include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/");
-$_search_button = "<input type='submit' class='combo_submit' style='border:0;background:url($path_to_root/themes/"
- ."%s/images/locate.png) no-repeat;%s' name='%s' value=' ' title='"._("Set filter")."'> ";
+$_search_button = "<input %s type='submit' class='combo_submit' style='border:0;background:url($path_to_root/themes/"
+ ."%s/images/locate.png) no-repeat;%s' fallback='1' name='%s' value=' ' title='"._("Set filter")."'> ";
-$_select_button = "<input type='submit' class='combo_select' style='border:0;background:url($path_to_root/themes/"
- ."%s/images/button_ok.png) no-repeat;%s' name='%s' value=' ' title='"._("Select")."'> ";
+$_select_button = "<input %s type='submit' class='combo_select' style='border:0;background:url($path_to_root/themes/"
+ ."%s/images/button_ok.png) no-repeat;%s' fallback='1' name='%s' value=' ' title='"._("Select")."'> ";
$all_items = reserved_words::get_all();
-// Universal combo generator
+// Universal sql combo generator
// $sql must return selector values and selector texts in columns 0 & 1
// Options are merged with defaults.
'cells' => false, // combo displayed as 2 <td></td> cells
'search' => array(), // sql field names to search
'format' => null, // format functions for regular options
- 'disabled' => false, // FIX todo
+ 'disabled' => false,
'box_hint' => null // box/selectors hints; null = std see below
// ------ merge options with defaults ----------
$spec_option = $opts['spec_option'];
$by_id = ($opts['type'] == 0);
$class = $by_id ? 'combo':'combo2';
+ $disabled = $opts['disabled'] ? "disabled" : '';
if(!count($opts['search'])) {
$opts['search'] = array($by_id ? $valfield : $namefield);
// Prepend special option.
if ($spec_option !== false) { // if special option used - add it
$first_id = $spec_id;
$Ajax->addUpdate($name, $search_box, $txt);
- $selector = "<select name='$name' class='$class' title='"
+ $selector = "<select $disabled name='$name' class='$class' title='"
. $opts['sel_hint']."' $rel>".$selector."</select>\n";
$Ajax->addUpdate($name, "_{$name}_sel", $selector);
if ($select_submit != false) { // if submit on change is used - add select button
global $_select_button;
// button class selects form reload/ajax selector update
- $selector .= sprintf($_select_button, user_theme(),
+ $selector .= sprintf($_select_button, $disabled, user_theme(),
(in_ajax() ? 'display:none;':''),
$edit_entry = '';
if ($search_box != false) {
- $edit_entry = "<input type='text' name='$search_box' id='$search_box' size='".
+ $edit_entry = "<input $disabled type='text' name='$search_box' id='$search_box' size='".
$opts['size']."' maxlength='".$opts['max'].
"' value='$txt' class='$class' rel='$name' autocomplete='off' title='"
if ($search_submit != false) {
global $_search_button;
- $edit_entry .= sprintf($_search_button, user_theme(),
+ $edit_entry .= sprintf($_search_button, $disabled, user_theme(),
(in_ajax() ? 'display:none;':''),
return $str;
+// Universal array combo generator
+// $items is array of options 'value' => 'description'
+// Options is reduced set of combo_selector options and is merged with defaults.
+function array_selector($name, $selected_id, $items, $options=null)
+ global $Ajax;
+$opts = array( // default options
+ 'spec_option'=>false, // option text or false
+ 'spec_id' => 0, // option id
+ 'select_submit' => false, //submit on select: true/false
+ 'async' => true, // select update via ajax (true) vs _page_body reload
+ // search box parameters
+ 'sel_hint' => null,
+ 'disabled' => false
+// ------ merge options with defaults ----------
+ $opts = array_merge($opts, $options);
+ $select_submit = $opts['select_submit']===true ? '_'.$name.'_update' : $opts['select_submit'];
+ $spec_id = $opts['spec_id'];
+ $spec_option = $opts['spec_option'];
+ $disabled = $opts['disabled'] ? "disabled" : '';
+ if ($selected_id == null) {
+ $selected_id = get_post($name, null);
+ }
+ if (isset($_POST[$select_submit])) {
+ if (!$opts['async'])
+ $Ajax->activate('_page_body');
+ else
+ $Ajax->activate($name);
+ }
+ // ------ make selector ----------
+ $selector = $first_opt = '';
+ $first_id = false;
+ $found = false;
+//if($name=='SelectStockFromList') display_error($sql);
+ foreach($items as $value=>$descr) {
+ $sel = '';
+ if ($selected_id == $value) {
+ $sel = 'selected';
+ $found = $value;
+ }
+ if ($first_id === false) {
+ $first_id = $value;
+ $first_opt = $descr;
+ }
+ $selector .= "<option $sel value='$value'>$descr</option>\n";
+ }
+ // Prepend special option.
