return true;
- * @return Returns the array sorted as required
- * @param $aryData Array containing data to sort
- * @param $strIndex name of column to use as an index
- * @param $strSortBy Column to sort the array by
- * @param $strSortType String containing either asc or desc [default to asc]
- * @desc Naturally sorts an array using by the column $strSortBy
- */
-function array_natsort($aryData, $strIndex, $strSortBy, $strSortType=false)
- // if the parameters are invalid
- if (!is_array($aryData) || !$strIndex || !$strSortBy)
- // return the array
- return $aryData;
- // create our temporary arrays
- $arySort = $aryResult = array();
- // loop through the array
- foreach ($aryData as $aryRow)
- // set up the value in the array
- $arySort[$aryRow[$strIndex]] = $aryRow[$strSortBy];
- // apply the natural sort
- natsort($arySort);
- // if the sort type is descending
- if ($strSortType=="desc")
- // reverse the array
- arsort($arySort);
- // loop through the sorted and original data
- foreach ($arySort as $arySortKey => $arySorted)
- foreach ($aryData as $aryOriginal)
- // if the key matches
- if ($aryOriginal[$strIndex]==$arySortKey)
- // add it to the output array
- array_push($aryResult, $aryOriginal);
- // return the return
- return $aryResult;
function write_lang()
global $path_to_root, $installed_languages, $dflt_lang;