$from = date2sql($from);
$to = date2sql($to);
- $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ".TB_PREF."grn_batch.supplier_id,
+ $sql = "SELECT ".TB_PREF."grn_batch.id batch_no,\r
+ ".TB_PREF."grn_batch.supplier_id, \r
- ".TB_PREF."stock_master.description, ".TB_PREF."stock_master.inactive
+ ".TB_PREF."stock_master.description,\r
+ ".TB_PREF."grn_items.qty_recd,\r
+ ".TB_PREF."grn_items.quantity_inv,\r
+ ".TB_PREF."grn_items.id grn_item_id\r
FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master,
- ".TB_PREF."grn_batch
+ ".TB_PREF."grn_batch,\r
+ ".TB_PREF."grn_items \r
WHERE ".TB_PREF."stock_master.stock_id=".TB_PREF."purch_order_details.item_code
AND ".TB_PREF."grn_batch.purch_order_no=".TB_PREF."purch_order_details.order_no
- AND ".TB_PREF."purch_order_details.quantity_received>0
+ AND ".TB_PREF."grn_batch.id = ".TB_PREF."grn_items.grn_batch_id \r
+ AND ".TB_PREF."grn_items.po_detail_item = ".TB_PREF."purch_order_details.po_detail_item\r
+ AND ".TB_PREF."grn_items.qty_recd>0\r
AND ".TB_PREF."grn_batch.delivery_date>='$from'
AND ".TB_PREF."grn_batch.delivery_date<='$to'
ORDER BY ".TB_PREF."stock_master.stock_id, ".TB_PREF."grn_batch.delivery_date";
+function getSuppInvDetails($grn_item_id)\r
+ $sql = "SELECT\r
+ ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items.supp_trans_no inv_no,\r
+ ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items.quantity inv_qty,\r
+ ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items.unit_price inv_price\r
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."grn_items, ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items\r
+ WHERE ".TB_PREF."grn_items.id = ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items.grn_item_id\r
+ AND ".TB_PREF."grn_items.po_detail_item = ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items.po_detail_item_id\r
+ AND ".TB_PREF."grn_items.item_code = ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items.stock_id\r
+ AND ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items.grn_item_id = ".$grn_item_id."\r
+ ORDER BY ".TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items.id asc";\r
+ return db_query($sql,"No transactions were returned");\r
function print_grn_valuation()
$dec = user_price_dec();
- $cols = array(0, 75, 225, 275, 345, 390, 445, 515);
- $headers = array(_('Stock ID'), _('Description'), _('PO No'), _('Qty Received'), _('Unit Price'), _('Actual Price'), _('Total'));
+ $cols = array(0, 75, 225, 260, 295, 330, 370, 410, 455, 515);\r
+ $headers = array(_('Stock ID'), _('Description'), _('PO No'), _('GRN')."#", _('Inv')."#", _('Qty'), _('Inv Price'), _('PO Price'), _('Total'));\r
- $aligns = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right');
+ $aligns = array('left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'left', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right');\r
$params = array( 0 => $comments,
1 => array('text' => _('Period'),'from' => $from, 'to' => $to));
$rep->Line($rep->row - 4);
$rep->TextCol(0, 3, _('Total'));
- $rep->AmountCol(3, 4, $qtotal, $qdec);
- $rep->AmountCol(6, 7, $total, $dec);
+ $rep->AmountCol(5, 6, $qtotal, $qdec);\r
+ $rep->AmountCol(8, 9, $total, $dec);\r
$total = $qtotal = 0;
$rep->TextCol(0, 1, $trans['item_code']);
- $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $trans['description'].($trans['inactive']==1 ? " ("._("Inactive").")" : ""), -1);
+ $rep->TextCol(1, 2, $trans['description']);\r
$rep->TextCol(2, 3, $trans['order_no']);
$qdec = get_qty_dec($trans['item_code']);
- $rep->AmountCol(3, 4, $trans['quantity_received'], $qdec);
- $rep->AmountCol(4, 5, $trans['unit_price'], $dec);
- $rep->AmountCol(5, 6, $trans['act_price'], $dec);
- $amt = round2($trans['quantity_received'] * $trans['act_price'], $dec);
- $rep->AmountCol(6, 7, $amt, $dec);
- $total += $amt;
- $qtotal += $trans['quantity_received'];
- $grandtotal += $amt;
+ $rep->TextCol(3, 4, $trans['batch_no']);\r
+ \r
+ if ($trans['quantity_inv'])\r
+ {\r
+ $suppinv = getSuppInvDetails($trans['grn_item_id']);\r
+ while ($inv=db_fetch($suppinv))\r
+ { \r
+ $inv['inv_price'] *= $rate;\r
+ $rep->TextCol(4, 5, $inv['inv_no']);\r
+ $rep->AmountCol(5, 6, $inv['inv_qty'], $qdec);\r
+ $rep->AmountCol(6, 7, $inv['inv_price'], $dec);\r
+ $rep->AmountCol(7, 8, $trans['unit_price'], $dec);\r
+ $amt = round2($inv['inv_qty'] * $inv['inv_price'], $dec);\r
+ $rep->AmountCol(8, 9, $amt, $dec);\r
+ $rep->NewLine();\r
+ $total += $amt;\r
+ $qtotal += $inv['inv_qty'];\r
+ $grandtotal += $amt;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ \r
+ if ($trans['qty_recd'] - $trans['quantity_inv'] !=0 )\r
+ {\r
+ $rep->TextCol(4, 5, "--");\r
+ $rep->AmountCol(5, 6, $trans['qty_recd'] - $trans['quantity_inv'], $qdec);\r
+ $rep->AmountCol(7, 8, $trans['unit_price'], $dec);\r
+ $amt = round2(($trans['qty_recd'] - $trans['quantity_inv']) * $trans['unit_price'], $dec);\r
+ $rep->AmountCol(8, 9, $amt, $dec);\r
+ $total += $amt;\r
+ $qtotal += $trans['qty_recd'] - $trans['quantity_inv'];\r
+ $grandtotal += $amt;\r
+ }\r
+ else\r
+ $rep->NewLine(-1);\r
if ($stock_id != '')
$rep->Line($rep->row - 4);
$rep->TextCol(0, 3, _('Total'));
- $rep->AmountCol(3, 4, $qtotal, $qdec);
- $rep->AmountCol(6, 7, $total, $dec);
+ $rep->AmountCol(5, 6, $qtotal, $qdec);\r
+ $rep->AmountCol(8, 9, $total, $dec);\r
$rep->Line($rep->row - 4);
- $rep->TextCol(0, 6, _('Grand Total'));
- $rep->AmountCol(6, 7, $grandtotal, $dec);
+ $rep->TextCol(0, 7, _('Grand Total'));\r
+ $rep->AmountCol(8, 9, $grandtotal, $dec);\r
$rep->Line($rep->row - 4);