! Changes to items_cart API (line_items indexed by line# instead of stock_id)
$ /includes/ui/items_cart.inc
+# Fixed bug 0000008 (call to no more existing function)
+$ /sales/includes/db/sales_types_db.inc
25-Jun-2008 Joe Hunt
# Fixed 'div end out of order' in invoice_ui.inc causing the newwave bug with missing menu
function add_sales_type($name, $tax_included, $factor)
- // maximum one base price list
- clear_base_sales_type();
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."sales_types (sales_type,tax_included,factor) VALUES (".db_escape($name).",'$tax_included',$factor)";
db_query($sql, "could not add sales type");