--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+// Access areas used in FrontAccounting.
+// Constants defined below should be used wherever access rights for current
+// user are checked. Set of allowed access areas is retrieved during login from
+// security_roles table using role granted to user as a key, and stored
+// in user profile for use during login session.
+// Sales module
+define('SA_CUSTOMER', 101);
+define('SA_SALESGROUP', 102);
+define('SA_PRICE', 103);
+define('SA_SALESMAN', 104);
+define('SA_SALESAREA', 105);
+define('SA_STATUS', 106);
+define('SA_STEMPLATE', 107);
+define('SA_SRECCURENT', 108);
+define('SA_SALESORDER', 111);
+define('SA_SALESDELIVERY', 112);
+define('SA_SALESINVOICE', 113);
+define('SA_SALESCREDITINV', 114);
+define('SA_SALESCREDIT', 115);
+define('SA_SALESPAYMNT', 116);
+define('SA_SALESALLOC', 121);
+define('SA_SALESANALYTIC', 122);
+define('SA_SALESMANREP', 123);
+define('SA_SALESVARREP', 124);
+// Purchasing module
+define('SA_SUPPLIER', 201);
+define('SA_PURCHASEORDER', 211);
+define('SA_GRN', 212);
+define('SA_SUPPLIERINVOICE', 213);
+define('SA_SUPPLIERCREDIT', 214);
+define('SA_SUPPLIERPAYMNT', 215);
+define('SA_SUPPLIERALLOC', 221);
+define('SA_SUPPLIERANALYTIC', 222);
+define('SA_SUPPLIERMANREP', 223);
+define('SA_SUPPLIERVARREP', 224);
+// Inventory module
+define('SA_ITEM', 301);
+define('SA_FORITEMCODE', 302);
+define('SA_SALESKIT', 303);
+define('SA_ITEMCATEGORY', 304);
+define('SA_ITEMTAXTYPE', 307);
+define('SA_UOM', 308);
+define('SA_REORDER', 309);
+define('SA_LOCATIONTRANSFER', 311);
+define('SA_ITEMSANALYTIC', 321);
+define('SA_ITEMSMANREP', 322);
+define('SA_ITEMSVARREP', 323);
+define('SA_SALESPRICING', 331);
+define('SA_PURCHASEPRICING', 332);
+define('SA_STANDARDCOST', 333);
+// Manufacturing module
+define('SA_BOM', 401);
+define('SA_WORKCENTRE', 402);
+define('SA_WORKORDERENTRY', 411);
+define('SA_WORKORDERMANREP', 422);
+define('SA_WORKORDERVARREP', 423);
+// Dimension module
+define('SA_DIMENSION', 501);
+define('SA_DIMENSIONMANREP', 522);
+define('SA_DIMENSIONVARREP', 523);
+// Banking and General Ledger module
+define('SA_BANKACCOUNT', 601);
+define('SA_QUICKENTRY', 602);
+define('SA_CURRENCY', 603);
+define('SA_EXCHANGERATE', 604);
+define('SA_GLACCOUNT', 605);
+define('SA_GLACCOUNTGROUP', 606);
+define('SA_GLACCOUNTCLASS', 607);
+define('SA_PAYMENT', 611);
+define('SA_DEPOSIT', 612);
+define('SA_JOURNALENTRY', 614);
+define('SA_BUDGETENTRY', 615);
+define('SA_RECONCILE', 616);
+define('SA_GLANALYTIC', 621);
+define('SA_GLMANREP', 622);
+define('SA_GLVARREP', 623);
+// Setup module
+define('SA_SETUPCOMPANY', 701);
+define('SA_SETUPUSER', 702);
+define('SA_SETUPFORM', 703);
+define('SA_SETUPTAX', 704);
+define('SA_SETUPFISCALYEAR', 705);
+define('SA_PRINTPROFILE', 706);
+define('SA_PAYMENTTERM', 707);
+define('SA_SHIPPING', 708);
+define('SA_SETUPPOS', 709);
+define('SA_SETUPPRINTER', 710);
+define('SA_VOIDTRANSACTION', 711);
+define('SA_ATTACHDOCUMENT', 713);
+define('SA_BACKUP', 714);
+define('SA_CREATECOMPANY', 715);
+define('SA_CREATELANGUAGE', 716);
+define('SA_CREATEMODULES', 717);
+define('SA_SORTWAREUPGRADE', 718);
+ This table stores security area ranges. It is used by security_role
+ table administration interface. Every extension module can add their
+ own security areas set by adding new entries here.
