! -> Note
$ -> Affected files
+20-Oct-2009 Janusz Dobrowolski
+! Conditional config files generation - prevents overwrite during upgrade.
+$ /config.php (removed)
+ /installed_extensions.php (removed)
+ /company/0/installed_extensions.php (removed)
+ /config.default.php (new initial default)
+ /config_db.php (removed initial version)
+ /admin/inst_lang.php (removed initial version)
+ /admin/db/maintenance_db.inc
+ /includes/session.inc
+ /install/index.php
+ /install/save.php
+ /lang/installed_languages.inc (removed initial version)
+$ Moving control to install wizard when config file does not exists.
+$ /index.php
18-Oct-2009 Janusz Dobrowolski (merged changes for 2.1.7 from main branch)
! Added html_entity_decode() in db_escape() for correct INSERT>SELECT>INSERT sequences.
$ /includes/db/connect_db.inc
function write_config_db($new = false)
global $path_to_root, $def_coy, $db_connections, $tb_pref_counter;
- include_once($path_to_root . "/config_db.php");
if ($new)
$filename = $path_to_root . "/config_db.php";
// Check if the file exists and is writable first.
- if (file_exists($filename) && is_writable($filename))
+ if (!file_exists($filename) || (is_writable($path_to_root) && is_writable($filename)))
if (!$zp = fopen($filename, 'w'))
return true;
+function write_lang()
+ global $path_to_root, $installed_languages, $dflt_lang;
+ $conn = array_natsort($installed_languages, 'code', 'code');
+ $installed_languages = $conn;
+ //reset($installed_languages);
+ $n = count($installed_languages);
+ $msg = "<?php\n\n";
+ $msg .= "/* How to make new entries here\n\n";
+ $msg .= "-- if adding languages at the beginning of the list, make sure it's index is set to 0 (it has ' 0 => ')\n";
+ $msg .= "-- 'code' should match the name of the directory for the language under \\lang\n";
+ $msg .= "-- 'name' is the name that will be displayed in the language selection list (in Users and Display Setup)\n";
+ $msg .= "-- 'rtl' only needs to be set for right-to-left languages like Arabic and Hebrew\n\n";
+ $msg .= "*/\n\n\n";
+ $msg .= "\$installed_languages = array (\n";
+ if ($n > 0)
+ $msg .= "\t0 => ";
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
+ {
+ if ($i > 0)
+ $msg .= "\t\tarray ";
+ else
+ $msg .= "array ";
+ $msg .= "('code' => '" . $installed_languages[$i]['code'] . "', ";
+ $msg .= "'name' => '" . $installed_languages[$i]['name'] . "', ";
+ $msg .= "'encoding' => '" . $installed_languages[$i]['encoding'] . "'";
+ if (isset($installed_languages[$i]['rtl']) && $installed_languages[$i]['rtl'])
+ $msg .= ", 'rtl' => true),\n";
+ else
+ $msg .= "),\n";
+ }
+ $msg .= "\t);\n";
+ $msg .= "\n\$dflt_lang = '$dflt_lang';\n?>\n";
+ $path = $path_to_root . "/lang";
+ $filename = $path.'/installed_languages.inc';
+ // Check if directory exists and is writable first.
