--- /dev/null
+# Frontaccounting ERP Installer
+# Copyright (C) 2010 FrontAccounting LLC
+# This file is distributed under the same license as the FrontAccounting package.
+# Janusz Dobrowolski <janusz@frontaccounting.eu>
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: \n"
+"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-08-08 12:50+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
+"Last-Translator: Janusz Dobrowolski <janusz@iron.from.pl>\n"
+"Language-Team: \n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:20
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:40
+msgid "FrontAccouting ERP Installation Wizard"
+msgstr "Instalator FrontAccounting ERP"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:41
+#, php-format
+msgid "Step %d: %s"
+msgstr "Krok %d: %s"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:48
+msgid "Chart of accounts"
+msgstr "Plan kont"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:48
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:75
+msgid "Encoding"
+msgstr "Kodowanie"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:48
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:75
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Opis"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:48
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:75
+msgid "Install"
+msgstr "Zainstaluj"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:65
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:93
+msgid "Installed"
+msgstr "Zainstalowany"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:75
+msgid "Language"
+msgstr "Jêzyk"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:156
+msgid "Cannot save system configuration file 'config.php'."
+msgstr "Nie mo¿na zapisaæ pliku konfiguracyjnego 'config.php'."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:173
+msgid "Cannot open 'config_db.php' configuration file."
+msgstr "Nie mo¿na utworzyæ pliku konfiguracji 'config_db.php'."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:176
+msgid "Cannot write to the 'config_db.php' configuration file."
+msgstr "Nie mo¿na zapisaæ pliku konfiguracji 'config_db.php'."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:179
+msgid ""
+"Configuration file 'config_db.php' is not writable. Change its permissions "
+"so it is, then re-run installation step."
+msgstr ""
+"Plik konfiguracji 'config_db.php' jest zabezpieczony przed zapisem. Zmieñ "
+"prawa dostêpu i powtórz krok instalacji."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:217
+msgid "Host name cannot be empty."
+msgstr "Adres serwera nie mo¿e byæ pusty."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:221
+msgid "Database user name cannot be empty."
+msgstr "Nazwa u¿ytkownika nie mo¿e by pusta."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:225
+msgid "Database name cannot be empty."
+msgstr "Nazwa bazy danych nie mo¿e byæ pusta."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:277
+msgid "Company name cannot be empty."
+msgstr "Nazwa firmy nie mo¿e by pusta."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:281
+msgid "Company admin name cannot be empty."
+msgstr "Nazwa administratora nie mo¿e byæ pusta."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:285
+msgid "Company admin password cannot be empty."
+msgstr "Has³o administratora nie mo¿e by puste."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:289
+msgid "Company admin passwords differ."
+msgstr "Wprowadzone has³a ró¿ni± siê."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:320
+msgid "System Diagnostics"
+msgstr "Diagnostyka Systemu"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:323
+msgid "Select install wizard language:"
+msgstr "Wybierz jêzyk u¿ywany przy instalacji:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:329
+msgid ""
+"All application preliminary requirements seems to be correct. Please press "
+"Continue button below."
+msgstr ""
+"Wszystkie wymagania systemu wydaj± siê byæ spe³nione. Kliknij klawisz "
+"poni¿ej aby rozpocz±æ instalacjê."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:330
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:356
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:363
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:370
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:389
+msgid "Continue >>"
+msgstr "Kontynuuj >>"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:332
+msgid ""
+"Application cannot be installed. Please fix problems listed below in red, "
+"and press Refresh button."
+msgstr ""
+"Aplikacja nie mo¿e byæ zainstalowana. Usuñ wskazane problemy i kliknij "
+"klawisz 'Od¶wie¿'."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:333
+msgid "Refresh"
+msgstr "Od¶wierz"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:343
+msgid "Database Server Settings"
+msgstr "Ustawienia Serwera Bazy Danych"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:345
+msgid "Server Host:"
+msgstr "Adres Serwera:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:346
+msgid "Database User:"
+msgstr "Nazwa U¿ytkownika:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:347
+msgid "Database Password:"
+msgstr "Has³o:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:348
+msgid "Database Name:"
+msgstr "Nazwa Bazy Danych:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:349
+msgid "Use '0_' Table Prefix:"
+msgstr "Prefiks '0_' dla Nazw Tablic:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:349
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:38
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:113
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:126
+msgid "Yes"
+msgstr "Tak"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:349
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:38
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:113
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:126
+msgid "No"
+msgstr "Nie"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:350
+msgid "Install Additional Language Packs from FA Repository:"
+msgstr "Instalacja Dodatkowych Jêzyków z Repozytorium FA:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:351
+msgid "Install Additional COAs from FA Repository:"
+msgstr "Instalacja Dodatkowych Planów Kont z Repozytorium FA:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:353
+msgid ""
+"Use table prefix if you share selected database for more than one FA company."
