$popup_editors = array(
'customer' => array('/sales/manage/customers.php?debtor_no=',
- 113, _("Customers")),
+ 113, _("Customers"), 900, 500),
'branch' => array('/sales/manage/customer_branches.php?SelectedBranch=',
- 114, _("Branches")),
+ 114, _("Branches"), 900, 700),
'supplier' => array('/purchasing/manage/suppliers.php?supplier_id=',
- 113, _("Suppliers")),
+ 113, _("Suppliers"), 900, 700),
'item' => array('/inventory/manage/items.php?stock_id=',
- 115, _("Items"))
+ 115, _("Items"), 800, 600)
Bind editors for various selectors.
$key = $caller===true ? $popup_editors[$type][1] : $caller;
- $Editors[$key] = array( $path_to_root . $popup_editors[$type][0], $input);
+ $Editors[$key] = array( $path_to_root . $popup_editors[$type][0], $input,
+ $popup_editors[$type][3], $popup_editors[$type][4]);
$help = 'F' . ($key - 111) . ' - ';
$help .= $popup_editors[$type][2];
var el = document.getElementsByName(editors[key][1])[0];
if(_w) _w.close(); // this is really necessary to have window on top in FF2 :/
_w = open(editors[key][0]+el.value+'&popup=1',
- "edit","Scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width=800,height=600");
+ "edit","Scrollbars=0,resizable=0,width="+editors[key][2]+",height="+editors[key][3]);
if (_w.opener == null)
_w.opener = self;
editors._call = key; // store call point for passBack