+ if (file_exists($path) && is_writable($path))
+ {
+ if (!$zp = fopen($filename, 'w'))
+ {
+ display_error(_("Cannot open the languages file - ") . $filename);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!fwrite($zp, $msg))
+ {
+ display_error(_("Cannot write to the language file - ") . $filename);
+ fclose($zp);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Close file
+ fclose($zp);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ display_error(_("The language files folder ") . $path . _(" is not writable. Change its permissions so it is, then re-run the operation."));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
function db_create_db($connection)
return true;
-function write_lang()
- global $path_to_root, $installed_languages, $dflt_lang;
- include_once($path_to_root . "/lang/installed_languages.inc");
- $conn = array_natsort($installed_languages, 'code', 'code');
- $installed_languages = $conn;
- //reset($installed_languages);
- $n = count($installed_languages);
- $msg = "<?php\n\n";
- $msg .= "/* How to make new entries here\n\n";
- $msg .= "-- if adding languages at the beginning of the list, make sure it's index is set to 0 (it has ' 0 => ')\n";
- $msg .= "-- 'code' should match the name of the directory for the language under \\lang\n";
- $msg .= "-- 'name' is the name that will be displayed in the language selection list (in Users and Display Setup)\n";
- $msg .= "-- 'rtl' only needs to be set for right-to-left languages like Arabic and Hebrew\n\n";
- $msg .= "*/\n\n\n";
- $msg .= "\$installed_languages = array (\n";
- if ($n > 0)
- $msg .= "\t0 => ";
- for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
- {
- if ($i > 0)
- $msg .= "\t\tarray ";
- else
- $msg .= "array ";
- $msg .= "('code' => '" . $installed_languages[$i]['code'] . "', ";
- $msg .= "'name' => '" . $installed_languages[$i]['name'] . "', ";
- $msg .= "'encoding' => '" . $installed_languages[$i]['encoding'] . "'";
- if (isset($installed_languages[$i]['rtl']) && $installed_languages[$i]['rtl'])
- $msg .= ", 'rtl' => true),\n";
- else
- $msg .= "),\n";
- }
- $msg .= "\t);\n";
- $msg .= "\n\$dflt_lang = '$dflt_lang';\n?>\n";
- $filename = $path_to_root . "/lang/installed_languages.inc";
- // Check if the file exists and is writable first.
- if (file_exists($filename) && is_writable($filename))
- {
- if (!$zp = fopen($filename, 'w'))
- {
- display_error(_("Cannot open the languages file - ") . $filename);
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!fwrite($zp, $msg))
- {
- display_error(_("Cannot write to the language file - ") . $filename);
- fclose($zp);
- return false;
- }
- // Close file
- fclose($zp);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- display_error(_("The language file ") . $filename . _(" is not writable. Change its permissions so it is, then re-run the operation."));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
function handle_submit()
+++ /dev/null
- Do not edit this file manually. This copy of global file is overwritten
- by extensions editor.
-$installed_extensions = array (
- );
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+ //--------------------------------------------------
+ // User configurable variables
+ //---------------------------------------------------
+ /*Show debug messages returned from an error on the page.
+ Debugging info level also determined by settings in PHP.ini
+ if $debug=1 show debugging info, dont show if $debug=0 */
+if (!isset($path_to_root) || isset($_GET['path_to_root']) || isset($_POST['path_to_root']))
+ die("Restricted access");
+ // Log file for error/warning messages. Should be set to any location
+ // writable by www server. When set to empty string logging is switched off.
+ // Special value 'syslog' can be used for system logger usage (see php manual).
+ //$error_logfile = '';
+ $error_logfile = dirname(__FILE__).'/tmp/errors.log';
+ $debug = 1;
+ $show_sql = 0;
+ $go_debug = 1;
+ $pdf_debug = 0;
+ // set $sql_trail to 1 only if you want to perform bugtracking sql trail
+ // Warning: this produces huge amount of data in sql_trail table.
+ // Don't forget switch the option off and flush the table manually after
+ // trail, or your future backup files are overloaded with unneeded data.
+ //
+ $sql_trail = 0; // save all sql queries in sql_trail
+ $select_trail = 0; // track also SELECT queries
+ if ($go_debug == 1)
+ {
+ error_reporting(E_ALL);
+ ini_set("display_errors", "On");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // ini_alter("error_reporting","E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR|E_PARSE");
+ ini_set("display_errors", "On");
+ }
+ if($error_logfile != '') {
+ ini_set("error_log", $error_logfile);
+ ini_set("ignore_repeated_errors", "On");
+ ini_set("log_errors", "On");
+ }
+ // Main Title
+ $app_title = "FrontAccounting";
+ // application version
+ $version = "2.2 RC";
+ // Build for development purposes
+ $build_version = date("d.m.Y", filemtime("$path_to_root/CHANGELOG.txt"));
