$myrow = db_fetch($Auth_Result);
- $this->access = $myrow["full_access"];
- $this->name = $myrow["real_name"];
- $this->loginname = $loginname;
- $this->username = $this->loginname;
- $this->prefs = new user_prefs($myrow);
- update_user_visitdate($loginname);
- $this->logged = true;
+ $this->access = $myrow["full_access"];
+ $this->name = $myrow["real_name"];
+ $this->loginname = $loginname;
+ $this->username = $this->loginname;
+ $this->prefs = new user_prefs($myrow);
+ update_user_visitdate($loginname);
+ $this->logged = true;
$date_format, $date_sep, $tho_sep, $dec_sep, $theme, $pagesize);
+function add_user_js_data() {
+ global $path_to_root, $thoseps, $decseps;
+ $ts = $thoseps[user_tho_sep()];
+ $ds = $decseps[user_dec_sep()];
+ $js = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
+ . "<!--\n"
+ . "var user = {\n"
+ . "theme: '". $path_to_root . '/themes/'. 'default' /*user_theme()*/.'/'."',\n"
+ . "loadtxt: '"._('Requesting data...')."',\n"
+ . "ts: '$ts',\n"
+ . "ds: '$ds',\n"
+ . "pdec : " . user_price_dec() . "}\n--></script>";
+ add_js_source($js);
\ No newline at end of file
+$messages = array(); // container for system messages
+$before_box = ''; // temporary container for output html data before error box
+$msg_colors = array(
+ E_USER_ERROR => array('bg'=>'#ffcccc', 'txt'=>'#dd2200', 'bd'=>'#cc3300'),
+ E_USER_WARNING => array('bg'=>'#ffcccc', 'txt'=>'#dd2200', 'bd'=>'#cc3300'),
+ E_USER_NOTICE => array('bg'=>'#ccffcc', 'txt'=>'#007700', 'bd'=>'#33cc00'));
+// Error handler - collects all php/user messages for
+// display in message box.
+// FIX: fatal errors ?
+function error_handler($errno, $errstr, $file, $line) {
+ global $messages;
+ // error_reporting==0 when messages are set off with @
+ if ($errno & error_reporting())
+ $messages[] = array($errno, $errstr, $file, $line);
+ return true;
+// Formats system messages before insert them into message <div>
+// FIX center is unused now
+function fmt_errors($center=true) {
+ global $messages, $msg_colors;
+ $type = E_USER_NOTICE;
+ if (count($messages)) {
+ $content = '';
+ foreach($messages as $msg) {
+ if ($msg[0]>$type) continue;
+ if ($msg[0]<$type && $type>E_USER_ERROR) {
+ $content = ''; // clean notices when we have errors
+ $type = E_USER_ERROR; // php or user errors
+ }
+ $str = $msg[1];
+ $c = $msg_colors[$type];
+ if ($msg[0]<E_USER_ERROR && $msg[2]!=null)
+ $str .= ' '._('in file').': '.$msg[2].' '._('at line ').$msg[3];
+ $content .= "<tr><td " . ($center?"align='center' ":"").
+ " width='100%' bgcolor='{$c['bg']}'><font color='{$c['txt']}'>"
+ .$str."</font></td></tr>";
+ }
+ $str = "<center><table border='1' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' style='border-collapse: collapse' bordercolor='{$c['bd']}' width='98%'>"
+ . $content . "</table></center><br>\n";
+ }
+ else
+ $str = '';
+ return $str;
+// Error box <div> element.
