$tax = number_format2(abs($tax_item['amount']),user_price_dec());
if ($tax_item['included_in_price'])
label_row(_("Included") . " " . $tax_item['tax_type_name'] . " (" . $tax_item['rate'] . "%) " .
- _("Amount:") . ": $tax", "colspan=$columns align=right", "align=right");
+ _("Amount") . ": $tax", "colspan=$columns align=right", "align=right");
label_row($tax_item['tax_type_name'] . " (" . $tax_item['rate'] . "%)",
$tax, "colspan=$columns align=right", "align=right");
// after change of stock, currency or salestype selector
// display default calculated price for new settings.
// If we have this price already in db it is overwritten later.
- $_POST['price'] = price_format(get_kit_price(get_post('stock_id'),
- get_post('curr_abrev'), get_post('sales_type_id')));
+ unset($_POST['price']);
$mb_flag = get_mb_flag($_POST['stock_id']);
currencies_list_row(_("Currency:"), 'curr_abrev', null, true);
sales_types_list_row(_("Sales Type:"), 'sales_type_id', null, true);
+if (!isset($_POST['price'])) {
+ $_POST['price'] = price_format(get_kit_price(get_post('stock_id'),
+ get_post('curr_abrev'), get_post('sales_type_id')));
-small_amount_row(_("Price:"), 'price', null);
+$kit = get_item_code_dflts($_POST['stock_id']);
+small_amount_row(_("Price:"), 'price', null, '', _('per') .' '.$kit["units"]);