-function key_in_crm_contacts($id) // extra function for testing foreign concatenated key. Joe 02.09.2013.
- $row = get_crm_category($id);
- $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."crm_contacts WHERE type='".$row['type']."' AND action='".$row['action']."'";
- $result = db_query($sql, "check relations for crm_contacts failed");
- $contacts = db_fetch($result);
- return $contacts[0];
if ($Mode == 'Delete')
$cancel_delete = 0;
- if (key_in_crm_contacts($selected_id))
+ if (is_crm_category_used($selected_id))
$cancel_delete = 1;
display_error(_("Cannot delete this category because there are contacts related to it."));
return $count[0];
+// Resets $theme references in users records to 'default'.
+function clean_user_themes($theme)
+ global $db_connections, $db, $installed_extensions;
+ $comp = user_company();
+ foreach ($db_connections as $n => $conn) {
+ $db = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->set_db_connection($n);
+ $sql = "UPDATE {$conn['tbpref']}users SET theme='default' WHERE theme='$theme'";
+ if (!db_query($sql, 'Cannot update user theme settings'))
+ return false;
+ }
+ $db = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->set_db_connection($comp);
+ $_SESSION['wa_current_user']->prefs->theme = 'default';
+ return true;
\ No newline at end of file
return db_num_rows(db_query(get_sql_for_view_transactions($trans_type, $trans_no, $trans_no, $dummy)));
+// Returns counterparty (supplier/customer) name for selected transaction.
+function get_counterparty_name($trans_type, $trans_no, $full=true)
+ switch($trans_type)
+ {
+ $sql = "SELECT order.customer_id as person_id, debtor.name as name
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."sales_orders order, ".TB_PREF."debtors_master debtor
+ WHERE order_no=".db_escape($trans_no)." AND trans_type=".db_escape($trans_type)
+ ." AND order.debtor_no=debtor.debtor_no";
+ break;
+ $sql = "SELECT trans.debtor_no as person_id, debtor.name as name
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans trans, ".TB_PREF."debtors_master debtor
+ WHERE trans_no=".db_escape($trans_no)." AND type=".db_escape($trans_type)
+ ." AND trans.debtor_no=debtor.debtor_no";
+ break;
+ $sql = "SELECT order.supplier_id as person_id, supp.supp_name as name
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."purch_orders order, ".TB_PREF."suppliers supp
+ WHERE order_no=".db_escape($trans_no)
+ ." AND order.supplier_id=supp.supplier_id";
+ break;
+ $sql = "SELECT trans.supplier_id as person_id, supp.supp_name as name
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_trans trans, ".TB_PREF."suppliers supp
+ WHERE trans_no=".db_escape($trans_no)." AND type=".db_escape($trans_type)
+ ." AND trans.supplier_id=supp.supplier_id";
+ break;
+ $sql = "SELECT trans.supplier_id as person_id, supp.supp_name as name
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."grn_batch trans, ".TB_PREF."suppliers supp
+ WHERE id=".db_escape($trans_no)
+ ." AND trans.supplier_id=supp.supplier_id";
+ break;
+ $sql = "SELECT trans.debtor_no as person_id, debtor.name as name
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans trans, ".TB_PREF."debtors_master debtor
+ WHERE trans_no=".db_escape($trans_no)." AND type=".db_escape($trans_type)
+ ." AND trans.debtor_no=debtor.debtor_no
+ SELECT trans.supplier_id as person_id, supp.supp_name as name
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_trans trans, ".TB_PREF."suppliers supp
+ WHERE trans_no=".db_escape($trans_no)." AND type=".db_escape($trans_type)
+ ." AND trans.supplier_id=supp.supplier_id";
+ break;
+ case ST_JOURNAL: // FIXME - this one can have multiply counterparties of various types depending on person_type_id
+ default:
+ /* // internal operations
+ case ST_INVADJUST : // GRN/DN returns ?
+ */
+ return null;
+ }
+ $result = db_query($sql, 'cannot retrieve counterparty name');
+ if (db_num_rows($result))
+ {
+ $row = db_fetch($result);
+ return sprintf("[%05s] %s", $row['person_id'], $row['name']);
+ }
+ return '';
+// Returns next transaction number.
+// Used only for transactions stored in tables without autoincremented key.
