! -> Note
$ -> Affected files
+30-Apr-2009 Janusz Dobrowolski
+! Merged changes from main trunk 2.1.1-2.1.2 (see below)
30-Apr-2009 Janusz Dobrowolski
# Small layout fixes
$ /includes/errors.inc
+------------------------------- Release 2.1.2 ----------------------------------
+30-Apr-2009 Joe Hunt
+! Release 2.1.2
+$ config.php
+22-Apr-2009 Joe Hunt
+! Changed the text 'Supplier Account No' to 'Our Customer No' in Supplier form
+$ /purchasing/manage/suppliers.php
+20-Apr-2009 Janusz Dobrowolski
+# Rewritten backup manager, fixed progressbar bug.
+$ /admin/backups.php
+# Fixed bug in zipped sql file restore.
+$ /admin/db/maintenance_db.inc
+! JsHttpRequest class updated to latest version.
+$ /includes/JsHttpRequest.php
+ /js/JsHttpRequest.js
+! Added optional parameter in vertical_space()
+$ /includes/ui/ui_controls.inc
++ Helper for javascript confirm dialogs added.
+$ /includes/ui/ui_input.inc
+! Client side confirm dialog added for destructive submits.
+$ /purchasing/supplier_invoice.php
+ /purchasing/includes/ui/invoice_ui.inc
+ /sales/sales_order_entry.php
++ Added retry after timeout on unreliable ajax connections. Preparation for client-side javascript checks.
+$ /includes/current_user.inc
+ /includes/page/footer.inc
+ /includes/page/header.inc
+ /includes/ui/ui_view.inc
+ /access/login.php
+ /js/inserts.js
+ /js/utils.js
+ /themes/aqua/images/progressbar.gif
+ /themes/cool/images/progressbar.gif
+ /themes/default/images/progressbar.gif
+ /themes/default/images/ajax-loader2.gif (new)
+ /themes/default/images/warning.png (new)
+ /themes/aqua/images/ajax-loader2.gif (new)
+ /themes/aqua/images/warning.png (new)
+ /themes/cool/images/ajax-loader2.gif (new)
+ /themes/cool/images/warning.png (new)
+# Fixed supplier uom retrieval.
+$ /purchasing/includes/db/po_db.inc
+04-Apr-2009 Janusz Dobrowolski
+# Paper format defaults to A4 for unknown specifiers.
+$ /reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc
+# Sealing sql statements.
+$ /sales/manage/customers.php
+01-Apr-2009 Janusz Dobrowolski
+# Fixed document mailing.
+$ /reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc
+# Fixed focus javascript error on lists.
+$ /includes/ui/ui_lists.inc
+# Fixed report links hotkey selection
+$ /js/inserts.js
------------------------------- Release 2.1.1 ----------------------------------
30-Mar-2009 Janusz Dobrowolski
# Fixed display of unsufficient quantities in sales docs.
-<?php echo get_js_png_fix(); ?>
+<?php echo '<script>'.get_js_png_fix().'</script>'; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
function defaultCompany()
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/maintenance_db.inc");
-$valid_paths = valid_paths();
-//$valid_paths = '';
-if ($valid_paths != "")
- page(_("Backup and Restore Database - Error"));
- display_error (_("Backup paths have not been set correctly.") ." " . _("Please contact System Administrator.") . "<br>" .$valid_paths);
- end_page();
- exit;
-$db_name = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->company;
-page(_("Backup and Restore Database"), false, false, '', '', true);
-$cmb = get_backup_file_combo();
-$compr = get_compr_combo();
-echo "
- <script language='javascript'>
- function createBackup() {
- progbar();
- ext = document.forms[0].cmb_comp.options[document.forms[0].cmb_comp.selectedIndex].value
- comm = document.forms[0].comments.value
- document.location.replace('backups.php?c=g&comp='+ext+'&comm='+comm)
- }
- function restoreBackup() {
- progbar();
- pFilename = document.forms[0].cmb_backups.options[document.forms[0].cmb_backups.selectedIndex].value
- document.location.replace('backups.php?c=r&fn='+pFilename)
- }
- function viewBackup() {
- pFilename = document.forms[0].cmb_backups.options[document.forms[0].cmb_backups.selectedIndex].value
- var ext = pFilename.substr(pFilename.lastIndexOf('.') + 1)
- if (ext != 'sql') {
- alert('" . _('This extension can not be be viewed: ') . "' + ext)
- return
- }
- window.open('" . BACKUP_PATH . "'+pFilename, '', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes')
- }
- function deleteBackup() {
- pFilename = document.forms[0].cmb_backups.options[document.forms[0].cmb_backups.selectedIndex].value
- if (!confirm('" . _("Are you sure you want to delete the backup file - ") . "'+pFilename+'?'))
