// in case it's a customer trans - probably better to check first
void_cust_allocations($type, $type_no);
- void_customer_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no);
void_customer_trans($type, $type_no);
// in case it's a supplier trans - probably better to check first
void_supp_allocations($type, $type_no);
- void_supp_invoice_tax_items($type, $type_no);
void_supp_trans($type, $type_no);
+ void_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no);
if (!$nested)
// store tax details if the gl account is a tax account
$amount = $gl_item->amount;
- add_gl_tax_details($gl_item->code_id, $trans_type, $trans_no, $amount);
+ add_gl_tax_details($gl_item->code_id, $trans_type, $trans_no, $amount,
+ $date_, $memo);
// do the source account postings
-// Stores GL journal/bank transaction on tax account for tax report
+// Stores journal/bank transaction tax details if applicable
-function add_gl_tax_details($gl_code, $trans_type, $trans_id, $amount)
+function add_gl_tax_details($gl_code, $trans_type, $trans_no, $amount, $date, $memo)
$tax_type = is_tax_account($gl_code);
if(!$tax_type) return; // $gl_code is not tax account
$tax = get_tax_type($tax_type);
- if ($gl_code == $tax['sales_gl_code'])
- add_customer_trans_tax_detail_item($trans_type, $trans_id,
- $tax['id'], $tax['rate'], 0, -$amount);
- else
- add_supp_invoice_tax_item($trans_type, $trans_id,
- $tax['id'], $tax['rate'], 0, $amount);
+ if ($gl_code == $tax['sales_gl_code'])
+ $amount = -$amount;
+ // we have to restore net amount as we cannot know the base amount
+ if ($tax['rate'] == 0) {
+// display_warning(_("You should not post gl transactions
+// to tax account with zero tax rate."));
+ $net_amount = 0;
+ } else {
+ // calculate net amount
+ $net_amount = $amount/$tax['rate']*100;
+ }
+ add_trans_tax_details($trans_type, $trans_no, $tax['id'], $tax['rate'], 0,
+ $amount, $net_amount, $date, $memo);
+// Store transaction tax details for fiscal purposes with 'freezed'
+// actual tax type rate.
+function add_trans_tax_details($trans_type, $trans_no, $tax_id, $rate, $included,
+ $amount, $net_amount, $tran_date, $memo)
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."trans_tax_details
+ (trans_type, trans_no, tran_date, tax_type_id, rate,
+ included_in_price, net_amount, amount, memo)
+ VALUES (".db_escape($trans_type)."," . db_escape($trans_no).",'"
+ .date2sql($tran_date)."',".db_escape($tax_id).","
+ .$rate.",".($included ? 1:0).",".db_escape($net_amount).","
+ .db_escape($amount).",".db_escape($memo).")";
+ db_query($sql, "Cannot save trans tax details");
+function get_trans_tax_details($trans_type, $trans_no)
+ $sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."trans_tax_details.*, ".TB_PREF."tax_types.name AS tax_type_name
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."trans_tax_details,".TB_PREF."tax_types
+ WHERE trans_type = $trans_type
+ AND trans_no = $trans_no
+ AND amount != 0
+ AND ".TB_PREF."tax_types.id = ".TB_PREF."trans_tax_details.tax_type_id";
+ return db_query($sql, "The transaction tax details could not be retrieved");
+function void_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no)
+ $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."trans_tax_details SET amount=0, net_amount=0
+ WHERE trans_no=$type_no
+ AND trans_type=$type";
+ db_query($sql, "The transaction tax details could not be voided");
function add_journal_entries($items, $date_, $ref, $reverse, $memo_=null)
// store tax details if the gl account is a tax account
- $trans_type, $trans_id, $journal_item->amount);
+ $trans_type, $trans_id, -$journal_item->amount, $date_, $memo_);
add_comments($trans_type, $trans_id, $date_, $memo_);
// store tax details if the gl account is a tax account
- $trans_type, $trans_id, -$journal_item->amount);
+ $trans_type, $trans_id, $journal_item->amount, $date, $memo_);
add_comments($trans_type, $trans_id_reverse, $reversingDate, $memo_);
void_gl_trans($type, $type_no, true);
void_bank_trans($type, $type_no,true);
- void_customer_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no);
- void_supp_invoice_tax_items($type, $type_no);
+ void_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no);
// store tax details if the gl account is a tax account
- $trans_type, $invoice_id, $entered_gl_code->amount);
+ $trans_type, $invoice_id, $entered_gl_code->amount,
+ $date_, $supp_trans->supp_reference);
foreach ($supp_trans->grn_items as $entered_grn)
if (!$supp_trans->is_invoice)
$taxitem['Value'] = -$taxitem['Value'];
// here we suppose that tax is never included in price (we are company customer).