+function get_next_trans_no ($trans_type){
+ $st = get_systype_db_info($trans_type);
+ if (!($st && $st[0] && $st[2])) {
+ // this is in fact internal error condition.
+ display_error('Internal error: invalid type passed to get_next_trans_no()');
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $sql1 = "SELECT MAX(`$st[2]`) as last_no FROM $st[0]";
+ if ($st[1] != null)
+ $sql1 .= " WHERE `$st[1]`=".db_escape($trans_type);
+ // check also in voided transactions (some transactions like location transfer are removed completely)
+ $sql2 = "SELECT MAX(`id`) as last_no FROM ".TB_PREF."voided WHERE `type`=".db_escape($trans_type);
+ $sql = "SELECT max(last_no) last_no FROM ($sql1 UNION $sql2) a";
+ $result = db_query($sql,"The next transaction number for $trans_type could not be retrieved");
+ $myrow = db_fetch_row($result);
+ return $myrow[0] + 1;
+function get_systype_db_info($type)
+ switch ($type)
+ {
+ case ST_JOURNAL : return array("".TB_PREF."gl_trans", "type", "type_no", null, "tran_date");
+ case ST_BANKPAYMENT : return array("".TB_PREF."bank_trans", "type", "trans_no", "ref", "trans_date");
+ case ST_BANKDEPOSIT : return array("".TB_PREF."bank_trans", "type", "trans_no", "ref", "trans_date");
+ case 3 : return null;
+ case ST_BANKTRANSFER : return array("".TB_PREF."bank_trans", "type", "trans_no", "ref", "trans_date");
+ case ST_SALESINVOICE : return array("".TB_PREF."debtor_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
+ case ST_CUSTCREDIT : return array("".TB_PREF."debtor_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
+ case ST_CUSTPAYMENT : return array("".TB_PREF."debtor_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
+ case ST_CUSTDELIVERY : return array("".TB_PREF."debtor_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
+ case ST_LOCTRANSFER : return array("".TB_PREF."stock_moves", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
+ case ST_INVADJUST : return array("".TB_PREF."stock_moves", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
+ case ST_PURCHORDER : return array("".TB_PREF."purch_orders", null, "order_no", "reference", "ord_date");
+ case ST_SUPPINVOICE : return array("".TB_PREF."supp_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
+ case ST_SUPPCREDIT : return array("".TB_PREF."supp_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
+ case ST_SUPPAYMENT : return array("".TB_PREF."supp_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
+ case ST_SUPPRECEIVE : return array("".TB_PREF."grn_batch", null, "id", "reference", "delivery_date");
+ case ST_WORKORDER : return array("".TB_PREF."workorders", null, "id", "wo_ref", "released_date");
+ case ST_MANUISSUE : return array("".TB_PREF."wo_issues", null, "issue_no", "reference", "issue_date");
+ case ST_MANURECEIVE : return array("".TB_PREF."wo_manufacture", null, "id", "reference", "date_");
+ case ST_SALESORDER : return array("".TB_PREF."sales_orders", "trans_type", "order_no", "reference", "ord_date");
+ case 31 : return array("".TB_PREF."service_orders", null, "order_no", "cust_ref", "date");
+ case ST_SALESQUOTE : return array("".TB_PREF."sales_orders", "trans_type", "order_no", "reference", "ord_date");
+ case ST_DIMENSION : return array("".TB_PREF."dimensions", null, "id", "reference", "date_");
+ case ST_COSTUPDATE : return array("".TB_PREF."gl_trans", "type", "type_no", null, "tran_date");
+ }
+ display_db_error("invalid type ($type) sent to get_systype_db_info", "", true);
+function get_systypes()
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."sys_types";
+ $result = db_query($sql, "could not query systypes table");
+ return $result;
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");
-// If theme is used in customer record set to default
-function clean_user_themes($id)
- global $db_connections, $db, $installed_extensions;
- $theme = $installed_extensions[$id]['package'];
- $comp = user_company();
- foreach ($db_connections as $n => $conn) {
- $db = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->set_db_connection($n);
- $sql = "UPDATE {$conn['tbpref']}users SET theme='default' WHERE theme='$theme'";
- if (!db_query($sql, 'Cannot update user theme settings'))
- return false;
- }
- $db = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->set_db_connection($comp);
- $_SESSION['wa_current_user']->prefs->theme = 'default';
- return true;
-if (($id = find_submit('Delete', false)) && clean_user_themes($id))
+if (($id = find_submit('Delete', false))
+ && clean_user_themes($installed_extensions[$id]['package']))
$extensions = get_company_extensions();
$theme = $extensions[$id]['package'];
$myrow = db_fetch_row($result);
return ($myrow[0] > 0);
\ No newline at end of file
+// Check if given account is used by any bank_account.
