! -> Note
$ -> Affected files
+31-May-2010 Joe Hunt
+! Allowing modifying of Bank Payments/Deposits
+$ /gl/gl_bank.php
+ /gl/includes/db/gl_db_banking.inc
+ /gl/includes/db/gl_db_bank_trans.inc
+ /gl/includes/db/gl_db_trans.inc
+ /gl/inquiry/journal_inquiry.php
+ /purchasing/includes/db/supp_trans_db.inc
+ /sales/includes/db/cust_trans_db.inc
27-May-2010 Merged changes from main trunk (2.2.8, 2.2.9) as follows
------------------------------- Release 2.2.9 ----------------------------------
} else if(isset($_GET['NewDeposit'])) {
$_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Bank Account Deposit Entry");
+} else if(isset($_GET['ModifyPayment'])) {
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Modify Bank Account Entry")." #".$_GET['trans_no'];
+ create_cart(ST_BANKPAYMENT, $_GET['trans_no']);
+} else if(isset($_GET['ModifyDeposit'])) {
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Modify Bank Account Entry")." #".$_GET['trans_no'];
+ create_cart(ST_BANKDEPOSIT, $_GET['trans_no']);
page($_SESSION['page_title'], false, false, '', $js);
+if (isset($_GET['UpdatedID']))
+ $trans_no = $_GET['UpdatedID'];
+ $trans_type = ST_BANKPAYMENT;
+ display_notification_centered(_("Payment $trans_no has been modified"));
+ display_note(get_gl_view_str($trans_type, $trans_no, _("&View the GL Postings for this Payment")));
+ hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter Another &Payment"), "NewPayment=yes");
+ hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter A &Deposit"), "NewDeposit=yes");
+ display_footer_exit();
if (isset($_GET['AddedDep']))
$trans_no = $_GET['AddedDep'];
+if (isset($_GET['UpdatedDep']))
+ $trans_no = $_GET['UpdatedDep'];
+ $trans_type = ST_BANKDEPOSIT;
+ display_notification_centered(_("Deposit $trans_no has been modified"));
+ display_note(get_gl_view_str($trans_type, $trans_no, _("&View the GL Postings for this Deposit")));
+ hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter Another &Deposit"), "NewDeposit=yes");
+ hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter A &Payment"), "NewPayment=yes");
+ display_footer_exit();
if (isset($_POST['_date__changed'])) {
$_SESSION['pay_items']->tran_date = $_POST['date_'];
+function create_cart($type, $trans_no)
+ global $Refs;
+ if (isset($_SESSION['pay_items']))
+ {
+ unset ($_SESSION['pay_items']);
+ }
+ $_SESSION['pay_items'] = new items_cart($type);
+ $_SESSION['pay_items']->order_id = $trans_no;
+ if ($trans_no) {
+ $result = get_gl_trans($type, $trans_no);
+ if ($result) {
+ while ($row = db_fetch($result)) {
+ if ($row['amount'] == 0) continue;
+ if (is_bank_account($row['account'])) continue;
+ $date = $row['tran_date'];
+ $_SESSION['pay_items']->add_gl_item($row['account'], $row['dimension_id'],
+ $row['dimension2_id'], $row['amount'], $row['memo_']);
+ }
+ }
+ $_SESSION['pay_items']->memo_ = get_comments_string($type, $trans_no);
+ $_SESSION['pay_items']->tran_date = sql2date($date);
+ $_SESSION['pay_items']->reference = $Refs->get($type, $trans_no);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Check Ref Original ?????