+ // Powered by
+ $power_by = "FrontAccounting";
+ $power_url = "http://frontaccounting.net";
+ /* use popup windows for views */
+ $use_popup_windows = 1;
+ /* use date picker for all date fields */
+ $use_date_picker = 1;
+ /* use Audit Trails in GL */
+ $use_audit_trail = 0;
+ /* use old style convert (income and expense in BS, PL) */
+ $use_oldstyle_convert = 0;
+ /* Integrated base Wiki Help URL or null if not used */
+ //$help_base_url = $path_to_root.'/modules/wiki/index.php?n='._('Help').'.';
+ $help_base_url = null;
+ /* per user data/cache directory */
+ $comp_path = $path_to_root.'/company';
+ /* allow alpha characters in accounts. 0 = numeric, 1 = alpha numeric, 2 = uppercase alpha numeric */
+ $accounts_alpha = 0;
+ /* Date systems. 0 = traditional, 1 = Jalali used by Iran, nabour countries, Afghanistan and some other Central Asian nations,
+ 2 = Islamic used by other arabic nations */
+ $date_system = 0;
+ /* email stock location if order below reorder-level */
+ $loc_notification = 0;
+ /* print_invoice_no. 0 = print reference number, 1 = print invoice number */
+ $print_invoice_no = 0;
+ $dateformats = array("MMDDYYYY", "DDMMYYYY", "YYYYMMDD");
+ $dateseps = array("/", ".", "-", " ");
+ $thoseps = array(",", ".", " ");
+ $decseps = array(".", ",");
+ $pagesizes = array("Letter", "A4"); // default PDF pagesize
+ /* Default border and spacing for tables */
+ /* Should be moved to CSS */
+ if (!isset($_SESSION['bordercolor']))
+ $_SESSION['bordercolor'] = "#8cacbb";
+ $table_style = "cellpadding=3 border=1 bordercolor='".$_SESSION['bordercolor']."' class='tablestyle'";
+ $table_style2 = "cellpadding=3 border=1 bordercolor='#cccccc' class='tablestyle2'";
+ /* Accounts Payable */
+ /* System check to see if quantity charged on purchase invoices exceeds the quantity received.
+ If this parameter is checked the proportion by which the purchase invoice is an overcharge
+ referred to before reporting an error */
+ $check_qty_charged_vs_del_qty = true;
+ /* System check to see if price charged on purchase invoices exceeds the purchase order price.
+ If this parameter is checked the proportion by which the purchase invoice is an overcharge
+ referred to before reporting an error */
+ $check_price_charged_vs_order_price = True;
+ $config_allocation_settled_allowance = 0.005;
+ // Internal configurable variables
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /* Whether to display the demo login and password or not */
+ $allow_demo_mode = false;
+ /* for uploaded item pictures */
+ $pic_width = 80;
+ $pic_height = 50;
+ $max_image_size = 500;
+ /* skin for Business Graphics, 1, 2 or 3 */
+ $graph_skin = 1;
+ Before upgrade from pre-2.2 FA you have to move here your customized
+ security roles definitions. If you have used standard roles, you
+ can simply uncomment following two arrays. After upgrade both arrays need
+ to be deleted or commented out. You may wish to change user roles to
+ new better defined in Users Setup. Old not used roles can be set inactive
+ or deleted.
+/* Standard FA2.1 Security Group definitions
+ $security_headings = array(
+ _("Inquiries"),
+ _("Accountant"),
+ _("System Administrator"),
+ );
+ $security_groups = array(
+ array(1,2),
+ array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16),
+ array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,20),
+ );
+ //MySQL Backup and Restore Settings
+if(isset($_SESSION["wa_current_user"])) {
+ define("BACKUP_PATH", $comp_path.'/'.user_company()."/backup/");
+ // static js files path
+ $js_path = $path_to_root.'/js/';
+ // standard external js scripts included in all files
+ $js_static = array('JsHttpRequest.js', 'behaviour.js', 'utils.js', 'inserts.js');
+ // additional js source included in header
+ $js_lib = $js_userlib = array();
+if (!defined('ICON_EDIT'))
+ define("ICON_EDIT", "edit.gif");
+ define("ICON_DELETE", "delete.gif");
+ define("ICON_ADD", "ok.gif");
+ define("ICON_UPDATE", "ok.gif");
+ define("ICON_OK", "ok.gif");
+ define("ICON_CANCEL", "cancel.png");
+ define("ICON_GL", "gl.png");
+ define("ICON_PRINT", "print.png");
+ define("ICON_PDF", "pdf.gif");
+ define("ICON_DOC", "invoice.gif");
+ define("ICON_CREDIT", "credit.gif");
+ define("ICON_RECEIVE", "receive.gif");
+ define("ICON_DOWN", "download.gif");
+ define("ICON_MONEY", "money.png");
+ define("ICON_REMOVE", "remove.png");
+ define("ICON_REPORT", "report.png");
+ define("ICON_VIEW", "view.gif");
+ define("ICON_SUBMIT", "ok.gif");
+ define("ICON_ESCAPE", "escape.png");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
- Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
- Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
- as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
- //--------------------------------------------------
- // User configurable variables
- //---------------------------------------------------
- /*Show debug messages returned from an error on the page.
