10-Oct-2010 Joe Hunt
# Master bug in class supp_trans get_items_total. Minor bug in gl_db_trans.inc
Wrong tax report and wrong supp trans/gl records with gl item lines.
- Fixing tax_included in gl_items.
+ Fixing tax_included in gl_items. Layout improvements.
$ /purchasing/includes/supp_trans_class.inc
+ /purchasing/view/view_supp_credit.php
06-Oct-2010 Jusz Dobrowolski
read_supp_invoice($trans_no, ST_SUPPCREDIT, $supp_trans);
-display_heading(_("SUPPLIER CREDIT NOTE") . " # " . $trans_no);
+display_heading("<font color=red>" . _("SUPPLIER CREDIT NOTE") . " # " . $trans_no . "</font>");
echo "<br>";
+start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=95%");
label_cells(_("Supplier"), $supp_trans->supplier_name, "class='tableheader2'");
label_cells(_("Reference"), $supp_trans->reference, "class='tableheader2'");
display_supp_trans_tax_details($tax_items, 1);
$display_total = number_format2(-($supp_trans->ov_amount + $supp_trans->ov_gst),user_price_dec());
-label_row(_("TOTAL CREDIT NOTE"), $display_total, "colspan=1 align=right", "nowrap align=right");
+label_row("<font color=red>" . _("TOTAL CREDIT NOTE") . "</font", "<font color=red>$display_total</font>",
+ "colspan=1 align=right", "nowrap align=right");