+function error_box() {
+ global $before_box;
+ echo "<div id='msgbox'>";
+ $before_box = ob_get_clean(); // save html content before error box
+// Necessary restart instead of get_contents/clean calls due to a bug in php 4.3.2
+ ob_start('output_html');
+ echo "</div>";
function display_db_error($msg, $sql_statement=null, $exit=true)
global $db, $debug;
$db_error = db_error_no();
- echo "<span class='errortext'><b>" . _("DATABASE ERROR :") . "</b> $msg</span><br>";
+ $str = "<span class='errortext'><b>" . _("DATABASE ERROR :") . "</b> $msg</span><br>";
if ($db_error != 0)
- echo "error code : " . $db_error . "<br>";
- echo "error message : " . db_error_msg($db) . "<br>";
+ $str .= "error code : " . $db_error . "<br>";
+ $str .= "error message : " . db_error_msg($db) . "<br>";
if ($debug == 1)
- echo "sql that failed was : " . $sql_statement . "<br>";
+ $str .= "sql that failed was : " . $sql_statement . "<br>";
- echo "<br><br>";
+ $str .= "<br><br>";
+ trigger_error($str, E_USER_ERROR);
if ($exit)
function set_language($code)
+ global $comp_path;
if (isset($_SESSION['languages'][$code]) &&
$_SESSION['language'] != $_SESSION['languages'][$code])
- $_SESSION['language'] = $_SESSION['languages'][$code];
- reload_page("");
+ // flush cache as we can use several languages in one account
+ flush_dir($comp_path.'/'.user_company().'/js_cache');
+ $_SESSION['language'] = $_SESSION['languages'][$code];
+ reload_page("");
//get_text::add_domain("wa", $path_to_root . "/lang");
get_text::add_domain($lang->code, $path_to_root . "/lang");
// Unnecessary for ajax calls.
-// Due to bug in php 4.3.10 for this version set globally in php4.ini
+// Due to bug in php 4.3.10 for this version set globally in php.ini
ini_set('default_charset', $_SESSION['language']->encoding);
if (!function_exists("_"))
include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/users_db.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui/ui_view.inc");
+ function output_html($text)
+ {
+ global $before_box;
+ return in_ajax() ? fmt_errors() : ($before_box.fmt_errors().$text);
+ }
function page($title, $no_menu=false, $is_index=false, $onload="", $js="")
- global $path_to_root, $js_lib;
+ global $path_to_root;
$hide_menu = $no_menu;
+ // intercept all output to destroy it in case of ajax call
+ ob_start('output_html');
+ // colect all error msgs
+ set_error_handler('error_handler' /*, errtypes */);
include($path_to_root . "/includes/page/header.inc");
page_header($title, $no_menu, $is_index, $onload, $js);
+ error_box();
function end_page($no_menu=false, $is_index=false)
- global $path_to_root;
+ global $path_to_root, $Ajax;
$hide_menu = $no_menu;
include($path_to_root . "/includes/page/footer.inc");
+ $Ajax->run();
page_footer($no_menu, $is_index);
if($fname=='.' || $fname=='..') continue;
if(is_dir($path.'/'.$fname)) {
- rmdir($path.'/'.$fname);
+ @rmdir($path.'/'.$fname);
} else
- unlink($path.'/'.$fname);
+ @unlink($path.'/'.$fname);
function cache_js_file($fpath, $text)
+ global $go_debug;
- // FIX compress text ...
+ if(!$go_debug) $text = js_compress($text);
- $file = fopen($fpath, 'w');
- if (!$file) return false;
- if (!fwrite($file, $text)) return false;
- return fclose($file);
+ $file = fopen($fpath, 'w');
+ if (!$file) return false;
+ if (!fwrite($file, $text)) return false;
+ return fclose($file);
$js_lib[] = $text;
+ * Compresses the Javascript code for more efficient delivery.
+ * copyright (c) 2005 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson
+ * http://www.xajaxproject.org
+ * Added removing comments from output.
+ * Warning: Fails on RegExp with quotes - use new RegExp() in this case.