+ if ($spec_option !== false) { // if special option used - add it
+ $first_id = $spec_id;
+ $first_opt = $spec_option;
+ $sel = $found===false ? 'selected' : '';
+ $selector = "<option $sel value='$spec_id'>$spec_option</option>\n"
+ . $selector;
+ }
+ if ($found === false) {
+ $_POST[$name] = $first_id;
+ }
+ $selector = "<select $disabled name='$name' class='combo' title='"
+ . $opts['sel_hint']."' >".$selector."</select>\n";
+ $Ajax->addUpdate($name, "_{$name}_sel", $selector);
+ $selector = "<span id='_{$name}_sel'>".$selector."</span>\n";
+ if ($select_submit != false) { // if submit on change is used - add select button
+ global $_select_button;
+ $selector .= sprintf($_select_button, $disabled, user_theme(),
+ (in_ajax() ? 'display:none;':''),
+ $select_submit)."\n";
+ }
+ default_focus($name);
+ echo $selector;
+ return $selector;
+function _format_add_curr($row)
+ static $company_currency;
+ if ($company_currency == null)
+ {
+ $company_currency = get_company_currency();
+ }
+ return $row[1] . ($row[2] == $company_currency ?
+ '' : (" - " . $row[2]));
function supplier_list($name, $selected_id=null, $spec_option=false, $submit_on_change=false)
-function _format_add_curr($row)
-static $company_currency;
-if ($company_currency == null)
- $company_currency = get_company_currency();
-return $row[1] . ($row[2] == $company_currency ?
- '' : (" - " . $row[2]));
function supplier_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false)
if ($label != null)
function customer_list_row($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $all_option = false, $submit_on_change=false)
-echo "<tr><td>$label</td><td nowrap>";
-$str = customer_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change);
-echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
-return $str;
+ echo "<tr><td>$label</td><td nowrap>";
+ $str = customer_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change);
+ echo "</td>\n</tr>\n";
+ return $str;
'spec_id' => $all_items,
'select_submit'=> $submit_on_change,
'sel_hint' => _('Select customer branch')
-// 'async' => false
) );
-function stock_purchasable_items_list($name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false,
- $submit_on_change=false, $opts=array())
+function stock_purchasable_items_list($name, $selected_id=null,
+ $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false)
- global $all_items;
- $sql = "SELECT stock_id, s.description, c.description
- FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master s,".TB_PREF."stock_category c
- WHERE s.category_id=c.category_id
- AND mb_flag !='M' ";
- return combo_input($name, $selected_id, $sql, 'stock_id', 's.description',
- array_merge( array(
- 'format' => '_format_stock_items',
- 'spec_option' => $all_option===true ? _("All Items") : $all_option,
- 'spec_id' => $all_items,
- 'search_box' => true,
- 'search' => array("stock_id", "c.description","s.description"),
- 'search_submit' => get_company_pref('no_item_list')!=0,
- 'size'=>10,
- 'select_submit'=> $submit_on_change
- ), $opts) );
+ $str = stock_items_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change,
+ array('where'=>array("mb_flag!= 'M'")));
+ return $str;
function stock_purchasable_items_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null,
if ($label != null)
echo "<td>$label</td>\n";
- $ret = stock_purchasable_items_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option,
- $submit_on_change, array('cells'=>true) );
- return $ret;
+ $str = stock_items_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change,