+// Returns id of first bank_account using account_code, null otherwise.
+// Keep in mind that direct posting to bank account is depreciated
+// because we have no way to select right bank account if
+// there is more than one using given gl account.
+function is_bank_account($account_code)
+ $sql= "SELECT id FROM ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts WHERE account_code=".db_escape($account_code);
+ $result = db_query($sql, "checking account is bank account");
+ if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
+ $acct = db_fetch($result);
+ return $acct['id'];
+ } else
+ return false;
-function get_default_bank_account($curr)
+function get_default_bank_account($curr=null)
/* default bank account is selected as first found account from:
. default account in $curr if any
. first defined account in home currency
$home_curr = get_company_pref('curr_default');
+ if (!isset($curr))
+ $curr = $home_curr;
$sql = "SELECT b.*, b.bank_curr_code='$home_curr' as fall_back FROM "
.TB_PREF."bank_accounts b"
return null;
+function get_bank_account_currency($id)
+ $sql= "SELECT bank_curr_code FROM ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts WHERE id=".db_escape($id);
+ $result = db_query($sql, "retreive bank account currency");
+ $myrow = db_fetch_row($result);
+ return $myrow[0];
\ No newline at end of file
return $row[0];
+ Return last exchange rate of $currency not later than $date.
+function get_last_exchange_rate($curr_code, $date_)
+ $date = date2sql($date_);
+ $sql = "SELECT rate_buy, max(date_) as date_ FROM ".TB_PREF."exchange_rates WHERE curr_code = ".db_escape($curr_code)."
+ AND date_ <= '$date' GROUP BY rate_buy ORDER BY date_ Desc LIMIT 1";
+ $result = db_query($sql, "could not query exchange rates");
+ if (db_num_rows($result) == 0)
+ return false;
+ return db_fetch_row($result);
function update_exchange_rate($curr_code, $date_, $buy_rate, $sell_rate)
include_once($path_to_root . "/gl/includes/gl_db.inc");
-// Check if given account is used by any bank_account.
-// Returns id of first bank_account using account_code, null otherwise.
-// Keep in mind that direct posting to bank account is depreciated
-// because we have no way to select right bank account if
-// there is more than one using given gl account.
-function is_bank_account($account_code)
- $sql= "SELECT id FROM ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts WHERE account_code=".db_escape($account_code);
- $result = db_query($sql, "checking account is bank account");
- if (db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
- $acct = db_fetch($result);
- return $acct['id'];
- } else
- return false;
function is_company_currency($currency)
-function get_bank_account_currency($id)
- $sql= "SELECT bank_curr_code FROM ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts WHERE id=".db_escape($id);
- $result = db_query($sql, "retreive bank account currency");
- $myrow = db_fetch_row($result);
- return $myrow[0];
-function get_customer_currency($customer_id)
- $sql = "SELECT curr_code FROM ".TB_PREF."debtors_master WHERE debtor_no = ".db_escape($customer_id);
- $result = db_query($sql, "Retreive currency of customer $customer_id");
- $myrow=db_fetch_row($result);
- return $myrow[0];
-function get_supplier_currency($supplier_id)
- $sql = "SELECT curr_code FROM ".TB_PREF."suppliers WHERE supplier_id = ".db_escape($supplier_id);
- $result = db_query($sql, "Retreive currency of supplier $supplier_id");
- $myrow=db_fetch_row($result);
- return $myrow[0];
function get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($currency_code, $date_)
if ($currency_code == get_company_currency() || $currency_code == null)
return 1.0000;
- $date = date2sql($date_);
- $sql = "SELECT rate_buy, max(date_) as date_ FROM ".TB_PREF."exchange_rates WHERE curr_code = ".db_escape($currency_code)."