+ */
+function js_compress($sJS)
+ //remove windows cariage returns
+ $sJS = str_replace("\r","",$sJS);
+ //array to store replaced literal strings
+ $literal_strings = array();
+ //explode the string into lines
+ $lines = explode("\n",$sJS);
+ //loop through all the lines, building a new string at the same time as removing literal strings
+ $clean = "";
+ $inComment = false;
+ $literal = "";
+ $inQuote = false;
+ $escaped = false;
+ $quoteChar = "";
+ for($i=0;$i<count($lines);$i++)
+ {
+ $line = $lines[$i];
+ $inNormalComment = false;
+ //loop through line's characters and take out any literal strings, replace them with ___i___ where i is the index of this string
+ for($j=0;$j<strlen($line);$j++)
+ {
+ $c = substr($line,$j,1);
+ $d = substr($line,$j,2);
+ //look for start of quote
+ if(!$inQuote && !$inComment)
+ {
+ //is this character a quote or a comment
+ if(($c=="\"" || $c=="'") && !$inComment && !$inNormalComment)
+ {
+ $inQuote = true;
+ $inComment = false;
+ $escaped = false;
+ $quoteChar = $c;
+ $literal = $c;
+ }
+ else if($d=="/*" && !$inNormalComment)
+ {
+ $inQuote = false;
+ $inComment = true;
+ $escaped = false;
+ $quoteChar = $d;
+ $literal = $d;
+ $j++;
+ }
+ else if($d=="//") //ignore string markers that are found inside comments
+ {
+ $inNormalComment = true;
+ $clean .= $c;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $clean .= $c;
+ }
+ }
+ else //allready in a string so find end quote
+ {
+ if($c == $quoteChar && !$escaped && !$inComment)
+ {
+ $inQuote = false;
+ $literal .= $c;
+ //subsitute in a marker for the string
+ $clean .= "___" . count($literal_strings) . "___";
+ //push the string onto our array
+ array_push($literal_strings,$literal);
+ }
+ else if($inComment && $d=="*/")
+ {
+ $inComment = false;
+ $literal .= $d;
+ //subsitute in a marker for the string
+ $clean .= "___" . count($literal_strings) . "___";
+ //push the string onto our array
+ array_push($literal_strings,$literal);
+ $j++;
+ }
+ else if($c == "\\" && !$escaped)
+ $escaped = true;
+ else
+ $escaped = false;
+ $literal .= $c;
+ }
+ }
+ if($inComment) $literal .= "\n";
+ $clean .= "\n";
+ }
+ //explode the clean string into lines again
+ $lines = explode("\n",$clean);
+ //now process each line at a time
+ for($i=0;$i<count($lines);$i++)
+ {
+ $line = $lines[$i];
+ //remove comments
+ $line = preg_replace("/\/\/(.*)/","",$line);
+ //strip leading and trailing whitespace
+ $line = trim($line);
+ //remove all whitespace with a single space
+ $line = preg_replace("/\s+/"," ",$line);
+ //remove any whitespace that occurs after/before an operator
+ $line = preg_replace("/\s*([!\}\{;,&=\|\-\+\*\/\)\(:])\s*/","\\1",$line);
+ $lines[$i] = $line;
+ }
+ //implode the lines
+ $sJS = implode("\n",$lines);
+ //make sure there is a max of 1 \n after each line
+ $sJS = preg_replace("/[\n]+/","\n",$sJS);
+ //strip out line breaks that immediately follow a semi-colon
+ $sJS = preg_replace("/;\n/",";",$sJS);
+ //curly brackets aren't on their own
+ $sJS = preg_replace("/[\n]*\{[\n]*/","{",$sJS);
+ //finally loop through and replace all the literal strings:
+ for($i=0;$i<count($literal_strings);$i++) {
+ if (strpos($literal_strings[$i],"/*")!==false)
+ $literal_strings[$i]= '';
+ $sJS = str_replace("___".$i."___",$literal_strings[$i],$sJS);
+ }
+ return $sJS;
\ No newline at end of file
global $version, $allow_demo_mode;
global $app_title, $power_url, $power_by;
- if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) return;
+ if(in_ajax()) return;// just for speed up
- if (function_exists('hyperlink_back'))
+ if (function_exists('hyperlink_back'))
if ($no_menu == false)
return $help_base_url.urlencode(str_replace(' ', '', ucwords($help_page_url)));
+function send_scripts()
+ global $js_lib, $js_static, $js_path, $js_userlib, $comp_path,
+ $path_to_root, $go_debug;
+ add_user_js_data();
+ $js ='';
+ foreach($js_static as $jsfile) {
+ $fpath = $comp_path.'/'.user_company().'/js_cache/'.$jsfile;
+ // compress also static files
+ if (!file_exists($fpath) || $go_debug)
+ cache_js_file($fpath, file_get_contents($js_path.$jsfile));
+ $js .= '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.
