return true;
+ /*
+ * Returns the quantity allowed to be dispatched for a particular item
+ * and a status (which can be used to style the row).
+ * This quantity would be the default value on the delivery note.
+ * The usual use case for this is when a item is in stock,
+ * but has been reserved by someone else.
+ * This allows extensions to implements its own priority algorithm.
+ * This function is by detail_id and not item in case the item is present
+ * more than one in the cart.
+ */
+ /* Default behavior check if there is enough quantity on hand and change the css
+ * class if needed */
+ static function default_get_dispatchable_quantity($line_item, $location, $date, $qoh) {
+ global $SysPrefs;
+ if ($SysPrefs->allow_negative_stock() || ($line_item->qty_dispatched <= $qoh)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return array($qoh, 'stockmankobg');
+ return array($line_item->qty_dispatched, 'stockmankobg');
+ }
return hook_invoke_last('authenticate', $login, $password);
+ /*
+ * Returns the quantity allowed to be dispatched for a particular item
+ * and a "reason" (css classes).
+ * This quantity would be the default value on the delivery note.
+ * The usual use case for this is when a item is in stock,
+ * but has been reserved by someone else.
+ * This allows extensions to implements its own priority algorithm.
+ * This function is by detail_id and not item in case the item is present
+ * more than one in the cart.
+ * If 'skip' is returned, the line will be skipped and not displayed
+ */
+function hook_get_dispatchable_quantity($line_item, $location, $date, $qoh) {
+ $result = hook_invoke_first('get_dispatchable_quantity', $line_item, array($location, $date, $qoh));
+ return $result !== null ? $result : hooks::default_get_dispatchable_quantity($line_item, $location, $date, $qoh);
-function alt_table_row_color(&$k)
+function alt_table_row_color(&$k, $extra_class=null)
+ $classes = $extra_class ? array($extra_class) : array();
if ($k == 1)
- echo "<tr class='oddrow'>\n";
+ array_push($classes, 'oddrow');
$k = 0;
- echo "<tr class='evenrow'>\n";
+ array_push($classes, 'evenrow');
+ echo "<tr class='".implode(' ', $classes)."'>\n";
function table_section_title($msg, $colspan=2)
$ln_itm->qty_dispatched = $ln_itm->quantity-$ln_itm->qty_done;
// if it's a non-stock item (eg. service) don't show qoh
- $show_qoh = true;
- if ($SysPrefs->allow_negative_stock() || !has_stock_holding($ln_itm->mb_flag) ||
- $ln_itm->qty_dispatched == 0) {
- $show_qoh = false;
- }
+ $row_classes = null;
+ if (has_stock_holding($ln_itm->mb_flag) && $ln_itm->qty_dispatched) {
+ // It's a stock : call get_dispatchable_quantity hook to get which quantity to preset in the
+ // quantity input box. This allows for example a hook to modify the default quantity to what's dispatchable
+ // (if there is not enough in hand), check at other location or other order people etc ...
+ // This hook also returns a 'reason' (css classes) which can be used to theme the row.
- if ($show_qoh) {
$qoh = get_qoh_on_date($ln_itm->stock_id, $_POST['Location'], $_POST['DispatchDate']);
- }
+ $q_class = hook_get_dispatchable_quantity($ln_itm, $_POST['Location'], $_POST['DispatchDate'], $qoh);
+ // Skip line if needed
+ if($q_class === 'skip') continue;
+ if(is_array($q_class)) {
+ list($ln_itm->qty_dispatched, $row_classes) = $q_class;
+ $has_marked = true;
+ }
- if ($show_qoh && ($ln_itm->qty_dispatched > $qoh)) {
- // oops, we don't have enough of one of the component items
- start_row("class='stockmankobg'");
- $has_marked = true;
- } else {
- alt_table_row_color($k);
+ alt_table_row_color($k, $row_classes);
if ($ln_itm->descr_editable)