! -> Note
$ -> Affected files
+08-Dec-2009 Tom Hallman/Joe Hunt
++ Extended the Report Engine to better support own reports
+$ /reporting/includes/class.pdf.inc
+ /reporting/includes/excel_report.inc
+ /reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc
+ /reporting/includes/tcpdf.php
+ /reporting/fonts/courier.php (new file)
+ /reporting/fonts/times.php (new file)
+ /reporting/fonts/timesb.php (new file)
+ /reporting/fonts/timesbi.php (new file)
+ /reporting/fonts/timesi.php (new file)
+ /reporting/fonts/symbol.php (new file)
+ /reporting/fonts/zapfdingbats.php (new file)
07-Dec-2009 Joe Hunt
! Providing use of alternative providers for exchange rates.
$ /gl/includes/db/gl_db_rates.inc
--- /dev/null
+ // core font definition file for TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
--- /dev/null
+ // core font definition file for TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
--- /dev/null
+ // core font definition file for TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
--- /dev/null
+ // core font definition file for TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
--- /dev/null
+ // core font definition file for TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
--- /dev/null
+ // core font definition file for TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
--- /dev/null
+ // core font definition file for TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
class Cpdf extends TCPDF {
- function Cpdf($pageSize='A4', $l=array())
+ function Cpdf($pageSize='A4', $l=array(), $pageOrientation='P')
if (!isset($l['a_meta_charset']))
$l = array('a_meta_charset' => 'ISO-8859-1', 'a_meta_dir' => 'ltr', 'a_meta_language' => 'en_GB', 'w_page' => 'page');
$uni = ($enc == 'UTF-8' || $enc == 'GB2312' ? true : false);
if ($uni)
ini_set("memory_limit", "48M");
- $this->TCPDF('P', 'pt', $pageSize, $uni, $enc);
+ $this->TCPDF($pageOrientation, 'pt', $pageSize, $uni, $enc);
$this->cMargin = 0;
- function selectFont($fontname, $style='')
+ // $fontname should be a standard PDF font (like 'times', 'helvetica' or 'courier')
+ // or one that's been installed on your system. An empty string can also be used
+ // which will retain the font currently in use.
+ // $style is either:
+ // * a special case string:
+ // * bold
+ // * italic
+ // * or a case-insensitive string where each char represents a style choice
+ // and you can use more than one or none at all. Possible choices:
+ // * empty string: regular
+ // * B: bold
+ // * I: italic
+ // * U: underline
+ // * D: line trough (aka "strike through")
+ function selectFont($fontname, $style = '')
- if ($fontname != '')
- $fontname = basename($fontname);
+ // Parse the style - check for special cases, otherwise leave as-is
if ($style == 'italic')
- $type = 'i';
+ $style = 'i';
elseif ($style == 'bold')
- $type = 'b';
- else
- $type = '';
+ $style = 'b';
+ // Parse the fontname
+ if ($fontname != '')
+ $fontname = basename($fontname);
if ($fontname == '')
if ($this->isunicode)
// else use built-in adobe fonts helvetica.
- $this->SetFont($fontname, $type);
+ $this->SetFont($fontname, $style);
function Header1()
function newPage()
- TCPDF::AddPage();
+ parent::AddPage();
- function line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2)
+ function line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2, $style = array())
- TCPDF::line($x1, $this->h-$y1, $x2, $this->h-$y2);
+ parent::Line($x1, $this->h-$y1, $x2, $this->h-$y2, $style);
function rectangle($x, $y, $w, $h, $style='', $border_style=array(), $fill_color=array())
- TCPDF::Rect($x, $this->h-$y, $w, $h, $style, $border_style, $fill_color);
+ parent::Rect($x, $this->h-$y, $w, $h, $style, $border_style, $fill_color);
function ellipse($x0,$y0,$r1,$r2=0,$angle=0,$nSeg=8,$astart=0,$afinish=360,$close=1,$fill=0)
- TCPDF::Ellipse($x0, $y0, $r1, $r2, $angle, $astart. $afinish, ($close?'C':''), "", "", $nSeg);
+ parent::Ellipse($x0, $y0, $r1, $r2, $angle, $astart. $afinish, ($close?'C':''), "", "", $nSeg);
function Stream()
- TCPDF::Output('', 'I');
+ parent::Output('', 'I');
function calcTextWrap($txt, $width, $spacebreak=false)
return array($txt2, $ret);
- function addTextWrap($xb, $yb, $w, $h, $txt, $align='left', $border=0, $fill=0, $spacebreak=false)
+ function addTextWrap($xb, $yb, $w, $h, $txt, $align='left', $border=0, $fill=0, $link = NULL, $stretch = 0, $spacebreak=false)
$ret = "";
if (!$this->rtl)
$align = 'R';
elseif ($align == 'left')
$align = 'L';
+ elseif ($align == 'center')
+ $align = 'C';
+ elseif ($align == 'justify')
+ $align = 'J';
$align = 'R';
- $txt = $this->calcTextWrap($txt, $w, $spacebreak);
+ // If horizontal scaling was requested, check to see if we're trying to scale
+ // too much. If so, cut back string first and then scale it.
+ $maxScaleFactor = 1.4;
+ if ($stretch == 1 || $stretch == 2)
+ $txt = $this->calcTextWrap($txt, $w * $maxScaleFactor, $spacebreak);
+ // Wrap text if stretching isn't turned on
+ else
+ $txt = $this->calcTextWrap($txt, $w, $spacebreak);
$ret = $txt[1];
$txt = $txt[0];
$this->SetXY($xb, $this->h - $yb - $h);
- $txt = TCPDF::unhtmlentities($txt);
+ $txt = parent::unhtmlentities($txt);
if ($this->isunicode && $this->encoding != "UTF-8")
$txt = iconv($this->encoding, "UTF-8", $txt);
- $this->Cell($w, $h, $txt, $border, 0, $align, $fill);
+ $this->Cell($w, $h, $txt, $border, 0, $align, $fill, $link, $stretch);
return $ret;
-* sets the colour for stroke operations
- function setStrokeColor($r,$g,$b,$force=0)
- {
- TCPDF::SetDrawColor($r,$g,$b);
- }
-* this sets the line drawing style.
-* width, is the thickness of the line in user units
-* cap is the type of cap to put on the line, values can be 'butt','round','square'
-* where the diffference between 'square' and 'butt' is that 'square' projects a flat end past the
-* end of the line.