+ array('where'=>array("mb_flag!= 'M'"), 'cells'=>true));
+ return $str;
function stock_purchasable_items_list_row($label, $name, $selected_id=null,
function stock_item_types_list_row($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $enabled=true)
- default_focus($name);
+ $types = array(
+ 'M' => _("Manufactured"),
+ 'B' => _("Purchased"),
+ 'D' => _("Service")
+ );
echo "<tr>";
- if ($label != NULL)
+ if ($label != null)
echo "<td>$label</td>\n";
echo "<td>";
- if ($enabled)
- $sel = "<select name='$name' onchange='JsHttpRequest.request(\"_{$name}_update\", this.form);'>\n";
- else
- $sel = "<select disabled name='$name'>\n";
- if ($selected_id == null)
- $selected_id = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
- if ($selected_id == "")
- $_POST[$name] = $selected_id = "B";
- $sel .= "<option " . ($selected_id == 'M'?" selected ":"") . " value='M'>" . _("Manufactured"). "</option>\n";
- $sel .= "<option " . ($selected_id == 'B'?" selected ":"") . " value='B'>" . _("Purchased"). "</option>\n";
- $sel .= "<option " . ($selected_id == 'D'?" selected ":"") . " value='D'>" . _("Service"). "</option>\n";
- $sel .= "</select>";
- echo $sel;
+ array_selector($name, $selected_id, $types,
+ array(
+ 'select_submit'=> true,
+ 'disabled' => !$enabled) );
echo "</td></tr>\n";
- return $sel;
function stock_units_list_row($label, $name, $value=null, $enabled=true)
- default_focus($name);
$result = get_all_item_units();
- echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n";
- if ($enabled)
- echo "<td><select name='$name'>";
- else
- echo "<td><select disabled name='$name'>";
- if ($value == null)
- $value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
+ echo "<tr>";
+ if ($label != null)
+ echo "<td>$label</td>\n";
+ echo "<td>";
while($unit = db_fetch($result))
- {
- if ($value == "")
- {
- $_POST[$name] = $unit['abbr'];
- }
- $descr = $unit['name'];
- if ($value==$unit['abbr'])
- {
- echo "<option selected value='".$unit['abbr']."'>$descr</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<option value='".$unit['abbr']."'>$descr</option>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</select></td></tr>\n";
+ $units[$unit['abbr']] = $unit['name'];
+ array_selector($name, $value, $units,
+ array(
+ 'select_submit'=> true,
+ 'disabled' => !$enabled) );
+ echo "</td></tr>\n";
function yesno_list($name, $selected_id=null, $name_yes="", $name_no="", $submit_on_change=false)
- default_focus($name);
- if ($submit_on_change == true)
- echo "<select name='$name' onchange='this.form.submit();'>"; // FIX ajax
- else
- echo "<select name='$name'>";
- if (strlen($name_yes) == 0)
- {
- unset($name_yes);
- }
- if (strlen($name_no) == 0)
- {
- unset($name_no);
- }
+ $items = array();
+ $items['1'] = strlen($name_yes) ? $name_yes : _("Yes");
+ $items['0'] = strlen($name_no) ? $name_no : _("No");
- if ($selected_id == null)
- $selected_id = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? 0 : $_POST[$name]);
- if ($selected_id == 0)
- echo "<option value=1>";
- else
- echo "<option selected value=1>";
- if (!isset($name_yes))
- echo _("Yes") . "</option>\n";
- else
- echo $name_yes . "</option>\n";
- if ($selected_id == 0)
- echo "<option selected value=0>";
- else
- echo "<option value=0>";
- if (!isset($name_no))
- echo _("No") . "</option>\n";
- else
- echo $name_no . "</option>\n";
- echo "</select>";
+ return array_selector($name, $selected_id, $items,
+ array(
+ 'select_submit'=> true,
+ 'async' => false ) ); // FIX?
