$pick = pick_query();
$sub = "SELECT debtor_no, debtor_ref, branch_code, branch_ref, stk_code
- , min(delivery_date)
- , sum(d.quantity) as quantity
- , sum((d.quantity)*unit_price*(1-discount_percent/100)) as amount
- , min(required_date)
- , group_concat(distinct comments separator ';') as order_comment
- , group_concat(distinct comment separator ';') as detail_comment
- , max(quantity_before) as quantity_before
- , sum(if($held_condition, greatest(least(d.quantity, qoh.quantity - quantity_before), 0), 0)) as quantity_held
- , sum(if($held_condition, 0, greatest(least(d.quantity, qoh.quantity - quantity_before), 0))) as available_quantity
- , sum(if($held_condition, 0, greatest(least(d.quantity, qoh.quantity - quantity_before), 0)*unit_price*(1-discount_percent/100))) as available_amount
- , sum(p.quantity) as quantity_to_pick
- , sum(p.quantity*unit_price) as amount_to_pick
+ , MIN(delivery_date)
+ , SUM(d.quantity) AS quantity
+ , SUM((d.quantity)*unit_price*(1-discount_percent/100)) AS amount
+ , MIN(required_date)
+ , GROUP_CONCAT(distinct comments separator ';') AS order_comment
+ , GROUP_CONCAT(distinct comment separator ';') AS detail_comment
+ , MAX(quantity_before) AS quantity_before
+ , @available := GREATEST(LEAST(d.quantity, COALESCE(qoh.quantity,0) - COALESCE(tp.quantity,0) + COALESCE(p.quantity,0) - quantity_before), 0)
+ , SUM(IF($held_condition, @available , 0)) AS quantity_held
+ , SUM(IF($held_condition, 0, @available)) AS available_quantity
+ , SUM(IF($held_condition, 0, @available*unit_price*(1-discount_percent/100))) AS available_amount
+ , SUM(p.quantity) AS quantity_to_pick
+ , SUM(p.quantity*unit_price) AS amount_to_pick
FROM ".TB_PREF."sales_order_details sod
JOIN ".TB_PREF."sales_orders so ON (so.order_no = sod.order_no
AND so.trans_type = sod.trans_type
LEFT JOIN ($pick) p ON (detail_id = sod.id)
JOIN ".TB_PREF."denorm_order_details_queue d ON (d.id = sod.id)
LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."denorm_qoh qoh ON (qoh.stock_id = stk_code AND loc_code = '$location')
+ LEFT JOIN (".totalpick_query().") tp ON (tp.stock_id = sod.stk_code)
WHERE sod.quantity > qty_sent AND ".ST_SALESORDER."
GROUP BY debtor_no, branch_code, stk_code
, d.quantity AS quantity
,IF(".OrderXtraConfig::sql_held_condition().", d.quantity, 0) held
,qoh.quantity AS qoh
+ ,tp.quantity AS total_picked
FROM ".TB_PREF."sales_order_details sod
NATURAL JOIN ".TB_PREF."sales_orders so
JOIN ".TB_PREF."denorm_order_details_queue d ON (sod.id = d.id)
JOIN ".TB_PREF."denorm_qoh qoh ON (qoh.stock_id = sod.stk_code AND loc_code = '$pick_location')
+ LEFT JOIN (".totalpick_query().") tp ON (tp.stock_id = sod.stk_code)
WHERE debtor_no = $debtor_no AND branch_code = $branch_code
$result = db_query($sql, $sql);
while($row=db_fetch($result)) {
foreach($row as $key => $value) { $$key = $value; }
- $available = max(min($quantity-$held, $qoh-$quantity_before-$held) ,0 );
+ $available = max(min($quantity-$held, $qoh-$quantity_before-$total_picked-$held) ,0 );
if($available || OrderXtraConfig::$autopick_null)
insert_pick($stock_id, $order_id, $detail_id, $debtor_no, $branch_code, $available, $quantity);