-* join can be 'miter', 'round', 'bevel'
-* dash is an array which sets the dash pattern, is a series of length values, which are the lengths of the
-* on and off dashes.
-* (2) represents 2 on, 2 off, 2 on , 2 off ...
-* (2,1) is 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off.. etc
-* phase is a modifier on the dash pattern which is used to shift the point at which the pattern starts.
- function setLineStyle($width=1,$cap='',$join='',$dash='',$phase=0)
- {
- $this->SetLineWidth($width);
- }
function Text($x, $y, $txt, $stroke=0, $clip=false)
- TCPDF::Text($x,$y, TCPDF::unhtmlentities($txt), $stroke, $clip);
+ parent::Text($x,$y, parent::unhtmlentities($txt), $stroke, $clip);
} // end of class
var $row = 9999999;
var $y;
var $numcols;
+ var $excelColWidthFactor;
var $formatTitle;
var $formatDateTime;
var $formatDate;
var $sheet;
- function FrontReport($title, $filename, $size = 'A4', $fontsize = 9)
+ function FrontReport($title, $filename, $size = 'A4', $fontsize = 9, $orientation = 'P', $margins = NULL, $excelColWidthFactor = 6.5)
global $comp_path, $dateseps, $page_security;
if (!$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->can_access_page($page_security))
$this->oldFontSize = 0;
$this->y = 1;
$this->currency = '';
+ $this->excelColWidthFactor = $excelColWidthFactor;
$rtl = ($_SESSION['language']->dir == 'rtl');
$this->code = strtolower($_SESSION['language']->encoding);
$this->filename = $filename.".xls";
if ($this->code != "iso-8859-1")
$this->setVersion(8); // set biff version to 8 (0x0006 internal)
- $this->sheet =& $this->addWorksheet($this->title);
+ $this->sheet =& $this->addWorksheet($this->worksheetNameGenerator($this->title));
if ($this->code != "iso-8859-1")
$this->sheet->setInputEncoding($this->code); // set sheet encoding
if ($rtl)
+ $this->formatTopHeaderLeft =& $this->addFormat();
+ $this->formatTopHeaderLeft->setItalic();
+ $this->formatTopHeaderLeft->setTop(2);
+ $this->formatTopHeaderLeft->setTopColor('gray');
+ $this->formatTopHeaderLeft->setAlign('vcenter');
+ $this->formatBottomHeaderLeft =& $this->addFormat();
+ $this->formatBottomHeaderLeft->setItalic();
+ $this->formatBottomHeaderLeft->setBottom(2);
+ $this->formatBottomHeaderLeft->setBottomColor('gray');
+ $this->formatBottomHeaderLeft->setAlign('vcenter');
$this->formatDate->setAlign($rtl ? 'right' : 'left');
$this->formatHeaderRight =& $this->addFormat();
+ $this->formatTopHeaderRight =& $this->addFormat();
+ $this->formatTopHeaderRight->setItalic();
+ $this->formatTopHeaderRight->setTop(2);
+ $this->formatTopHeaderRight->setTopColor('gray');
+ $this->formatTopHeaderRight->setAlign('vcenter');
+ $this->formatTopHeaderRight->setAlign('right');
+ $this->formatBottomHeaderRight =& $this->addFormat();
+ $this->formatBottomHeaderRight->setItalic();
+ $this->formatBottomHeaderRight->setBottom(2);
+ $this->formatBottomHeaderRight->setBottomColor('gray');
+ $this->formatBottomHeaderRight->setAlign('vcenter');
+ $this->formatBottomHeaderRight->setAlign('right');
$this->formatFooter =& $this->addFormat();
+ // Check a given name to see if it's a valid Excel worksheet name,
+ // and fix if necessary
+ function worksheetNameGenerator($name)
+ {
+ // First, strip out characters which aren't allowed
+ $illegal_chars = array(':', '\\', '/', '?', '*', '[', ']');
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($illegal_chars); $i++)
+ $name = str_replace($illegal_chars[$i], '', $name);
+ // Now, if name is longer than 31 chars, truncate it
+ if (strlen($name) > 31)
+ $name = substr($name, 0, 31);
+ return $name;
+ }
function NumFormat($dec)
if (!isset($this->formatAmount[$dec]))
return $this->formatAmount[$dec];
- function Font($style = 'normal')
+ function Font($fontname = '', $style = 'normal')
+ // Alternate header style - primary differences are for PDFs
+ function Header3()
+ {
+ // Flag to make sure we only print the company name once
+ $companyNamePrinted = false;
+ $this->y = 0;
+ $tcol = $this->numcols - 1;
+ $this->sheet->setRow($this->y, 20);
+ // Title
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numcols; $i++)
+ $this->sheet->writeBlank($this->y, $i, $this->formatTitle);
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 0, $this->title, $this->formatTitle);
+ $this->sheet->mergeCells($this->y, 0, $this->y, $tcol);
+ // Dimension 1 - optional
+ // - only print if available and not blank
+ if (count($this->params) > 3)
+ if ($this->params[3]['from'] != '')
+ {
+ $this->NewLine();
+ $str = $this->params[3]['text'] . ':';
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 0, $str, $this->formatLeft);
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 1, $this->params[3]['from'], $this->formatLeft);
+ // Company Name - at end of this row
+ if (!$companyNamePrinted)
+ {
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $tcol-1, $this->company['coy_name'], $this->formatLeft);
+ $this->sheet->mergeCells($this->y, $tcol-1, $this->y, $tcol);
+ $companyNamePrinted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Dimension 2 - optional
+ // - only print if available and not blank
+ if (count($this->params) > 4)
+ if ($this->params[4]['from'] != '')
+ {
+ $this->NewLine();
+ $str = $this->params[4]['text'] . ':';
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 0, $str, $this->formatLeft);
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 1, $this->params[4]['from'], $this->formatLeft);
+ // Company Name - at end of this row
+ if (!$companyNamePrinted)
+ {
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $tcol-1, $this->company['coy_name'], $this->formatLeft);
+ $this->sheet->mergeCells($this->y, $tcol-1, $this->y, $tcol);
+ $companyNamePrinted = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Tags - optional
+ // TBD!!!
