE trans_no='.db_escape($trans_no)
+ .' AND type='.db_escape($trans_type).' AND trans_link!=0';
+ $result = db_query($sql, 'Parent document numbers cannot be retrieved');
+ if (db_num_rows($result)) {
+ $link = db_fetch($result);
+ return array($link['trans_link']);
+ }
+ if ($trans_type!=ST_SALESINVOICE) return 0; // this is credit note with no parent invoice
+ // invoice: find batch invoice parent trans.
+ $sql = 'SELECT trans_no FROM
+ '.TB_PREF.'debtor_trans WHERE
+ (trans_link='.db_escape($trans_no).' AND type='. get_parent_type($trans_type) .')';
+ $result = db_query($sql, 'Delivery links cannot be retrieved');
+ $delivery = array();
+ if(db_num_rows($result)>0) {
+ while($link = db_fetch($result)) {
+ $delivery[] = $link['trans_no'];
+ }
+ }
+ return count($delivery) ? $delivery : 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ Reorganizing document relations. Due to the design issue in pre 2.3 db structure
+ there can be sales documents with lines not properly linked to parents. This rare
+ cases will be described in error log.
+ */
+ function update_line_relations($pref)
+ {
+ global $path_to_root, $systypes_array;
+ require_once("$path_to_root/includes/");
+ $sql = "SELECT d.type, trans_no, order_ FROM {$pref}debtor_trans d
+ LEFT JOIN {$pref}voided v ON d.type=v.type AND
+ ." OR d.type=".ST_SALESINVOICE
+ ." OR d.type=".ST_CUSTCREDIT.")";
+ $result = db_query($sql);
+ if (!$result)
+ return false;
+ while ($trans = db_fetch($result)) {
+ $type = $trans['type'];
+ $trans_no = $trans['trans_no'];
+ $invalid = 0;
+ $msg ='';
+ $lines = get_customer_trans_details($type, $trans_no);
+ $n = db_num_rows($lines);
+ if ($type==ST_CUSTDELIVERY)
+ $src_lines = get_sales_order_details($trans['order_'], ST_SALESORDER);
+ else
+ $src_lines = get_customer_trans_details(get_parent_type($type),
+ $this->get_parent_trans_2_2($type, $trans_no));
+ $src_n = db_num_rows($src_lines);
+ if (($type == ST_CUSTCREDIT) && ($src_n == 0))
+ continue; // free credit note has no src lines
+ $max = $type == ST_CUSTDELIVERY ? $n : max($src_n, $n);
+ for($i = 0, $j=0; $i < $max; $i++) {
+ if (!($doc_line = @db_fetch($lines)))
+ break;
+ if(!($src_line = @db_fetch($src_lines)))
+ break;
+ if ($type == ST_CUSTDELIVERY)
+ $src_line['stock_id'] = $src_line['stk_code']; // SO details has another field name
+ if ($src_line['stock_id'] == $doc_line['stock_id']
+ && ($src_line['quantity'] >= $doc_line['quantity'])) {
+ $sql = "UPDATE {$pref}debtor_trans_details SET src_id = {$src_line['id']}
+ WHERE id = {$doc_line['id']}";
+ if (!db_query($sql))
+ return false;
+ $j++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($j != $n) {
+ error_log("Line level relations error for ".$systypes_array[$type]." #$trans_no.");
+ }
+ }
+ return true;