- return
- document.location.replace('backups.php?c=df&fn='+pFilename)
- }
- function downloadBackup() {
- pFilename = document.forms[0].cmb_backups.options[document.forms[0].cmb_backups.selectedIndex].value
- document.location.replace('backups.php?c=ds&fn='+pFilename)
- Behaviour.apply();
- }
- function uploadBackup() {
- if (document.forms[0].uploadfile.value=='') {
- alert('" . _("Please select a file to upload.") . "')
- return
- }
- progbar();
- document.forms[0].action='backups.php?c=u&fn=' + document.forms[0].uploadfile.value
- document.forms[0].submit()
- }
- </script>
- <center>
- <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0>
- <tr>
- <td style='padding-right:30px'>" . _("Backup scripts") . "</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style='padding-right:30px'>$cmb</td>
- <script language='javascript'>
- if (document.forms[0].cmb_backups.options.length!=0) document.forms[0].cmb_backups.selectedIndex=0
- </script>
- <td>
- <table height=160 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>
- <tr><td><input onclick='javascript:createBackup()' type='button' style='width:150px' value='". _("Create Backup") . "'></td><td style='padding-left:20px'>" . _("Compression") . " $compr</td></tr>
- <tr><td><input onclick='javascript:restoreBackup()' type='button' style='width:150px' value='". _("Restore Backup") . "'></td><td> </td></tr>
- <tr><td><input onclick='javascript:viewBackup()' type='button' style='width:150px' value='". _("View Backup") . "'></td><td> </td></tr>
- <tr><td><input onclick='javascript:deleteBackup()' type='button' style='width:150px' value='". _("Delete Backup") . "'></td><td> </td></tr>
- <tr><td><input onclick='javascript:downloadBackup()' type='button' style='width:150px' value='". _("Download Backup") . "'></td><td> </td></tr>
- <tr><td><input onclick='javascript:uploadBackup()' type='button' style='width:150px' value='". _("Upload Backup"). "'></td>
- <td style='padding-left:20px'><input name='uploadfile' type='file'></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style='padding-right:30px'>" . _("Comments") . " (" . _("Create Backup") . ")</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td style='padding-right:30px'><textarea rows=4 cols=30 name='comments'></textarea></td>
- </tr>
- </table></center>";
+page(_("Backup and Restore Database"), false, false, '', '');
-function handle_form($conn)
+function check_paths()
- switch($_GET['c'])
- {
- case 'g': //Generate Only
- $filename = generate_backup($conn, $_GET['comp'], $_GET['comm']);
- header("Location: backups.php?c=gs&fn=" . urlencode($filename));
- break;
- case 'gd': //Generate and download
- $filename = generate_backup($conn);
- header("Location: backups.php?c=ds&fn=" . urlencode($filename));
- break;
- case 'd': //Download the file
- download_file(BACKUP_PATH . $_GET['fn']);
- exit;
- case 'df': //Delete the file
- $filename = $_GET['fn'];
- @unlink(BACKUP_PATH . $filename);
- header("Location: backups.php?c=dff&fn=" . urlencode($filename));
- break;
- case 'dff':
- $msg = _("File successfully deleted.")." ";
- $msg .= _("Filename") . " = " . $_GET['fn'];
- display_notification($msg);
- break;
- case 'ds': //Write JS script to open download window
- $filename = urlencode($_GET['fn']);
- display_notification(_("Backup is being downloaded..."));
- add_js_source("<script language='javascript'>
- function download_file() {location.href ='backups.php?c=d&fn=$filename'};
- Behaviour.addLoadEvent(download_file);
- </script>");
- break;
- case 'gs': //Print backup success message
- $msg = _("Backup successfully generated."). ' ';
- $msg .= _("Filename") . " = " . $_GET['fn'];
- display_notification($msg);
- break;
- case 'r': //Restore backup
- $filename=$_GET['fn'];
- if( restore_backup(BACKUP_PATH . $filename, $conn) )
- header("Location: backups.php?c=rs&fn=" . urlencode($filename));
- break;
- case 'rs': //Print restore success message
- display_notification(_("Restore backup completed."));
- break;
- case 'u':
- $filename = $_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'];
- if (is_uploaded_file ($filename))
- {
- if( restore_backup($filename, $conn) )
- display_notification(_("Uploaded file has been restored."));
- else
- display_error(_("Database restore failed."));
- }
- else
- {
- display_error(_("Backup was not uploaded into the system."));
- }
- }
+ if (!file_exists(BACKUP_PATH)) {
+ display_error (_("Backup paths have not been set correctly.")