+ // Report Date - time period covered
+ // - can specify a range, or just the end date (and the report contents
+ // should make it obvious what the beginning date is)
+ $this->NewLine();
+ $str = _("Report Date") . ':';
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 0, $str, $this->formatLeft);
+ $str = '';
+ if ($this->params[1]['from'] != '')
+ $str = $this->params[1]['from'] . ' - ';
+ $str .= $this->params[1]['to'];
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 1, $str, $this->formatLeft);
+ // Company Name - at end of this row
+ if (!$companyNamePrinted)
+ {
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $tcol-1, $this->company['coy_name'], $this->formatLeft);
+ $this->sheet->mergeCells($this->y, $tcol-1, $this->y, $tcol);
+ $companyNamePrinted = true;
+ }
+ // Timestamp of when this copy of the report was generated
+ $this->NewLine();
+ $str = _("Generated At") . ':';
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 0, $str, $this->formatLeft);
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 1, Today() . " ".Now(), $this->formatLeft);
+ // Name of the user that generated this copy of the report
+ $this->NewLine();
+ $str = _("Generated By") . ':';
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 0, $str, $this->formatLeft);
+ $str = $this->user;
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 1, $str, $this->formatLeft);
+ // Comments - display any user-generated comments for this copy of the report
+ if ($this->params[0] != '')
+ {
+ $this->NewLine();
+ $str = _("Comments") . ':';
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 0, $str, $this->formatLeft);
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, 1, $this->params[0], $this->formatLeft);
+ }
+ $this->NewLine();
+ if ($this->headers2 != null)
+ {
+ for ($i = 0, $j = 0; $i < $this->numcols; $i++)
+ {
+ if ($this->cols2[$j] >= $this->cols[$i] && $this->cols2[$j] <= $this->cols[$i + 1])
+ {
+ if ($this->aligns2[$j] == "right")
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $i, $this->headers2[$j], $this->formatTopHeaderRight);
+ else
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $i, $this->headers2[$j], $this->formatTopHeaderLeft);
+ $j++;
+ }
+ else
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $i, "", $this->formatTopHeaderLeft);
+ }
+ $this->NewLine();
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numcols; $i++)
+ {
+ if (!isset($this->headers[$i]))
+ $header = "";
+ else
+ $header = $this->headers[$i];
+ if ($this->aligns[$i] == "right")
+ if ($this->headers2 == null)
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $i, $header, $this->formatHeaderRight);
+ else
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $i, $header, $this->formatBottomHeaderRight);
+ else
+ if ($this->headers2 == null)
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $i, $header, $this->formatHeaderLeft);
+ else
+ $this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $i, $header, $this->formatBottomHeaderLeft);
+ }
+ $this->NewLine();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Format a numeric string date into something nicer looking.
+ *
+ * @param string $date Date string to be formatted.
+ * @param int $input_format Format of the input string. Possible values are:<ul><li>0: user's default (default)</li></ul>
+ * @param int $output_format Format of the output string. Possible values are:<ul><li>0: Month (word) Day (numeric), 4-digit Year - Example: January 1, 2000 (default)</li><li>1: Month 4-digit Year - Example: January 2000</li><li>2: Month Abbreviation 4-digit Year - Example: Jan 2000</li></ul>
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function DatePrettyPrint($date, $input_format = 0, $output_format = 0)
+ {
+ if ($date != '')
+ {
+ $date = date2sql($date);
+ $year = (int) (substr($date, 0, 4));
+ $month = (int) (substr($date, 5, 2));
+ $day = (int) (substr($date, 8, 2));
+ if ($output_format == 0)
+ return(date('F j, Y', mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)));
+ elseif ($output_format == 1)
+ return(date('F Y', mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)));
+ elseif ($output_format == 2)
+ return(date('M Y', mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)));
+ }
+ else
+ return $date;
+ }
function AddImage($logo, $x, $y, $w, $h)
- function Text($c, $txt, $n=0, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ function SetFillColor($r, $g, $b)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ function GetCellPadding()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ function SetCellPadding($pad)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ function Text($c, $txt, $n=0, $corr=0, $r=0, $align='left', $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
- function TextWrap($xpos, $ypos, $len, $str, $align = 'left')
+ function TextWrap($xpos, $ypos, $len, $str, $align = 'left', $border = 0, $fill = 0, $link = NULL, $stretch = 0)
- function TextCol($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ function TextCol($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
if ($this->aligns[$c] == 'right')
$this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $c, $txt, $this->formatRight);
$this->sheet->mergeCells($this->y, $c, $this->y, $n - 1);
- function AmountCol($c, $n, $txt, $dec=0, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ function AmountCol($c, $n, $txt, $dec=0, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
+ {
+ if (!is_numeric($txt))
+ $txt = 0;
+ $this->sheet->writeNumber($this->y, $c, $txt, $this->NumFormat($dec));
+ }
+ function AmountCol2($c, $n, $txt, $dec=0, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0, $amount_locale = NULL, $amount_format = NULL)
if (!is_numeric($txt))
$txt = 0;
$this->sheet->writeNumber($this->y, $c, $txt, $this->NumFormat($dec));
- function DateCol($c, $n, $txt, $conv=false, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ function DateCol($c, $n, $txt, $conv=false, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
if (!$conv)
$txt = date2sql($txt);
$this->sheet->writeNumber($this->y, $c, $date, $this->formatDate);
- function TextCol2($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ function TextCol2($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
$this->sheet->writeString($this->y, $c, $txt, $this->formatLeft);
if ($n - $c > 1)
$this->sheet->mergeCells($this->y, $c, $this->y, $n - 1);
- function TextColLines($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ function TextColLines($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
- function TextWrapLines($c, $width, $txt, $align='left')
+ function TextWrapLines($c, $width, $txt, $align='left', $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
+ /**
+ * Crude text wrap calculator based on PDF version.
+ */
+ function TextWrapCalc($txt, $width, $spacebreak=false)
+ {
+ // Assume an average character width
+ $avg_char_width = 5;
+ $ret = "";
+ $txt2 = $txt;
+ $w = strlen($txt) * $avg_char_width;
+ if ($w > $width && $w > 0 && $width != 0)
+ {
+ $n = strlen($txt);
+ $k = intval($n * $width / $w);
+ if ($k > 0 && $k < $n)
+ {
+ $txt2 = substr($txt, 0, $k);
+ if ($spacebreak && (($pos = strrpos($txt2, " ")) !== false))
+ {
+ $txt2 = substr($txt2, 0, $pos);
+ $ret = substr($txt, $pos+1);
+ }
+ else
+ $ret = substr($txt, $k);
+ }
+ }
+ return array($txt2, $ret);
+ }
+ function SetLineStyle($style)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ function SetLineWidth($width)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
function LineTo($from, $row, $to, $row2)
- function NewLine($l=1, $np=0)
+ function UnderlineCell($c, $r = 0, $type = 1, $linewidth = 0, $style = array())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ function NewLine($l=1, $np=0, $h=NULL)
$this->y += $l;
function px2units($px) // XLS app conversion. Not bulletproof.
