if (strcasecmp($order_item->stock_id, $item['stock_id']) == 0)
- display_notification(_("For Part :").$item['stock_id']. " "
+ display_warning(_("For Part :").$item['stock_id']. " "
. _("This item is already on this order. You have been warned."));
if ($myrow['dissallow_invoices'] == 1)
$ret_error = _("The selected customer account is currently on hold. Please contact the credit control personnel to discuss.");
- $deliver = $myrow['address']; // in case no delivery address.
+ $deliver = $myrow['address']; // in case no branch address use company address
$order->set_customer($customer_id, $name, $myrow['curr_code'],
$myrow['discount'], $myrow['pymt_discount']);
$order->set_branch($branch_id, $myrow["tax_group_id"],
$myrow["tax_group_name"], $myrow["phone"], $myrow["email"]);
- $address = $myrow["br_post_address"];
+ $address = trim($myrow["br_post_address"]) != '' ? $myrow["br_post_address"]
+ : (trim($myrow["br_address"]) != '' ? $myrow["br_address"]:$deliver);
- if (strlen($address) <= 1) // if branch has no address
- $address = $deliver; // set sales order address
$order->set_delivery($myrow["default_ship_via"], $myrow["br_name"],
if ($order->trans_type == 10) {