+msgstr "U¿yj prefiksu je¶li ta sama baza danych bêdzie u¿ywana dla kilku firm."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:354
+msgid ""
+"Do not select additional langs nor COAs if you have no working internet "
+"connection right now. You can install them later."
+msgstr ""
+"Nie zaznaczaj wyboru dodatkowych jêzyków ani planów kont je¶li w tej chwili "
+"nie masz dostêpu do internetu. Bêdziesz je móg³ zainstalowaæ równie¿ pó¼niej."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:355
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:362
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:369
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:388
+msgid "<< Back"
+msgstr "<< Wróæ"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:360
+msgid "User Interface Languages Selection"
+msgstr "Wybór Jêzyków Interfejsu U¿ytkownika"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:367
+msgid "Charts of Accounts Selection"
+msgstr "Wybór Planów Kont"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:379
+msgid "Company Settings"
+msgstr "Ustawienia Firmy"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:381
+msgid "Company Name:"
+msgstr "Nazwa Firmy:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:382
+msgid "Admin Login:"
+msgstr "Login Administratora:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:383
+msgid "Admin Password:"
+msgstr "Has³o Administratora:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:384
+msgid "Reenter Password:"
+msgstr "Powtórz Has³o:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:385
+msgid "Select Chart of Accounts:"
+msgstr "Wybierz Planów Kont:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:386
+msgid "Select Default Language:"
+msgstr "Wybierz Jêzyk Domy¶lny:"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:393
+msgid "FrontAccounting ERP has been installed successsfully."
+msgstr "Aplikacja FrontAccounting ERP zosta³a zainstalowana pomy¶lnie."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:394
+msgid "Please do not forget to remove install wizard folder."
+msgstr "Nie zapomnij usun±æ folderu instalatora."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../install/index.php:396
+msgid "Click here to start."
+msgstr "Kliknij tutaj, aby rozpocz±æ pracê."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:15
+msgid "Info"
+msgstr "Informacja"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:16
+msgid "Optional"
+msgstr "Opcjonalne"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:17
+msgid "Recomended"
+msgstr "Zalecane"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:18
+msgid "Required "
+msgstr "Wymagane"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:24
+msgid "MySQL version"
+msgstr "Wersja MySQL"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:28
+msgid "Upgrade MySQL server to version at least 4.1"
+msgstr "U¿yj wersji serwera MySQL minimum 4.1"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:35
+msgid "PHP MySQL extension"
+msgstr "Rozszerzenie PHP MySQL"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:40
+msgid "Your PHP has to have MySQL extension enabled."
+msgstr "PHP musi mieæ w³±czone rozszerzenie MySQL."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:46
+msgid "PHP version"
+msgstr "Wersja PHP"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:50
+msgid "Upgrade PHP to version at least 4.3.3"
+msgstr "Zainstaluj PHP w wersji co najmniej 4.3.3"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:57
+msgid "Server system"
+msgstr "System serwera"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:67
+msgid "Session save path"
+msgstr "Katalog zapisu pliku sesji"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:79
+msgid "Removed install wizard folder"
+msgstr "Folder instalatora usuniêty"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:82
+msgid "Not removed"
+msgstr "Nie usuniêty"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:83
+msgid "Remove or rename install wizard folder for security reasons."
