! -> Note
$ -> Affected files
+20-Apr-2010 Joe Hunt
++ Added option for Manual Revaluation of Currency Accounts
+$ /admin/company_preferences.php
+ /applications/generalledger.php
+ /gl/includes/db/gl_db_banking.inc
+ /gl/manage/revaluate_currencies.php (new file)
+ /includes/prefs/sysprefs.inc
+ /sql/en_US-demo.sql
+ /sql/en_US-new.sql
+ /sql/alter2.3.sql
16-Apr-2010 Joe Hunt
# Minor fixes in voiding transactions
$ /admin/void_transaction.php
'use_dimension', 'curr_default', 'f_year',
'no_item_list' => 0, 'no_customer_list' => 0,
'no_supplier_list' =>0, 'base_sales',
- 'time_zone' => 0, 'add_pct', 'round_to', 'login_tout'))
+ 'time_zone' => 0, 'add_pct', 'round_to', 'login_tout', 'auto_curr_reval'))
$_SESSION['wa_current_user']->timeout = $_POST['login_tout'];
if ($_POST['add_pct'] == -1)
$_POST['add_pct'] = "";
$_POST['round_to'] = $myrow['round_to'];
+$_POST['auto_curr_reval'] = $myrow['auto_curr_reval'];
$_POST['del_coy_logo'] = 0;
currencies_list_row(_("Home Currency:"), 'curr_default', $_POST['curr_default']);
fiscalyears_list_row(_("Fiscal Year:"), 'f_year', $_POST['f_year']);
text_row_ex(_("Tax Periods:"), 'tax_prd', 10, 10, '', null, null, _('Months.'));
text_row_ex(_("Tax Last Period:"), 'tax_last', 10, 10, '', null, null, _('Months back.'));
label_row(_("Company Logo:"), $_POST['coy_logo']);
file_row(_("New Company Logo (.jpg)") . ":", 'pic', 'pic');
check_row(_("Delete Company Logo:"), 'del_coy_logo', $_POST['del_coy_logo']);
check_row(_("Search Customer List"), 'no_customer_list', null);
check_row(_("Search Supplier List"), 'no_supplier_list', null);
label_row("", " ");
+check_row(_("Automatic Revaluation Currency Accounts"), 'auto_curr_reval', $_POST['auto_curr_reval']);
check_row(_("Time Zone on Reports"), 'time_zone', $_POST['time_zone']);
text_row_ex(_("Login Timeout:"), 'login_tout', 10, 10, '', null, null, _('seconds'));
label_row(_("Version Id"), $_POST['version_id']);
"gl/manage/gl_account_types.php?", 'SA_GLACCOUNTGROUP');
$this->add_rapp_function(2, _("GL Account &Classes"),
"gl/manage/gl_account_classes.php?", 'SA_GLACCOUNTCLASS');
+ $this->add_rapp_function(2, "","");
+ $this->add_rapp_function(2, _("&Revaluation of Currency Accounts"),
+ "gl/manage/revaluate_currencies.php?", 'SA_EXCHANGERATE');
See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
-function add_exchange_variation($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $acc_id, $account,
+function add_exchange_variation($trans_no, $date_, $acc_id, $account,
$currency, $person_type_id=null, $person_id = "")
if (is_company_currency($currency))
- return;
+ return false;
if ($date_ == null)
$date_ = Today();
$for_amount = 0;
$diff = $amount - $for_amount;
if ($diff != 0)
- if ($trans_type == null)
- $trans_type = ST_JOURNAL;
if ($trans_no == null)
- $trans_no = get_next_trans_no($trans_type);
+ $trans_no = get_next_trans_no(ST_JOURNAL);
if ($person_type_id == null)
$person_type_id = PT_MISC;
- add_gl_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $account, 0, 0, _("Exchange Variance"),
+ add_gl_trans(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date_, $account, 0, 0, _("Exchange Variance"),
-$diff, null, $person_type_id, $person_id);
- add_gl_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, get_company_pref('exchange_diff_act'), 0, 0,
+ add_gl_trans(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date_, get_company_pref('exchange_diff_act'), 0, 0,
_("Exchange Variance"), $diff, null, $person_type_id, $person_id);
- }
+ }
+ return ($diff != 0);
-function add_exchange_variation_all()
+function add_exchange_variation_all($date=null, $ref="", $memo)
+ global $Refs;
+ begin_transaction();
+ $exchanged = false;
$trans_no = get_next_trans_no(ST_JOURNAL);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."bank_accounts";
$result = db_query($sql, "could not retreive bank accounts");
while ($myrow = db_fetch($result))
- add_exchange_variation(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, null, $myrow['id'], $myrow['account_code'],
- $myrow['currency_code']);
+ {
+ if (add_exchange_variation($trans_no, $date, $myrow['id'], $myrow['account_code'],
+ $myrow['bank_curr_code']))
+ $exchanged = true;
+ }
+ if ($exchanged)
+ {
+ add_comments(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date, $memo);
+ if ($ref == "")
+ $ref = $Refs->get_next(ST_JOURNAL);
+ $Refs->save(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $ref);
+ add_audit_trail(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no, $date);
+ }
+ commit_transaction();
+ return ($exchanged ? $trans_no : 0);
// Add bank tranfer to database.
