$_POST['theme'], $_POST['page_size']);
+ flush_dir($comp_path.'/'.user_company().'/js_cache');
if (user_theme() != $theme)
| |
- // Make sure this directory exists and is writable!
- $session_save_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/tmp/';
- $session_save_path = session_save_path();
- if (strpos($session_save_path, ";") !== false)
- $session_save_path = substr($session_save_path, strpos($session_save_path, ";") + 1);
- if (isset($session_save_path))
- {
- session_save_path($session_save_path);
- unset($session_save_path);
- }
- if (!isset($path_to_root) || isset($_GET['path_to_root']) || isset($_POST['path_to_root']))
- die("Restricted access");
- include_once($path_to_root . "/config_db.php");
- include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/lang/language.php");
// User configurable variables
Debugging info level also determined by settings in PHP.ini
if $debug=1 show debugging info, dont show if $debug=0 */
+if (!isset($path_to_root))
+//if (!isset($path_to_root) || isset($_GET['path_to_root']) || isset($_POST['path_to_root']))
+ die("Restricted access");
$debug = 1;
$show_sql = 0;
- $go_debug = 0;
+ $go_debug = 1;
if ($go_debug == 1)
/* Integrated base Wiki Help URL or null if not used */
$help_base_url = $path_to_root.'/modules/wiki/index.php?n='._('Help').'.';
+ /* per user data/cache directory */
+ $comp_path = $path_to_root.'/company';
/* allow alpha characters in accounts. 0 = numeric, 1 = alpha numeric, 2 = uppercase alpha numeric */
$accounts_alpha = 0;
//MySQL Backup and Restore Settings
- define("BACKUP_PATH", "/admin/backup/");
+if(isset($_SESSION["wa_current_user"])) {
+ define("BACKUP_PATH", $comp_path.'/'.user_company()."/backup/");
+ // static js files path
+ $js_path = $path_to_root.'/js/';
+ // standard external js scripts included in all files
+ $js_static = array('behaviour.js');
+ // additional js source included in header
+ $js_lib = $js_userlib = array();
\ No newline at end of file
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/references.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/prefs/sysprefs.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/db/comments_db.inc");
- include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/db/sql_functions.inc");
+ include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/db/sql_functions.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/users_db.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui/ui_view.inc");
page_footer($no_menu, $is_index);
- function add_js_file($filename)
- {
+ function flush_dir($path) {
+ $dir = opendir($path);
+ while(false !== ($fname = readdir($dir))) {
+ if($fname=='.' || $fname=='..') continue;
+ if(is_dir($path.'/'.$fname)) {
+ flush_dir($path.'/'.$fname);
+ rmdir($path.'/'.$fname);
+ } else
+ unlink($path.'/'.$fname);
+ }
+ }
+ function cache_js_file($fpath, $text)
+ {
+ // FIX compress text ...
+ $file = fopen($fpath, 'w');
+ if (!$file) return false;
+ if (!fwrite($file, $text)) return false;
+ return fclose($file);
+ }
+ function add_js_file($filename)
+ {
global $js_static;
$search = array_search($filename, $js_static);
if ($search === false || $search === null) // php>4.2.0 returns null
- $js_static[] = $filename;
- }
+ $js_static[] = $filename;
+ }
+ function add_js_ufile($filename)
+ {
+ global $js_userlib;
+ $search = array_search($filename, $js_userlib);
+ if ($search === false || $search === null) // php>4.2.0 returns null
+ $js_userlib[] = $filename;
+ }
- function add_js_source($text)
- {
+ function add_js_source($text)
+ {
global $js_lib;
$search = array_search($text, $js_lib);
if ($search === false || $search === null) // php>4.2.0 returns null
$js_lib[] = $text;
- }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
// titles and screen header
global $db_connections, $path_to_root, $def_app, $applications,
$help_base_url, $help_page_url, $use_popup_windows,
- $js_lib, $js_static, $js_path;
+ $js_lib, $js_static, $js_path, $js_userlib, $comp_path;
if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) return;
$js = get_js_open_window(900, 500);
+ add_js_user_num(); // add user native numeric input functions
// javascript includes collect
$js ='';
$js .= '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.
$js_path . $jsfile . '"></script>';
+ foreach($js_userlib as $jsfile) {
+ $js .= '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.
+ $jsfile . '"></script>';
+ }
foreach($js_lib as $text) {
$js .= $text;
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/current_user.inc");
+ // Make sure this directory exists and is writable!