- add_supp_invoice_tax_item($trans_type, $invoice_id, $taxitem['tax_type_id'],
- $taxitem['rate'], 0, $taxitem['Value']);
+ add_trans_tax_details($trans_type, $invoice_id,
+ $taxitem['tax_type_id'], $taxitem['rate'], 0, $taxitem['Value'],
+ $taxitem['Net'], $date_, $supp_trans->supp_reference);
$total += add_gl_trans_supplier($trans_type, $invoice_id, $date_,
$taxitem['purchasing_gl_code'], 0, 0, $taxitem['Value'],
void_supp_invoice_items($type, $type_no);
- void_supp_invoice_tax_items($type, $type_no);
+ void_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no);
db_query($sql, "could not void supptrans details");
-function add_supp_invoice_tax_item($supp_trans_type, $supp_trans_no, $tax_type_id,
- $rate, $included_in_price, $amount)
- $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_tax_items (supp_trans_type, supp_trans_no, tax_type_id, rate, included_in_price, amount)
- VALUES ($supp_trans_type, $supp_trans_no, $tax_type_id, $rate, $included_in_price, $amount)";
- db_query($sql, "The supplier transaction tax detail could not be added");
-function get_supp_invoice_tax_items($supp_trans_type, $supp_trans_no)
- $sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_tax_items.*, ".TB_PREF."tax_types.name AS tax_type_name
- FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_tax_items,".TB_PREF."tax_types
- WHERE supp_trans_type = $supp_trans_type
- AND supp_trans_no = $supp_trans_no
- AND ".TB_PREF."tax_types.id = ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_tax_items.tax_type_id";
- return db_query($sql, "The supplier transaction tax details could not be queried");
-function void_supp_invoice_tax_items($type, $type_no)
- $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_tax_items SET amount=0
- WHERE supp_trans_type = $type
- AND supp_trans_no=$type_no";
- db_query($sql, "The supplier transaction tax details could not be voided");
\ No newline at end of file
start_table("$table_style width=95%");
label_row(_("Sub Total"), $display_sub_tot, "align=right", "nowrap align=right width=17%");
-$tax_items = get_supp_invoice_tax_items(21, $trans_no);
+$tax_items = get_trans_tax_details(21, $trans_no);
display_supp_trans_tax_details($tax_items, 1);
$display_total = number_format2(-($supp_trans->ov_amount + $supp_trans->ov_gst),user_price_dec());
start_table("width=95% $table_style");
label_row(_("Sub Total"), $display_sub_tot, "align=right", "nowrap align=right width=15%");
-$tax_items = get_supp_invoice_tax_items(20, $trans_no);
+$tax_items = get_trans_tax_details(20, $trans_no);
display_supp_trans_tax_details($tax_items, 1);
$display_total = number_format2($supp_trans->ov_amount + $supp_trans->ov_gst,user_price_dec());
$rep->TextCol(3, 6, $doc_Shipping, -2);
$rep->TextCol(6, 7, $DisplayFreight, -2);
- $tax_items = get_customer_trans_tax_details($j, $i);
+ $tax_items = get_trans_tax_details($j, $i);
while ($tax_item = db_fetch($tax_items))
$DisplayTax = number_format2($sign*$tax_item['amount'], $dec);
$rep->TextCol(3, 6, $doc_Shipping, -2);
$rep->TextCol(6, 7, $DisplayFreight, -2);
- $tax_items = get_customer_trans_tax_details(13, $i);
+ $tax_items = get_trans_tax_details(13, $i);
while ($tax_item = db_fetch($tax_items))
$DisplayTax = number_format2($tax_item['amount'], $dec);
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/data_checks.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/gl/includes/gl_db.inc");
-function getTax($tno, $tpe)
- // GROUP BY debtor_trans_type, debtor_trans_no";
- $sql = "SELECT SUM(amount) AS Amount, MAX(included_in_price) AS Included FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details
- WHERE debtor_trans_no=$tno
- AND debtor_trans_type=$tpe
- AND amount <> 0";
- $result = db_query($sql,"No transactions were returned");
- return db_fetch($result);
-function getCustTransactions($from, $to)
- $fromdate = date2sql($from);
- $todate = date2sql($to);
- $netamount = "IF(".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.type=11,-(ov_amount+ov_freight+ov_discount),ov_amount+ov_freight+ov_discount)*".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.rate";
- $sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.reference,
- ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.trans_no,
- ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.type,
- ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.rate,
- ".TB_PREF."sys_types.type_name,
- ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.tran_date,
- ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.debtor_no,
- ".TB_PREF."debtors_master.name,
- ".TB_PREF."debtors_master.curr_code,
- ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.branch_code,
- ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.order_,
- $netamount AS NetAmount
- FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans
- INNER JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtors_master ON ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.debtor_no=".TB_PREF."debtors_master.debtor_no