- Debugging info level also determined by settings in PHP.ini
- if $debug=1 show debugging info, dont show if $debug=0 */
-if (!isset($path_to_root) || isset($_GET['path_to_root']) || isset($_POST['path_to_root']))
- die("Restricted access");
- // Log file for error/warning messages. Should be set to any location
- // writable by www server. When set to empty string logging is switched off.
- // Special value 'syslog' can be used for system logger usage (see php manual).
- //$error_logfile = '';
- $error_logfile = dirname(__FILE__).'/tmp/errors.log';
- $debug = 1;
- $show_sql = 0;
- $go_debug = 1;
- $pdf_debug = 0;
- // set $sql_trail to 1 only if you want to perform bugtracking sql trail
- // Warning: this produces huge amount of data in sql_trail table.
- // Don't forget switch the option off and flush the table manually after
- // trail, or your future backup files are overloaded with unneeded data.
- //
- $sql_trail = 0; // save all sql queries in sql_trail
- $select_trail = 0; // track also SELECT queries
- if ($go_debug == 1)
- {
- error_reporting(E_ALL);
- ini_set("display_errors", "On");
- }
- else
- {
- // ini_alter("error_reporting","E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR|E_PARSE");
- ini_set("display_errors", "On");
- }
- if($error_logfile != '') {
- ini_set("error_log", $error_logfile);
- ini_set("ignore_repeated_errors", "On");
- ini_set("log_errors", "On");
- }
- // Main Title
- $app_title = "FrontAccounting";
- // application version
- $version = "2.2 Beta";
- // Build for development purposes
- $build_version = date("d.m.Y", filemtime("$path_to_root/CHANGELOG.txt"));
- // Powered by
- $power_by = "FrontAccounting";
- $power_url = "http://frontaccounting.net";
- /* use popup windows for views */
- $use_popup_windows = 1;
- /* use date picker for all date fields */
- $use_date_picker = 1;
- /* use Audit Trails in GL */
- $use_audit_trail = 0;
- /* use old style convert (income and expense in BS, PL) */
- $use_oldstyle_convert = 0;
- /* Integrated base Wiki Help URL or null if not used */
- //$help_base_url = $path_to_root.'/modules/wiki/index.php?n='._('Help').'.';
- $help_base_url = null;
- /* per user data/cache directory */
- $comp_path = $path_to_root.'/company';
- /* allow alpha characters in accounts. 0 = numeric, 1 = alpha numeric, 2 = uppercase alpha numeric */
- $accounts_alpha = 0;
- /* Date systems. 0 = traditional, 1 = Jalali used by Iran, nabour countries, Afghanistan and some other Central Asian nations,
- 2 = Islamic used by other arabic nations */
- $date_system = 0;
- /* email stock location if order below reorder-level */
- $loc_notification = 0;
- /* print_invoice_no. 0 = print reference number, 1 = print invoice number */
- $print_invoice_no = 0;
- $dateformats = array("MMDDYYYY", "DDMMYYYY", "YYYYMMDD");
- $dateseps = array("/", ".", "-", " ");
- $thoseps = array(",", ".", " ");
- $decseps = array(".", ",");
- $pagesizes = array("Letter", "A4"); // default PDF pagesize
- /* Default border and spacing for tables */
- /* Should be moved to CSS */
- if (!isset($_SESSION['bordercolor']))
- $_SESSION['bordercolor'] = "#8cacbb";
- $table_style = "cellpadding=3 border=1 bordercolor='".$_SESSION['bordercolor']."' class='tablestyle'";
- $table_style2 = "cellpadding=3 border=1 bordercolor='#cccccc' class='tablestyle2'";
- /* Accounts Payable */
- /* System check to see if quantity charged on purchase invoices exceeds the quantity received.
- If this parameter is checked the proportion by which the purchase invoice is an overcharge
- referred to before reporting an error */
- $check_qty_charged_vs_del_qty = true;
- /* System check to see if price charged on purchase invoices exceeds the purchase order price.
