$messages = array(); // container for system messages
$before_box = ''; // temporary container for output html data before error box
+function get_backtrace($html = false, $skip=0)
+ $str = '';
+ if ($html) $str .= '<table border=0>';
+ $trace = debug_backtrace();
+ foreach($trace as $trn => $tr) {
+ if ($trn <= $skip) continue;
+ if ($html) $str .= '<tr><td>';
+ $str .= $tr['file'].':'.$tr['line'].': ';
+ if ($html) $str .= '</td><td>';
+ if (isset($tr['type'])) {
+ if($tr['type'] == '::') {
+ $str .= $tr['class'].'::';
+ } else if($tr['type'] == '->') {
+ $str .= '('.$tr['class'].' Object)'.'->';
+ }
+ }
+ $str .= $tr['function'].'(';
+ if(is_array($tr['args'])) {
+ $args = array();
+ foreach($tr['args'] as $n=>$a) {
+ if (is_object($tr['args'][$n]))
+ $args[$n] = "(".get_class($tr['args'][$n])." Object)";
+ elseif (is_array($tr['args'][$n]))
+ $args[$n] = "(Array[".count($tr['args'][$n])."])";
+ else
+ $args[$n] = "'".$tr['args'][$n]."'";
+ }
+ $str .= implode(',',$args);
+ }
+ $str .= ')</td>';
+ }
+ if ($html) $str .= '</tr></table>';
+ return $str;
// Error handler - collects all php/user messages for
// display in message box.
return true;
+ if ($go_debug>1) {
+ $bt = get_backtrace(true, 1);
+ }
// error_reporting==0 when messages are set off with @
if ($errno & error_reporting()) {
- $messages[] = array($errno, $errstr, $file, $line);
+ $messages[] = array($errno, $errstr, $file, $line, @$bt);
else if($errno&~E_NOTICE) { // log all not displayed messages
$user = @$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->loginname;
// Formats system messages before insert them into message <div>
// FIX center is unused now
function fmt_errors($center=false) {
- global $messages, $path_to_root;
+ global $messages, $path_to_root, $go_debug;
$msg_class = array(
E_USER_ERROR => 'err_msg',
$str = $msg[1];
if ($msg[0] < E_USER_ERROR && $msg[2] != null)
$str .= ' '._('in file').': '.$msg[2].' '._('at line ').$msg[3];
+ if ($go_debug>1 && $type!=E_USER_NOTICE && $type!=E_USER_WARNING)
+ $str .= '<br>'.$msg[4];
$content .= ($cnt ? '<hr>' : '').$str;
- }
+ }
$class = $msg_class[$type];
$content = "<div class='$class'>$content</div>";
} else
-function get_backtrace($html = false)
- $str = '';
- if ($html) $str .= '<table border=0>';
- $trace = debug_backtrace();
- foreach($trace as $trn => $tr) {
- if (!$trn) continue;
- if ($html) $str .= '<tr><td>';
- $str .= $tr['file'].':'.$tr['line'].': ';
- if ($html) $str .= '</td><td>';
- if (isset($tr['type'])) {
- if($tr['type'] == '::') {
- $str .= $tr['class'].'::';
- } else if($tr['type'] == '->') {
- $str .= '('.$tr['class'].' Object)'.'->';
- }
- }
- foreach($tr['args'] as $n=>$a) {
- if (is_object($tr['args'][$n]))
- $tr['args'][$n] = "(".get_class($tr['args'][$n])." Object)";
- if (is_array($tr['args'][$n]))
- $tr['args'][$n] = "(Array[".count($tr['args'][$n])."])";
- else
- $tr['args'][$n] = "'".$tr['args'][$n]."'";
- }
- $str .= $tr['function'].'('. implode(',',$tr['args']).')</td>';
- }
- if ($html) $str .= '</tr></table>';
- return $str;
\ No newline at end of file