+ ._("Please contact System Administrator.")."<br>"
+ . _("cannot find backup directory") . " - " . BACKUP_PATH . "<br>");
+ end_page();
+ exit;
+ }
function generate_backup($conn, $ext='no', $comm='')
$filename = $conn['dbname'] . "_" . date("Ymd_Hi") . ".sql";
$filename = db_export($conn, $filename, $ext, $comm);
+ if ($filename)
+ display_notification(_("Backup successfully generated."). ' '
+ . _("Filename") . ": " . $filename);
+ else
+ display_error(_("Database backup failed."));
return $filename;
-function restore_backup($filename, $conn)
- return db_import($filename, $conn);
function get_backup_file_combo()
- global $path_to_root;
+ global $path_to_root, $Ajax;
$ar_files = array();
$dh = opendir(BACKUP_PATH);
$opt_files = "";
foreach ($ar_files as $file)
- if (strpos($file, ".sql") || strpos($file, ".sql"))
+ if (preg_match("/.sql(.zip|.gz)?$/", $file))
$opt_files .= "<option value='$file'>$file</option>";
- return "<select name='cmb_backups' size=2 style='height:160px;width:230px'>$opt_files</select>";
+ $selector = "<select name='cmb_backups' size=2 style='height:160px;width:230px'>$opt_files</select>";
+ $Ajax->addUpdate('cmd_backups', "_cmd_backups_sel", $selector);
+ $selector = "<span id='_cmd_backups_sel'>".$selector."</span>\n";
+ return $selector;
-function get_compr_combo()
+function compress_list_row($label, $name, $value=null)
- $ar_comps = array();
+ $ar_comps = array('no'=>_("No"));
- $ar_comps[] = _("No");
if (function_exists("gzcompress"))
- $ar_comps[] = "zip";
+ $ar_comps['zip'] = "zip";
if (function_exists("gzopen"))
- $ar_comps[] = "gzip";
- $opt_comps = "";
- foreach ($ar_comps as $file)
- $opt_comps .= "<option value='$file'>$file</option>";
+ $ar_comps['gzip'] = "gzip";
- return "<select name='cmb_comp'>$opt_comps</select>";
+ echo "<tr><td>$label</td><td>";
+ array_selector('comp', $value, $ar_comps);
+ echo "</td></tr>";
function download_file($filename)
$saveasname = basename($filename);
header('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
- header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filename));
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$saveasname.'"');
+ header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filename));
+ header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$saveasname.'"');
return true;
-function valid_paths()
- global $path_to_root;
+$db_name = $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->company;
+$conn = $db_connections[$db_name];
+if (get_post('creat')) {
+ generate_backup($conn, get_post('comp'), get_post('comments'));
+ $Ajax->activate('cmd_backups');
+if (get_post('restore')) {
+ if (db_import(BACKUP_PATH . get_post('cmb_backups'), $conn))
+ display_notification(_("Restore backup completed."));
+if (get_post('view')) {
+ $filename = BACKUP_PATH . get_post('cmb_backups');
+ if (in_ajax())
+ $Ajax->popup( $filename );
+ else {
+ header('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
+ header('Content-Length: '.filesize($filename));
+ header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=$filename");
+ readfile($filename);
+ exit();
+ }
+if (get_post('download')) {
+ download_file(BACKUP_PATH . get_post('cmb_backups'));
+ exit;
+if (get_post('delete')) {
+ if (unlink(BACKUP_PATH . get_post('cmb_backups'))) {
+ display_notification(_("File successfully deleted.")." "
+ . _("Filename") . ": " . get_post('cmb_backups'));
+ $Ajax->activate('cmd_backups');
+ }
+ else
+ display_error(_("Can't delete backup file."));
- $st = "";
- if (!file_exists(BACKUP_PATH))
- $st .= " - " . _("cannot find backup directory") . " - " . BACKUP_PATH . "<br>";
- return $st;
+if (get_post('upload'))
+ $tmpname = $_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'];
+ $fname = $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'];
+ if (!preg_match("/.sql(.zip|.gz)?$/", $fname))
+ display_error(_("You can only upload *.sql backup files"));
+ elseif (is_uploaded_file($tmpname)) {
+ rename($tmpname, BACKUP_PATH . $fname);
+ display_notification( "File uploaded to backup directory");
+ $Ajax->activate('cmd_backups');
+ } else
+ display_error(_("File was not uploaded into the system."));
+start_form(true, true);
+table_section_title(_("Create backup"));