+ $_POST['ref_original'] = $_SESSION['pay_items']->reference; // Store for comparison when updating
+ $bank_trans = db_fetch(get_bank_trans($type, $trans_no));
+ $_POST['bank_account'] = $bank_trans["bank_act"];
+ $_POST['PayType'] = $bank_trans["person_type_id"];
+ if ($bank_trans["person_type_id"] == PT_CUSTOMER) //2
+ {
+ $trans = get_customer_trans($trans_no, $type);
+ $_POST['person_id'] = $trans["debtor_no"];
+ $_POST['PersonDetailID'] = $trans["branch_code"];
+ }
+ elseif ($bank_trans["person_type_id"] == PT_SUPPLIER) //3
+ {
+ $trans = get_supp_trans($trans_no, $type);
+ $_POST['person_id'] = $trans["supplier_id"];
+ }
+ elseif ($bank_trans["person_type_id"] == PT_MISC) //0
+ $_POST['person_id'] = $bank_trans["person_id"];
+ elseif ($bank_trans["person_type_id"] == PT_QUICKENTRY) //4
+ $_POST['person_id'] = $bank_trans["person_id"];
+ else
+ $_POST['person_id'] = $bank_trans["person_id"];
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['pay_items']->reference = $Refs->get_next(0);
+ $_SESSION['pay_items']->tran_date = new_doc_date();
+ if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_SESSION['pay_items']->tran_date))
+ $_SESSION['pay_items']->tran_date = end_fiscalyear();
+ $_POST['ref_original'] = -1;
+ }
+ $_POST['memo_'] = $_SESSION['pay_items']->memo_;
+ $_POST['ref'] = $_SESSION['pay_items']->reference;
+ $_POST['date_'] = $_SESSION['pay_items']->tran_date;
+ //$_SESSION['pay_items'] = &$_SESSION['pay_items'];
if (isset($_POST['Process']))
$input_error = 1;
- elseif (!is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], $_SESSION['pay_items']->trans_type))
+ elseif ($_POST['ref'] != $_SESSION['pay_items']->reference && !is_new_reference($_POST['ref'], $_SESSION['pay_items']->trans_type))
display_error( _("The entered reference is already in use."));
if (isset($_POST['Process']))
+ begin_transaction();
+ $_SESSION['pay_items'] = &$_SESSION['pay_items'];
+ $new = $_SESSION['pay_items']->order_id == 0;
+ if (!$new)
+ {
+ clear_bank_trans($_SESSION['pay_items']->trans_type, $_SESSION['pay_items']->order_id, true);
+ $trans = reinsert_bank_transaction(
+ $_SESSION['pay_items']->trans_type, $_SESSION['pay_items']->order_id, $_POST['bank_account'],
+ $_SESSION['pay_items'], $_POST['date_'],
+ $_POST['PayType'], $_POST['person_id'], get_post('PersonDetailID'),
+ $_POST['ref'], $_POST['memo_'], false);
+ }
+ else
$trans = add_bank_transaction(
$_SESSION['pay_items']->trans_type, $_POST['bank_account'],
$_SESSION['pay_items'], $_POST['date_'],
$_POST['PayType'], $_POST['person_id'], get_post('PersonDetailID'),
- $_POST['ref'], $_POST['memo_']);
+ $_POST['ref'], $_POST['memo_'], false);
$trans_type = $trans[0];
$trans_no = $trans[1];
+ commit_transaction();
+ if ($new)
meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $trans_type==ST_BANKPAYMENT ?
"AddedID=$trans_no" : "AddedDep=$trans_no");
+ else
+ meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $trans_type==ST_BANKPAYMENT ?
+ "UpdatedID=$trans_no" : "UpdatedDep=$trans_no");
} /*end of process credit note */
+function clear_bank_trans($type, $type_no, $nested=false)
+ global $Refs;
+ if (!$nested)
+ begin_transaction();
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."bank_trans
+ WHERE type=".db_escape($type)." AND trans_no=".db_escape($type_no);
+ $result = db_query($sql, "could not clear bank transactions for type=$type and trans_no=$type_no");
+ clear_gl_trans($type, $type_no, true);
+ // in case it's a customer trans - probably better to check first
+ void_cust_allocations($type, $type_no);
+ clear_customer_trans($type, $type_no);
+ // in case it's a supplier trans - probably better to check first
+ void_supp_allocations($type, $type_no);
+ clear_supp_trans($type, $type_no);
+ clear_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no);
+ //Delete the reference
+ $Refs->delete($type, $type_no);
+ if (!$nested)
+ commit_transaction();
\ No newline at end of file
"Cannot insert a destination bank transaction");
if ($do_exchange_variance)
- if (add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $is_bank_to, $gl_item->code_id,
- $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id))
- $exchanged = true;
+ add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $is_bank_to, $gl_item->code_id,
+ $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id);
// store tax details if the gl account is a tax account
add_audit_trail(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no1, $date_);
+ add_comments($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $memo_);
+ $Refs->save($trans_type, $trans_no, $ref);
+ add_audit_trail($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_);
+ if ($use_transaction)
+ commit_transaction();
+ return array($trans_type, $trans_no);
+// Re-Insert bank payment or deposit to database using the transaction number passed.