- INNER JOIN ".TB_PREF."sys_types ON ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.type=".TB_PREF."sys_types.type_id
- WHERE ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.tran_date >= '$fromdate'
- AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.tran_date <= '$todate'
- AND (".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.type=10 OR ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.type=11)
- ORDER BY ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.tran_date";
- return db_query($sql,"No transactions were returned");
-function getSuppTransactions($from, $to)
+function getTaxTransactions($from, $to)
$fromdate = date2sql($from);
$todate = date2sql($to);
- $sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.supp_reference,
- ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type,
- ".TB_PREF."sys_types.type_name,
- ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date,
- ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.supplier_id,
- ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.rate,
- ".TB_PREF."suppliers.supp_name,
- ".TB_PREF."suppliers.curr_code,
- ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.rate,
- (ov_amount+ov_discount)*rate AS NetAmount,
- ov_gst*rate AS Tax
- FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_trans
- INNER JOIN ".TB_PREF."suppliers ON ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.supplier_id=".TB_PREF."suppliers.supplier_id
- INNER JOIN ".TB_PREF."sys_types ON ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type=".TB_PREF."sys_types.type_id
- WHERE ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date >= '$fromdate'
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date <= '$todate'
- AND (".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type=20 OR ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type=21)
- ORDER BY ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date";
+ $sql = "SELECT taxrec.*,
+ stype.type_name,
+ if(supp.supp_name is null, debt.name, supp.supp_name) as name,
+ branch.br_name
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."trans_tax_details taxrec
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."supp_trans strans
+ ON taxrec.trans_no=strans.trans_no AND taxrec.trans_type=strans.type
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."suppliers as supp ON strans.supplier_id=supp.supplier_id
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans dtrans
+ ON taxrec.trans_no=dtrans.trans_no AND taxrec.trans_type=dtrans.type
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtors_master as debt ON dtrans.debtor_no=debt.debtor_no
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."cust_branch as branch ON dtrans.branch_code=branch.branch_code,
+ ".TB_PREF."sys_types stype
+ WHERE taxrec.trans_type=stype.type_id
+ AND taxrec.trans_type != 13
+ AND taxrec.tran_date >= '$fromdate'
+ AND taxrec.tran_date <= '$todate'
+ ORDER BY taxrec.tran_date";
return db_query($sql,"No transactions were returned");
return db_fetch($result);
-function getCustInvTax($taxtype, $from, $to)
- $fromdate = date2sql($from);
- $todate = date2sql($to);
- $amount = "IF(".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details.debtor_trans_type=11,-amount,amount)*".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.rate";
- $mamount = "IF(".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details.included_in_price=0, 0, $amount)";
- $netamount = "IF(".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.type=11,-quantity,quantity)*unit_price*".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.rate-$mamount";
- $sql = "SELECT SUM($netamount),
- SUM($amount)
- FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_details, ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details, ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans
- WHERE ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.type>=10
- AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.type<=11
- AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_details.debtor_trans_no=".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.trans_no
- AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_details.debtor_trans_type=".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.type
- AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.trans_no=".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details.debtor_trans_no
- AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.type=".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details.debtor_trans_type
- AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details.amount <> 0
- AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details.tax_type_id=$taxtype
- AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.tran_date >= '$fromdate'
- AND ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans.tran_date <= '$todate'";
- $result = db_query($sql,"No transactions were returned");
- return db_fetch_row($result);
-function getSuppInvTax($taxtype, $from, $to)
- $fromdate = date2sql($from);
- $todate = date2sql($to);
