display_error( _("Role name cannot be empty."));
+ // prevent accidental editor lockup by removing SA_SECROLES
+ if (get_post('role') == $_SESSION['wa_current_user']->access) {
+ if (!isset($_POST['Area'.$security_areas['SA_SECROLES'][0]])
+ || !isset($_POST['Section'.SS_SETUP])) {
+ display_error(_("Access level edition in Company setup section have to be enabled for your account."));
+ $input_error = 1;
+ set_focus(!isset($_POST['Section'.SS_SETUP])
+ ? 'Section'.SS_SETUP : 'Area'.$security_areas['SA_SECROLES'][0]);
+ }
+ }
if ($input_error == 0)
$sections = array();
if (substr($p,0,7) == 'Section')
$sections[] = substr($p, 7);
if ($new_role)
$m = 0;
asort($security_areas); // in the case installed external modules has added some lines
foreach($security_areas as $area =>$parms ) {
+ // system setup areas are accessable only for site admins i.e.
+ // admins of first registered company
+ if (user_company() && (($parms[0]&~0xff) == SS_SADMIN)) continue;
if (($parms[0]&~0xff) != $m)
{ // features set selection
$m = $parms[0] & ~0xff;