- AND date_ <= '$date' GROUP BY rate_buy ORDER BY date_ Desc LIMIT 1";
- $result = db_query($sql, "could not query exchange rates");
+ $rate = get_last_exchange_rate($currency_code, $date_);
- if (db_num_rows($result) == 0)
+ if (!$rate)
// no stored exchange rate, just return 1
return 1.000;
- $myrow = db_fetch_row($result);
- return $myrow[0];
+ return $rate['rate_buy'];
return $ret;
+ Check for whether category is used in contacts.
+function is_crm_category_used($id)
+ $row = get_crm_category($id);
+ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."crm_contacts WHERE type='".$row['type']."' AND action='".$row['action']."'";
+ $result = db_query($sql, "check relations for crm_contacts failed");
+ $contacts = db_fetch($result);
+ return $contacts[0];
\ No newline at end of file
return $row[0];
+// Check if reference was not used so far (for other transaction than $trans_no)
+function is_new_reference($ref, $type, $trans_no=0)
+ $db_info = get_systype_db_info($type);
+ $db_name = $db_info[0];
+ $db_type = $db_info[1];
+ $db_trans = $db_info[2];
+ $db_ref = $db_info[3];
+ $ref = db_escape(trim($ref));
+ $type = db_escape($type);
+ if ($db_ref == null) { // journal or bank trans store references in refs table
+ $db_name = TB_PREF."refs";
+ $db_type = 'type';
+ $db_trans = 'id';
+ $db_ref = 'reference';
+ }
+ if ($db_type != null) {
+ $sql = "SELECT $db_ref FROM $db_name tbl
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."voided v ON
+ tbl.$db_type=v.type AND tbl.$db_trans=v.id
+ WHERE $db_ref=$ref AND ISNULL(v.id)
+ AND tbl.$db_type=$type";
+ } else {
+ $sql = "SELECT $db_ref ref FROM $db_name tbl
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."voided v ON
+ v.type=$type AND tbl.$db_trans=v.id
+ WHERE $db_ref=$ref AND ISNULL(v.id)";
+ }
+ if ($trans_no)
+ $sql .= " AND tbl.`$db_trans` != ".db_escape($trans_no);
+ $result = db_query($sql, "could not test for unique reference");
+ return (db_num_rows($result) == 0);
\ No newline at end of file
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/db/connect_db.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/types.inc");
-include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/systypes.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/references.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/db/comments_db.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/db/sql_functions.inc");
-// Check if reference was not used so far (for other transaction than $trans_no)
-function is_new_reference($ref, $type, $trans_no=0)
- $db_info = get_systype_db_info($type);
- $db_name = $db_info[0];
- $db_type = $db_info[1];
- $db_trans = $db_info[2];
- $db_ref = $db_info[3];
- $ref = db_escape(trim($ref));
- $type = db_escape($type);
- if ($db_ref == null) { // journal or bank trans store references in refs table
- $db_name = TB_PREF."refs";
- $db_type = 'type';
- $db_trans = 'id';
- $db_ref = 'reference';
- }
- if ($db_type != null) {
- $sql = "SELECT $db_ref FROM $db_name tbl
- LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."voided v ON
- tbl.$db_type=v.type AND tbl.$db_trans=v.id
- WHERE $db_ref=$ref AND ISNULL(v.id)
- AND tbl.$db_type=$type";
- } else {
- $sql = "SELECT $db_ref ref FROM $db_name tbl
- LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."voided v ON
- v.type=$type AND tbl.$db_trans=v.id
- WHERE $db_ref=$ref AND ISNULL(v.id)";
- }
- if ($trans_no)
- $sql .= " AND tbl.`$db_trans` != ".db_escape($trans_no);
- $result = db_query($sql, "could not test for unique reference");
- return (db_num_rows($result) == 0);
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
- Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
- as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
-// Returns next transaction number.
-// Used only for transactions stored in tables without autoincremented key.
-function get_next_trans_no ($trans_type){
- $st = get_systype_db_info($trans_type);
- if (!($st && $st[0] && $st[2])) {
- // this is in fact internal error condition.