$excel_column_width_factor = 256;
- $unit_offset_length = 6.5;
+ $unit_offset_length = $this->excelColWidthFactor;
return ($px / $unit_offset_length);
var $headers2;
var $aligns2;
var $cols2;
- var $companyCol;
- var $titleCol;
var $pageNumber;
var $fontSize;
var $oldFontSize;
var $currency;
+ var $companyLogoEnable; // select whether to use a company logo graphic in some header templates
+ var $footerEnable; // select whether to print a page footer or not
+ var $footerText; // store user-generated footer text
+ var $headerFunc; // store the name of the currently selected header function
- function FrontReport($title, $filename, $size = 'A4', $fontsize = 9)
+ function FrontReport($title, $filename, $size = 'A4', $fontsize = 9, $orientation = 'P', $margins = NULL, $excelColWidthFactor = NULL)
global $page_security;
if (!$_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->can_access_page($page_security))
- switch ($size)
+ // Page margins - if user-specified, use those. Otherwise, use defaults below.
+ if (isset($margins))
+ {
+ $this->topMargin = $margins['top'];
+ $this->bottomMargin = $margins['bottom'];
+ $this->leftMargin = $margins['left'];
+ $this->rightMargin = $margins['right'];
+ }
+ // Page orientation - P: portrait, L: landscape
+ $orientation = strtoupper($orientation);
+ // Page size name
+ switch (strtoupper($size))
case 'A4':
- case 'a4':
- $this->pageWidth=595;
- $this->pageHeight=842;
- $this->topMargin=40;
- $this->bottomMargin=30;
- $this->leftMargin=40;
- $this->rightMargin=30;
- break;
- case 'A4_Landscape':
- $this->pageWidth=842;
- $this->pageHeight=595;
- $this->topMargin=30;
- $this->bottomMargin=30;
- $this->leftMargin=40;
- $this->rightMargin=30;
+ // Portrait
+ if ($orientation == 'P')
+ {
+ $this->pageWidth=595;
+ $this->pageHeight=842;
+ if (!isset($margins))
+ {
+ $this->topMargin=40;
+ $this->bottomMargin=30;
+ $this->leftMargin=40;
+ $this->rightMargin=30;
+ }
+ }
+ // Landscape
+ else
+ {
+ $this->pageWidth=842;
+ $this->pageHeight=595;
+ if (!isset($margins))
+ {
+ $this->topMargin=30;
+ $this->bottomMargin=30;
+ $this->leftMargin=40;
+ $this->rightMargin=30;
+ }
+ }
case 'A3':
- $this->pageWidth=842;
- $this->pageHeight=1190;
- $this->topMargin=50;
- $this->bottomMargin=50;
- $this->leftMargin=50;
- $this->rightMargin=40;
- break;
- case 'A3_landscape':
- $this->pageWidth=1190;
- $this->pageHeight=842;
- $this->topMargin=50;
- $this->bottomMargin=50;
- $this->leftMargin=50;
- $this->rightMargin=40;
+ // Portrait
+ if ($orientation == 'P')
+ {
+ $this->pageWidth=842;
+ $this->pageHeight=1190;
+ if (!isset($margins))
+ {
+ $this->topMargin=50;
+ $this->bottomMargin=50;
+ $this->leftMargin=50;
+ $this->rightMargin=40;
+ }
+ }
+ // Landscape
+ else
+ {
+ $this->pageWidth=1190;
+ $this->pageHeight=842;
+ if (!isset($margins))
+ {
+ $this->topMargin=50;
+ $this->bottomMargin=50;
+ $this->leftMargin=50;
+ $this->rightMargin=40;
+ }
+ }
- case 'letter':
- case 'Letter':
- $this->pageWidth=612;
- $this->pageHeight=792;
- $this->topMargin=30;
- $this->bottomMargin=30;
- $this->leftMargin=30;
- $this->rightMargin=25;
+ case 'LETTER':
+ // Portrait
+ if ($orientation == 'P')
+ {
+ $this->pageWidth=612;
+ $this->pageHeight=792;
+ if (!isset($margins))
+ {
+ $this->topMargin=30;
+ $this->bottomMargin=30;
+ $this->leftMargin=30;
+ $this->rightMargin=25;
+ }
+ }
+ // Landscape
+ else
+ {
+ $this->pageWidth=792;
+ $this->pageHeight=612;
+ if (!isset($margins))
+ {
+ $this->topMargin=30;
+ $this->bottomMargin=30;
+ $this->leftMargin=30;
+ $this->rightMargin=25;
+ }
+ }
- case 'letter_landscape':
- $this->pageWidth=792;
- $this->pageHeight=612;
- $this->topMargin=30;
- $this->bottomMargin=30;
- $this->leftMargin=30;
- $this->rightMargin=25;
- break;
- case 'legal':
- $this->pageWidth=612;
- $this->pageHeight=1008;
- $this->topMargin=50;
- $this->bottomMargin=40;
- $this->leftMargin=30;
- $this->rightMargin=25;
- break;
- case 'legal_landscape':
- $this->pageWidth=1008;
- $this->pageHeight=612;
- $this->topMargin=50;
- $this->bottomMargin=40;
- $this->leftMargin=30;
- $this->rightMargin=25;
+ case 'LEGAL':
+ // Portrait
+ if ($orientation == 'P')
+ {
+ $this->pageWidth=612;
+ $this->pageHeight=1008;
+ if (!isset($margins))
+ {
+ $this->topMargin=50;
+ $this->bottomMargin=40;
+ $this->leftMargin=30;
+ $this->rightMargin=25;
+ }
+ }
+ // Landscape
+ else
+ {
+ $this->pageWidth=1008;
+ $this->pageHeight=612;
+ if (!isset($margins))
+ {
+ $this->topMargin=50;
+ $this->bottomMargin=40;
+ $this->leftMargin=30;
+ $this->rightMargin=25;
+ }
+ }
$this->size = array(0, 0, $this->pageWidth, $this->pageHeight);
$this->filename = $filename.".pdf";
$this->pageNumber = 0;
$this->endLine = $this->pageWidth - $this->rightMargin;
- $this->companyCol = $this->endLine - 150;
- $this->titleCol = $this->leftMargin + 100;
$this->lineHeight = 12;
$this->fontSize = $fontsize;
$this->oldFontSize = 0;
$this->row = $this->pageHeight - $this->topMargin;
$this->currency = '';
+ $this->headerFunc = 'Header'; // default to the original header template
$rtl = ($_SESSION['language']->dir === 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr');
$code = $_SESSION['language']->code;
$enc = strtoupper($_SESSION['language']->encoding);
// for the language array in class.pdf.inc
$l = array('a_meta_charset' => $enc, 'a_meta_dir' => $rtl, 'a_meta_language' => $code, 'w_page' => 'page');
- $this->Cpdf($size, $l);
+ $this->Cpdf($size, $l, $orientation);
- function Font($style = 'normal')
+ /*
+ * Select the font and style to use for following output until
+ * it's changed again.