- $sql = "SELECT SUM(unit_price * quantity * ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.rate), SUM(amount*".TB_PREF."supp_trans.rate)
- FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items, ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_tax_items, ".TB_PREF."supp_trans
- WHERE ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type>=20
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type<=21
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.trans_no=".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_tax_items.supp_trans_no
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type=".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_tax_items.supp_trans_type
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items.supp_trans_no=".TB_PREF."supp_trans.trans_no
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items.supp_trans_type=".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_tax_items.tax_type_id=$taxtype
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_tax_items.amount <> 0
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date >= '$fromdate'
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date <= '$todate'";
- $result = db_query($sql,"No transactions were returned");
- return db_fetch_row($result);
function print_tax_report()
- global $path_to_root;
+ global $path_to_root, $trans_dir;
include_once($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc");
$rep = new FrontReport(_('Tax Report'), "TaxReport.pdf", user_pagesize());
$summary = _('Detailed Report');
$res = getTaxTypes();
$taxes = array();
- $i = 0;
while ($tax=db_fetch($res))
- $taxes[$i++] = $tax['id'];
- $idcounter = count($taxes);
- $totalinvout = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
- $totaltaxout = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
- $totalinvin = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
- $totaltaxin = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
+ $taxes[$tax['id']] = array('in'=>0, 'out'=>0, 'taxin'=>0, 'taxout'=>0);
if (!$summaryOnly)
- $cols = array(0, 80, 130, 190, 290, 370, 435, 500, 565);
- $headers = array(_('Trans Type'), _('#'), _('Date'), _('Name'), _('Branch Name'),
- _('Net'), _('Tax'), '');
+ $cols = array(0, 80, 130, 180, 290, 370, 455, 505, 555);
+ $headers = array(_('Trans Type'), _('Ref'), _('Date'), _('Name'), _('Branch Name'),
+ _('Net'), _('Rate'), _('Tax'));
$aligns = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right');
$params = array( 0 => $comments,
$rep->Info($params, $cols, $headers, $aligns);
$totalnet = 0.0;
$totaltax = 0.0;
- $transactions = getCustTransactions($from, $to);
+ $transactions = getTaxTransactions($from, $to);
while ($trans=db_fetch($transactions))
- $tx = getTax($trans['trans_no'], $trans['type']);
- if ($tx === false)
- $tax_amt = 0;
- else
- {
- $tx['Amount'] *= $trans['rate'];
- if ($trans['type'] == 11)
- $tx['Amount'] *= -1;
- if ($tx['Included'] > 0)
- $trans['NetAmount'] -= $tx['Amount'];
- $tax_amt = $tx['Amount'];
+ if (in_array($trans['trans_type'], array(11,20,1))) {
+ $trans['net_amount'] *= -1;
+ $trans['amount'] *= -1;
if (!$summaryOnly)
$rep->TextCol(0, 1, $trans['type_name']);
- $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $trans['reference']);
+ $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $trans['memo']);
$rep->TextCol(2, 3, sql2date($trans['tran_date']));
$rep->TextCol(3, 4, $trans['name']);
- if ($trans["branch_code"] > 0)
- $rep->TextCol(4, 5, get_branch_name($trans["branch_code"]));
+ $rep->TextCol(4, 5, $trans['br_name']);
- $rep->TextCol(5, 6, number_format2($trans['NetAmount'], $dec));
- $rep->TextCol(6, 7, number_format2($tax_amt, $dec));
+ $rep->TextCol(5, 6, number_format2($trans['net_amount'], $dec));
+ $rep->TextCol(6, 7, number_format2($trans['rate'], $dec));
+ $rep->TextCol(7, 8, number_format2($trans['amount'], $dec));
- $totalnet += $trans['NetAmount'];
- $totaltax += $tax_amt;
- }
- if (!$summaryOnly)
- {
- $rep->NewLine();
- if ($rep->row < $rep->bottomMargin + $rep->lineHeight)
- {
- $rep->Line($rep->row - 2);
- $rep->Header();
- }
- $rep->Line($rep->row + $rep->lineHeight);
- $rep->TextCol(3, 5, _('Total Outputs'));
- $rep->TextCol(5, 6, number_format2($totalnet, $dec));
- $rep->TextCol(6, 7, number_format2($totaltax, $dec));
- $rep->Line($rep->row - 5);
- $rep->Header();
- }
- $totalinnet = 0.0;
- $totalintax = 0.0;
- $transactions = getSuppTransactions($from, $to);
- while ($trans=db_fetch($transactions))
- {
- if (!$summaryOnly)
- {
- $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $trans['type_name']);
- $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $trans['supp_reference']);
- $rep->TextCol(2, 3, sql2date($trans['tran_date']));
- $rep->TextCol(3, 5, $trans['supp_name']);
- $rep->TextCol(5, 6, number_format2($trans['NetAmount'], $dec));
- $rep->TextCol(6, 7, number_format2($trans['Tax'], $dec));
- $rep->NewLine();
- if ($rep->row < $rep->bottomMargin + $rep->lineHeight)
- {
- $rep->Line($rep->row - 2);
- $rep->Header();
- }
- }
