+include($path_to_root . "/includes/db_pager.inc");
include($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc");
include($path_to_root . "/purchasing/includes/purchasing_ui.inc");
supp_allocations_list_cell("filterType", null);
-submit_cells('Refresh Inquiry', _("Search"),'',_('Refresh Inquiry'), true);
+submit_cells('RefreshInquiry', _("Search"),'',_('Refresh Inquiry'), true);
+if (($_POST['supplier_id'] != "") && ($_POST['supplier_id'] != reserved_words::get_all()))
+ $supplier_record = get_supplier_details($_POST['supplier_id']);
+ display_supplier_summary($supplier_record);
+function systype_name($dummy, $type)
+ return systypes::name($type);
+function trans_view($trans)
+ return get_trans_view_str($trans["type"], $trans["trans_no"]);
+function due_date($row)
+ return ($row["type"]== 20) || ($row["type"]== 21)
+ ? sql2date($row["due_date"]) : '';
+function gl_view($row)
+ return get_gl_view_str($row["type"], $row["trans_no"]);
+function fmt_debit($row)
+ $value = $row["TotalAmount"];
+ return $value>=0 ? price_format($value) : '';
+function fmt_credit($row)
+ $value = -$row["TotalAmount"];
+ return $value>0 ? price_format($value) : '';
-function get_transactions()
+function prt_link($row)
- global $db;
+ return print_document_link($row['trans_no'], _("Print"), true, $row['type']);
+function check_overdue($row)
+ return $row['OverDue'] == 1
+ && (abs($row["TotalAmount"]) - $row["Allocated"] != 0);
$date_after = date2sql($_POST['TransAfterDate']);
$date_to = date2sql($_POST['TransToDate']);
// Sherifoz 22.06.03 Also get the description
- $sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type, ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.trans_no,
- ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date, ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.reference, ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.supp_reference,
- (".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_amount + ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_gst + ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_discount) AS TotalAmount, ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.alloc AS Allocated,
- ((".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type = 20 OR ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type = 21) AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.due_date < '" . date2sql(Today()) . "') AS OverDue,
- (ABS(".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_amount + ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_gst + ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.ov_discount - ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.alloc) <= 0.005) AS Settled,
- ".TB_PREF."suppliers.curr_code, ".TB_PREF."suppliers.supp_name, ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.due_date
- FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_trans, ".TB_PREF."suppliers
- WHERE ".TB_PREF."suppliers.supplier_id = ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.supplier_id
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date >= '$date_after'
- AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date <= '$date_to'";
+ $sql = "SELECT trans.type,
+ trans.trans_no,
+ trans.reference,
+ supplier.supp_name,
+ trans.supp_reference,
+ trans.tran_date,
+ trans.due_date,
+ supplier.curr_code,
+ (trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_discount) AS TotalAmount,
+ trans.alloc AS Allocated,
+ ((trans.type = 20 OR trans.type = 21) AND trans.due_date < '" . date2sql(Today()) . "') AS OverDue,
+ (ABS(trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_discount - trans.alloc) <= 0.005) AS Settled
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."supp_trans as trans, ".TB_PREF."suppliers as supplier
+ WHERE supplier.supplier_id = trans.supplier_id
+ AND trans.tran_date >= '$date_after'
+ AND trans.tran_date <= '$date_to'";
if ($_POST['supplier_id'] != reserved_words::get_all())
- $sql .= " AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.supplier_id = '" . $_POST['supplier_id'] . "'";
+ $sql .= " AND trans.supplier_id = '" . $_POST['supplier_id'] . "'";
if (isset($_POST['filterType']) && $_POST['filterType'] != reserved_words::get_all())
if (($_POST['filterType'] == '1'))
