$this->formData['doctype'] = $doctype;
if (count($contacts)) {
+ if (!is_array($contacts[0]))
+ $contacts = array($contacts); // change to array when single contact passed
$this->contactData = $contacts;
// as report is currently generated once despite number of email recipients
// we select language for the first recipient as report language
display_error(_("You have no email contact defined for this type of document"));
} else {
$sent = 0;
- foreach($this->contactData as $contact) {
- $emailtype = true;
- $this->SetLang($contact['lang']);
- include("includes/doctext.inc");
- require_once($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/class.mail.inc");
- $mail = new email(str_replace(",", "", $this->company['coy_name']), $this->company['email']);
- $mail->charset = $this->encoding;
- if (!isset($contact['email']) || $contact['email'] == '')
- $contact['email'] = isset($myrow['contact_email']) ? $myrow['contact_email'] : '';
- $to = str_replace(",", "", $contact['name'].' '.$contact['name2'])." <" . $contact['email'] . ">";
- $msg = $doc_Dear_Sirs . " " . $myrow['DebtorName'] . ",\n\n" . $doc_AttachedFile . " " . $subject .
- "\n\n";
- if (isset($myrow['dimension_id']) && $myrow['dimension_id'] > 0 && $doctype == ST_SALESINVOICE) // helper for payment links
- {
- if ($myrow['dimension_id'] == 1)
+ foreach($this->contactData as $contact) {
+ if (!isset($contact['email']))
+ continue;
+ $emailtype = true;
+ $this->SetLang($contact['lang']);
+ include("includes/doctext.inc");
+ require_once($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/class.mail.inc");
+ $mail = new email(str_replace(",", "", $this->company['coy_name']),
+ $this->company['email']);
+ $mail->charset = $this->encoding;
+ $to = str_replace(",", "", $contact['name'].' '.$contact['name2'])
+ ." <" . $contact['email'] . ">";
+ $msg = $doc_Dear_Sirs . " " . $contact['name2'] . ",\n\n"
+ . $doc_AttachedFile . " " . $subject ."\n\n";
+ if (isset($myrow['dimension_id']) && $myrow['dimension_id'] > 0 && $doctype == ST_SALESINVOICE) // helper for payment links
- $amt = number_format($myrow["ov_freight"] + $myrow["ov_gst"] + $myrow["ov_amount"], user_price_dec());
- $txt = $doc_Payment_Link . " PayPal: ";
- $nn = urlencode($this->title . " " . $myrow['reference']);
- $url = "https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=" . $this->company['email'] . "&item_name=" .
- $nn . "&amount=" . $amt . "¤cy_code=" . $myrow['curr_code'];
- $msg .= $txt . $url . "\n\n";
+ if ($myrow['dimension_id'] == 1)
+ {
+ $amt = number_format($myrow["ov_freight"] + $myrow["ov_gst"] + $myrow["ov_amount"], user_price_dec());
+ $txt = $doc_Payment_Link . " PayPal: ";
+ $nn = urlencode($this->title . " " . $myrow['reference']);
+ $url = "https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=" . $this->company['email'] . "&item_name=" .
+ $nn . "&amount=" . $amt . "¤cy_code=" . $myrow['curr_code'];
+ $msg .= $txt . $url . "\n\n";
+ }
- }
- $msg .= $doc_Kindest_regards . "\n\n";
- $sender = $this->user . "\n" . $this->company['coy_name'] . "\n" . $this->company['postal_address'] . "\n" . $this->company['email'] . "\n" . $this->company['phone'];
- $mail->to($to);
- $mail->subject($subject);
- $mail->text($msg . $sender);
- $mail->attachment($fname);
- if ($mail->send()) $sent++;
+ $msg .= $doc_Kindest_regards . "\n\n";
+ $sender = $this->user . "\n" . $this->company['coy_name'] . "\n" . $this->company['postal_address'] . "\n" . $this->company['email'] . "\n" . $this->company['phone'];
+ $mail->to($to);
+ $mail->subject($subject);
+ $mail->text($msg . $sender);
+ $mail->attachment($fname);
+ if ($mail->send()) $sent++;
} // foreach contact