+ *
+ * $style is either:
+ * * a special case string (for backwards compatible with older code):
+ * * bold
+ * * italic
+ * * or a case-insensitive string where each char represents a style choice
+ * and you can use more than one or none at all. Possible choices:
+ * * empty string: regular
+ * * B: bold
+ * * I: italic
+ * * U: underline
+ * * D: line trough (aka "strike through")
+ * $fontname should be a standard PDF font (like 'times', 'helvetica' or 'courier')
+ * or one that's been installed on your system (see TCPDF docs for details).
+ * An empty string can also be used which will retain the font currently in use if
+ * you just want to change the style.
+ */
+ function Font($style = '', $fontname = '')
- $this->selectFont("", $style);
+ $this->selectFont($fontname, $style);
function Info($params, $cols, $headers, $aligns,
- $cols2 = null, $headers2 = null, $aligns2 = null)
+ $cols2 = null, $headers2 = null, $aligns2 = null,
+ $companylogoenable = false, $footerenable = false, $footertext = '')
global $app_title, $version, $power_by, $power_url;
$this->headers2 = $headers2;
$this->aligns2 = $aligns2;
+ // Set whether to display company logo in some header templates
+ $this->companyLogoEnable = $companylogoenable;
+ // Store footer settings
+ $this->footerEnable = $footerenable;
+ $this->footerText = $footertext;
function Header()
+ $companyCol = $this->endLine - 150;
+ $titleCol = $this->leftMargin + 100;
if ($this->pageNumber > 1)
$this->fontSize += 4;
- $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $this->title, $this->companyCol);
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $this->title, $companyCol);
$this->fontSize -= 4;
- $this->Text($this->companyCol, $this->company['coy_name']);
+ $this->Text($companyCol, $this->company['coy_name']);
$this->row -= ($this->lineHeight + 4);
$str = _("Print Out Date") . ':';
- $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $this->titleCol);
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $titleCol);
$str = Today() . ' ' . Now();
if ($this->company['time_zone'])
$str .= ' ' . date('O') . ' GMT';
- $this->Text($this->titleCol, $str, $this->companyCol);
- $this->Text($this->companyCol, $this->host);
+ $this->Text($titleCol, $str, $companyCol);
+ $this->Text($companyCol, $this->host);
$str = _("Fiscal Year") . ':';
- $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $this->titleCol);
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $titleCol);
$str = $this->fiscal_year;
- $this->Text($this->titleCol, $str, $this->companyCol);
- $this->Text($this->companyCol, $this->user);
+ $this->Text($titleCol, $str, $companyCol);
+ $this->Text($companyCol, $this->user);
for ($i = 1; $i < count($this->params); $i++)
if ($this->params[$i]['from'] != '')
$str = $this->params[$i]['text'] . ':';
- $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $this->titleCol);
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $titleCol);
$str = $this->params[$i]['from'];
if ($this->params[$i]['to'] != '')
$str .= " - " . $this->params[$i]['to'];
- $this->Text($this->titleCol, $str, $this->companyCol);
+ $this->Text($titleCol, $str, $companyCol);
if ($this->params[0] != '') // Comments
$str = _("Comments") . ':';
- $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $this->titleCol);
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $titleCol);
- $this->Text($this->titleCol, $this->params[0], $this->endLine - 35);
+ $this->Text($titleCol, $this->params[0], $this->endLine - 35);
$str = _("Page") . ' ' . $this->pageNumber;
$this->row = $temp;
+ // Alternate header style which also supports a simple footer
+ function Header3()
+ {
+ global $comp_path;
+ // Make this header the default for the current report ( used by NewLine() )
+ $this->headerFunc = 'Header3';
+ // Turn off cell padding for the main report header, restoring the current setting later
+ $oldcMargin = $this->cMargin;
+ $this->SetCellPadding(0);
+ // Set some constants which control header item layout
+ // only set them once or the PHP interpreter gets angry
+ if ($this->pageNumber == 0)
+ {
+ define('COMPANY_WIDTH', 150);
+ define('LOGO_HEIGHT', 50);
+ define('LOGO_Y_POS_ADJ_FACTOR', 0.74);
+ define('LABEL_WIDTH', 80);
+ define('PAGE_NUM_WIDTH', 60);
+ define('TITLE_FONT_SIZE', 14);
+ define('HEADER1_FONT_SIZE', 10);
+ define('HEADER2_FONT_SIZE', 9);
+ define('FOOTER_FONT_SIZE', 10);
+ define('FOOTER_MARGIN', 4);
+ }
+ // Set some variables which control header item layout
+ $companyCol = $this->endLine - COMPANY_WIDTH;
+ $headerFieldCol = $this->leftMargin + LABEL_WIDTH;
+ $pageNumCol = $this->endLine - PAGE_NUM_WIDTH;
+ $footerCol = $this->leftMargin + PAGE_NUM_WIDTH;
+ $footerRow = $this->bottomMargin - FOOTER_MARGIN;
+ // Calling this function generates a new PDF page after the first instance
+ $this->pageNumber++;
+ if ($this->pageNumber > 1)
+ {
+// // TODO: experimenting with line drawing to highlight current period
+// $this->SetLineWidth(1);
+// $this->LineTo($this->cols[3], 33, $this->cols[3], 534);
+// $this->LineTo($this->cols[4], 33, $this->cols[4], 534);
+// $this->SetLineWidth(0.1);
+ $this->newPage();
+ }
+ $this->row = $this->pageHeight - $this->topMargin;
+ // Set the color of dividing lines we'll draw
+ $oldDrawColor = $this->GetDrawColor();
+ $this->SetDrawColor(128, 128, 128);
+ // Tell TCPDF that we want to use its alias system to track the total number of pages
+ $this->AliasNbPages();
+ // Footer
+ if ($this->footerEnable)
+ {
+ $this->Line($footerRow, 1);
+ $prevFontSize = $this->fontSize;
+ $this->fontSize = FOOTER_FONT_SIZE;
+ $this->TextWrap($footerCol, $footerRow - ($this->fontSize + 1),
+ $pageNumCol - $footerCol, $this->footerText, $align = 'center',
+ $border = 0, $fill = 0, $link = NULL, $stretch = 1);
+ $this->TextWrap($pageNumCol, $footerRow - ($this->fontSize + 1),
+ PAGE_NUM_WIDTH, _("Page") . ' ' . $this->pageNumber . '/' . $this->getAliasNbPages(),
+ $align = 'right', $border = 0, $fill = 0, $link = NULL, $stretch = 1);
+ $this->fontSize = $prevFontSize;
+ }
+ //
+ // Header
+ //
+ // Print gray line across the page
+ $this->Line($this->row + 8, 1);
+ $this->NewLine();
+ // Print the report title nice and big
+ $oldFontSize = $this->fontSize;
+ $this->fontSize = TITLE_FONT_SIZE;
+ $this->Font('B');
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $this->title, $companyCol);
+ $this->fontSize = HEADER1_FONT_SIZE;
+ // Print company logo if present and requested, or else just print company name
+ if ($this->companyLogoEnable && ($this->company['coy_logo'] != ''))
+ {
+ // Build a string specifying the location of the company logo file
+ $logo = $comp_path .'/'. user_company() . "/images/" . $this->company['coy_logo'];
+ // Width being zero means that the image will be scaled to the specified height
+ // keeping its aspect ratio intact.
