return $numeric ? -1 : null;
// Helper function for simple db table editor pages
echo "<td>";
- $class = $submit_on_change ? 'class="searchbox"' : '';
+ $class = $submit_on_change ? 'date active' : 'date';
$aspect = $check ? 'aspect="cdate"' : '';
if ($check && (get_post($name) != Today()))
$aspect .= ' style="color:#FF0000"';
- echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"$name\" $class $aspect size=\"10\" maxlength=\"12\" value=\""
+ echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"$name\" class=\"$class\" $aspect size=\"10\" maxlength=\"12\" value=\""
. $_POST[$name]. "\""
.($title ? " title='$title'": '')." > $post_label";
echo "</td>\n";
+ Normalize date format using previous input value to guess missing date elements.
+ Helps fast date input field change with only single or double numbers (for day or day-and-month fragments)
+function fix_date(date, last)
+ var regex = /(\d+)[^\d]*(\d+)*[^\d]*(\d+)*/;
+ var dat = regex.exec(last);
+ var cur = regex.exec(date);
+ var day, month, year;
+// TODO: user.date as default?
+// TODO: user.datesys
+ if (!dat || !cur) return date;
+ if (cur[3] != undefined) // full date entered
+ dat = cur;
+ if (user.datefmt == 0) // set defaults
+ {
+ day = dat[2]; month = dat[1]; year = dat[3];
+ } else if (user.datefmt == 1)
+ {
+ day = dat[1]; month = dat[2]; year = dat[3];
+ } else {
+ day = dat[3]; month = dat[2]; year = dat[1];
+ }
+ if (cur[2] == undefined) // only day entred
+ day = cur[1];
+ else // day + month
+ if (cur[2] != undefined)
+ {
+ if (user.datefmt==1)
+ { day = cur[1]; month = cur[2] }
+ else
+ { day = cur[2]; month = cur[1] }
+ }
+ if (day<10) day = '0'+parseInt(day, 10);
+ if (month<10) month = '0'+parseInt(month, 10);
+ if (year<100) year = year<60 ? (2000+parseInt(year,10)) : (1900+parseInt(year,10));
+// console.info(day,month,year)
+ if (user.datefmt == 0)
+ return month+user.datesep+day+user.datesep+year;
+ if (user.datefmt == 1)
+ return day+user.datesep+month+user.datesep+year;
+ return year+user.datesep+month+user.datesep+day;
Behaviour definitions
+ '.date':
+ function(e) {
+ e.setAttribute('_last_val', e.value);
+ e.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');
+ e.onblur = function() {
+ var val = this.getAttribute('_last_val');
+ if (val != this.value) {
+ this.value = fix_date(this.value, val);
+ this.setAttribute('_last_val', this.value);
+ if (e.className.match(/\bactive\b/))
+ JsHttpRequest.request('_'+this.name+'_changed', this.form);
+ }
+ }
+ },
'button[aspect*selector], button[aspect*abort], input[aspect*selector]': function(e) {
e.onclick = function() {