- display_error('Internal error: invalid type passed to get_next_trans_no()');
- return 0;
- }
- $sql1 = "SELECT MAX(`$st[2]`) as last_no FROM $st[0]";
- if ($st[1] != null)
- $sql1 .= " WHERE `$st[1]`=".db_escape($trans_type);
- // check also in voided transactions (some transactions like location transfer are removed completely)
- $sql2 = "SELECT MAX(`id`) as last_no FROM ".TB_PREF."voided WHERE `type`=".db_escape($trans_type);
- $sql = "SELECT max(last_no) last_no FROM ($sql1 UNION $sql2) a";
- $result = db_query($sql,"The next transaction number for $trans_type could not be retrieved");
- $myrow = db_fetch_row($result);
- return $myrow[0] + 1;
-function get_systype_db_info($type)
- switch ($type)
- {
- case ST_JOURNAL : return array("".TB_PREF."gl_trans", "type", "type_no", null, "tran_date");
- case ST_BANKPAYMENT : return array("".TB_PREF."bank_trans", "type", "trans_no", "ref", "trans_date");
- case ST_BANKDEPOSIT : return array("".TB_PREF."bank_trans", "type", "trans_no", "ref", "trans_date");
- case 3 : return null;
- case ST_BANKTRANSFER : return array("".TB_PREF."bank_trans", "type", "trans_no", "ref", "trans_date");
- case ST_SALESINVOICE : return array("".TB_PREF."debtor_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
- case ST_CUSTCREDIT : return array("".TB_PREF."debtor_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
- case ST_CUSTPAYMENT : return array("".TB_PREF."debtor_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
- case ST_CUSTDELIVERY : return array("".TB_PREF."debtor_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
- case ST_LOCTRANSFER : return array("".TB_PREF."stock_moves", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
- case ST_INVADJUST : return array("".TB_PREF."stock_moves", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
- case ST_PURCHORDER : return array("".TB_PREF."purch_orders", null, "order_no", "reference", "ord_date");
- case ST_SUPPINVOICE : return array("".TB_PREF."supp_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
- case ST_SUPPCREDIT : return array("".TB_PREF."supp_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
- case ST_SUPPAYMENT : return array("".TB_PREF."supp_trans", "type", "trans_no", "reference", "tran_date");
- case ST_SUPPRECEIVE : return array("".TB_PREF."grn_batch", null, "id", "reference", "delivery_date");
- case ST_WORKORDER : return array("".TB_PREF."workorders", null, "id", "wo_ref", "released_date");
- case ST_MANUISSUE : return array("".TB_PREF."wo_issues", null, "issue_no", "reference", "issue_date");
- case ST_MANURECEIVE : return array("".TB_PREF."wo_manufacture", null, "id", "reference", "date_");
- case ST_SALESORDER : return array("".TB_PREF."sales_orders", "trans_type", "order_no", "reference", "ord_date");
- case 31 : return array("".TB_PREF."service_orders", null, "order_no", "cust_ref", "date");
- case ST_SALESQUOTE : return array("".TB_PREF."sales_orders", "trans_type", "order_no", "reference", "ord_date");
- case ST_DIMENSION : return array("".TB_PREF."dimensions", null, "id", "reference", "date_");
- case ST_COSTUPDATE : return array("".TB_PREF."gl_trans", "type", "type_no", null, "tran_date");
- }
- display_db_error("invalid type ($type) sent to get_systype_db_info", "", true);
-function get_systypes()
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."sys_types";
- $result = db_query($sql, "could not query systypes table");
- return $result;
\ No newline at end of file
// Returns counterparty (supplier/customer) name for selected transaction.
-function get_counterparty_name($trans_type, $trans_no, $full=true)
+function get_counterparty_name($trans_type, $trans_no)
date_row(_("Date") . ":", 'date_', '', true);
hidden('RequDate', '');
- $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT account_code FROM ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts";
- $rs = db_query($sql,"could not get bank accounts");
- $r = db_fetch_row($rs);
+ $bank_act = get_default_bank_account();
if (!isset($_POST['Labour']))
$_POST['Labour'] = price_format(0);
- $_POST['cr_lab_acc'] = $r[0];
+ $_POST['cr_lab_acc'] = $bank_act['account_code'];
amount_row($wo_cost_types[WO_LABOUR], 'Labour');
gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Credit Labour Account"), 'cr_lab_acc', null);
if (!isset($_POST['Costs']))
$_POST['Costs'] = price_format(0);
- $_POST['cr_acc'] = $r[0];
+ $_POST['cr_acc'] = $bank_act['account_code'];
amount_row($wo_cost_types[WO_OVERHEAD], 'Costs');
gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Credit Overhead Account"), 'cr_acc', null);
if (get_post('released'))
See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function get_supplier_details_to_order(&$order, $supplier_id)
+ $sql = "SELECT curr_code, supp_name, tax_group_id, supp.tax_included, supp.tax_algorithm,
+ supp.credit_limit - Sum(IFNULL(IF(trans.type=".ST_SUPPCREDIT.", -1, 1)
+ * (ov_amount + ov_gst + ov_discount),0)) as cur_credit,
+ terms.terms, terms.days_before_due, terms.day_in_following_month
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."suppliers supp
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."supp_trans trans ON supp.supplier_id = trans.supplier_id
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."payment_terms terms ON supp.payment_terms=terms.terms_indicator
+ WHERE supp.supplier_id = ".db_escape($supplier_id)."
