var $tax_group_array = null; // saves db queries
var $price_factor; // ditto for price calculations
- var $pos; // user assigned POS
- var $cash_account;
- var $account_name;
+ var $pos; // user assigned POS (contains cash accont number/name)
var $cash_discount; // not used as of FA 2.1
var $dimension_id;
var $dimension2_id;
// $trans_no==0 => open new/direct document
- // $trans_no!=0 && $no_edit==false => update with parent constarints for reedition
- // $trans_no!=0 && $no_edit==true => read only: for view, or later child doc entry
+ // $trans_no!=0 && $prep_child==false => update with parent constarints for reedition
+ // $trans_no!=0 && $prep_child==true => prepare for child doc entry
- function Cart($type, $trans_no=0, $no_edit=false) {
+ function Cart($type, $trans_no=0, $prep_child=false) {
/*Constructor function initialises a new shopping cart */
$this->line_items = array();
$this->sales_type = "";
$this->dimension_id = 0;
$this->dimension2_id = 0;
$this->pos = get_sales_point(user_pos());
- $this->read($type, $trans_no, $no_edit);
+ $this->read($type, $trans_no, $prep_child);
$this->cart_id = uniqid('');
function set_parent_constraints($sodata, $src_no) {
$srcdetails = get_sales_parent_lines($this->trans_type, $src_no);
$src_type = get_parent_type($this->trans_type);
- if ($src_type == ST_SALESORDER || $src_type == 0) {
- $this->src_docs = array( $sodata['order_no']=>$sodata['version']);
- } else { // get src_data from debtor_trans
- $srcnum = array();
- while ($line = db_fetch($srcdetails)) {
- $srcnum[] = $line['debtor_trans_no'];
- }
- $this->src_docs = get_customer_trans_version($src_type, array_values($srcnum));
- }
// calculate & save: qtys on other docs and free qtys on src doc
- $line_no = 0;
+ $line_no = 0; $src_docs = array();
// Loop speed optimisation below depends on fact
// that child line_items contains subset of parent lines in _the_same_ order !
- while ($line_no < count($this->line_items) && $srcline = db_fetch($srcdetails)) {
+ while (($line_no < count($this->line_items)) && ($srcline = db_fetch($srcdetails))) {
$line = &$this->line_items[$line_no];
+ $src_docs[] = $srcline['debtor_trans_no'];
if ($srcline['id'] == $line->src_id) {
if ($this->trans_type == ST_SALESINVOICE)
$line->src_no = $srcline['debtor_trans_no'];
+ if ($src_type == ST_SALESORDER || $src_type == 0) {
+ $this->src_docs = array( $sodata['order_no']=>$sodata['version']);
+ } else {
+ // get src_data from debtor_trans
+ $this->src_docs = get_customer_trans_version($src_type, array_unique($src_docs));
+ }
// Reading document into cart
- function read($type, $trans_no = 0, $prep_child=false) {
+ function read($type, $trans_no=0, $prep_child=false) {
global $SysPrefs, $Refs;
if ($type == ST_SALESORDER || $type == ST_SALESQUOTE) { // sales order || sales quotation
read_sales_order($trans_no[0], $this, $type);
} else { // other type of sales transaction
- read_sales_trans($type, $trans_no, $this);
+ read_sales_trans($type, $trans_no, $this);
if ($this->order_no) { // free hand credit notes have no order_no
$sodata = get_sales_order_header($this->order_no, ST_SALESORDER);
$this->cust_ref = $sodata["customer_ref"];
$this->delivery_to = $sodata["deliver_to"];
$this->delivery_address = $sodata["delivery_address"];
// child transaction reedition - update with parent info unless it is freehand
- if ($prep_child)
- $this->set_parent_constraints($sodata, $trans_no[0]);
+ if (!$prep_child) // this is read for view/reedition
+ $this->set_parent_constraints($sodata, $trans_no[0]);
- // prepare qtys for derivative document entry (not used in display)
+ // convert document into child and prepare qtys for entry
if ($prep_child)
} else { // new document
$this->trans_type = $type;
$this->trans_no = 0;
$this->customer_id = get_global_customer();
$this->customer_id = '';
- $this->document_date = new_doc_date();
+ $this->document_date = new_doc_date();
if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($this->document_date))
$this->document_date = end_fiscalyear();
$this->reference = $Refs->get_next($this->trans_type);
// Writing new/modified sales document to database.
// Makes parent documents for direct delivery/invoice by recurent call.
// $policy - 0 or 1: writeoff/return for IV, back order/cancel for DN
- function write($policy=0) {
+ function write($policy=0) {
begin_transaction(); // prevents partial database changes in case of direct delivery/invoice
if (count($this->src_docs) == 0 && ($this->trans_type == ST_SALESINVOICE || $this->trans_type == ST_CUSTDELIVERY)) {
// this is direct document - first add parent
- $src = (PHP_VERSION<5) ? $this : clone( $this ); // make local copy of this cart
- $src->trans_type = get_parent_type($src->trans_type);
- $src->reference = 'auto';
- $src->write(1);
- $type = $this->trans_type;
$ref = $this->reference;
$date = $this->document_date;
- // re-read document
- $this->read($src->trans_type, key($src->trans_no), true);
+ $this->trans_type = get_parent_type($this->trans_type);
+ $this->reference = 'auto';
+ $trans_no = $this->write(1);
+ // re-read parent document converting it to child
+ $this->read($this->trans_type, $trans_no, true);
$this->document_date = $date;
$this->reference = $ref;
- $this->trans_type = $type;
- $this->src_docs= $this->trans_no;
- $this->trans_no = 0;
- $this->order_no= $this->trans_type==ST_CUSTDELIVERY ? key($src->trans_no) : $src->order_no;
$this->reference = @html_entity_decode($this->reference, ENT_QUOTES);
$this->Comments = @html_entity_decode($this->Comments, ENT_QUOTES);
if ($this->payment_terms['cash_sale']) {
$this->Location = $this->pos['pos_location'];
$this->location_name = $this->pos['location_name'];
- $this->cash_account = $this->pos['pos_account'];
- $this->account_name = $this->pos['bank_account_name'];
$this->credit = get_current_cust_credit($customer_id);