+ textarea_row(_("Comments:"), 'comments', null, 30, 8);
+ compress_list_row(_("Compression:"),'comp');
+ vertical_space("height='20px'");
+ submit_row('creat',_("Create Backup"), false, "colspan=2 align='center'", '', 'process');
+table_section_title(_("Backup scripts maintenance"));
+ start_row();
+ echo "<td style='padding-left:20px'align='left'>".get_backup_file_combo()."</td>";
+ echo "<td valign='top'>";
+ start_table();
+ submit_row('view',_("View Backup"), false, '', '', true);
+ submit_row('download',_("Download Backup"), false, '', '', false);
+ submit_row('restore',_("Restore Backup"), false, '','', 'process');
+ $js = "if(confirm(\""
+ .sprintf(_('You are about to remove %s backup file.<br> Do you want to continue ?'),
+ get_post('cmb_backups'))
+ ."\")) { JsHttpRequest.request(\"delete\"); }";
+ submit_row('delete', _("Delete Backup"), false, '','', 'dialog');
+ end_table();
+ echo "</td>";
+ end_row();
+echo "<td style='padding-left:20px' align='left'><input name='uploadfile' type='file'></td>";
+ submit_cells('upload',_("Upload file"),'', '', true);
\ No newline at end of file
db_query("SET foreign_key_checks=0");
// uncrompress gziped backup files
- if (strpos($filename, ".gzip") || strpos($filename, ".GZIP"))
+ if (strpos($filename, ".gz") || strpos($filename, ".GZ"))
$lines = db_ungzip("lines", $filename);
elseif (strpos($filename, ".zip") || strpos($filename, ".ZIP"))
$lines = db_unzip("lines", $filename);
$filename = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 4);
// compare filname in zip and filename from $_GET
- if (substr($all, 30, strlen($filename)) != $filename)
- {
- return '';
- // exit if names differ
- //echo F_WRONG_FILE.".";
- //exit;
+ if (substr($all, 30, strlen($filename)-4) . substr($all, 30+strlen($filename)+9, 4)
+ != $filename) {
+ return ''; // exit if names differ
// get the suffix of the filename in hex
- $crc_bugfix = substr(substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 4), strlen($filename) - 12 - 4);
+ $crc_bugfix = substr($all, 30, strlen($filename)+13);
+ $crc_bugfix = substr(substr($crc_bugfix, 0, strlen($crc_bugfix) - 4),
+ strlen($crc_bugfix) - 12 - 4);
$suffix = false;
// convert hex to ascii
for ($i=0; $i < 12; )
$suffix .= chr($crc_bugfix[$i++] . $crc_bugfix[$i++] . $crc_bugfix[$i++]);
// remove central directory information (we have always just one ziped file)
- $comp = substr($all, -(strlen($all) - 30 - strlen($filename)));
- $comp = substr($comp, 0, (strlen($comp) - 80 - strlen($filename)));
+ $comp = substr($all, -(strlen($all) - 30 - strlen($filename)-13));
+ $comp = substr($comp, 0, (strlen($comp) - 80 - strlen($filename)-13));
// fix the crc bugfix (see function save_to_file)
$comp = "x\9c" . $comp . $suffix;
$crc = crc32($fileData);
$zdata = gzcompress($fileData);
- // string needed for decoding (because of crc bug)
- //$name_suffix = substr($zdata, -4, 4);
- //$name_suffix2 = "_";
- //for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++)
- // $name_suffix2 .= sprintf("%03d", ord($name_suffix[$i]));
- //$backupfile = substr($backupfile, 0, strlen($backupfile) - 8) . $name_suffix2 . ".sql.zip";
- $name = substr($backupfile, 0, strlen($backupfile) -4);
+ // extend stored file name with suffix
+ // needed for decoding (because of crc bug)
+ $name_suffix = substr($zdata, -4, 4);
+ $name_suffix2 = "_";
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++)
+ $name_suffix2 .= sprintf("%03d", ord($name_suffix[$i]));
+ $name = substr($backupfile, 0, strlen($backupfile) - 8) . $name_suffix2 . ".sql";
// fix crc bug
$zdata = substr(substr($zdata, 0, strlen($zdata) - 4), 2);
* This backend library also supports POST requests additionally to GET.
* @author Dmitry Koterov
- * @version 5.x $Id$
+ * @version 5.x
class JsHttpRequest
ini_set('display_errors', $this->_magic); //
ini_set('error_prepend_string', $this->_uniqHash . ini_get('error_prepend_string'));
ini_set('error_append_string', ini_get('error_append_string') . $this->_uniqHash);
+ if (function_exists('xdebug_disable')) xdebug_disable(); // else Fatal errors are not catched
// Start OB handling early.
ob_start(array(&$this, "_obHandler"));
// Check for error & fetch a resulting data.
