ini_set("display_errors", "On");
+ini_set("max_execution_time", "60");
// Start a session
// Function to set error
-function set_error($message)
+function set_error($message)
global $_POST;
- if(isset($message) AND $message != '')
+ if(isset($message) AND $message != '')
// Copy values entered into session so user doesn't have to re-enter everything
- if(isset($_POST['company_name']))
+ if(isset($_POST['company_name']))
$_SESSION['ba_url'] = $_POST['ba_url'];
- if(!isset($_POST['operating_system']))
+ if(!isset($_POST['operating_system']))
$_SESSION['operating_system'] = 'linux';
- }
- else
+ }
+ else
$_SESSION['operating_system'] = $_POST['operating_system'];
- if(!isset($_POST['world_writeable']))
+ if(!isset($_POST['world_writeable']))
$_SESSION['world_writeable'] = false;
- }
- else
+ }
+ else
$_SESSION['world_writeable'] = true;
$_SESSION['database_password'] = $_POST['database_password'];
$_SESSION['database_name'] = $_POST['database_name'];
$_SESSION['table_prefix'] = $_POST['table_prefix'];
- if(!isset($_POST['install_tables']))
+ if(!isset($_POST['install_tables']))
$_SESSION['install_tables'] = false;
- }
- else
+ }
+ else
$_SESSION['install_tables'] = true;
// Function to workout what the default permissions are for files created by the webserver
-function default_file_mode($temp_dir)
+function default_file_mode($temp_dir)
$v = explode(".",PHP_VERSION);
$v = $v[0].$v[1];
- if($v > 41 && is_writable($temp_dir))
+ if($v > 41 && is_writable($temp_dir))
$filename = $temp_dir.'/test_permissions.txt';
$handle = fopen($filename, 'w');
$default_file_mode = '0'.substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($filename)), -3);
- }
- else
+ }
+ else
$default_file_mode = '0777';
// Function to workout what the default permissions are for directories created by the webserver
-function default_dir_mode($temp_dir)
+function default_dir_mode($temp_dir)
$v = explode(".",PHP_VERSION);
$v = $v[0].$v[1];
- if ($v > 41 && is_writable($temp_dir))
+ if ($v > 41 && is_writable($temp_dir))
$dirname = $temp_dir.'/test_permissions/';
$default_dir_mode = '0'.substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($dirname)), -3);
- }
- else
+ }
+ else
$default_dir_mode = '0777';
return $default_dir_mode;
-function add_slashes($input)
+function add_slashes($input)
- if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() || (!is_string($input)))
+ if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() || (!is_string($input)))
return $input;
function check_db_error($err_msg, $sql)
return true;
if (isset($_POST['path_to_root']))
$path_to_root = $_POST['path_to_root'];
$path_to_root = "..";
// Begin check to see if form was even submitted
// Set error if no post vars found
-if (!isset($_POST['company_name']))
+if (!isset($_POST['company_name']))
set_error('Please fill-in the form below');
// Begin path and timezone details code
// Check if user has entered the installation url
-if (!isset($_POST['ba_url']) || $_POST['ba_url'] == '')
+if (!isset($_POST['ba_url']) || $_POST['ba_url'] == '')
set_error('Please enter an absolute URL');
$ba_url = $_POST['ba_url'];
// Remove any slashes at the end of the URL
-if(substr($ba_url, strlen($ba_url) - 1, 1) == "/")
+if(substr($ba_url, strlen($ba_url) - 1, 1) == "/")
$ba_url = substr($ba_url, 0, strlen($ba_url) - 1);
-if(substr($ba_url, strlen($ba_url) - 1, 1) == "\\")
+if(substr($ba_url, strlen($ba_url) - 1, 1) == "\\")
$ba_url = substr($ba_url, 0, strlen($ba_url) - 1);
-if(substr($ba_url, strlen($ba_url) - 1, 1) == "/")
+if(substr($ba_url, strlen($ba_url) - 1, 1) == "/")
$ba_url = substr($ba_url, 0, strlen($ba_url) - 1);
-if(substr($ba_url, strlen($ba_url) - 1, 1) == "\\")
+if(substr($ba_url, strlen($ba_url) - 1, 1) == "\\")
$ba_url = substr($ba_url, 0, strlen($ba_url) - 1);
// Begin operating system specific code
// Get operating system
-if (!isset($_POST['operating_system']) || $_POST['operating_system'] != 'linux' && $_POST['operating_system'] != 'windows')
+if (!isset($_POST['operating_system']) || $_POST['operating_system'] != 'linux' && $_POST['operating_system'] != 'windows')
set_error('Please select a valid operating system');
$operating_system = $_POST['operating_system'];
// Work-out file permissions
-if($operating_system == 'windows')
+if($operating_system == 'windows')
$file_mode = '0777';
$dir_mode = '0777';
-elseif (isset($_POST['world_writeable']) && $_POST['world_writeable'] == 'true')
+elseif (isset($_POST['world_writeable']) && $_POST['world_writeable'] == 'true')
$file_mode = '0777';
$dir_mode = '0777';
$file_mode = default_file_mode('../includes');
$dir_mode = default_dir_mode('../includes');