function add_bank_transfer($from_account, $to_account, $date_,
$amount, $ref, $memo_, $charge=0)
- global $Refs;
+ global $Refs, $SysPrefs;
$from_gl_account = get_bank_gl_account($from_account);
$to_gl_account = get_bank_gl_account($to_account);
+ $exchanged = false;
$total = 0;
// do the source account postings
$total += add_gl_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $from_gl_account, 0, 0, "",
$date_, -($amount + $charge),
PT_MISC, "", $currency,
"Cannot insert a source bank transaction");
- add_exchange_variation($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $from_account, $from_gl_account,
- $currency, PT_MISC, "");
+ if ($SysPrefs->auto_currency_revaluation())
+ {
+ $trans_no1 = get_next_trans_no(ST_JOURNAL);
+ if (add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $from_account, $from_gl_account, $currency))
+ $exchanged = true;
+ }
if ($charge != 0)
/* Now Debit bank charge account with charges */
$date_, $amount, PT_MISC, "",
$currency, "Cannot insert a destination bank transaction");
- $currency = get_bank_account_currency($to_account);
- add_exchange_variation($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $to_account, $to_gl_account,
- $currency, PT_MISC, "");
+ if ($SysPrefs->auto_currency_revaluation())
+ {
+ $currency = get_bank_account_currency($to_account);
+ if ($exchanged || add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $to_account, $to_gl_account, $currency))
+ {
+ $ref1 = $Refs->get_next(ST_JOURNAL);
+ $Refs->save(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no1, $ref1);
+ add_audit_trail(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no1, $date_);
+ }
+ }
add_comments($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $memo_);
$Refs->save($trans_type, $trans_no, $ref);
function add_bank_transaction($trans_type, $from_account, $items, $date_,
$person_type_id, $person_id, $person_detail_id, $ref, $memo_, $use_transaction=true)
- global $Refs;
+ global $Refs, $SysPrefs;
// we can only handle type 1 (payment)and type 2 (deposit)
if ($trans_type != ST_BANKPAYMENT && $trans_type != ST_BANKDEPOSIT)
display_db_error("Invalid type ($trans_type) sent to add_bank_transaction");
$do_exchange_variance = false;
+ $exchanged = false;
if ($use_transaction)
$trans_no = get_next_trans_no($trans_type);
- $do_exchange_variance = true;
+ $do_exchange_variance = $SysPrefs->auto_currency_revaluation();
+ if ($do_exchange_variance)
+ $trans_no1 = get_next_trans_no(ST_JOURNAL);
// do the source account postings
$person_type_id, $person_id, $currency,
"Cannot insert a destination bank transaction");
if ($do_exchange_variance)
- add_exchange_variation($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $is_bank_to, $gl_item->code_id,
- $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id);
+ {
+ if (add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $is_bank_to, $gl_item->code_id,
+ $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id))
+ $exchanged = true;
+ }
// store tax details if the gl account is a tax account
-$total, null, $person_type_id, $person_id);
if ($do_exchange_variance)
- add_exchange_variation($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $from_account, $bank_gl_account,
- $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id);
+ {
+ if ($exchanged || add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $from_account, $bank_gl_account,
+ $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id))
+ {
+ $ref1 = $Refs->get_next(ST_JOURNAL);
+ $Refs->save(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no1, $ref1);
+ add_audit_trail(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no1, $date_);
+ }
+ }
add_comments($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $memo_);
$Refs->save($trans_type, $trans_no, $ref);
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+$page_security = 'SA_EXCHANGERATE';
+$path_to_root = "../..";
+include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/date_functions.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/banking.inc");
+$js = "";
+if ($use_date_picker)
+ $js .= get_js_date_picker();
+page(_($help_context = "Revaluation of Currency Accounts"), false, false, "", $js);
+if (isset($_GET['AddedID']))
+ $trans_no = $_GET['AddedID'];
+ $trans_type = ST_JOURNAL;
+ if ($trans_no == 0)
+ display_notification_centered( _("No Revaluation was needed"));
+ else
+ {
+ display_notification_centered( _("Transfer has been entered"));
+ display_note(get_gl_view_str($trans_type, $trans_no, _("&View the GL Journal Entries for this Transfer")));