- if (preg_match("/{$this->_uniqHash}(.*?){$this->_uniqHash}/sx", $text, $m)) {
- if (!ini_get('display_errors') || (!$this->_prevDisplayErrors && ini_get('display_errors') == $this->_magic)) {
- // Display_errors:
- // 1. disabled manually after the library initialization, or
- // 2. was initially disabled and is not changed
- $text = str_replace($m[0], '', $text); // strip whole error message
- } else {
- $text = str_replace($this->_uniqHash, '', $text);
+ $wasFatalError = false;
+ if (preg_match_all("/{$this->_uniqHash}(.*?){$this->_uniqHash}/sx", $text, $m)) {
+ // Display_errors:
+ // 1. disabled manually after the library initialization, or
+ // 2. was initially disabled and is not changed
+ $needRemoveErrorMessages = !ini_get('display_errors') || (!$this->_prevDisplayErrors && ini_get('display_errors') == $this->_magic);
+ foreach ($m[0] as $error) {
+ if (preg_match('/\bFatal error(<.*?>)?:/i', $error)) {
+ $wasFatalError = true;
+ }
+ if ($needRemoveErrorMessages) {
+ $text = str_replace($error, '', $text); // strip the whole error message
+ } else {
+ $text = str_replace($this->_uniqHash, '', $text);
+ }
- if ($m && preg_match('/\bFatal error(<.*?>)?:/i', $m[1])) {
- // On fatal errors - force null result (generate 500 error).
+ if ($wasFatalError) {
+ // On fatal errors - force "null" result. This is needed, because $_RESULT
+ // may not be fully completed at the moment of the error.
$this->RESULT = null;
} else {
- // Make a resulting hash.
+ // Read the result from globals if not set directly.
if (!isset($this->RESULT)) {
global $_RESULT;
$this->RESULT = $_RESULT;
+ // Avoid manual NULLs in the result (very important!).
+ if ($this->RESULT === null) {
+ $this->RESULT = false;
+ }
+ // Note that 500 error is generated when a PHP error occurred.
+ $status = $this->RESULT === null? 500 : 200;
$result = array(
'id' => $this->ID,
- 'js' => $this->RESULT,
- 'text' => $text,
+ 'js' => $this->RESULT, // null always means a fatal error...
+ 'text' => $text, // ...independent on $text!!!
- $text = null;
$encoding = $this->SCRIPT_ENCODING;
- $status = $this->RESULT !== null? 200 : 500;
+ $text = null; // to be on a safe side
// Try to use very fast json_encode: 3-4 times faster than a manual encoding.
if (function_exists('array_walk_recursive') && function_exists('json_encode') && $this->_unicodeConvMethod) {
$this->_nonAsciiChars = join("", array_map('chr', range(128, 255)));
- * If there is no ICONV, try to decode 1-byte characters manually
+ * If there is no ICONV, try to decode 1-byte characters and UTF-8 manually
* (for most popular charsets only).
function _decUcs2Decode($code, $toEnc)
+ // Little speedup by using array_flip($this->_encTables) and later hash access.
+ static $flippedTable = null;
if ($code < 128) return chr($code);
if (isset($this->_encTables[$toEnc])) {
- // TODO: possible speedup by using array_flip($this->_encTables) and later hash access in the constructor.
- $p = array_search($code, $this->_encTables[$toEnc]);
- if ($p !== false) return chr(128 + $p);
+ if (!$flippedTable) $flippedTable = array_flip($this->_encTables[$toEnc]);
+ if (isset($flippedTable[$code])) return chr(128 + $flippedTable[$code]);
+ } else if ($toEnc == 'utf-8' || $toEnc == 'utf8') {
+ // UTF-8 conversion rules: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html
+ if ($code < 0x800) {
+ return chr(0xC0 + ($code >> 6)) .
+ chr(0x80 + ($code & 0x3F));
+ } else { // if ($code <= 0xFFFF) -- it is almost always so for UCS2-BE
+ return chr(0xE0 + ($code >> 12)) .
+ chr(0x80 + (0x3F & ($code >> 6))) .
+ chr(0x80 + ($code & 0x3F));
+ }
return "";
$ts = $thoseps[user_tho_sep()];
$ds = $decseps[user_dec_sep()];
- $js = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
- . "<!--\n"
+ $js = "\n"
. "var user = {\n"
- . "theme: '". $path_to_root . '/themes/'. 'default' /*user_theme()*/.'/'."',\n"
+ . "theme: '". $path_to_root . '/themes/'. user_theme().'/'."',\n"
. "loadtxt: '"._('Requesting data...')."',\n"
. "date: '".Today()."',\n"
. "ts: '$ts',\n"
. "ds: '$ds',\n"
- . "pdec : " . user_price_dec() . "}\n--></script>";
+ . "pdec : " . user_price_dec() . "}\n";
function page_footer($no_menu=false, $is_index=false)
- global $path_to_root;
+ global $path_to_root, $js_lib;
if (in_ajax())
return;// just for speed up
$rend = new renderer();
$rend->menu_footer($no_menu, $is_index);
echo "<script>_focus = '".get_post('_focus')."';</script>";
+ add_user_js_data();
+ echo "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\n";
+ foreach($js_lib as $text)
+ echo $text;
+ echo "\n--></script>\n";
echo "</body></html>\n";
global $js_lib, $js_static, $js_path, $js_userlib, $comp_path,
$path_to_root, $go_debug;
- add_user_js_data();
$js ='';
foreach($js_static as $jsfile)
$jsfile . '"></script>';
- foreach($js_lib as $text)
- {
- $js .= $text;
- }
echo $js;
if (in_ajax())
return; // just for speed up
+// $jsext = substr_replace($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.js', -4);
+// if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$jsext))
+// add_js_ufile($jsext);
$theme = user_theme();
$local_path_to_root = $path_to_root;
echo "</td></tr>\n";
-function vertical_space()
+// outer table spacer
+function vertical_space($params='')