function yesno_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $name_yes="", $name_no="", $submit_on_change=false)
global $installed_languages;
- default_focus($name);
- echo "<select name='$name'>";
- if ($selected_id == null)
- $selected_id = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
+ $items = array();
foreach ($installed_languages as $lang)
- {
- echo "<option ";
- if ($selected_id == $lang['code'])
- echo "selected ";
- echo "value='" . $lang['code'] . "'>" . $lang['name'] . "</option>\n";
- }
+ $items[$lang['code']] = $lang['name'];
+ return array_selector($name, $selected_id, $items );
function languages_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null)
function bank_account_types_list($name, $selected_id=null)
- $bank_account_types = bank_account_types::get_all();
- default_focus($name);
- echo "<select name='$name'>";
+ $types = bank_account_types::get_all();
- if ($selected_id == null)
- $selected_id = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
- foreach ($bank_account_types as $type)
+ $items = array();
+ foreach ($types as $type)
- echo "<option ";
- if ($selected_id == "" || $selected_id == $type['id'])
- echo "selected ";
- echo "value='" . $type['id'] . "'>" . $type['name'] . "</option>\n";
+ if (payment_person_types::has_items($type['id']))
+ {
+ $items[$type['id']] = $type['name'];
+ }
+ return array_selector($name, $selected_id, $items );
function bank_account_types_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null)
-function payment_person_types_list($name, $selected_id=null, $related=null)
+function payment_person_types_list($name, $selected_id=null, $submit_on_change=false)
$types = payment_person_types::get_all();
- default_focus($name);
- echo "<select name='$name'";
- if ($related) // FIX ajax
- echo " onchange='this.form.$related.value=\"\"; this.form.submit();' ";
- echo ">";
- if ($selected_id == null)
- $selected_id = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
+ $items = array();
foreach ($types as $type)
if (payment_person_types::has_items($type['id']))
- if ($selected_id == "")
- $_POST[$name] = $selected_id = $type['id'];
- echo "<option ";
- if ($selected_id == $type['id'])
- echo "selected ";
- echo "value='" . $type['id'] . "'>" . $type['name'] . "</option>\n";
+ $items[$type['id']] = $type['name'];
+ return array_selector($name, $selected_id, $items,
+ array( 'select_submit'=> $submit_on_change ) );
function payment_person_types_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $related=null)
$types = wo_types::get_all();
- default_focus($name);
- echo "<select name='$name' onchange='JsHttpRequest.request(\"_{$name}_update\", this.form);'>";
- if ($selected_id == null)
- $selected_id = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
+ $items = array();
foreach ($types as $type)
- {
- echo "<option ";
- if ($selected_id == $type['id'])
- echo "selected ";
- echo "value='" . $type['id'] . "'>" . $type['name'] . "</option>\n";
- }
- echo "</select>";
+ $items[$type['id']] = $type['name'];
+ return array_selector($name, $selected_id, $items,
+ array( 'select_submit'=> true, 'async' => true ) );
function wo_types_list_row($label, $name, $selected_id=null)
global $dateformats;
- default_focus($name);
- echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n";
- echo "<td><select name='$name'>";
- if ($value == null)
- $value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? 0 : $_POST[$name]);
- $counter = 0;
- foreach ($dateformats as $df)
- {
- if ($value==$counter)
- {
- echo "<option selected value='$counter'>$df</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<option value='$counter'>$df</option>\n";
- }
- $counter++;
- }
- echo "</select></td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n<td>";
+ array_selector( $name, $value, $dateformats );
+ echo "</td></tr>\n";
function dateseps_list_row($label, $name, $value=null)
global $dateseps;
- default_focus($name);
- echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n";
- echo "<td><select name='$name'>";
- if ($value == null)
- $value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? 0 : $_POST[$name]);
- $counter = 0;
- foreach ($dateseps as $ds)
- {
- if ($value==$counter)
- {
- echo "<option selected value='$counter'>$ds</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<option value='$counter'>$ds</option>\n";
- }
- $counter++;
- }
- echo "</select></td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n<td>";
+ array_selector( $name, $value, $dateseps );
+ echo "</td></tr>\n";
function thoseps_list_row($label, $name, $value=null)
global $thoseps;
- default_focus($name);
- echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n";
- echo "<td><select name='$name'>";
- if ($value == null)
- $value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? 0 : $_POST[$name]);
- $counter = 0;
- foreach ($thoseps as $ts)
- {
- if ($value==$counter)
- {
- echo "<option selected value='$counter'>$ts</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<option value='$counter'>$ts</option>\n";
- }
- $counter++;
- }
