$date = date2sql($trans_date);
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."audit_trail"
- . " (type, trans_no, user, gl_date, description)
+ . " (type, trans_no, user, gl_date, description, stamp)
VALUES(".db_escape($trans_type).", ".db_escape($trans_no).","
. $_SESSION["wa_current_user"]->user . ","
- . "'$date',". db_escape($descr). ")";
+ . "'$date',". db_escape($descr). ", CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)";
db_query($sql, "Cannot add audit info");
// all audit records beside just inserted one should have gl_seq set to NULL
// to avoid need for subqueries (not existing in MySQL 3) all over the code
$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."audit_trail audit LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."fiscal_year year ON year.begin<='$date' AND year.end>='$date'
SET audit.gl_seq = IF(audit.id=".db_insert_id().", 0, NULL),"
- ."audit.fiscal_year=year.id"
+ ."audit.fiscal_year=year.id, stamp=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"
. " WHERE type=".db_escape($trans_type)." AND trans_no="
. db_escape($trans_no);
input_num('amount'), input_num('discount'), $_POST['memo_'], 0, input_num('charge'), input_num('bank_amount', input_num('amount')));
$_SESSION['alloc']->trans_no = $payment_no;
+ $_SESSION['alloc']->date_ = $_POST['DateBanked'];