! -> Note
$ -> Affected files
+09-Apr-2008 Janusz Dobrowolski
+# Fixed number formatting bug in standard cost update.
+$ /inventory/cost_update.php
06-Apr-2008 Joe Hunt
! Changed install.html and update.html to fit the new unstable release 2.0
! Changed demo sql script to fit the 2.0 unstable.
if (isset($_POST['UpdateData']))
- $old_cost = input_num('OldMaterialCost') + input_num('OldLabourCost')
- + input_num('OldOverheadCost');
+ $old_cost = $_POST['OldMaterialCost'] + $_POST['OldLabourCost']
+ + $_POST['OldOverheadCost'];
$new_cost = input_num('material_cost') + input_num('labour_cost')
+ input_num('overhead_cost');
"class='tableheader2'", "nowrap align=right");
amount_row(_("Standard Material Cost Per Unit"), "material_cost",
- price_format($myrow["material_cost"]), "", "", "class='tableheader2'");
+ price_format($myrow["material_cost"]), "class='tableheader2'");
if ($myrow["mb_flag"]=='M')
amount_row(_("Standard Labour Cost Per Unit"), "labour_cost",
- price_format($myrow["labour_cost"]), '', "", "class='tableheader2'");
+ price_format($myrow["labour_cost"]), "class='tableheader2'");
amount_row(_("Standard Overhead Cost Per Unit"), "overhead_cost",
- price_format($myrow["overhead_cost"]), "", "", "class='tableheader2'");
+ price_format($myrow["overhead_cost"]), "class='tableheader2'");