- echo "</select></td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n<td>";
+ array_selector( $name, $value, $thoseps );
+ echo "</td></tr>\n";
function decseps_list_row($label, $name, $value=null)
global $decseps;
- default_focus($name);
- echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n";
- echo "<td><select name='$name'>";
- if ($value == null)
- $value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? 0 : $_POST[$name]);
- $counter = 0;
- foreach ($decseps as $ds)
- {
- if ($value==$counter)
- {
- echo "<option selected value='$counter'>$ds</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<option value='$counter'>$ds</option>\n";
- }
- $counter++;
- }
- echo "</select></td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n<td>";
+ array_selector( $name, $value, $decseps );
+ echo "</td></tr>\n";
function themes_list_row($label, $name, $value=null)
global $path_to_root;
- default_focus($name);
$path = $path_to_root.'/themes/';
$themes = array();
$themedir = opendir($path);
if($fname!='.' && $fname!='..' && $fname!='CVS' && is_dir($path.$fname))
- $themes[] = $fname;
+ $themes[$fname] = $fname;
- sort($themes);
- echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n";
- echo "<td><select name='$name'>";
- if ($value == null)
- $value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
- foreach ($themes as $th)
- {
+ ksort($themes);
- if ($value==$th)
- {
- echo "<option selected value='$th'>$th</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<option value='$th'>$th</option>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</select></td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n<td>";
+ array_selector( $name, $value, $themes );
+ echo "</td></tr>\n";
function pagesizes_list_row($label, $name, $value=null)
global $pagesizes;
- default_focus($name);
- echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n";
- echo "<td><select name='$name'>";
- if ($value == null)
- $value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
+ $items = array();
foreach ($pagesizes as $pz)
- {
+ $items[$pz] = $pz;
- if ($value==$pz)
- {
- echo "<option selected value='$pz'>$pz</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<option value='$pz'>$pz</option>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</select></td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n<td>";
+ array_selector( $name, $value, $items );
+ echo "</td></tr>\n";
function security_headings_list_row($label, $name, $value=null)
global $security_headings;
- default_focus($name);
- echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n";
- echo "<td><select name='$name'>";
- if ($value == null)
- $value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? 0 : (int)$_POST[$name]);
- $counter=0;
- foreach ($security_headings as $sh)
- {
- if ($value==$counter)
- {
- echo "<option selected value='$counter'>$sh</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<option value='$counter'>$sh</option>\n";
- }
- $counter++;
- }
- echo "</select></td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n<td>";
+ array_selector( $name, $value, $security_headings );
+ echo "</td></tr>\n";
function systypes_list_cells($label, $name, $value=null, $submit_on_change=false)
global $systypes_array;
- default_focus($name);
if ($label != null)
echo "<td>$label</td>\n";
- echo "<td><select name='$name'";
- if ($submit_on_change)
- echo " onchange='this.form.submit();'>"; // FIX ajax
- else
- echo ">";
- if ($value == null)
- $value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
- foreach ($systypes_array as $key=>$type)
- {
+ echo "<td>";
- if ($value==$key)
- {
- echo "<option selected value='$key'>".$type['name']."</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<option value='$key'>".$type['name']."</option>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</select></td>\n";
+ $items = array();
+ foreach ($systypes_array as $key=>$type)
+ $items[$key] = $type['name'];
+ $str = array_selector($name, $value, $items,
+ array(
+ 'select_submit'=> $submit_on_change,
+ 'async' => false
+ )
+ );
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ return $str;
function systypes_list_row($label, $name, $value=null, $submit_on_change=false)
function cust_allocations_list_cells($label, $name, $selected=null)
global $all_items;
- default_focus($name);
if ($label != null)
- if ($selected == null)
- $selected = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
- echo "<td><select name='$name'>";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == $all_items ? " selected " : "") . " value='$all_items'>" . _("All Types"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == '1'?" selected ":"") . " value='1'>" . _("Sales Invoices"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == '2'?" selected ":"") . " value='2'>" . _("Overdue Invoices"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == '3'?" selected ":"") . " value='3'>" . _("Payments"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == '4'?" selected ":"") . " value='4'>" . _("Credit Notes"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == '5'?" selected ":"") . " value='5'>" . _("Delivery Notes"). "</option>\n";