+ $this->AddImage($logo, $companyCol, $this->row - (LOGO_HEIGHT * LOGO_Y_POS_ADJ_FACTOR), 0, LOGO_HEIGHT);
+ }
+ else
+ $this->Text($companyCol, $this->company['coy_name']);
+ // Dimension 1 - optional
+ // - only print if available and not blank
+ if (count($this->params) > 3)
+ if ($this->params[3]['from'] != '')
+ {
+ $this->NewLine(1, 0, $this->fontSize + 2);
+ $str = $this->params[3]['text'] . ':';
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $headerFieldCol);
+ $str = $this->params[3]['from'];
+ $this->Text($headerFieldCol, $str, $companyCol);
+ }
+ // Dimension 2 - optional
+ // - only print if available and not blank
+ if (count($this->params) > 4)
+ if ($this->params[4]['from'] != '')
+ {
+ $this->NewLine(1, 0, $this->fontSize + 2);
+ $str = $this->params[4]['text'] . ':';
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $headerFieldCol);
+ $str = $this->params[4]['from'];
+ $this->Text($headerFieldCol, $str, $companyCol);
+ }
+ // Tags - optional
+ // if present, it's an array of tag names
+ if (count($this->params) > 5)
+ if ($this->params[5]['from'] != '')
+ {
+ $this->NewLine(1, 0, $this->fontSize + 2);
+ $str = $this->params[5]['text'] . ':';
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $headerFieldCol);
+ $str = '';
+ for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->params[5]['from']); $i++)
+ {
+ if($i != 0)
+ $str .= ', ';
+ $str .= $this->params[5]['from'][$i];
+ }
+ $this->Text($headerFieldCol, $str, $companyCol);
+ }
+ // Report Date - time period covered
+ // - can specify a range, or just the end date (and the report contents
+ // should make it obvious what the beginning date is)
+ $this->NewLine(1, 0, $this->fontSize + 2);
+ $str = _("Report Period") . ':';
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $headerFieldCol);
+ $str = '';
+ if ($this->params[1]['from'] != '')
+ $str = $this->params[1]['from'] . ' - ';
+ $str .= $this->params[1]['to'];
+ $this->Text($headerFieldCol, $str, $companyCol);
+ // Turn off Bold
+ $this->Font();
+ $this->NewLine(1, 0, $this->fontSize + 1);
+ // Make the remaining report headings a little less important
+ $this->fontSize = HEADER2_FONT_SIZE;
+ // Timestamp of when this copy of the report was generated
+ $str = _("Generated At") . ':';
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $headerFieldCol);
+ $str = Today() . ' ' . Now();
+ if ($this->company['time_zone'])
+ $str .= ' ' . date('O') . ' GMT';
+ $this->Text($headerFieldCol, $str, $companyCol);
+ // Name of the user that generated this copy of the report
+ $this->NewLine(1, 0, $this->fontSize + 1);
+ $str = _("Generated By") . ':';
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $headerFieldCol);
+ $str = $this->user;
+ $this->Text($headerFieldCol, $str, $companyCol);
+ // Display any user-generated comments for this copy of the report
+ if ($this->params[0] != '') // Comments
+ {
+ $this->NewLine(1, 0, $this->fontSize + 1);
+ $str = _("Comments") . ':';
+ $this->Text($this->leftMargin, $str, $headerFieldCol);
+ $this->Font('B');
+ $this->Text($headerFieldCol, $this->params[0], $companyCol, 0, 0, 'left', 0, 0, $link=NULL, 1);
+ $this->Font();
+ }
+ // Add page numbering to header if footer is turned off
+ if (!$this->footerEnable)
+ {
+ $str = _("Page") . ' ' . $this->pageNumber . '/' . $this->getAliasNbPages();
+ $this->Text($pageNumCol, $str, 0, 0, 0, 'right', 0, 0, NULL, 1);
+ }
+ // Print gray line across the page
+ $this->Line($this->row - 5, 1);
+ // Restore font size to user-defined size
+ $this->fontSize = $oldFontSize;
+ // restore user-specified cell padding for column headers
+ $this->SetCellPadding($oldcMargin);
+ // scoot down the page a bit
+ $oldLineHeight = $this->lineHeight;
+ $this->lineHeight = $this->fontSize + 1;
+ $this->row -= ($this->lineHeight + 6);
+ $this->lineHeight = $oldLineHeight;
+ // Print the column headers!
+ $this->Font('I');
+ if ($this->headers2 != null)
+ {
+ $count = count($this->headers2);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
+ $this->TextCol2($i, $i + 1, $this->headers2[$i], $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=1);
+ $this->NewLine();
+ }
+ $count = count($this->headers);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
+ $this->TextCol($i, $i + 1, $this->headers[$i], $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=1);
+ $this->Font();
+ $this->NewLine(2);
+ // restore user-specified draw color
+ $this->SetDrawColor($oldDrawColor[0], $oldDrawColor[1], $oldDrawColor[2]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Format a numeric string date into something nicer looking.