+// $from_account - bank account id
+// $item - transaction cart (line item's amounts in bank account's currency)
+// $person_type_id - defines type of $person_id identifiers
+// $person_id - supplier/customer/other id
+// $person_detail_id - customer branch id or not used
+// returns an array of (inserted trans type, trans no)
+function reinsert_bank_transaction($trans_type, $trans_no, $from_account, $items, $date_,
+ $person_type_id, $person_id, $person_detail_id, $ref, $memo_, $use_transaction=true)
+ global $Refs, $SysPrefs;
+ // we can only handle type 1 (payment)and type 2 (deposit)
+ if ($trans_type != ST_BANKPAYMENT && $trans_type != ST_BANKDEPOSIT)
+ display_db_error("Invalid type ($trans_type) sent to add_bank_transaction");
+ $do_exchange_variance = false;
+ $exchanged = false;
+ if ($use_transaction)
+ begin_transaction();
+ $currency = get_bank_account_currency($from_account);
+ $bank_gl_account = get_bank_gl_account($from_account);
+ // the gl items are already inversed/negated for type 2 (deposit)
+ $total_amount = $items->gl_items_total();
+ if ($person_type_id == PT_CUSTOMER)
+ {
+ // we need to add a customer transaction record
+ // convert to customer currency
+ $cust_amount = exchange_from_to($total_amount, $currency, get_customer_currency($person_id), $date_);
+ // we need to negate it too
+ $cust_amount = -$cust_amount;
+ $trans_no = reinsert_customer_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $person_id, $person_detail_id, $date_,
+ $ref, $cust_amount);
+ }
+ elseif ($person_type_id == PT_SUPPLIER)
+ {
+ // we need to add a supplier transaction record
+ // convert to supp currency
+ $supp_amount = exchange_from_to($total_amount, $currency, get_supplier_currency($person_id), $date_);
+ // we need to negate it too
+ $supp_amount = -$supp_amount;
+ $trans_no = reinsert_supp_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $person_id, $date_, '',
+ $ref, "", $supp_amount, 0, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $do_exchange_variance = $SysPrefs->auto_currency_revaluation();
+ if ($do_exchange_variance)
+ $trans_no1 = get_next_trans_no(ST_JOURNAL);
+ }
+ // do the source account postings
+ add_bank_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $from_account, $ref,
+ $date_, -$total_amount,
+ $person_type_id, $person_id,
+ $currency,
+ "Cannot insert a source bank transaction");
+ $total = 0;
+ foreach ($items->gl_items as $gl_item)
+ {
+ $is_bank_to = is_bank_account($gl_item->code_id);
+ if ($trans_type == ST_BANKPAYMENT AND $is_bank_to)
+ {
+ // we don't allow payments to go to a bank account. use transfer for this !
+ display_db_error("invalid payment entered. Cannot pay to another bank account", "");
+ }
+ // do the destination account postings
+ $total += add_gl_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $gl_item->code_id,
+ $gl_item->dimension_id, $gl_item->dimension2_id, $gl_item->reference,
+ $gl_item->amount, $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id);
+ if ($is_bank_to)
+ {
+ add_bank_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $is_bank_to, $ref,
+ $date_, $gl_item->amount,
+ $person_type_id, $person_id, $currency,
+ "Cannot insert a destination bank transaction");
+ if ($do_exchange_variance)
+ {
+ add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $is_bank_to, $gl_item->code_id,
+ $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id);
+ }
+ }
+ // store tax details if the gl account is a tax account
+ $amount = $gl_item->amount;
+ $ex_rate = get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($currency, $date_);
+ add_gl_tax_details($gl_item->code_id, $trans_type, $trans_no, -$amount,
+ $ex_rate, $date_, $memo_);
+ }
+ // do the source account postings
+ add_gl_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $bank_gl_account, 0, 0, $memo_,
+ -$total, null, $person_type_id, $person_id);
+ if ($do_exchange_variance)
+ {
+ if ($exchanged || add_exchange_variation($trans_no1, $date_, $from_account, $bank_gl_account,
+ $currency, $person_type_id, $person_id))
+ {
+ $ref1 = $Refs->get_next(ST_JOURNAL);
+ $Refs->save(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no1, $ref1);
+ add_audit_trail(ST_JOURNAL, $trans_no1, $date_);
+ }
+ }
add_comments($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, $memo_);
$Refs->save($trans_type, $trans_no, $ref);
db_query($sql, "The transaction tax details could not be voided");
+function clear_trans_tax_details($type, $type_no)
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."trans_tax_details
+ WHERE trans_no=".db_escape($type_no)
+ ." AND trans_type=".db_escape($type);
+ db_query($sql, "The transaction tax details could not be cleared");
function get_tax_summary($from, $to)
$fromdate = date2sql($from);