- echo "</td></tr><tr><td valign=center>"; // outer table
+ echo "</td></tr><tr><td valign=center $params>";
function meta_forward($forward_to, $params="")
global $Ajax;
submit($name, $value, true, $title, $async);
+function submit_js_confirm($name, $msg) {
+ add_js_source(
+ "_validate.$name=function(){ return confirm('$msg');};");
function set_icon($icon, $title=false)
- default_focus($search_box ? $search_box : $name);
+ default_focus(($search_box && $by_id) ? $search_box : $name);
$str = $selector;
if ($search_box && $opts['cells'])
echo ($edit_entry!='' ? "<td>$edit_entry</td>" : '')."<td>$selector</td>";
function get_js_open_window($width, $height)
- $js = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
- . "<!--\n"
- . "function openWindow(url, title)\n"
+ $js ="function openWindow(url, title)\n"
. "{\n"
. " var left = (screen.width - $width) / 2;\n"
. " var top = (screen.height - $height) / 2;\n"
. " return window.open(url, title, 'width=$width,height=$height,left='+left+',top='+top+',screenX='+left+',screenY='+top+',status=no,scrollbars=yes');\n"
- . "}\n"
- . "-->\n"
- . "</script>\n";
+ . "}\n";
return $js;
function get_js_png_fix()
- $js = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
- . "function fixPNG(myImage)\n"
+ $js = "function fixPNG(myImage)\n"
. "{\n"
. " var arVersion = navigator.appVersion.split(\"MSIE\")\n"
. " var version = parseFloat(arVersion[1])\n"
. " + \"(src=\'\" + myImage.src + \"\', sizingMethod='scale');\\\"></span>\"\n"
. " myImage.outerHTML = strNewHTML\n"
. " }\n"
- . "}\n"
- . "</script>\n";
+ . "}\n";
return $js;
* @license LGPL
* @author Dmitry Koterov, http://en.dklab.ru/lib/JsHttpRequest/
- * @version 5.x $Id$
+ * @version 5.x
// {{{
status = 200;
statusText = "OK";
} else {
+ // The special value "null" from a backend means Fatal error.
+ // User cannot assign null to $_RESULT manually, it is
+ // translated to false to avoid 500 error collisions.
status = 500;
statusText = "Internal Server Error";
} catch (e) {}
if (!req.status) return;
try {
+ // Damned Opera returned empty responseText when Status is not 200.
+ var rtext = req.responseText || '{ js: null, text: null }';
// Prepare generator function & catch syntax errors on this stage.
- eval('JsHttpRequest._tmp = function(id) { var d = ' + req.responseText + '; d.id = id; JsHttpRequest.dataReady(d); }');
+ eval('JsHttpRequest._tmp = function(id) { var d = ' + rtext + '; d.id = id; JsHttpRequest.dataReady(d); }');
} catch (e) {
// Note that FF 2.0 does not throw any error from onreadystatechange handler.
return req._error('js_invalid', req.responseText)
'alt': false, // whether is the Alt key pressed
'focus': -1 // currently selected indeks of document.links
+var _validate = {}; // validation functions
function debug(msg) {
box = document.getElementById('msgbox')
box.innerHTML= box.innerHTML+'<br>'+msg
-function progbar() {
- box = document.getElementById('msgbox');
- box.innerHTML= "<center><table width='98%' border='1' cellpadding=3 "
- +"bordercolor='#007700' style='border-collapse: collapse'>"
- +"<tr><td align='center' bgcolor='#ccffcc' >"
- +"<img src='"+user.theme+"images/progressbar.gif' alt='"
- +user.loadtxt+"' /></td></tr></table></center><br>";
- box.style.display = 'block';
function save_focus(e) {
_focus = e.name||e.id;
var h = document.getElementById('hints');
e.style.display = 'block';
// '.ajaxsubmit,.editbutton,.navibutton': // much slower on IE7
- 'button.ajaxsubmit,input.ajaxsubmit,input.editbutton,button.navibutton':
+ 'button.ajaxsubmit,input.ajaxsubmit,input.editbutton,button.editbutton,button.navibutton':
function(e) {
- e.onclick = function() {
- if (this.getAttribute('aspect') == 'process')
- progbar();
- save_focus(this);
- JsHttpRequest.request(this);
- return false;
- }
+ e.onclick = function() {
+ save_focus(e);
+ if (e.getAttribute('aspect') == 'process')
+ JsHttpRequest.request(this, null, 30000);
+ else
+ JsHttpRequest.request(this);
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ 'button': function(e) {
+ if (e.name) {
+ var func = _validate[e.name];
+ var old = e.onclick;
+ if(func) {
+ if (typeof old != 'function') {
+ e.onclick = func;
+ } else {
+ e.onclick = function() {
+ if(func())
+ { old(); return true;}
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
'.amount': function(e) {
if(e.onblur==undefined) {
_hotkeys.alt = false;
if (_hotkeys.focus>=0) {
var link = document.links[_hotkeys.focus];
- if (link.target=='_blank') {
-// window.open(link.href,'','toolbar=no,scrollbar=no,resizable=yes,menubar=no,width=900,height=500');
- openWindow(link.href,'_blank');
- } else
- window.location = link.href;
+ if(link.onclick)
+ link.onclick();
+ else
+ if (link.target=='_blank') {
+ window.open(link.href,'','toolbar=no,scrollbar=no,resizable=yes,menubar=no,width=900,height=500');
+ openWindow(link.href,'_blank');
+ } else
+ window.location = link.href;
- }
return stopEv(ev);
+ }
return true;
See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+function set_mark(img) {
+ var box = document.getElementById('ajaxmark');
+ if(img) box.src = user.theme+'images/'+ img;
+ box.style.visibility = img ? 'visible' : 'hidden'
// JsHttpRequest class extensions.
