$ /admin/display_prefs.php
-01-Dec-2009 Joe Hunt
+02-Dec-2009 Joe Hunt
! Release 2.2.1
$ config.default.php
# More restrictions on deleting gl_accounts
$ /gl/manage/gl_accounts.php
+! Changed 'delete' to 'delete2' in backups.php to better satisfy IE8 (Yes!)
+$ /admin/backups.php
01-Dec-2009 Janusz Dobrowolski
# Removing config.php after error during install. Otherwise misleading message is displayed.
display_notification(_("Restore backup completed."));
-if (get_post('delete')) {
+if (get_post('delete2')) {
if (unlink(BACKUP_PATH . get_post('cmb_backups'))) {
display_notification(_("File successfully deleted.")." "
. _("Filename") . ": " . get_post('cmb_backups'));
submit_row('restore',_("Restore Backup"), false, '','', 'process');
submit_js_confirm('restore',_("You are about to restore database from backup file.\nDo you want to continue?"));
- submit_row('delete', _("Delete Backup"), false, '','', true);
- submit_js_confirm('delete', sprintf(_("You are about to remove selected backup file.\nDo you want to continue ?")));
+ submit_row('delete2', _("Delete Backup"), false, '','', true);
+ submit_js_confirm('delete2', sprintf(_("You are about to remove selected backup file.\nDo you want to continue ?")));
echo "</td>";