+function clear_gl_trans($type, $trans_id, $nested=false)
+ if (!$nested)
+ begin_transaction();
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."gl_trans WHERE type=".db_escape($type)
+ ." AND type_no=".db_escape($trans_id);
+ db_query($sql, "could not clear gl transactions for type=$type and trans_no=$trans_id");
+ if (!$nested)
+ commit_transaction();
function void_journal_trans($type, $type_no, $use_transaction=true)
$editors = array(
- 0 => "/gl/gl_journal.php?ModifyGL=Yes&trans_no=%d&trans_type=%d",
-// 1=> Bank Payment,
-// 2=> Bank Deposit,
+ ST_JOURNAL => "/gl/gl_journal.php?ModifyGL=Yes&trans_no=%d&trans_type=%d",
+ ST_BANKPAYMENT => "/gl/gl_bank.php?ModifyPayment=Yes&trans_no=%d&trans_type=%d",
+ ST_BANKDEPOSIT => "/gl/gl_bank.php?ModifyDeposit=Yes&trans_no=%d&trans_type=%d",
// 4=> Funds Transfer,
ST_SALESINVOICE => "/sales/customer_invoice.php?ModifyInvoice=%d",
// 11=>
+function reinsert_supp_trans($type, $trans_no, $supplier_id, $date_, $due_date, $reference, $supp_reference,
+ $amount, $amount_tax, $discount, $err_msg="", $rate=0)
+ if ($trans_no == '')
+ display_db_error('Invalid call to function reinsert_supp_trans');
+ $date = date2sql($date_);
+ if ($due_date == "")
+ $due_date = "0000-00-00";
+ else
+ $due_date = date2sql($due_date);
+ $curr = get_supplier_currency($supplier_id);
+ if ($rate == 0)
+ $rate = get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($curr, $date_);
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."supp_trans (trans_no, type, supplier_id, tran_date, due_date,
+ reference, supp_reference, ov_amount, ov_gst, rate, ov_discount) ";
+ $sql .= "VALUES (".db_escape($trans_no).", ".db_escape($type)
+ .", ".db_escape($supplier_id).", '$date', '$due_date',
+ ".db_escape($reference).", ".db_escape($supp_reference).", ".db_escape($amount)
+ .", ".db_escape($amount_tax).", ".db_escape($rate).", ".db_escape($discount).")";
+ if ($err_msg == "")
+ $err_msg = "Cannot insert a supplier transaction record";
+ db_query($sql, $err_msg);
+ add_audit_trail($type, $trans_no, $date_);
+ return $trans_no;
function get_supp_trans($trans_no, $trans_type=-1)
$sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.*, (".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_amount+".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_gst+".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_discount) AS Total,
+function clear_supp_trans($type, $type_no)
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_trans
+ WHERE type=".db_escape($type)." AND trans_no=".db_escape($type_no);
+ db_query($sql, "could not clear supp transactions for type=$type and trans_no=$type_no");
function post_void_supp_trans($type, $type_no)
if ($type == ST_SUPPAYMENT)
+function reinsert_customer_trans($trans_type, $trans_no, $debtor_no, $BranchNo,
+ $date_, $reference, $Total, $discount=0, $Tax=0, $Freight=0, $FreightTax=0,
+ $sales_type=0, $order_no=0, $trans_link=0, $ship_via=0, $due_date="",
+ $AllocAmt=0, $rate=0, $dimension_id=0, $dimension2_id=0)
+ if ($trans_no == '')
+ display_db_error('Invalid call to function reinsert_customer_trans');
+ $curr = get_customer_currency($debtor_no);
+ if ($rate == 0)
+ $rate = get_exchange_rate_from_home_currency($curr, $date_);
+ $SQLDate = date2sql($date_);
+ if ($due_date == "")
+ $SQLDueDate = "0000-00-00";
+ else
+ $SQLDueDate = date2sql($due_date);
+ if ($trans_type == ST_BANKPAYMENT)
+ $Total = -$Total;
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans (
+ trans_no, type,
+ debtor_no, branch_code,
+ tran_date, due_date,
+ reference, tpe,
+ order_, ov_amount, ov_discount,
+ ov_gst, ov_freight, ov_freight_tax,
+ rate, ship_via, alloc, trans_link,
+ dimension_id, dimension2_id
+ ) VALUES ($trans_no, ".db_escape($trans_type).",
+ ".db_escape($debtor_no).", ".db_escape($BranchNo).",
+ '$SQLDate', '$SQLDueDate', ".db_escape($reference).",
+ ".db_escape($sales_type).", ".db_escape($order_no).", $Total, ".db_escape($discount).", $Tax,
+ ".db_escape($Freight).",
+ $FreightTax, $rate, ".db_escape($ship_via).", $AllocAmt, ".db_escape($trans_link).",
+ ".db_escape($dimension_id).", ".db_escape($dimension2_id).")";
+ db_query($sql, "The debtor transaction record could not be inserted");
+ add_audit_trail($trans_type, $trans_no, $date_, _("Updated."));
+ return $trans_no;
function get_customer_trans($trans_id, $trans_type)
$sql = "SELECT trans.*,"
+function clear_customer_trans($type, $type_no)
+ // Delete
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans WHERE type=".db_escape($type)." AND trans_no=".db_escape($type_no);
+ db_query($sql, "could not clear debtor transactions for type=$type and trans_no=$type_no");
function post_void_customer_trans($type, $type_no)
switch ($type) {