+ supp.supp_name";
+ $result = db_query($sql, "The supplier details could not be retreived");
+ $myrow = db_fetch($result);
+ $order->credit = $myrow["cur_credit"];
+ $order->terms = array(
+ 'description' => $myrow['terms'],
+ 'days_before_due' => $myrow['days_before_due'],
+ 'day_in_following_month' => $myrow['day_in_following_month'] );
+ $_POST['supplier_id'] = $supplier_id;
+ $_POST['supplier_name'] = $myrow["supp_name"];
+ $_POST['curr_code'] = $myrow["curr_code"];
+ $order->set_supplier($supplier_id, $myrow["supp_name"], $myrow["curr_code"],
+ $myrow["tax_group_id"], $myrow["tax_included"], $myrow["tax_algorithm"]);
function delete_po($po)
. " WHERE supplier_id=".db_escape($supplier_id);
return db_query($sql, "cannot update supplier's tax calculation algorithm");
+function get_supplier_currency($supplier_id)
+ $sql = "SELECT curr_code FROM ".TB_PREF."suppliers WHERE supplier_id = ".db_escape($supplier_id);
+ $result = db_query($sql, "Retreive currency of supplier $supplier_id");
+ $myrow=db_fetch_row($result);
+ return $myrow[0];
$cart->tax_overrides[$id] = user_numeric($_POST['mantax'][$id]); }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function get_supplier_details_to_order(&$order, $supplier_id)
- $sql = "SELECT curr_code, supp_name, tax_group_id, supp.tax_included, supp.tax_algorithm,
- supp.credit_limit - Sum(IFNULL(IF(trans.type=".ST_SUPPCREDIT.", -1, 1)
- * (ov_amount + ov_gst + ov_discount),0)) as cur_credit,
- terms.terms, terms.days_before_due, terms.day_in_following_month
- FROM ".TB_PREF."suppliers supp
- LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."supp_trans trans ON supp.supplier_id = trans.supplier_id
- LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."payment_terms terms ON supp.payment_terms=terms.terms_indicator
- WHERE supp.supplier_id = ".db_escape($supplier_id)."
- supp.supp_name";
- $result = db_query($sql, "The supplier details could not be retreived");
- $myrow = db_fetch($result);
- $order->credit = $myrow["cur_credit"];
- $order->terms = array(
- 'description' => $myrow['terms'],
- 'days_before_due' => $myrow['days_before_due'],
- 'day_in_following_month' => $myrow['day_in_following_month'] );
- $_POST['supplier_id'] = $supplier_id;
- $_POST['supplier_name'] = $myrow["supp_name"];
- $_POST['curr_code'] = $myrow["curr_code"];
- $order->set_supplier($supplier_id, $myrow["supp_name"], $myrow["curr_code"],
- $myrow["tax_group_id"], $myrow["tax_included"], $myrow["tax_algorithm"]);
/*If this is the first time the form loaded set up defaults */
- //$_POST['StkLocation'] = $_SESSION['UserStockLocation'];
- $sql = "SELECT delivery_address, phone FROM ".TB_PREF."locations WHERE loc_code=".db_escape($_POST['StkLocation']);
- $result = db_query($sql,"could not get location info");
- if (db_num_rows($result) == 1)
+ $loc_row = get_item_location(get_post('StkLocation'));
+ if ($loc_row)
- $loc_row = db_fetch($result);
$_POST['delivery_address'] = $loc_row["delivery_address"];
$_SESSION['PO']->Location = $_POST['StkLocation'];
if (!in_array($this->formData['doctype'], array(ST_STATEMENT, ST_WORKORDER)))
- $id = $this->formData['payment_terms'];
- $sql = "SELECT terms, days_before_due FROM ".TB_PREF."payment_terms WHERE terms_indicator=".db_escape($id);
- $result = db_query($sql,"could not get paymentterms");
- $row = db_fetch($result);
+ $row = get_payment_terms($this->formData['payment_terms']);