// if form parameter exists also form values are submited, otherwise
// request is directed to current location
- JsHttpRequest.request= function(trigger, form) {
- var mark = document.getElementById('ajaxmark');
- if(mark) mark.style.visibility = 'visible';
+JsHttpRequest.request= function(trigger, form, tout) {
+ tout = tout | 3000; // default timeout value
+ set_mark(tout>5000 ? 'progressbar.gif' : 'ajax-loader.gif');
+ JsHttpRequest._request(trigger, form, tout, 2);
+JsHttpRequest._request = function(trigger, form, tout, retry) {
if (trigger.tagName=='A') {
var content = {};
var upload = 0;
if (!form) url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('?'));
- if (!submitObj)
+ if (!submitObj) {
content[trigger] = 1;
+ }
// this is to avoid caching problems
content['_random'] = Math.random()*1234567;
+ var tcheck = setTimeout(
+ function() {
+ for(var id in JsHttpRequest.PENDING) {
+ var call = JsHttpRequest.PENDING[id];
+ if (call != false) {
+ if (call._ldObj.xr) // needed for gecko
+ call._ldObj.xr.onreadystatechange = function(){};
+ call.abort(); // why this doesn't kill request in firebug?
+// call._ldObj.xr.abort();
+ delete JsHttpRequest.PENDING[id];
+ }
+ }
+ set_mark(retry ? 'ajax-loader2.gif':'warning.png' );
+ if(retry)
+ JsHttpRequest._request(trigger, form, tout, retry-1);
+ }, tout );
(upload ? "form." : "")+"POST "+url, // force form loader
errors = errors+'<br>Unknown ajax function: '+cmd;
+ if(tcheck)
+ JsHttpRequest.clearTimeout(tcheck);
// Write errors to the debug div.
document.getElementById('msgbox').innerHTML = errors;
- var mark = document.getElementById('ajaxmark');
- if(mark) mark.style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ set_mark();
- false // do not disable caching
+ false // do not disable caching
- }
+ }
// collect all form input values plus inp trigger value
JsHttpRequest.formInputs = function(inp, objForm, upload)
if ($data['supplier_description'] != "")
$myrow['description'] = $data['supplier_description'];
if ($data['suppliers_uom'] != "")
- $myrow['units'] = $data['suppliers_uon'];
+ $myrow['units'] = $data['suppliers_uom'];
if (is_null($myrow["units"]))
submit_cells('grn_item_id'.$n, _("Add"), '', _("Add to Invoice"), true);
submit_cells('grn_item_id'.$n, _("Add"), '', _("Add to Credit Note"), true);
- if ($supp_trans->is_invoice && $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->access == 2) // Added 2008-10-18 by Joe Hunt. Only admins can remove GRNs
+ if ($supp_trans->is_invoice && $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->access == 2) { // Added 2008-10-18 by Joe Hunt. Only admins can remove GRNs
submit_cells('void_item_id'.$n, _("Remove"), '', _("WARNING! Be careful with removal. The operation is executed immediately and cannot be undone !!!"), true);
+ submit_js_confirm('void_item_id'.$n,
+ sprintf(_('You are about to remove all yet non-invoiced items from delivery line #%d. This operation also irreversibly changes related order line. Do you want to continue ?'), $n));
+ }
email_row(_("E-mail:"), 'email', null, 35, 55);
link_row(_("Website:"), 'website', null, 35, 55);
-text_row(_("Supplier Account No.:"), 'supp_account_no', null, 42, 40);
+text_row(_("Our Customer No:"), 'supp_account_no', null, 42, 40);
textarea_row(_("Mailing Address:"), 'address', null, 35, 5);
$id2 = -1;
if ($_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->access == 2)
- $id3 = find_submit('void_item_id');
- if ($id3 != -1)
- {
- $js = "if(confirm(\""
- .sprintf(_('You are about to remove all yet non-invoiced items from delivery line #%d. This operation also irreversibly changes related order line. Do you want to continue ?'), $id3)
- ."\")) {
- JsHttpRequest.request(\"void_confirm".$id3."\");
- }";
- $Ajax->addScript(true,$js);
- }
- $id2 = find_submit('void_confirm');
- if ($id2 != -1) // Added section 2008-10-18 Joe Hunt for voiding delivery lines
+ $id2 = find_submit('void_item_id');
+ if ($id2 != -1)