+ $fpath . '"></script>';
+ }
+ foreach($js_userlib as $jsfile) {
+ $js .= '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.
+ $jsfile . '"></script>';
+ }
+ foreach($js_lib as $text) {
+ $js .= $text;
+ }
+ echo $js;
function page_header($title, $no_menu=false, $is_index=false, $onload="", $js="")
// titles and screen header
global $db_connections, $path_to_root, $def_app, $applications,
- $help_base_url, $help_page_url, $use_popup_windows,
- $js_lib, $js_static, $js_path, $js_userlib, $comp_path;
+ $help_base_url, $help_page_url, $use_popup_windows;
- if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) return;
+ if (in_ajax()) return; // just for speed up
$theme = user_theme();
$local_path_to_root = $path_to_root;
- $js = get_js_open_window(900, 500);
+ add_js_source(get_js_open_window(900, 500));
+ if ($js!='')
+ add_js_source($js);
- add_js_user_num(); // add user native numeric input functions
- // javascript includes collect
- add_js_source($js);
- $js ='';
- foreach($js_static as $jsfile) {
- $js .= '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.
- $js_path . $jsfile . '"></script>';
- }
- foreach($js_userlib as $jsfile) {
- $js .= '<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.
- $jsfile . '"></script>';
- }
- foreach($js_lib as $text) {
- $js .= $text;
- }
if (!isset($no_menu))
$no_menu = false;
echo "<link href='$local_path_to_root/themes/$theme/default.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> \n";
if (file_exists($local_path_to_root. "/".$local_stylesheet))
echo "<link href='$local_path_to_root/$local_stylesheet' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> \n";
- if ($js != "")
- echo $js;
+ send_scripts($js);
echo "</head> \n";
if ($onload == "")
echo "<body>";
echo "<body onload=\"$onload\">";
- echo "<script language='javascript' src='".
- $path_to_root. "/js/inserts.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n";
echo "<table class='callout_main' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td colspan='2' rowspan='2'>\n";
if (!isset($path_to_root) || isset($_GET['path_to_root']) || isset($_POST['path_to_root']))
die("Restricted access");
- include_once($path_to_root . "/config_db.php");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/lang/language.php");
+ include_once($path_to_root . "/config_db.php");
+ include_once($path_to_root . "/config.php");
- include_once($path_to_root . "/config.php");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/main.inc");
+ include_once("ajax.inc");
+ $Ajax =& new Ajax();
function meta_forward($forward_to, $params="")
+ global $Ajax;
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='0; url=$forward_to?$params'>\n";
echo "<center><br>" . _("You should automatically be forwarded.");
echo " " . _("If this does not happen") . " " . "<a href='$forward_to'>" . _("click here") . "</a> " . _("to continue") . ".<br><br>\n";
+ $Ajax->redirect($forward_to.'?'.$params);
function hyperlink_back($center=true)
- echo get_js_go_back();
if ($center)
echo "<center>";
echo "<a href='javascript:goBack();'>"._("Back")."</a>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++)
echo "<br>";
+$ajax_divs = array();
+function div_start($id='')
+ global $ajax_divs;
+ array_push($ajax_divs, $id);
+ echo "<div ". ($id !='' ? "id='$id'" : '').">";
+ ob_start();
+function div_end()
+ global $ajax_divs, $Ajax;
+ if (count($ajax_divs)) {
+ $id = array_pop($ajax_divs);
+ $Ajax->addUpdate($id, $id, ob_get_flush());
+ echo "</div>";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
+function get_post($name, $dflt='') {
+ return ((!isset($_POST[$name]) || $_POST[$name] === '') ? $dflt : $_POST[$name]);
+// Sets local POST value and adds Value to ajax posting if needed
+/*function set_post($name, $value, $ajax_trigger=true) {
+ global $Ajax;
+ $_POST[$name] = $value;
+ if ($ajax_trigger) $Ajax->activate($name);
// Seek for _POST variable with $prefix.
