if (!isset($_SESSION['Context'])) {
+ Redirector for selector F4 calls.
+ $sel_editors is array of selname=>editor_page
+function editor_redirect($sel_editors, $save_fun='') {
+ foreach ($sel_editors as $selname=>$editor)
+ if (isset($_POST['_'.$selname.'_editor'])) {
+ if (function_exists($save_fun))
+ $save_fun();
+ unset($_POST['_'.$selname.'_editor']);
+ context_call($editor, array_keys($_POST));
+ }
+ Return procedure for selector F4 calls
+function editor_return($vars, $restore_fun='') {
+ if (function_exists($restore_fun))
+ $restore_fun();
+ if ($ret = context_restore()) {
+ foreach ($vars as $postname=>$retname)
+ if (isset($ret[$retname])) {
+ $_POST[$postname] = $ret[$retname];
+ set_focus($postname);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
include_once($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/reporting.inc");
$js = '';
-if ($ret = context_restore()) {
- // return from new customer add
- copy_from_cart();
- if(isset($ret['customer_id']))
- $_POST['customer_id'] = $ret['customer_id'];
- if(isset($ret['branch_id']))
- $_POST['branch_id'] = $ret['branch_id'];
-if (isset($_POST['_customer_id_editor'])) {
- copy_to_cart(); //store context
- context_call($path_to_root.'/sales/manage/customers.php?debtor_no='.$_POST['customer_id'], 'Items');
+editor_redirect( array(
+ 'customer_id' => $path_to_root.'/sales/manage/customers.php?debtor_no='.get_post('customer_id'),
+ 'branch_id' => $path_to_root.'/sales/manage/customer_branches.php?branch_id='.get_post('branch_id'),
+ ));
+editor_return( array(
+ 'customer_id'=>'customer_id',
+ 'branch_id'=>'branch_id'));
if ($use_popup_windows) {
$js .= get_js_open_window(900, 500);