See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+ // New version (without vertical lines)
$this->row = $this->pageHeight - $this->topMargin;
See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
-/* $Revision$ */
$page_security = 8;
//include_once($path_to_root . "reporting/includes/class.pdf.inc");
switch ($size)
+ default:
case 'A4':
case 'a4':
- require_once($path_to_root . "reporting/includes/class.mail.inc");
+ require_once($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/class.mail.inc");
$mail = new email($this->company['coy_name'], $this->company['email']);
$from = $this->company['coy_name'] . " <" . $this->company['email'] . ">";
$to = $myrow['DebtorName'] . " <" . $myrow['email'] . ">";
$msg2 .= nl2br($sender) . "<br>";
$msg2 .= "<br>Filepath: " . $fname . "<br>Filename: " . $this->filename . "<br>";
- if ($ret)
- $str = "<br>" . $this->title . " " . $myrow['reference'] . " " . _("sent to") . " ";
- else
- $str = "<br>" . $this->title . " " . $myrow['reference'] . " " . _("NOT sent to") . " ";
- $msg2 .= $str . $myrow['DebtorName'] . " - " . $myrow['email'];
- echo "<html><body>";
- echo $msg2;
- echo "</body></html>";
+ if (!$ret)
+ display_error(_("Sending document by email failed"));
+ else
+ display_notification($this->title . " " . $myrow['reference'] . " "
+ . _("has been sent by email."));
$cancel_delete = 0;
- $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans WHERE debtor_no='" . $_POST['customer_id'] . "'";
+ $sel_id = db_escape($_POST['customer_id']);
+ $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans WHERE debtor_no=$sel_id";
$result = db_query($sql,"check failed");
$myrow = db_fetch_row($result);
if ($myrow[0] > 0)
- $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."sales_orders WHERE debtor_no='" . $_POST['customer_id'] . "'";
+ $sql= "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."sales_orders WHERE debtor_no=$sel_id";
$result = db_query($sql,"check failed");
$myrow = db_fetch_row($result);
if ($myrow[0] > 0)
- $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch WHERE debtor_no='" . $_POST['customer_id'] . "'";
+ $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."cust_branch WHERE debtor_no=$sel_id";
$result = db_query($sql,"check failed");
$myrow = db_fetch_row($result);
if ($myrow[0] > 0)
if ($cancel_delete == 0)
{ //ie not cancelled the delete as a result of above tests
- $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."debtors_master WHERE debtor_no='" . $_POST['customer_id'] . "'";
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."debtors_master WHERE debtor_no=$sel_id";
db_query($sql,"cannot delete customer");
display_notification(_("Selected customer has been deleted."));
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."debtors_master WHERE debtor_no = '" . $_POST['customer_id'] . "'";
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."debtors_master WHERE debtor_no = ".db_escape($_POST['customer_id']);
$result = db_query($sql,"check failed");
$myrow = db_fetch($result);
} else
function copy_to_cart()
function can_process() {
if (!is_date($_POST['OrderDate'])) {
display_error(_("The entered date is invalid."));
function handle_update_item()
if ($_POST['UpdateItem'] != '' && check_item_data()) {
- //alert("description=".$_POST['item_description']);
- //$_SESSION['items']->line_items[$_POST['LineNo']]->item_description = $_POST['item_description'];
input_num('qty'), input_num('price'),
input_num('Disc') / 100, $_POST['item_description'] );
function create_cart($type, $trans_no)
$doc_type = $type;
$corder = _("Commit Order Changes");
$customer_error = display_order_header($_SESSION['Items'],
submit_center_first('ProcessOrder', $porder,
_('Check entered data and save document'), 'default');
+ submit_js_confirm('CancelOrder', _('You are about to void this Sales Order.\nDo you want to continue?'));
} else {
submit_center_first('ProcessOrder', $corder,
_('Validate changes and update document'), 'default');