+ }
+ //display_footer_exit();
+function check_data()
+ global $Refs;
+ if (!is_date($_POST['date']))
+ {
+ display_error( _("The entered date is invalid."));
+ set_focus('date');
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['date']))
+ {
+ display_error(_("The entered date is not in fiscal year."));
+ set_focus('date');
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!$Refs->is_valid($_POST['ref']))
+ {
+ display_error(_("You must enter a reference."));
+ set_focus('ref');
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], ST_JOURNAL))
+ {
+ display_error(_("The entered reference is already in use."));
+ set_focus('ref');
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+function handle_submit()
+ if (!check_data())
+ return;
+ $trans_no = add_exchange_variation_all($_POST['date'], $_POST['ref'], $_POST['memo_']);
+ meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID=$trans_no");
+ //clear_data();
+function display_reval()
+ global $Refs;
+ start_form();
+ start_table(TABLESTYLE2);
+ if (!isset($_POST['date']))
+ $_POST['date'] = Today();
+ date_row(_("Date for Revaluation:"), 'date', '', null, 0, 0, 0, null, true);
+ ref_row(_("Reference:"), 'ref', '', $Refs->get_next(ST_JOURNAL));
+ textarea_row(_("Memo:"), 'memo_', null, 40,4);
+ end_table(1);
+ submit_center('submit', _("Revaluate Currencies"), true, false);
+ end_form();
+function clear_data()
+ unset($_POST['date_']);
+ unset($_POST['memo_']);
+if (get_post('submit'))
+ handle_submit();
return $this->prefs['default_dim_required'];
+ function auto_currency_revaluation()
+ {
+ return $this->prefs['auto_curr_reval'];
+ }
function allocation_settled_allowance()
global $config_allocation_settled_allowance;
ALTER TABLE `0_suppliers` ADD COLUMN `rep_lang` char(5) default NULL;
UPDATE `0_suppliers` set `rep_lang`= 'en_GB' WHERE `curr_code`<>(SELECT value FROM `0_sys_prefs` WHERE name='curr_default');
+INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` (name, category, type, length, value) VALUES ('auto_curr_reval','setup.company', 'smallint','6', '1');
CREATE TABLE `0_chart_types` (
`id` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`name` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
- `class_id` varchart(3) NOT NULL default '',
+ `class_id` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',
`parent` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '-1',
`inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
UNIQUE KEY(`begin`),
### Data of table `0_fiscal_year` ###
INSERT INTO `0_fiscal_year` VALUES ('1', '2008-01-01', '2008-12-31', '0');
INSERT INTO `0_fiscal_year` VALUES ('2', '2009-01-01', '2009-12-31', '0');
+INSERT INTO `0_fiscal_year` VALUES ('3', '2010-01-01', '2010-12-31', '0');
### Structure of table `0_gl_trans` ###
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('add_pct', 'setup.company', 'int', '5', '-1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('round_to', 'setup.company', 'int', '5', '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('login_tout', 'setup.company', 'smallint', '6', '600');
+INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('auto_curr_reval','setup.company', 'smallint','6', '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('past_due_days', 'glsetup.general', 'int', '11', '30');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('profit_loss_year_act', 'glsetup.general', 'varchar', '15', '9990');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('retained_earnings_act', 'glsetup.general', 'varchar', '15', '3590');
### Data of table `0_fiscal_year` ###
-INSERT INTO `0_fiscal_year` VALUES ('1', '2008-01-01', '2008-12-31', '0');
+INSERT INTO `0_fiscal_year` VALUES ('1', '2009-01-01', '2009-12-31', '0');
### Structure of table `0_gl_trans` ###
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('add_pct', 'setup.company', 'int', '5', '-1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('round_to', 'setup.company', 'int', '5', '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('login_tout', 'setup.company', 'smallint', '6', '600');
+INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('auto_curr_reval','setup.company', 'smallint','6', '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('past_due_days', 'glsetup.general', 'int', '11', '30');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('profit_loss_year_act', 'glsetup.general', 'varchar', '15', '9990');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('retained_earnings_act', 'glsetup.general', 'varchar', '15', '3590');