- $totalinnet += $trans['NetAmount'];
- $totalintax += $trans['Tax'];
- }
- if (!$summaryOnly)
- {
- $rep->NewLine();
- if ($rep->row < $rep->bottomMargin + $rep->lineHeight)
- {
- $rep->Line($rep->row - 2);
- $rep->Header();
+ if ($trans['amount'] > 0) {
+ $taxes[$trans['tax_type_id']]['taxin'] += $trans['amount'];
+ $taxes[$trans['tax_type_id']]['in'] += $trans['net_amount'];
+ } else {
+ $taxes[$trans['tax_type_id']]['taxout'] -= $trans['amount'];
+ $taxes[$trans['tax_type_id']]['out'] -= $trans['net_amount'];
- $rep->Line($rep->row + $rep->lineHeight);
- $rep->TextCol(3, 5, _('Total Inputs'));
- $rep->TextCol(5, 6, number_format2($totalinnet, $dec));
- $rep->TextCol(6, 7, number_format2($totalintax, $dec));
- $rep->Line($rep->row - 5);
+ $totalnet += $trans['net_amount'];
+ $totaltax += $trans['amount'];
- $cols2 = array(0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600);
+ // Summary
+ $cols2 = array(0, 100, 180, 260, 340, 420, 500);
- $headers2 = array(_('Tax Rate'), _('Outputs'), _('Output Tax'), _('Inputs'), _('Input Tax'), '', '');
+ $headers2 = array(_('Tax Rate'), _('Outputs'), _('Output Tax'), _('Inputs'), _('Input Tax'), _('Net Tax'));
$aligns2 = array('left', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right');
- $invamount = 0.0;
- for ($i = 0; $i < $idcounter; $i++)
- {
- $amt = getCustInvTax($taxes[$i], $from, $to);
- $totalinvout[$i] += $amt[0];
- $totaltaxout[$i] += $amt[1];
- $invamount += $amt[0];
- }
- if ($totalnet != $invamount)
- {
- $totalinvout[$idcounter] = ($totalnet - $invamount);
- $totaltaxout[$idcounter] = 0.0;
- }
- $invamount2 = 0.0;
- for ($i = 0; $i < $idcounter; $i++)
- {
- $amt = getSuppInvTax($taxes[$i], $from, $to);
- $totalinvin[$i] += $amt[0];
- $totaltaxin[$i] += $amt[1];
- $invamount2 += $amt[0];
- }
- if ($totalinnet != $invamount2)
- {
- $totalinvin[$idcounter] = ($totalinnet - $invamount2);
- $totaltaxin[$idcounter] = 0.0;
- }
- if ($totalnet != $invamount || $totalinnet != $invamount2)
- $idcounter++;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($cols2); $i++)
- {
$rep->cols[$i] = $rep->leftMargin + $cols2[$i];
- $rep->headers[$i] = $headers2[$i];
- $rep->aligns[$i] = $aligns2[$i];
- }
+ $rep->headers = $headers2;
+ $rep->aligns = $aligns2;
- //$counter = count($totalinvout);
- //$counter = max($counter, $idcounter);
- $trow = $rep->row;
- $i = 0;
- for ($j = 0; $j < $idcounter; $j++)
- {
- if (isset($taxes[$j]) && $taxes[$j] > 0)
- {
- $tx = getTaxInfo($taxes[$j]);
- $str = $tx['name'] . " " . number_format2($tx['rate'], $dec) . "%";
- }
- else
- $str = _('No tax specified');
- $rep->TextCol($i, $i + 1, $str);
- $rep->NewLine();
- }
- $i++;
- $rep->row = $trow;
- for ($j = 0; $j < $idcounter; $j++)
- {
- $rep->TextCol($i, $i + 1, number_format2($totalinvout[$j], $dec));
+ $taxtotal = 0;
+ foreach( $taxes as $id=>$sum)
+ {
+ $tx = getTaxInfo($id);
+ $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $tx['name'] . " " . number_format2($tx['rate'], $dec) . "%");
+ $rep->TextCol(1, 2, number_format2($sum['out'], $dec));
+ $rep->TextCol(2, 3,number_format2($sum['taxout'], $dec));
+ $rep->TextCol(3, 4, number_format2($sum['in'], $dec));
+ $rep->TextCol(4, 5,number_format2($sum['taxin'], $dec));
+ $rep->TextCol(5, 6, number_format2($sum['taxin']-$sum['taxout'], $dec));
+ $taxtotal += $sum['taxin']-$sum['taxout'];
- $i++;
- $rep->row = $trow;
- for ($j = 0; $j < $idcounter; $j++)
- {
- $rep->TextCol($i, $i + 1,number_format2($totaltaxout[$j], $dec));
- $rep->NewLine();
- }
- $i++;
- $rep->row = $trow;
- for ($j = 0; $j < $idcounter; $j++)
- {
- $rep->TextCol($i, $i + 1, number_format2($totalinvin[$j], $dec));
- $rep->NewLine();
- }
- $i++;
- $rep->row = $trow;
- for ($j = 0; $j < $idcounter; $j++)
- {
- $rep->TextCol($i, $i + 1, number_format2($totaltaxin[$j], $dec));
- $rep->NewLine();
- }
- $rep->Line($rep->row - 4);
- $rep->row -= 16;
- $rep->Font('italic');
- $rep->TextCol(0, 1, _("General Ledger"));
- $rep->aligns[1] = 'left';
- $rep->TextCol(1, 3, _("Description"));
- $rep->TextCol(3, 4, _("Amount"));
- $rep->Font();
- $rep->Line($rep->row - 6);
- $rep->row -= 22;
- $taxes = getTaxTypes();
- $total = 0;
- $bdate = date2sql($from);
- $edate = date2sql($to);
- while ($tx = db_fetch($taxes))
- {
- if ($tx['sales_gl_code'] == $tx['purchasing_gl_code'])
- {
- $sql = "SELECT SUM(IF(amount >= 0, amount, 0)) AS payable, SUM(IF(amount < 0, -amount, 0)) AS collectible
- FROM ".TB_PREF."gl_trans WHERE account = '".$tx['sales_gl_code']."' AND tran_date >= '$bdate' AND tran_date <= '$edate'";
- $result = db_query($sql, "Error retrieving tax inquiry");
- $row = db_fetch($result);
- $payable = -$row['payable'];
- $collectible.= -$row['collectible'];
- }
- else
- {
- $sql = "SELECT SUM(amount) AS collectible
- FROM ".TB_PREF."gl_trans WHERE account = '".$tx['sales_gl_code']."' AND tran_date >= '$bdate' AND tran_date <= '$edate'";
- $result = db_query($sql, "Error retrieving tax inquiry");
- $row = db_fetch($result);
- $collectible = -$row['collectible'];
- $sql = "SELECT SUM(amount) AS payable