+$security_areas = array(
+ // database table crud operations and administrative areas
+ SA_CUSTOMER => _("Sales customer and branches"),
+ _("Sales groups"),
+ _("Sales prices"),
+ _("Sales staff"),
+ _("Sales areas"),
+ _("Credit status definitions"),
+ _("Sales templates"),
+ _("Recurrent invoices definitions"),
+ // documents, transactions entry
+ SA_SALESORDER => _("Sales order entry"),
+ _("Sales deliveries"),
+ _("Sales invoices"),
+ _("Sales credit notes against invoice"),
+ _("Sales freehand credit notes"),
+ _("Customer payments"),
+ // maintenance and analytics
+ SA_SALESALLOC => _("Customer allocations"),
+ _("Customer analytical reports and inquiries"),
+ _("Sales reports"),
+ _("Sales other reports and inquires"),
+ // database table crud operations and administrative areas
+ SA_SUPPLIER => _("Suppliers"),
+ // documents, transactions entry
+ SA_PURCHASEORDER => _("Purchase Order Entry"),
+ _("Outstanding Purchase Orders"),
+ _("Supplier Invoices"),
+ _("Supplier Credit Notes"),
+ _("Supplier Payments"),
+ // maintenance and analytics
+ SA_SUPPLIERALLOC => _("Supplier allocations"),
+ _("Supplier analytical reports and inquiries"),
+ _("Supplier reports"),
+ _("Supplier other reports and inquiries"),
+ // database table crud operations and administrative areas
+ SA_ITEM => _("Items"),
+ _("Foreign Item Codes"),
+ _("Sales Kits"),
+ _("Item Categories"),
+ _("Inventory Locations"),
+ _("Inventory Movement Types"),
+ _("Item Tax Types"),
+ _("Unit of Measures"),
+ _("Reorder Levels"),
+ // documents, transactions entry
+ SA_LOCATIONTRANSFER => _("Inventory Location Transfers"),
+ _("Inventory Adjustments"),
+ // maintenance and analytics
+ SA_ITEMSANALYTIC => _("Items analytical reports and inquiries"),
+ _("Inventory reports"),
+ _("Inventory other reports and inquiries"),
+ SA_SALESPRICING => _("Item Sales Pricing"),
+ _("Item Purchasing Pricing"),
+ _("Item Standard Costs"),
+ // database table crud operations and administrative areas
+ SA_BOM => _("Bill of Materials"),
+ _("Work Centres"),
+ // documents, transactions entry
+ SA_WORKORDERENTRY => _("Work Order Entries"),
+ _("Work Order Operations"),
+ // maintenance and analytics
+ SA_WORKORDERANALYTIC => _("Work Order analytical reports and inquiries"),
+ _("Work Order Reports"),
+ _("Work Order other reports and inquiries"),
+ // database table crud operations and administrative areas
+ SA_DIMENSION => _("Dimensions"),
+ // documents, transactions entry
+ SA_DIMENSiONOPERATION => _("Dimension Operations"),
+ // maintenance and analytics
+ SA_DIMENSIONANALYTIC => _("Dimension analytical reports and inquiries"),
+ _("Dimension Reports"),
+ _("Dimension other reports and inquiries"),
+ // database table crud operations and administrative areas
+ SA_BANKACCOUNT => _("Bank Accounts"),
+ _("Quick Entries"),
+ _("Currencies"),
+ _("Exchange Rates"),
+ _("GL Accounts"),
+ _("GL Account Groups"),
+ _("GL Account Classes"),
+ // documents, transactions entry
+ SA_PAYMENT => _("Bank Payments"),
+ _("Bank Deposits"),
+ _("Bank Account Transfers"),
+ _("Journal Entries"),
+ _("Budget Entries"),
+ _("Bank Reconcile"),
+ // maintenance and analytics
+ SA_GLANALYTIC => _("Bank and GL analytical reports and inquiries"),
+ _("Bank and GL Reports"),
+ _("Bank and GL other reports and inquiries"),
+ // database table crud operations and administrative areas
+ SA_SETUPCOMPANY => _("Company Setup"),
+ _("Users Setup"),
+ _("Forms Setup"),
+ _("Taxes"),
+ _("Fiscal Years"),
+ _("Print Profiles"),
+ _("Payment Terms"),
+ _("Shipping"),
+ _("Point of Sales"),
+ _("Printer Setup"),
+ // documents, transactions entry
+ SA_VOIDTRANSACTION => _("Voiding Transactions"),
+ _("Viev and Print Transactions"),
+ _("Attaching Documents"),
+ _("Backup and Restore"),
+ _("Install/Update Companies"),
+ _("Install/Update Languages"),
+ _("Install/Upgrade Modules"),
+ _("Software Upgrades"),
\ No newline at end of file