- If this parameter is checked the proportion by which the purchase invoice is an overcharge
- referred to before reporting an error */
- $check_price_charged_vs_order_price = True;
- $config_allocation_settled_allowance = 0.005;
- // Internal configurable variables
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* Whether to display the demo login and password or not */
- $allow_demo_mode = false;
- /* for uploaded item pictures */
- $pic_width = 80;
- $pic_height = 50;
- $max_image_size = 500;
- /* skin for Business Graphics, 1, 2 or 3 */
- $graph_skin = 1;
- Before upgrade from pre-2.2 FA you have to move here your customized
- security roles definitions. If you have used standard roles, you
- can simply uncomment following two arrays. After upgrade both arrays need
- to be deleted or commented out. You may wish to change user roles to
- new better defined in Users Setup. Old not used roles can be set inactive
- or deleted.
-/* Standard FA2.1 Security Group definitions
- $security_headings = array(
- _("Inquiries"),
- _("Accountant"),
- _("System Administrator"),
- );
- $security_groups = array(
- array(1,2),
- array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,16),
- array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,20),
- );
- //MySQL Backup and Restore Settings
-if(isset($_SESSION["wa_current_user"])) {
- define("BACKUP_PATH", $comp_path.'/'.user_company()."/backup/");
- // static js files path
- $js_path = $path_to_root.'/js/';
- // standard external js scripts included in all files
- $js_static = array('JsHttpRequest.js', 'behaviour.js', 'utils.js', 'inserts.js');
- // additional js source included in header
- $js_lib = $js_userlib = array();
-if (!defined('ICON_EDIT'))
- define("ICON_EDIT", "edit.gif");
- define("ICON_DELETE", "delete.gif");
- define("ICON_ADD", "ok.gif");
- define("ICON_UPDATE", "ok.gif");
- define("ICON_OK", "ok.gif");
- define("ICON_CANCEL", "cancel.png");
- define("ICON_GL", "gl.png");
- define("ICON_PRINT", "print.png");
- define("ICON_PDF", "pdf.gif");
- define("ICON_DOC", "invoice.gif");
- define("ICON_CREDIT", "credit.gif");
- define("ICON_RECEIVE", "receive.gif");
- define("ICON_DOWN", "download.gif");
- define("ICON_MONEY", "money.png");
- define("ICON_REMOVE", "remove.png");
- define("ICON_REPORT", "report.png");
- define("ICON_VIEW", "view.gif");
- define("ICON_SUBMIT", "ok.gif");
- define("ICON_ESCAPE", "escape.png");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-/*Connection Information for the database
-- $def_coy is the default company that is pre-selected on login
-- host is the computer ip address or name where the database is the default is localhost assuming that the web server is also the sql server
-- user is the user name under which the database should be accessed - need to change to the mysql (or other DB) user set up for purpose
- NB it is not secure to use root as the user with no password - a user with appropriate privileges must be set up
-- password is the password the user of the database requires to be sent to authorise the above database user
-- DatabaseName is the name of the database as defined in the RDMS being used. Typically RDMS allow many databases to be maintained under the same server.
- The scripts for MySQL provided use the name logicworks */
-$def_coy = 0;
-/*--- for advanced users, manually install, uncomment this, fill in the correct information and erase the rows below
-$tb_pref_counter = 1;
-$db_connections = array (
- 0 => array ('name' => 'Training Co.',
- 'host' => 'localhost',
- 'dbuser' => 'your_db_user_name',
- 'dbpassword' => 'your_db_password',
- 'dbname' => 'your_db_name',
- 'tbpref' => '0_')
- );
-$tb_pref_counter = 0;
-$db_connections = array ();
\ No newline at end of file
// Page Initialisation
-if (!isset($_SESSION['languages']))
+if (!isset($_SESSION['language']))
load_languages(); // sets also default $_SESSION['language']
// Set session variable
$_SESSION['session_support'] = '<font class="good">Enabled</font>';
+ $_SESSION['message'] = '';
// Reload page
header('Location: index.php?sessions_checked=true');
<img src="<?php echo $path_to_root; ?>/themes/default/images/logo_frontaccounting.png" width="250" height="50" alt="Logo" />
+ if(file_exists($path_to_root.'/config.php')) {
+?><div style="width: 700px; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; border: 1px solid #FF0000; background-color: #FFDBDB;"><b>Error:</b> Seems you have FrontAccounting application already installed.<BR>