- FROM ".TB_PREF."gl_trans WHERE account = '".$tx['purchasing_gl_code']."' AND tran_date >= '$bdate' AND tran_date <= '$edate'";
- $result = db_query($sql, "Error retrieving tax inquiry");
- $row = db_fetch($result);
- $payable = -$row['payable'];
- }
- $net = $collectible + $payable;
- $total += $net;
- $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $tx['name'] . " " . $tx['rate'] . "%");
- $rep->TextCol(1, 3, _("Charged on sales") . " (" . _("Output Tax")."):");
- $rep->TextCol(3, 4, number_format2($collectible, $dec));
- $rep->NewLine();
- $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $tx['name'] . " " . $tx['rate'] . "%");
- $rep->TextCol(1, 3, _("Paid on purchases") . " (" . _("Input Tax")."):");
- $rep->TextCol(3, 4, number_format2($payable, $dec));
- $rep->NewLine();
- $rep->Font('bold');
- $rep->TextCol(0, 1, $tx['name'] . " " . $tx['rate'] . "%");
- $rep->TextCol(1, 3, _("Net payable or collectible"));
- $rep->TextCol(3, 4, number_format2($net, $dec));
- $rep->Font();
- $rep->NewLine();
- }
- $rep->TextCol(1, 3, _("Total payable or refund"));
- $rep->TextCol(3, 4, number_format2($total, $dec));
+ $rep->NewLine();
+ $rep->Line($rep->row + $rep->lineHeight);
+ $rep->TextCol(3, 5, _("Total payable or refund"));
+ $rep->TextCol(5, 6, number_format2($taxtotal, $dec));
+ $rep->Line($rep->row - 5);
- $rep->Line($rep->row - 4);
$locale = $path_to_root . "/lang/" . $_SESSION['language']->code . "/locale.inc";
if (file_exists($locale))
$taxinclude = true;
- /*
- if (function_exists("TaxFunction"))
- TaxFunction();
- */
+// if (function_exists("TaxFunction"))
+// TaxFunction();
-function add_customer_trans_tax_detail_item($debtor_trans_type, $debtor_trans_no,
- $tax_type_id, $rate, $included_in_price, $amount)
- $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details (debtor_trans_no, debtor_trans_type, tax_type_id, rate, included_in_price, amount)
- VALUES ($debtor_trans_no, $debtor_trans_type, $tax_type_id, $rate, $included_in_price, $amount)";
- db_query($sql, "The debtor transaction tax detail could not be added");
-function get_customer_trans_tax_details($debtor_trans_type, $debtor_trans_no)
- $sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details.*, ".TB_PREF."tax_types.name AS tax_type_name
- FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details,".TB_PREF."tax_types
- WHERE debtor_trans_no=$debtor_trans_no
- AND debtor_trans_type=$debtor_trans_type
- AND amount != 0
- AND ".TB_PREF."tax_types.id = ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details.tax_type_id";
- return db_query($sql, "The debtor transaction tax details could not be queried");
-function void_customer_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no)
- $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans_tax_details SET amount=0
- WHERE debtor_trans_no=$type_no
- AND debtor_trans_type=$type";
- db_query($sql, "The debtor transaction tax details could not be voided");
function write_customer_trans_detail_item($debtor_trans_type, $debtor_trans_no, $stock_id, $description,
$quantity, $unit_price, $unit_tax, $discount_percent, $std_cost, $line_id=0)
void_cust_allocations(11, $credit_no, $credit_date);
void_gl_trans(11, $credit_no, true);
void_stock_move(11, $credit_no);
- void_customer_trans_tax_details(11, $credit_no);
+ void_trans_tax_details(11, $credit_no);
if ($credit_invoice) {
$invoice_alloc_balance = get_DebtorTrans_allocation_balance(10, $credit_invoice);
foreach ($taxes as $taxitem) {
if ($taxitem['Value'] != 0) {
- add_customer_trans_tax_detail_item(11, $credit_no, $taxitem['tax_type_id'],
- $taxitem['rate'], $credit_note->tax_included, $taxitem['Value']);
+ add_trans_tax_details(11, $credit_no, $taxitem['tax_type_id'],
+ $taxitem['rate'], $credit_note->tax_included, $taxitem['Value'],
+ $taxitem['Net'], $credit_note->document_date, $credit_note->reference);
$total += add_gl_trans_customer(11, $credit_no, $credit_date, $taxitem['sales_gl_code'], 0, 0,
$taxitem['Value'], $credit_note->customer_id,
} else {
void_gl_trans(13, $delivery_no, true);
void_stock_move(13, $delivery_no);
- void_customer_trans_tax_details(13, $delivery_no);
+ void_trans_tax_details(13, $delivery_no);
delete_comments(13, $delivery_no);
// taxes - this is for printing purposes
foreach ($taxes as $taxitem) {
if ($taxitem['Value'] != 0) {
- add_customer_trans_tax_detail_item(13, $delivery_no, $taxitem['tax_type_id'],
- $taxitem['rate'], $delivery->tax_included, $taxitem['Value']);
+ add_trans_tax_details(13, $delivery_no, $taxitem['tax_type_id'],
+ $taxitem['rate'], $delivery->tax_included, $taxitem['Value'],
+ $taxitem['Net'], $delivery->document_date, $delivery->reference );
// clear details after they've been reversed in the sales order
void_customer_trans_details($type, $type_no);
- void_customer_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no);
+ void_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no);
void_cust_allocations($type, $type_no);
delete_comments(10, $invoice_no);
void_gl_trans(10, $invoice_no, true);
void_cust_allocations(10, $invoice_no); // ?