// If var is found returns variable name with prefix stripped,
function hidden($name, $value)
+ global $Ajax;
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\">\n";
+ $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $value);
-function submit($name, $value, $echo=true)
+function submit($name, $value, $echo=true, $async=false)
- $submit_str = "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"inputsubmit\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$value\">\n";
+ $submit_str = "<input type=\"submit\" class=\""
+ .($async ? 'ajaxsubmit' : 'inputsubmit')
+ ."\" name=\"$name\" id=\"$name\" value=\"$value\" >\n";
if ($echo)
echo $submit_str;
return $submit_str;
-function submit_center($name, $value, $echo=true)
+function submit_center($name, $value, $echo=true, $async=false)
echo "<center>";
- submit($name, $value, $echo);
+ submit($name, $value, $echo, $async);
echo "</center>";
-function submit_center_first($name, $value)
+function submit_center_first($name, $value, $async=false)
echo "<center>";
- submit($name, $value);
+ submit($name, $value, true, $async);
echo " ";
-function submit_center_last($name, $value)
+function submit_center_last($name, $value, $async=false)
echo " ";
- submit($name, $value);
+ submit($name, $value, true, $async);
echo "</center>";
-function submit_add_or_update($add=true)
+function submit_add_or_update($add=true, $async=false)
if ($add)
- submit('ADD_ITEM', _("Save"));
+ submit('ADD_ITEM', _("Save"), true, $async);
- submit('UPDATE_ITEM', _("Update"));
+ submit('UPDATE_ITEM', _("Update"), true, $async);
-function submit_add_or_update_center($add=true)
+function submit_add_or_update_center($add=true, $async=false)
echo "<center>";
- submit_add_or_update($add);
+ submit_add_or_update($add, $async);
echo "</center>";
echo "</td></tr>\n";
-function submit_add_or_update_row($add=true, $right=true, $extra="")
+function submit_add_or_update_row($add=true, $right=true, $extra="", $async=false)
echo "<tr>";
if ($right)
echo "<td> </td>\n";
echo "<td $extra>";
- submit_add_or_update($add);
+ submit_add_or_update($add, $async);
echo "</td></tr>\n";
-function submit_cells($name, $value, $extra="")
+function submit_cells($name, $value, $extra="", $async=false)
echo "<td $extra>";
- submit($name, $value);
+ submit($name, $value, true, $async);
echo "</td>\n";
-function submit_row($name, $value, $right=true, $extra="")
+function submit_row($name, $value, $right=true, $extra="", $async=false)
echo "<tr>";
if ($right)
function check($label, $name, $value, $submit_on_change=false)
+ global $Ajax;
if ($label)
echo $label . " ";
if ($submit_on_change)
echo " onclick='this.form.submit();' ";
echo " >\n";
+ $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $value);
function check_cells($label, $name, $value, $submit_on_change=false)
echo "<td class='tableheader' $params>$label</td>\n";
-function label_cell($label, $params="")
+function label_cell($label, $params="", $id=null)
+ global $Ajax;
+ if(isset($id)) {
+ $params .= " id='$id'";
+ $Ajax->addUpdate($id, $id, $label);
+ }
echo "<td $params>$label</td>\n";
+ return $label;
-function amount_cell($label, $bold=false)
+function amount_cell($label, $bold=false, $params="", $id=null)
if ($bold)
- label_cell("<b>".price_format($label)."</b>", "nowrap align=right");
+ label_cell("<b>".price_format($label)."</b>", "nowrap align=right ".$params, $id);
- label_cell(price_format($label), "nowrap align=right");
+ label_cell(price_format($label), "nowrap align=right ".$params, $id);
-function percent_cell($label, $bold=false)
+function percent_cell($label, $bold=false, $id=null)
if ($bold)
- label_cell("<b>".percent_format($label)."</b>", "nowrap align=right");
+ label_cell("<b>".percent_format($label)."</b>", "nowrap align=right", $id);