- echo "</select></td>\n";
+ echo "<td>\n";
+ $allocs = array(
+ $all_items=>_("All Types"),
+ '1'=> _("Sales Invoices"),
+ '2'=> _("Overdue Invoices"),
+ '3' => _("Payments"),
+ '4' => _("Credit Notes"),
+ '5' => _("Delivery Notes")
+ );
+ $str = array_selector($name, $selected, $allocs);
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ return $str;
-function supp_allocations_list_cells($name, $selected=null)
+function supp_allocations_list_cell($name, $selected=null)
global $all_items;
- default_focus($name);
- if ($selected == null)
- $selected = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
- echo "<td><select name='$name'>";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == $all_items ? " selected " : "") . " value='$all_items'>" . _("All Types"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == '1'?" selected ":"") . " value='1'>" . _("Invoices"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == '2'?" selected ":"") . " value='2'>" . _("Overdue Invoices"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == '3'?" selected ":"") . " value='3'>" . _("Payments"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == '4'?" selected ":"") . " value='4'>" . _("Credit Notes"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == '5'?" selected ":"") . " value='5'>" . _("Overdue Credit Notes"). "</option>\n";
- echo "</select></td>\n";
+ echo "<td>\n";
+ $allocs = array(
+ $all_items=>_("All Types"),
+ '1'=> _("Invoices"),
+ '2'=> _("Overdue Invoices"),
+ '3' => _("Payments"),
+ '4' => _("Credit Notes"),
+ '5' => _("Overdue Credit Notes")
+ );
+ $str = array_selector($name, $selected, $allocs);
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ return $str;
function policy_list_cells($label, $name, $selected=null)
- default_focus($name);
- if ($selected == null)
- {
- $selected = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
- if ($selected == "")
- $_POST[$name] = $selected;
- }
if ($label != null)
- echo "<td><select name='$name'>";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == ''?" selected ":"") . " value=''>" . _("Automatically put balance on back order"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == 'CAN'?" selected ":"") . " value='CAN'>" . _("Cancel any quantites not delivered"). "</option>\n";
- echo "</select></td>\n";
+ echo "<td>\n";
+ $str = array_selector($name, $selected,
+ array( '' => _("Automatically put balance on back order"),
+ 'CAN' => _("Cancel any quantites not delivered")) );
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ return $str;
function policy_list_row($label, $name, $selected=null)
function credit_type_list_cells($label, $name, $selected=null, $submit_on_change=false)
- default_focus($name);
- if ($selected == null)
- {
- $selected = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "Return" : $_POST[$name]);
- if ($selected == "Return")
- $_POST[$name] = $selected;
- }
if ($label != null)
- echo "<td><select name='$name'";
- if ($submit_on_change)
- echo " onchange='JsHttpRequest.request(\"_{$name}_update\", this.form);'>";
- else
- echo ">";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == 'Return'?" selected ":"") . " value='Return'>" . _("Items Returned to Inventory Location"). "</option>\n";
- echo "<option " . ($selected == 'WriteOff'?" selected ":"") . " value='WriteOff'>" . _("Items Written Off"). "</option>\n";
- echo "</select></td>\n";
+ echo "<td>\n";
+ $str = array_selector($name, $selected,
+ array( 'Return' => _("Items Returned to Inventory Location"),
+ 'WriteOff' => _("Items Written Off")),
+ array( 'select_submit'=> $submit_on_change ) );
+ echo "</td>\n";
+ return $str;
function credit_type_list_row($label, $name, $selected=null, $submit_on_change=false)
function number_list($name, $selected, $from, $to, $no_option=false)
- default_focus($name);
- if ($selected == null)
- {
- $selected = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? reserved_words::get_all_numeric() : $_POST[$name]);
- }
- echo "<select name='$name'>";
- if ($no_option !== false)
- {
- $reserved_word = reserved_words::get_all_numeric();
- if ($selected == $reserved_word)
- {
- echo "<option selected value='$reserved_word'>$no_option</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<option value='$reserved_word'>$no_option</option>\n";
- }
- }
+ $items = array();
for ($i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++)
- {
- if ($selected == $i)
- {
- echo "<option selected value='$i'>$i</option>\n";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<option value='$i'>$i</option>\n";
- }
- }
- echo "</select>\n";
+ $items[$i] = "$i";
+ return array_selector($name, $selected, $items,
+ array( 'spec_option' => $no_option,
+ 'spec_id' => reserved_words::get_all_numeric()) );
function number_list_cells($label, $name, $selected, $from, $to, $no_option=false)
number_list_cells($label, $name, $selected, $from, $to, $no_option);
echo "</tr>\n";
\ No newline at end of file