- void_customer_trans_tax_details(10, $invoice_no);
+ void_trans_tax_details(10, $invoice_no);
$total = 0;
foreach ($invoice->line_items as $invoice_line) {
// post all taxes
foreach ($taxes as $taxitem) {
if ($taxitem['Value'] != 0) {
- add_customer_trans_tax_detail_item(10, $invoice_no, $taxitem['tax_type_id'],
- $taxitem['rate'], $invoice->tax_included, $taxitem['Value']);
+ add_trans_tax_details(10, $invoice_no, $taxitem['tax_type_id'],
+ $taxitem['rate'], $invoice->tax_included, $taxitem['Value'],
+ $taxitem['Net'], $date_, $invoice->reference);
$total += add_gl_trans_customer(10, $invoice_no, $date_, $taxitem['sales_gl_code'], 0, 0,
(-$taxitem['Value']), $invoice->customer_id,
// clear details after they've been reversed in the sales order
void_customer_trans_details($type, $type_no);
- void_customer_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no);
+ void_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no);
void_cust_allocations($type, $type_no);
"nowrap align=right width=15%");
label_row(_("Shipping"), $display_freight, "colspan=6 align=right", "nowrap align=right");
-$tax_items = get_customer_trans_tax_details(11, $trans_id);
+$tax_items = get_trans_tax_details(11, $trans_id);
display_customer_trans_tax_details($tax_items, 6);
label_row("<font color=red>" . _("TOTAL CREDIT") . "</font",
"nowrap align=right width=15%");
label_row(_("Shipping"), $display_freight, "colspan=6 align=right", "nowrap align=right");
-$tax_items = get_customer_trans_tax_details(13, $trans_id);
+$tax_items = get_trans_tax_details(13, $trans_id);
display_customer_trans_tax_details($tax_items, 6);
$display_total = price_format($myrow["ov_freight"]+$myrow["ov_amount"]+$myrow["ov_freight_tax"]+$myrow["ov_gst"]);
"nowrap align=right width=15%");
label_row(_("Shipping"), $display_freight, "colspan=6 align=right", "nowrap align=right");
-$tax_items = get_customer_trans_tax_details(10, $trans_id);
+$tax_items = get_trans_tax_details(10, $trans_id);
display_customer_trans_tax_details($tax_items, 6);
$display_total = price_format($myrow["ov_freight"]+$myrow["ov_gst"]+$myrow["ov_amount"]+$myrow["ov_freight_tax"]);
// (DROP queries are skipped during non-forced upgrade)
$sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `0_bank_trans_types`";
+ //
+ // Move all debtor and supplier trans tax details to new table
+ // (INSERT INTO t SELECT ... FROM t ... available after 4.0.14)
+ // No easy way to restore net amount for 0% tax rate for moved
+ // FA 2.0 transactions, but who cares?
+ //
+ $move_sql =array(
+ "debtor_trans_tax_details" =>
+ "SELECT tr.tran_date, tr.type, tr.trans_no, dt.tax_type_id,
+ dt.rate, dt.included_in_price, dt.amount, tr.reference as ref
+ FROM ".$pref."debtor_trans_tax_details dt
+ LEFT JOIN ".$pref."trans_tax_details tt
+ ON dt.debtor_trans_no=tt.trans_no
+ AND dt.debtor_trans_type=tt.trans_type,
+ ".$pref."debtor_trans tr
+ WHERE tt.trans_type is NULL
+ AND dt.debtor_trans_no = tr.trans_no
+ AND dt.debtor_trans_type = tr.type",
+ "supp_invoice_tax_items" =>
+ "SELECT tr.tran_date, tr.type, tr.trans_no, st.tax_type_id,
+ st.rate, st.included_in_price, st.amount, tr.supp_reference as ref
+ FROM ".$pref."supp_invoice_tax_items st
+ LEFT JOIN ".$pref."trans_tax_details tt
+ ON st.supp_trans_no=tt.trans_no
+ AND st.supp_trans_type=tt.trans_type,
+ ".$pref."supp_trans tr
+ WHERE tt.trans_type is NULL
+ AND st.supp_trans_no = tr.trans_no
+ AND st.supp_trans_type = tr.type");
+ foreach ($move_sql as $tbl => $sql) {
+ if (!check_table($pref, $tbl)){
+ $res = db_query($sql, "Cannot retrieve trans tax details from $tbl");
+ while ($row = db_fetch($res)) {
+ $net_amount = $row['rate'] == 0 ?
