! -> Note
$ -> Affected files
+25-Feb-2010 Janusz Dobrowolski
+# Fixed bug in quantity input
+$ /manufacturing/work_order_add_finished.php
24-Feb-2010 Joe Hunt
# Tax included calculation problem when more than 1 tax type in a group
$ /taxes/tax_calc.inc
+22-Feb-2010 Janusz Dobrowolski
+# Two smaller fixes in security area codes.
+$ /includes/access_levels.inc
21-Feb-2010 Joe Hunt
# Exchange rate doesn't update table immediately when adding new rate
and no exchange rates there before.
$wo_details = get_work_order($_POST['selected_id']);
$qoh = get_qoh_on_date($wo_details["stock_id"], $wo_details["loc_code"], $_POST['date_']);
- if (-$_POST['quantity'] + $qoh < 0)
+ if (-input_num('quantity') + $qoh < 0)
display_error(_("The unassembling cannot be processed because there is insufficient stock."));
if ($row['mb_flag'] == 'D') // service, non stock
$qoh = get_qoh_on_date($row["stock_id"], $row["loc_code"], $_POST['date_']);
- if ($qoh - $row['units_req'] * $_POST['quantity'] < 0)
+ if ($qoh - $row['units_req'] * input_num('quantity') < 0)
display_error( _("The production cannot be processed because a required item would cause a negative inventory balance :") .
" " . $row['stock_id'] . " - " . $row['description']);
if ($_POST['ProductionType'] == 0)
$_POST['quantity'] = -$_POST['quantity'];
- $id = work_order_produce($_POST['selected_id'], $_POST['ref'], $_POST['quantity'],
+ $id = work_order_produce($_POST['selected_id'], $_POST['ref'], input_num('quantity'),
$_POST['date_'], $_POST['memo_'], $close_wo);
meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID=".$_POST['selected_id']."&date=".$_POST['date_']);
hidden('selected_id', $_POST['selected_id']);
//hidden('WOReqQuantity', $_POST['WOReqQuantity']);
+$dec = get_qty_dec($wo_details["stock_id"]);
if (!isset($_POST['quantity']) || $_POST['quantity'] == '')
- $_POST['quantity'] = max($wo_details["units_reqd"] - $wo_details["units_issued"], 0);
+ $_POST['quantity'] = qty_format(max($wo_details["units_reqd"] - $wo_details["units_issued"], 0), $wo_details["stock_id"], $dec);
yesno_list_row(_("Type:"), 'ProductionType', $_POST['ProductionType'],
_("Produce Finished Items"), _("Return Items to Work Order"));
-small_qty_row(_("Quantity:"), 'quantity', null, null, null, get_qty_dec($wo_details["stock_id"]));
+small_qty_row(_("Quantity:"), 'quantity', null, null, null, $dec);
date_row(_("Date:"), 'date_');