+ *
+ * @param string $date Date string to be formatted.
+ * @param int $input_format Format of the input string. Possible values are:<ul><li>0: user's default (default)</li></ul>
+ * @param int $output_format Format of the output string. Possible values are:<ul><li>0: Month (word) Day (numeric), 4-digit Year - Example: January 1, 2000 (default)</li><li>1: Month 4-digit Year - Example: January 2000</li><li>2: Month Abbreviation 4-digit Year - Example: Jan 2000</li></ul>
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function DatePrettyPrint($date, $input_format = 0, $output_format = 0)
+ {
+ if ($date != '')
+ {
+ $date = date2sql($date);
+ $year = (int) (substr($date, 0, 4));
+ $month = (int) (substr($date, 5, 2));
+ $day = (int) (substr($date, 8, 2));
+ if ($output_format == 0)
+ return(date('F j, Y', mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)));
+ elseif ($output_format == 1)
+ return(date('F Y', mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)));
+ elseif ($output_format == 2)
+ return(date('M Y', mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)));
+ }
+ else
+ return $date;
+ }
function AddImage($logo, $x, $y, $w, $h)
if (strpos($logo, ".png") || strpos($logo, ".PNG"))
$this->addJpegFromFile($logo, $x, $y, $w, $h);
+ // Get current draw color setting from TCPDF object; returns array of RGB numbers
+ function GetDrawColor()
+ {
+ // Convert the TCPDF stored DrawColor string into an array of strings
+ $colorFields = explode(' ', $this->DrawColor);
+ // Test last value: G == grayscale, single number; RG == RGB, 3 numbers
+ if ($colorFields[count($colorFields) - 1] == 'G')
+ // Convert a grayscale string value to the equivalent RGB value
+ $drawColor = array((float) $colorFields[0], (float) $colorFields[0], (float) $colorFields[0]);
+ else
+ // Convert RGB string values to the a numeric array
+ $drawColor = array((float) $colorFields[0], (float) $colorFields[1], (float) $colorFields[2]);
+ return $drawColor;
+ }
function SetDrawColor($r, $g, $b)
- $this->setStrokeColor($r, $g, $b);
+ parent::SetDrawColor($r, $g, $b);
function SetTextColor($r, $g, $b)
- TCPDF::SetTextColor($r, $g, $b);
+ parent::SetTextColor($r, $g, $b);
- function Text($c, $txt, $n=0, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ /**
+ * Set the fill color for table cells.
+ * @see reporting/includes/TCPDF#SetFillColor($col1, $col2, $col3, $col4)
+ */
+ function SetFillColor($r, $g, $b)
+ {
+ parent::SetFillColor($r, $g, $b);
+ }
+ // Get current cell padding setting from TCPDF object
+ function GetCellPadding()
+ {
+ return $this->cMargin;
+ }
+ // Set desired cell padding (aka "cell margin")
+ // Seems to be just left and right margins...
+ function SetCellPadding($pad)
+ {
+ parent::SetCellPadding($pad);
+ }
+ function Text($c, $txt, $n=0, $corr=0, $r=0, $align='left', $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
if ($n == 0)
$n = $this->pageWidth - $this->rightMargin;
- return $this->TextWrap($c, $this->row - $r, $n - $c + $corr, $txt, 'left');
+ return $this->TextWrap($c, $this->row - $r, $n - $c + $corr, $txt, $align, $border, $fill, $link, $stretch);
- function TextWrap($xpos, $ypos, $len, $str, $align = 'left')
+ function TextWrap($xpos, $ypos, $len, $str, $align = 'left', $border = 0, $fill = 0, $link = NULL, $stretch = 0)
if ($this->fontSize != $this->oldFontSize)
$this->oldFontSize = $this->fontSize;
- return $this->addTextWrap($xpos, $ypos, $len, $this->fontSize, $str, $align);
+ return $this->addTextWrap($xpos, $ypos, $len, $this->fontSize, $str, $align, $border, $fill, $link, $stretch);
- function TextCol($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ function TextCol($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
- return $this->TextWrap($this->cols[$c], $this->row - $r, $this->cols[$n] - $this->cols[$c] + $corr, $txt, $this->aligns[$c]);
+ return $this->TextWrap($this->cols[$c], $this->row - $r, $this->cols[$n] - $this->cols[$c] + $corr, $txt, $this->aligns[$c], $border, $fill, $link, $stretch);
- function AmountCol($c, $n, $txt, $dec=0, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ function AmountCol($c, $n, $txt, $dec=0, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
- return $this->TextCol($c, $n, number_format2($txt, $dec), $corr, $r);
+ return $this->TextCol($c, $n, number_format2($txt, $dec), $corr, $r, $border, $fill, $link, $stretch);
- function DateCol($c, $n, $txt, $conv=false, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ function AmountCol2($c, $n, $txt, $dec=0, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0, $amount_locale = 'en_US.UTF-8', $amount_format = '%(!.2n')
+ {
+ setlocale(LC_MONETARY, $amount_locale);
+ return $this->TextCol($c, $n, money_format($amount_format, $txt), $corr, $r, $border, $fill, $link, $stretch);
+ }
+ function DateCol($c, $n, $txt, $conv=false, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
if ($conv)
$txt = sql2date($txt);
- return $this->TextCol($c, $n, $txt, $corr, $r);
+ return $this->TextCol($c, $n, $txt, $corr, $r, $border, $fill, $link, $stretch);
- function TextCol2($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ function TextCol2($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
- return $this->TextWrap($this->cols2[$c], $this->row - $r, $this->cols2[$n] - $this->cols2[$c] + $corr, $txt, $this->aligns2[$c]);
+ return $this->TextWrap($this->cols2[$c], $this->row - $r, $this->cols2[$n] - $this->cols2[$c] + $corr, $txt, $this->aligns2[$c], $border, $fill, $link, $stretch);
- function TextColLines($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0)
+ function TextColLines($c, $n, $txt, $corr=0, $r=0, $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
$this->row -= $r;
- $this->TextWrapLines($this->cols[$c], $this->cols[$n] - $this->cols[$c] + $corr, $txt, $this->aligns[$c]);
+ $this->TextWrapLines($this->cols[$c], $this->cols[$n] - $this->cols[$c] + $corr, $txt, $this->aligns[$c], $border, $fill, $link, $stretch);
- function TextWrapLines($c, $width, $txt, $align='left')
+ function TextWrapLines($c, $width, $txt, $align='left', $border=0, $fill=0, $link=NULL, $stretch=0)
$str = Explode("\n", $txt);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($str); $i++)
$l = $str[$i];
- $l = $this->TextWrap($c, $this->row , $width, $l, $align);
+ $l = $this->TextWrap($c, $this->row , $width, $l, $align, $border, $fill, $link, $stretch);
$this->row -= $this->lineHeight;
while ($l != '');
+ /**
+ * Expose the underlying calcTextWrap() function in this API.