+ 0 : ($row['included_in_price'] ?
+ ($row['amount']/$row['rate']*(100-$row['rate']))
+ :($row['amount']/$row['rate']*100));
+ $sql2 = "INSERT INTO ".$pref."trans_tax_details
+ (trans_type,trans_no,tran_date,tax_type_id,rate,
+ included_in_price, net_amount, amount, memo)
+ VALUES ('".$row['type']."','".$row['trans_no']."','"
+ .$row['tran_date']."','".$row['tax_type_id']."','"
+ .$row['rate']."','".$row['included_in_price']."','"
+ .$net_amount
+ ."','".$row['amount']."','".$row['ref']."')";
+ db_query($sql2, "Cannot move trans tax details from $tbl");
+ }
+ db_query("DROP TABLE ".$pref.$tbl, "cannot remove $tbl");
+ }
+ }
return true;
// Checking before install
- function pre_check($pref)
+ function pre_check($pref)
+ // We cannot perform successfull upgrade on system where the
+ // trans tax details tables was deleted during previous try.
+ if (check_table($pref, 'debtor_trans_tax_details')
+ || check_table($pref, 'supp_invoice_tax_items')) {
+ display_error(_("Seems that system upgrade to version 2.1 has
+ been performed for this company already.<br> If something has gone
+ wrong and you want to retry upgrade process you MUST perform
+ database restore from last backup file first."));
+ return false;
+ }
return true; // true when ok, fail otherwise
if (check_table($pref, 'suppliers', 'credit_limit')) return false;
if (check_table($pref, 'bank_trans', 'reconciled',
array('Type'=>'date'))) return false;
+ if (check_table($pref, 'trans_tax_details')) return false;
return true;
ALTER TABLE `0_item_units` DROP COLUMN `inactive`;
ALTER TABLE `0_item_units` ADD `inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `0_trans_tax_details`;
+CREATE TABLE `0_trans_tax_details` (
+ `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
+ `trans_type` smallint(6) default NULL,
+ `trans_no` int(11) default NULL,
+ `tran_date` date NOT NULL,
+ `tax_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `rate` double NOT NULL default '0',
+ `included_in_price` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `net_amount` double NOT NULL default '0',
+ `amount` double NOT NULL default '0',
+ `memo` tinytext default NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
$ret_tax_array = $tax_items_array;
$ret_tax_array = get_tax_group_items_as_array($tax_group);
+ foreach($ret_tax_array as $k=>$t)
+ $ret_tax_array[$k]['Net'] = 0;
// loop for all items
for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++)
foreach ($item_taxes as $item_tax)
$index = $item_tax['tax_type_id'];
- if($tax_included==1) // 2008-11-26 Joe Hunt Taxes are stored without roundings
+ if($tax_included==1) {// 2008-11-26 Joe Hunt Taxes are stored without roundings
//$ret_tax_array[$index]['Value'] += round($prices[$i] * $item_tax['rate']
// / ($item_tax['rate'] + 100), user_price_dec());
$ret_tax_array[$index]['Value'] += ($prices[$i] * $item_tax['rate'] / ($item_tax['rate'] + 100));
- else
+ $ret_tax_array[$index]['Net'] += ($prices[$i] * 100 / ($item_tax['rate'] + 100));
+ } else {
//$ret_tax_array[$index]['Value'] +=
// round($prices[$i] * $item_tax['rate'] / 100, user_price_dec());
$ret_tax_array[$index]['Value'] += ($prices[$i] * $item_tax['rate'] / 100);
+ $ret_tax_array[$index]['Net'] += $prices[$i];
+ }
$index = $item_tax['tax_type_id'];
if(isset($ret_tax_array[$index])) {
- if($tax_included==1) // 2008-11-26 Joe Hunt Taxes are stored without roundings
+ if($tax_included==1) {// 2008-11-26 Joe Hunt Taxes are stored without roundings
//$ret_tax_array[$index]['Value'] += round($shipping_cost * $item_tax['rate']
// / ($item_tax['rate'] + 100), user_price_dec());
$ret_tax_array[$index]['Value'] += ($shipping_cost * $item_tax['rate'] / ($item_tax['rate'] + 100));
- else
+ $ret_tax_array[$index]['Net'] += ($shipping_cost * 100 / ($item_tax['rate'] + 100));
+ } else {
//$ret_tax_array[$index]['Value'] +=
// round($shipping_cost * $item_tax['rate'] / 100, user_price_dec());
$ret_tax_array[$index]['Value'] += ($shipping_cost * $item_tax['rate'] / 100);
+ $ret_tax_array[$index]['Net'] += $shipping_cost;
+ }