$Payment_Terms = _("Payment Terms") . ': ' . $row["terms"];
if ($this->formData['doctype'] == ST_SALESINVOICE && $this->formData['prepaid'])
$this->formData['prepaid'] = ($row['days_before_due'] >= 0) ? 'final' : 'partial';
hyperlink_params("$path_to_root/sales/inquiry/sales_deliveries_view.php", _("Select Another &Delivery For Invoicing"), "OutstandingOnly=1");
- $sql = "SELECT trans_type_from, trans_no_from FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_allocations
- WHERE trans_type_to=".ST_SALESINVOICE." AND trans_no_to=".db_escape($invoice_no);
- $result = db_query($sql, "could not retrieve customer allocation");
- $row = db_fetch($result);
- if ($row === false)
+ if (!db_num_rows(get_allocatable_from_cust_transactions(null, $invoice_no, $trans_type)))
hyperlink_params("$path_to_root/sales/customer_payments.php", _("Entry &customer payment for this invoice"),
return db_fetch($result);
\ No newline at end of file
+function get_customer_currency($customer_id)
+ $sql = "SELECT curr_code FROM ".TB_PREF."debtors_master WHERE debtor_no = ".db_escape($customer_id);
+ $result = db_query($sql, "Retreive currency of customer $customer_id");
+ $myrow=db_fetch_row($result);
+ return $myrow[0];
$result = db_fetch(db_query($sql, "cannot retrieve sales invoices for sales order"));
return $result[0];
+// Mark/unmark sales order as template.
+function sales_order_set_template($id, $status)
+ $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."sales_orders SET type = ".db_escape($status)." WHERE order_no=".db_escape($id);
+ db_query($sql, "Can't change sales order type");
"/sales/customer_invoice.php?InvoicePrepayments=" .$row['order_no'], ICON_DOC) : '';
-// Update db record if respective checkbox value has changed.
-function change_tpl_flag($id)
+$id = find_submit('_chgtpl');
+if ($id != -1)
- global $Ajax;
- $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."sales_orders SET type = !type WHERE order_no=$id";
- db_query($sql, "Can't change sales order type");
+ sales_order_set_template($id, check_value('chgtpl'.$id));
-$id = find_submit('_chgtpl');
-if ($id != -1)
- change_tpl_flag($id);
if (isset($_POST['Update']) && isset($_POST['last'])) {
foreach($_POST['last'] as $id => $value)
if ($value != check_value('chgtpl'.$id))
- change_tpl_flag($id);
+ sales_order_set_template($id, !check_value('chgtpl'.$id));
$show_dates = !in_array($_POST['order_view_mode'], array('OutstandingOnly', 'InvoiceTemplates', 'DeliveryTemplates'));
submenu_print(_("&Print Sales Invoice"), ST_SALESINVOICE, $invoice."-".ST_SALESINVOICE, 'prtopt');
submenu_print(_("&Email Sales Invoice"), ST_SALESINVOICE, $invoice."-".ST_SALESINVOICE, null, 1);
- $sql = "SELECT trans_type_from, trans_no_from FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_allocations
- WHERE trans_type_to=".ST_SALESINVOICE." AND trans_no_to=".db_escape($invoice);
- $result = db_query($sql, "could not retrieve customer allocation");
- $row = db_fetch($result);
+ $row = db_fetch(get_allocatable_from_cust_transactions(null, $invoice, ST_SALESINVOICE));
if ($row !== false)
- submenu_print(_("Print &Receipt"), $row['trans_type_from'], $row['trans_no_from']."-".$row['trans_type_from'], 'prtopt');
+ submenu_print(_("Print &Receipt"), $row['type'], $row['trans_no']."-".$row['type'], 'prtopt');
display_note(get_gl_view_str(ST_SALESINVOICE, $invoice, _("View the GL &Journal Entries for this Invoice")),0, 1);