// Begin database details code
// Check if user has entered a database host
-if (!isset($_POST['database_host']) || $_POST['database_host'] == '')
+if (!isset($_POST['database_host']) || $_POST['database_host'] == '')
set_error('Please enter a database host name');
$database_host = $_POST['database_host'];
// Check if user has entered a database username
-if (!isset($_POST['database_username']) || $_POST['database_username'] == '')
+if (!isset($_POST['database_username']) || $_POST['database_username'] == '')
set_error('Please enter a database username');
$database_username = $_POST['database_username'];
// Check if user has entered a database password
-if (!isset($_POST['database_password']))
+if (!isset($_POST['database_password']))
set_error('Please enter a database password');
$database_password = $_POST['database_password'];
// Check if user has entered a database name
-if (!isset($_POST['database_name']) || $_POST['database_name'] == '')
+if (!isset($_POST['database_name']) || $_POST['database_name'] == '')
set_error('Please enter a database name');
$database_name = $_POST['database_name'];
// Get table prefix
$table_prefix = $_POST['table_prefix'];
// Find out if the user wants to install tables and data
-if (isset($_POST['install_tables']) && $_POST['install_tables'] == 'true')
+if (isset($_POST['install_tables']) && $_POST['install_tables'] == 'true')
$install_tables = true;
$install_tables = false;
// Begin company name code
// Get company name
-if (!isset($_POST['company_name']) || $_POST['company_name'] == '')
+if (!isset($_POST['company_name']) || $_POST['company_name'] == '')
set_error('Please enter a company name');
$company_name = add_slashes($_POST['company_name']);
// End website company name
// Check if the user has entered a correct path
-if (!file_exists($path_to_root.'/sql/en_US-demo.sql'))
+if (!file_exists($path_to_root.'/sql/en_US-demo.sql'))
set_error('It appears the Absolute path that you entered is incorrect');
// Get admin email and validate it
-if (!isset($_POST['admin_email']) || $_POST['admin_email'] == '')
+if (!isset($_POST['admin_email']) || $_POST['admin_email'] == '')
set_error('Please enter an email for the Administrator account');
- if (eregi("^([0-9a-zA-Z]+[-._+&])*[0-9a-zA-Z]+@([-0-9a-zA-Z]+[.])+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$", $_POST['admin_email']))
+ if (eregi("^([0-9a-zA-Z]+[-._+&])*[0-9a-zA-Z]+@([-0-9a-zA-Z]+[.])+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$", $_POST['admin_email']))
$admin_email = $_POST['admin_email'];
- }
- else
+ }
+ else
set_error('Please enter a valid email address for the Administrator account');
// Get the two admin passwords entered, and check that they match
-if (!isset($_POST['admin_password']) || $_POST['admin_password'] == '')
+if (!isset($_POST['admin_password']) || $_POST['admin_password'] == '')
set_error('Please enter a password for the Administrator account');
$admin_password = $_POST['admin_password'];
-if (!isset($_POST['admin_repassword']) || $_POST['admin_repassword'] == '')
+if (!isset($_POST['admin_repassword']) || $_POST['admin_repassword'] == '')
set_error('Please make sure you re-enter the password for the Administrator account');
$admin_repassword = $_POST['admin_repassword'];
-if ($admin_password != $admin_repassword)
+if ($admin_password != $admin_repassword)
set_error('Sorry, the two Administrator account passwords you entered do not match');
$err = write_config_db($table_prefix != "");
if ($err == -1)
set_error("Cannot open the configuration file ($config_filename)");
-else if ($err == -2)
+else if ($err == -2)
set_error("Cannot write to the configuration file ($config_filename)");
-else if ($err == -3)
+else if ($err == -3)
set_error("The configuration file $config_filename is not writable. Change its permissions so it is, then re-run step 4.");
-// Try connecting to database
+// Try connecting to database
$db = mysql_connect($database_host, $database_username, $database_password);
if (!$db)
set_error('Database host name, username and/or password incorrect. MySQL Error:<br />'.mysql_error());
-if($install_tables == true)
+if($install_tables == true)
if (!mysql_select_db($database_name, $db))
// Try to create the database
mysql_query('CREATE DATABASE '.$database_name);
mysql_select_db($database_name, $db);
- }
+ }
$import_filename = $path_to_root."/sql/en_US-demo.sql";
if (!db_import($import_filename, $db_connections[$id]))
set_error("Import error, try to import $import_filename manually via phpMyAdmin");
-$_SESSION = array();
+$_SESSION = array();
header("Location: ".$path_to_root."/index.php");