+ $session_save_path = dirname(__FILE__).'/tmp/';
+ $session_save_path = session_save_path();
+ if (strpos($session_save_path, ";") !== false)
+ $session_save_path = substr($session_save_path, strpos($session_save_path, ";") + 1);
+ if (isset($session_save_path))
+ {
+ session_save_path($session_save_path);
+ unset($session_save_path);
+ }
+ if (!isset($path_to_root) || isset($_GET['path_to_root']) || isset($_POST['path_to_root']))
+ die("Restricted access");
+ include_once($path_to_root . "/config_db.php");
+ include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/lang/language.php");
include_once($path_to_root . "/config.php");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/main.inc");
- global $js_lib, $js_static, $js_path;
- $js_path = $path_to_root.'/js/';
- // standard external js scripts included in all files
- $js_static = array('behaviour.js');
- // additional js source included in header
- $js_lib = array();
- add_js_user_num(); // add user native numeric input functions
// Run with debugging messages for the system administrator(s) but not anyone else
/*if (in_array(15, $security_groups[$_SESSION["AccessLevel"]])) {
$debug = 1;
\ No newline at end of file
function get_js_form_entry($edit_name, $sel_name, $next_name)
+ global $comp_path;
+ $fpath = $comp_path.'/'.user_company().'/js_cache/form_entry.js';
+ if (!file_exists($fpath)) {
$js = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
. "<!--\n"
. "function recalcAccounts()\n"
. "}\n"
. "-->\n"
. "</script>\n";
- return $js;
+ cache_js_file($fpath, $js);
+ }
+ add_js_ufile($fpath);
+ return '';
function get_js_set_focus($name)
function get_js_date_picker()
- global $dateseps, $date_system;
- $how = user_date_format(); // 0 = us/ca, 1 = eu, au, nz, 2 = jp, sw
- $sep = $dateseps[user_date_sep()]; // date separator
- $wstart = (($date_system == 1 || $date_system == 2) ? 6 : ($how == 0 ? 0 : 1)); // weekstart (sun = 0, mon = 1)
- $months = array(_("January"),_("February"),_("March"),_("April"),_("May"),_("June"),_("July"),_("August"),_("September"),_("October"),_("November"),_("December"));
- $wdays = array(_("Su"),_("Mo"),_("Tu"),_("We"),_("Th"),_("Fr"),_("Sa"));
- $back = _("Back");
- if ($date_system == 1)
- list($cyear, $cmon, $cday) = gregorian_to_jalali(date("Y"), date("n"), date("j"));
- else if ($date_system == 2)
- list($cyear, $cmon, $cday) = gregorian_to_islamic(date("Y"), date("n"), date("j"));
+ global $comp_path;
+ $fpath = $comp_path.'/'.user_company().'/js_cache/'.'date_picker.js';
$js = "<style>
#CCIFrame { display: none; left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; height: 250px; width: 250px; z-index: 99;}
#CC .empty { background-color: #CCC; border: 1px solid #FFF;}
- $js .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
+ add_js_source($js);
+ if (!file_exists($fpath)) {
+ global $dateseps, $date_system;
+ $how = user_date_format(); // 0 = us/ca, 1 = eu, au, nz, 2 = jp, sw
+ $sep = $dateseps[user_date_sep()]; // date separator
+ $wstart = (($date_system == 1 || $date_system == 2) ? 6 : ($how == 0 ? 0 : 1)); // weekstart (sun = 0, mon = 1)
+ $months = array(_("January"),_("February"),_("March"),_("April"),_("May"),_("June"),_("July"),_("August"),_("September"),_("October"),_("November"),_("December"));
+ $wdays = array(_("Su"),_("Mo"),_("Tu"),_("We"),_("Th"),_("Fr"),_("Sa"));
+ $back = _("Back");
+ if ($date_system == 1)
+ list($cyear, $cmon, $cday) = gregorian_to_jalali(date("Y"), date("n"), date("j"));
+ else if ($date_system == 2)
+ list($cyear, $cmon, $cday) = gregorian_to_islamic(date("Y"), date("n"), date("j"));
+ $js = "
function positionInfo(object) {
var p_elm = object;
this.getElementLeft = getElementLeft;
document.write(\"<iframe id='CCIframe' src='javascript:false;' frameBorder='0' scrolling='no'></iframe>\");
-document.write(\"<div id='CC'></div>\");
- return $js;
+document.write(\"<div id='CC'></div>\");";
+ cache_js_file($fpath, $js);
+ }
+ add_js_ufile($fpath);
+ return '';
// Javascript conversions to/from user numeric format.
function add_js_user_num() {
+ global $comp_path;
+ $fpath = $comp_path.'/'.user_company().'/js_cache/'.'user_num.js';
+ if (!file_exists($fpath)) {
global $thoseps, $decseps;
$ts = $thoseps[user_tho_sep()];
$ds = $decseps[user_dec_sep()];
- $js =
- "<script language=\"javascript\">
-function price_format(post, num, dec, label) {
+ $js = "function price_format(post, num, dec, label) {
//num = num.toString().replace(/\\$|\\,/g,'');
num = \"0\";
val = val.replace(/\\".$ds."/g,'.');
return 1*val;
- </script>";
- add_js_source($js);
+ ";
+ cache_js_file($fpath, $js);
+ }
+ add_js_ufile($fpath);
function add_js_allocate() {
- $source =
- "<script>
- function allocate_all(doc) {
+ global $comp_path;
+ $fpath = $comp_path.'/'.user_company().'/js_cache/'.'allocate.js';
+ if (!file_exists($fpath)) {
+ $js =
+ "function allocate_all(doc) {
var amount = get_amount('amount'+doc);
var unallocated = get_amount('un_allocated'+doc);
var total = get_amount('total_allocated', 1);
price_format('left_to_allocate',amount+left, ".user_price_dec().", 1);
price_format('amount'+doc, 0, ".user_price_dec().");
price_format('total_allocated', total-amount, ".user_price_dec().", 1);
- }
- </script>";
- add_js_user_num();
- add_js_source($source);
+ }";
+ cache_js_file($fpath, $js);
+ }
+ add_js_ufile($fpath);
+ add_js_user_num();
function alert($msg)