- label_cell(percent_format($label), "nowrap align=right");
+ label_cell(percent_format($label), "nowrap align=right", $id);
-function qty_cell($label, $bold=false, $dec=null)
+function qty_cell($label, $bold=false, $dec=null, $id=null)
if ($bold)
- label_cell("<b>".qty_format($label, $dec)."</b>", "nowrap align=right");
+ label_cell("<b>".qty_format($label, $dec)."</b>", "nowrap align=right", $id);
- label_cell(qty_format($label, $dec), "nowrap align=right");
+ label_cell(qty_format($label, $dec), "nowrap align=right", $id);
function label_cells($label, $value, $params="", $params2="")
function text_cells($label, $name, $value, $size="", $max="", $params="", $post_label="", $disabled="")
+ global $Ajax;
if ($label != null)
label_cell($label, $params);
echo " " . $post_label;
echo "</td>\n";
+ $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $value);
function text_cells_ex($label, $name, $size, $max=null, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null)
+ global $Ajax;
if (!isset($_POST[$name]) || $_POST[$name] == "")
echo " " . $post_label;
echo "</td>\n";
+ $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $_POST[$name]);
function text_row($label, $name, $value, $size, $max, $params="", $post_label="")
function amount_cells_ex($label, $name, $size, $max=null, $init=null, $params=null, $post_label=null, $dec=null)
+global $Ajax;
if (!isset($dec))
$dec = user_price_dec();
if (!isset($_POST[$name]) || $_POST[$name] == "")
echo " " . $post_label;
echo "</td>\n";
+ $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $_POST[$name]);
function textarea_cells($label, $name, $value, $cols, $rows, $params="")
+ global $Ajax;
if ($label != null)
echo "<td $params>$label</td>\n";
if ($value == null)
$value = (!isset($_POST[$name]) ? "" : $_POST[$name]);
echo "<td><textarea name='$name' cols='$cols' rows='$rows'>$value</textarea></td>\n";
+ $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $value);
function textarea_row($label, $name, $value, $cols, $rows, $params="")
function text_row_with_submit($label, $name, $value, $size, $max, $input_name, $input_value)
+ global $Ajax;
echo "<tr><td>$label</td>\n";
echo "<td>";
submit($input_name, $input_value);
echo "</td></tr>\n";
+ $Ajax->addUpdate($name, $name, $value);
function display_error($msg, $center=true)
- echo "<center><table border='1' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' style='border-collapse: collapse' bordercolor='#CC3300' width='98%'>
- <tr>
- <td " . ($center?"align='center' ":"") . " width='100%' bgcolor='#ffcccc'><font color='#dd2200'>$msg</font></td>
- </tr>
- </table></center><br>\n";
- //echo "<span class='errortext'><B>" . _("ERROR :") . "</B> $msg</span><BR>";
+ trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR);
function display_notification($msg, $center=true)
- echo "<center><table border='1' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' style='border-collapse: collapse' bordercolor='#33cc00' width='98%'>
- <tr>
- <td " . ($center?"align='center' ":"") . " width='100%' bgcolor='#ccffcc'><font color='#007700'>$msg</font></td>
- </tr>
- </table></center><br>\n";
+ trigger_error($msg, E_USER_NOTICE);
+function display_warning($msg, $center=true)
+ trigger_error($msg, E_USER_WARNING);
function display_notification_centered($msg)
function exchange_rate_display($from_currency, $to_currency, $date_, $buttons=true)
+ global $Ajax;
if ($from_currency != $to_currency)
if ($buttons && isset($_POST['get_rate']))
add_exchange_rate($currency, $date_, $rate, $rate);
if ($from_currency == $comp_currency)
$rate = 1 / $rate;
+ $Ajax->activate('get_rate');
$rate = get_exchange_rate_from_to($to_currency, $from_currency, $date_);
$rate = number_format2($rate, user_exrate_dec());
- label_row(_("Exchange Rate:"),"1 " . $from_currency . " = " . $rate . " " . $to_currency .
