function tst_mysql()
- $test['descr'] = _('MySQL version'). ' >3.23.58';
+ $test['descr'] = _('MySQL version'). ' >=4.1';
$test['type'] = 3;
$test['test'] = mysql_get_server_info();
- $test['result'] = $test['test']>'3.23.58';
- $test['comments'] = _('Upgrade MySQL server to version at least 3.23.58');
+ $test['result'] = $test['test']>='4.1';
+ $test['comments'] = _('Upgrade MySQL server to version at least 4.1');
return $test;
function tst_php()
- $test['descr'] = _('PHP version').' >4.3.2';
+ $test['descr'] = _('PHP version').' >=4.3.3';
$test['type'] = 3;
$test['test'] = phpversion();
- $test['result'] = $test['test']>'4.3.2';
- $test['comments'] = _('Upgrade PHP to version at least 4.3.2');
+ $test['result'] = $test['test']>='4.3.3';
+ $test['comments'] = _('Upgrade PHP to version at least 4.3.3');
return $test;
$test['type'] = 0;
$test['test'] = $go_debug ? _("Yes") : _("No");
$test['result'] = $go_debug != 0;
- $test['comments'] = _('To switch debugging on set $go_debug>1 in config.php file');
+ $test['comments'] = _('To switch debugging on set $go_debug>0 in config.php file');
return $test;
global $path_to_root, $db_connections;
- $test['descr'] = _('Extensions configuration files');
+ $test['descr'] = _('Extensions system');
$test['type'] = 3;
- $test['test'] = $path_to_root.'/installed_extensions.php';
- $test['result'] = is_file($test['test']) && is_writable($test['test']);
- $test['test'] . ','.company_path().'/*/installed_extensions.php';
- $test['comments'][] = sprintf(_("'%s' file should be writeable"), $test['test']);
+ $fname = $path_to_root.'/installed_extensions.php';
+ $test['test'][] = $fname;
+ $test['result'] = is_file($fname) && is_writable($fname);
+ $test['test'][] = company_path().'/*/installed_extensions.php';
+ $test['comments'][] = _("Extensions configuration files and directories should be writeable");
foreach ($db_connections as $n => $comp) {
$path = company_path($n);
+ $fname = $path_to_root.'/modules';
+ $test['test'][] = $fname;
+ $test['result'] &= is_dir($fname) && is_writable($fname);
+ $fname = $path_to_root.'/modules/_cache';
+ $test['test'][] = $fname;
+ $test['result'] &= is_dir($fname) && is_writable($fname);
+ $fname = $path_to_root.'/themes';
+ $test['test'][] = $fname;
+ $test['result'] &= is_dir($fname) && is_writable($fname);
return $test;