+ */
+ function TextWrapCalc($txt, $width, $spacebreak=false)
+ {
+ return $this->calcTextWrap($txt, $width, $spacebreak);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the line drawing style.
+ *
+ * Takes an associative array as arg so you don't need to specify all values.
+ *
+ * Array keys:
+ * width (float) - the thickness of the line in user units
+ * cap (string) - the type of cap to put on the line, values can be 'butt','round','square'
+ * where the diffference between 'square' and 'butt' is that 'square' projects a flat end past the
+ * end of the line.
+ * join (string) - can be 'miter', 'round', 'bevel'
+ * dash (mixed) - Dash pattern. Is 0 (without dash) or string with series of length values, which are the
+ * lengths of the on and off dashes. For example: "2" represents 2 on, 2 off, 2 on, 2 off, ...;
+ * "2,1" is 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off, ...
+ * phase (integer) - a modifier on the dash pattern which is used to shift the point at which the pattern starts.
+ * color (array) - draw color. Format: array(GREY), or array(R,G,B) or array(C,M,Y,K).
+ */
+ function SetLineStyle($style)
+ {
+ parent::SetLineStyle($style);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the line drawing width.
+ */
+ function SetLineWidth($width)
+ {
+ parent::SetLineWidth($width);
+ }
function LineTo($from, $row, $to, $row2)
- Cpdf::line($from, $row, $to, $row2);
+ parent::line($from, $row, $to, $row2);
function Line($row, $height = 0)
- $this->setLineStyle($height + 1);
- Cpdf::line($this->pageWidth - $this->rightMargin, $row ,$this->leftMargin, $row);
+ $oldLineWidth = $this->GetLineWidth();
+ $this->SetLineWidth($height + 1);
+ parent::line($this->pageWidth - $this->rightMargin, $row ,$this->leftMargin, $row);
+ $this->SetLineWidth($oldLineWidth);
- function NewLine($l=1, $np=0)
+ /**
+ * Underlines the contents of a cell, but not the cell padding area.
+ * Primarily useful for the last line before a "totals" line.
+ * @param int $c Column number to underline.
+ * @param int $r Print the underline(s) this number of rows below the current position. Can be negative in order to go up.
+ * @param int $type Type of underlining to draw. Possible values are:<ul><li>1: single underline (default)</li><li>2: double underline</li></ul>
+ * @param int $linewidth Thickness of the line to draw. Default value of zero will use the current line width defined for this document.
+ * @param array $style Line style. Array like for {@link SetLineStyle SetLineStyle}. Default value: default line style (empty array).
+ * @access public
+ * @see SetLineWidth(), SetDrawColor(), SetLineStyle()
+ */
+ function UnderlineCell($c, $r = 0, $type = 1, $linewidth = 0, $style = array())
+ {
+ // If line width was specified, save current setting so we can reset it
+ if ($linewidth != 0)
+ {
+ $oldLineWidth = $this->GetLineWidth();
+ $this->SetLineWidth($linewidth);
+ }
+ // Figure out how far down to move the line based on current font size
+ // Calculate this because printing underline directly at $this->row goes on top
+ // of the parts of characters that "hang down", like the bottom of commas &
+ // lowercase letter 'g', etc.
+ if ($this->fontSize < 10)
+ $y_adj = 2;
+ else
+ $y_adj = 3;
+ parent::line($this->cols[$c] + $this->cMargin, $this->row - $r - $y_adj, $this->cols[$c + 1] - $this->cMargin, $this->row - $r - $y_adj, $style);
+ // Double underline, far enough below the first underline so as not to overlap
+ // the first underline (depends on current line thickness (aka "line width")
+ if ($type == 2)
+ parent::line($this->cols[$c] + $this->cMargin, $this->row - $r - $y_adj - ($this->GetLineWidth() + 2), $this->cols[$c + 1] - $this->cMargin, $this->row - $r - $y_adj - ($this->GetLineWidth() + 2), $style);
+ // If line width was specified, reset it back to the original setting
+ if ($linewidth != 0)
+ $this->SetLineWidth($oldLineWidth);
+ }
+ function NewLine($l=1, $np=0, $h = NULL)
- $this->row -= ($l * $this->lineHeight);
- if ($this->row < $this->bottomMargin + ($np * $this->lineHeight))
- $this->Header();
+ // If the line height wasn't specified, use the current setting
+ if ($h == NULL)
+ $h = $this->lineHeight;
+ // Move one line down the page
+ $this->row -= ($l * $h);
+ // Reset the "current line height" for the new line
+ $this->curLineHeight = $this->fontSize;
+ // Check to see if we're at the bottom and should insert a page break
+ if ($this->row < $this->bottomMargin + ($np * $h))
+ $this->{$this->headerFunc}(); // call header template chosen by current report
function End($email=0, $subject=null, $myrow=null, $doctype = 0)
* and
* if (!defined("K_RE_PATTERN_ARABIC"))
* 4. Parameter $unicode in constructor renamed to $uni.
- * 4. Header function renamed to Header1 (due to conflict with FrontReport Header)
+ * 5. Header function renamed to Header1 (due to conflict with FrontReport Header)
+ * 6. Line 6190, SetLineWidth (cast of values to avoid problem in PHP 5.2.6
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!defined("K_PATH_FONTS"))
function SetLineWidth($width) {
//Set line width
$this->LineWidth = $width;
- $this->linestyleWidth = sprintf('%.2f w', ($width * $this->k));
+ //$this->linestyleWidth = sprintf('%.2f w', ($width * $this->k));
+ // FrontAccounting fix
+ // My PHP 5.2.6 environment gave an "Unsupported operand types"
+ // error for the multiplication on the next line some of the
+ // time when this method is called - I debugged and sometimes
+ // the $width parameter is some sort of weird array. I don't
+ // understand what's going on, but casting it to a (float) seems
+ // to "fix" the problem. -Jason Maas, 2009/09/25
+ $this->linestyleWidth = sprintf('%.2f w', ((float) $width * (float) $this->k));