- $sql .= " AND (".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type = 20 OR ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type = 2)";
+ $sql .= " AND (trans.type = 20 OR trans.type = 2)";
elseif (($_POST['filterType'] == '2'))
- $sql .= " AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type = 20 ";
+ $sql .= " AND trans.type = 20 ";
elseif ($_POST['filterType'] == '3')
- $sql .= " AND (".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type = 22 OR ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type = 1) ";
+ $sql .= " AND (trans.type = 22 OR trans.type = 1) ";
elseif (($_POST['filterType'] == '4') || ($_POST['filterType'] == '5'))
- $sql .= " AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.type = 21 ";
+ $sql .= " AND trans.type = 21 ";
if (($_POST['filterType'] == '2') || ($_POST['filterType'] == '5'))
$today = date2sql(Today());
- $sql .= " AND ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.due_date < '$today' ";
+ $sql .= " AND trans.due_date < '$today' ";
- $sql .= " ORDER BY ".TB_PREF."supp_trans.tran_date";
- return db_query($sql,"No supplier transactions were returned");
-if (($_POST['supplier_id'] != "") && ($_POST['supplier_id'] != reserved_words::get_all()))
+$cols = array(
+ _("Type") => array('type'=>'spec', 'fun'=>'systype_name', 'ord'=>''),
+ _("#") => array('type'=>'spec', 'fun'=>'trans_view', 'ord'=>''),
+ _("Reference"),
+ _("Supplier") => 'text',
+ _("Supplier's Reference"),
+ _("Date") => array('type'=>'date', 'ord'=>'desc'),
+ _("Due Date") => array('type'=>'spec', 'fun'=>'due_date'),
+ _("Currency") => 'text',
+ _("Debit") => array('type'=>'spec', 'fun'=>'fmt_debit'),
+ _("Credit") => array('type'=>'insert', 'fun'=>'fmt_credit'),
+ array('type'=>'insert', 'fun'=>'gl_view'),
+ );
+if ($_POST['supplier_id'] != reserved_words::get_all())
- $supplier_record = get_supplier_details($_POST['supplier_id']);
- display_supplier_summary($supplier_record);
+ $cols[_("Supplier")] = 'skip';
+ $cols[_("Currency")] = 'skip';
-$result = get_transactions();
-if(get_post('Refresh Inquiry'))
+/*show a table of the transactions returned by the sql */
+$table =& new_db_pager('trans_tbl', $sql, $cols);
+$table->set_marker('check_overdue', _("Marked items are overdue."));
+ $table->set_sql($sql);
+ $table->set_columns($cols);
-/*show a table of the transactions returned by the sql */
-if (db_num_rows($result) == 0)
- display_note(_("There are no transactions to display for the given dates."), 1, 1);
-} else
- start_table("$table_style width=80%");
- if ($_POST['supplier_id'] == reserved_words::get_all())
- $th = array(_("Type"), _("#"), _("Reference"), _("Supplier"),
- _("Supplier's Reference"), _("Date"), _("Due Date"), _("Currency"),
- _("Debit"), _("Credit"), "");
- else
- $th = array(_("Type"), _("#"), _("Reference"),
- _("Supplier's Reference"), _("Date"), _("Due Date"),
- _("Debit"), _("Credit"), "");
- table_header($th);
- $j = 1;
- $k = 0; //row colour counter
- $over_due = false;
- while ($myrow = db_fetch($result))
- {
- if ($myrow['OverDue'] == 1 && $myrow['Settled'] == 0)
- {
- start_row("class='overduebg'");
- $over_due = true;
- }
- else
- {
- alt_table_row_color($k);
- }
- $date = sql2date($myrow["tran_date"]);
- $duedate = ((($myrow["type"]== 20) || ($myrow["type"]== 21))?sql2date($myrow["due_date"]):"");
- label_cell(systypes::name($myrow["type"]));
- label_cell(get_trans_view_str($myrow["type"],$myrow["trans_no"]));
- label_cell(get_trans_view_str($myrow["type"],$myrow["trans_no"], $myrow["reference"]));
- if ($_POST['supplier_id'] == reserved_words::get_all())
- label_cell($myrow["supp_name"]);
- label_cell($myrow["supp_reference"]);
- label_cell($date);
- label_cell($duedate);
- if ($_POST['supplier_id'] == reserved_words::get_all())
- label_cell($myrow["curr_code"]);
- if ($myrow["TotalAmount"] >= 0)
- label_cell("");
- amount_cell(abs($myrow["TotalAmount"]));
- if ($myrow["TotalAmount"] < 0)
- label_cell("");
- label_cell(get_gl_view_str($myrow["type"], $myrow["trans_no"]));
- end_row();
- $j++;
- If ($j == 12)
- {
- $j=1;
- table_header($th);
- }
- //end of page full new headings if
- }
- //end of while loop
- end_table(1);
- if ($over_due)
- display_note(_("Marked items are overdue."), 0, 1, "class='overduefg'");