/* No check on edit conflicts. Maybe needed to be set to 1 in certains Windows Servers */
$no_check_edit_conflicts = 0;
- /* Use icon for editkey (=true) right of combobox. 1 = use, 0 = do not use */
+ /* Use additional icon for supplier/customer edition right of combobox. 1 = use, 0 = do not use */
$use_icon_for_editkey = 0;
/* Creates automatic a default branch with contact. Value 0 do not create auto branch */
// locally installed wiki module
// $help_base_url = $path_to_root.'/modules/wiki/index.php?n='._('Help').'.';
// context help feed from frontaccounting.com
- // $help_base_url = 'http://frontaccounting.com/fawiki/index.php?n=Help.';
- // not used
- $help_base_url = null;
+ $help_base_url = 'http://frontaccounting.com/fawiki/index.php?n=Help.';
+ // set to null if not used:
+ // $help_base_url = null;
/* per user data/cache directory */
$comp_path = $path_to_root.'/company';
- /* Date systems. 0 = traditional, 1 = Jalali used by Iran, nabour countries, Afghanistan and some other Central Asian nations,
+ /* Date systems. 0 = traditional, 1 = Jalali used by Iran, Afghanistan and some other Central Asian nations,
2 = Islamic used by other arabic nations. 3 = traditional, but where non-workday is Friday and start of week is Saturday */
$date_system = 0;
If this parameter is checked the proportion by which the purchase invoice is an overcharge
referred to before reporting an error */
- $check_price_charged_vs_order_price = True;
+ $check_price_charged_vs_order_price = true;
$config_allocation_settled_allowance = 0.005;