+After logging as an admin to first installed company you can:
+<li> Add more companies using Add/Update Companies under Setup tab;</li>
+<li> Upgrade FA version using Upgrade Software under Setup tab.</li>
+<?php exit; } ?>
if(isset($_SESSION['message']) AND $_SESSION['message'] != '') {
?><div style="width: 700px; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; border: 1px solid #FF0000; background-color: #FFDBDB;"><b>Error:</b> <?php echo $_SESSION['message']; ?></div><?php
<td style="color: #666666;">config_db.php</td>
- <td><?php if(is_writable($path_to_root.'/config_db.php')) { echo '<font class="good">Writeable</font>'; } elseif(!file_exists($path_to_root.'/config_db.php')) { echo '<font class="bad">File Not Found</font>'; } else { echo '<font class="bad">Unwriteable</font>'; } ?></td>
+ <td><?php if(is_writable($path_to_root)) { echo '<font class="good">Writeable</font>'; } elseif(file_exists($path_to_root.'/config_db.php')) { echo '<font class="bad">File Exists</font>'; } else { echo '<font class="bad">Unwriteable</font>'; } ?></td>
<td style="color: #666666;">modules/</td>
- <td><?php if(is_writable($path_to_root.'/modules/')) { echo '<font class="good">Writeable</font>'; } elseif(!file_exists($path_to_root.'/lang/')) { echo '<font class="bad">Directory Not Found</font>'; } else { echo '<font class="bad">Unwriteable</font>'; } ?></td>
+ <td><?php if(is_writable($path_to_root.'/modules/')) { echo '<font class="good">Writeable</font>'; } elseif(!file_exists($path_to_root.'/modules/')) { echo '<font class="bad">Directory Not Found</font>'; } else { echo '<font class="bad">Unwriteable</font>'; } ?></td>
<td style="color: #666666;">lang/</td>
// End admin user details code
+if (!file_exists($path_to_root . "/config.php")) {
+ copy($path_to_root. "/config.default.php", $path_to_root. "/config.php");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/db/connect_db.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/maintenance_db.inc");
-include_once($path_to_root . "/config_db.php");
+if (!file_exists($path_to_root . "/installed_extensions.php")) {
+ $next_extension_id = 1;
+ write_extensions(array());
+ write_extensions(array(),0);
+if (!file_exists($path_to_root . "/lang/installed_languages.inc")) {
+ $installed_languages = array (
+ 0 => array ('code' => 'en_GB', 'name' => 'English', 'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1'));
+ $dflt_lang = 'en_GB';
+ write_lang();
+if (file_exists($path_to_root . "/config_db.php"))
+ include_once($path_to_root . "/config_db.php");
+ else
+ $def_coy = 0;
+ $tb_pref_counter = 0;
+ $db_connections = array ();
$id = count($db_connections);
if ($table_prefix != "" && $id > 0)
$_SESSION = array();
header("Location: ".$path_to_root."/index.php");
+++ /dev/null
-/* List of installed additional modules and plugins. If adding extensions manually
- to the list make sure they have unique, so far not used extension_ids as a keys,
- and $next_extension_id is also updated.
- 'name' - name for identification purposes;
- 'type' - type of extension: 'module' or 'plugin'
- 'path' - FA root based installation path
- 'filename' - name of module menu file, or plugin filename; related to path.
- 'tab' - index of the module tab (new for module, or one of standard module names for plugin);
- 'title' - is the menu text (for plugin) or new tab name
- 'active' - current status of extension
- 'acc_file' - (optional) file name with $security_areas/$security_sections extensions;
- related to 'path'
- 'access' - security area code in string form
-$next_extension_id = 1; // unique id for next installed extension
-$installed_extensions = array (
- );
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-/* How to make new entries here
--- if adding languages at the beginning of the list, make sure it's index is set to 0 (it has ' 0 => ')
--- 'code' should match the name of the directory for the language under \lang
--- 'name' is the name that will be displayed in the language selection list (in Users and Display Setup)
--- 'rtl' only needs to be set for right-to-left languages like Arabic and Hebrew
-$installed_languages = array (
- 0 => array ('code' => 'en_GB', 'name' => 'English', 'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1'),
- array ('code' => 'en_US', 'name' => 'English (US)', 'encoding' => 'iso-8859-1'),
- );
-$dflt_lang = 'en_GB';
\ No newline at end of file