+msgstr "Ze wzglêdów bezpieczeñstwa usuñ lub zmieñ nazwê folderu instalatora."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:90
+msgid "Browser type"
+msgstr "Typ przegl±darki"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:94
+msgid "Any browser is supported"
+msgstr "Mo¿e byæ u¿yty dowolny typ przegl±darki"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:101
+msgid "Http server type"
+msgstr "Serwer http"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:105
+msgid "Any server is supported"
+msgstr "Dowolny"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:112
+msgid "Native gettext"
+msgstr "Biblioteka Gettext "
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:116
+msgid "In case of no getext support, php emulation is used"
+msgstr "W przypadku braku wsparcia systemu, gettext jest emulowany."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:124
+msgid "Debugging mode"
+msgstr "Tryb debug"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:128
+msgid "To switch debugging on set $go_debug>0 in config.php file"
+msgstr "Aby w³±czyæ tryb debug ustaw $go_debug>0 in config.php file"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:137
+msgid "Error logging"
+msgstr "Logowanie b³êdów"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:145
+msgid "Disabled"
+msgstr "Wy³±czony"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:148
+msgid "To switch error logging set $error_logging in config.php file"
+msgstr ""
+"Aby w³±czyæ logowanie b³êdów ustaw zmienn± $error_logging w pliku config.php"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:151
+msgid "Log file is not writeable"
+msgstr "Logfile jest niezapisywalny"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:161
+msgid "Current database version"
+msgstr "Aktualna wersja bazy danych"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:165
+msgid "Database structure seems to be not upgraded to current version"
+msgstr "Struktura bazy danych nie jest zaktualizowana do bie¿±cej wersji"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:180
+msgid "Company subdirectories consistency"
+msgstr "Prawid³owa struktura folderów firmowych"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:193
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:200
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:208
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:225
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:345
+#, php-format
+msgid "'%s' is not writeable"
+msgstr "'%s' jest niezapisywalny"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:221
+msgid "Temporary directory"
+msgstr "Katalog plików tymczasowych"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:233
+msgid "Language configuration consistency"
+msgstr "Konfiguracja jêzykowa"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:242
+msgid "Languages folder should be writeable."
+msgstr "Folder jêzyków musi byæ zapisywalny"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:250
+msgid "Languages configuration file should be writeable."
+msgstr "Pliki konfiguracyjny jêzyków musi byæ zapisywalny."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:268
+#, php-format
+msgid "Missing %s translation file."
+msgstr "Brak pliku t³umaczeñ %s"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:273
+#, php-format
+msgid "Missing system locale: %s"
+msgstr "Lokalizacja '%s' nie jest zainstalowana w systemie"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:286
+msgid "Main config file"
+msgstr "G³ówny plik konfiguracyjny "
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:293
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:315
+#, php-format
+msgid "Can't write '%s' file. Check FA directory write permissions."
+msgstr "Nie mo¿na zapisaæ pliku '%s'. Sprawd¼ prawa zapisu do foderu FA."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:294
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:316
+#, php-format
+msgid "'%s' file exists."
+msgstr "Plik '%s' istnieje."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:298
+#, php-format
+msgid "'%s' file should be read-only"
+msgstr "Plik '%s powinien byæ zabezpieczony przed zapisem"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:307
+msgid "Database auth file"
+msgstr "Pik configuracyjny bazy danych"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:320
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"'%s' file should be read-only if you do not plan to add or change companies"
+msgstr ""
+"Plik '%s' powinien byæ zabezpieczony przed zapisem je¶li nie planujesz "
+"dodawania ani zmiany firm"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:331
+msgid "Extensions system"
+msgstr "System rozszerzeñ"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:366
+msgid "Extensions configuration files and directories should be writeable"
+msgstr "Pliki konfiguracyjne i foldery rozszerzeñ powinny byæ zapisywalne"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:378
+#, php-format
+msgid "Non-standard theme directory '%s' is not writable"
+msgstr "Niestandardowy folder tematu '%s' jest zazpieczony przed zapisem"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:388
+msgid ""
+"OpenSSL PHP extension have to be enabled to use extension repository system."
+msgstr "System pakietów wymaga zaisnatlowanego rozszerzenia PHP OpenSSL."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:391
+msgid ""
+"OpenSSL have to be available on your server to use extension repository "
+msgstr ""
+"Serwer musi mieæ zainstalowane OpenSSL ¿eby mo¿na by³o korzystaæ z "
+"repozytorium pakietów rozszerzeñ FA."
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:414
+msgid "Test"
+msgstr "Test"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:414
+msgid "Test type"
+msgstr "Typ testu"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:414
+msgid "Value"
+msgstr "Warto¶æ"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:414
+msgid "Comments"
+msgstr "Komentarz"
+#: /var/www/fa2.3/devel/../includes/system_tests.inc:438
+msgid "Ok"
+msgstr "Ok"