- ($buttons?" " . submit('get_rate',_("Get"), false):""));
+ label_row(_("Exchange Rate:"),"1 " . $from_currency . " = <span id='_ex_rate'>" . $rate . "</span> " . $to_currency .
+ ($buttons?" " . submit('get_rate',_("Get"), false, true):""));
+ if($buttons) {
+ $Ajax->addUpdate('get_rate','_ex_rate', $rate);
+ }
-function get_js_go_back()
- $js = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
- . "<!--\n"
- . "function goBack()\n"
- . "{\n"
- . " if (window.history.length <= 1)\n"
- . " window.close();\n"
- . " else\n"
- . " window.history.go(-1);\n"
- . "}\n"
- . "-->\n"
- . "</script>\n";
- return $js;
function get_js_open_window($width, $height)
$js = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
return $js;
-//$focus_on = array();
Setting focus on element $name in $form.
If $form<0 $name is element id.
function set_focus($name, $form_no=0) {
-// global $focus_on;
-// $focus_on['name'] = $name;
-// $focus_on['form'] = $form_no;
$_POST['_focus'] = $name;
// Set default focus on first field $name if not set yet
function default_focus($name, $form_no=0) {
-// global $focus_on;
-// if (!isset($focus_on['name']) && (!isset($_POST['_focus']) || $_POST['_focus']=='') ) {
-//echo "<h2>$name</h2>";
-// $focus_on['name'] = $name;
-// $focus_on['form'] = $form_no;
-// }
if (!isset($_POST['_focus'])) {
$_POST['_focus'] = $name;
-function set_js_focus() {
- global $focus_on;
- $js = '';
-// if (isset($focus_on['name'])) {
- $js = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
- ."Behaviour.addLoadEvent(function(){ setFocus('".$focus_on['name']."'".( $focus_on['form']>=0 ? (",".$focus_on['form']): '').
- ");});"
- ."</script>";
-// }
- return $js;
function get_js_png_fix()
$js = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
return '';
-// Javascript conversions to/from user numeric format.
-function add_js_user_num() {
- global $comp_path;
- $fpath = $comp_path.'/'.user_company().'/js_cache/'.'user_num.js';
- if (!file_exists($fpath)) {
- global $thoseps, $decseps;
- $ts = $thoseps[user_tho_sep()];
- $ds = $decseps[user_dec_sep()];
- $js = "function price_format(post, num, dec, label) {
- //num = num.toString().replace(/\\$|\\,/g,'');
- if(isNaN(num))
- num = \"0\";
- sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num)));
- if(dec<0) dec = 2;
- decsize = Math.pow(10, dec);
- num = Math.floor(num*decsize+0.50000000001);
- cents = num%decsize;
- num = Math.floor(num/decsize).toString();
- for( i=cents.toString().length; i<dec; i++){
- cents = \"0\" + cents;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length-(1+i))/3); i++)
- num = num.substring(0,num.length-(4*i+3))+'".$ts."'+
- num.substring(num.length-(4*i+3));
- num = ((sign)?'':'-') + num;
- if(dec!=0) num = num + '".$ds."' + cents;
- if(label)
- document.getElementById(post).innerHTML = num;
- else
- document.getElementsByName(post)[0].value = num;
- }
- function get_amount(doc, label) {
- if(label)
- var val = document.getElementById(doc).innerHTML;
- else
- var val = document.getElementsByName(doc)[0].value;
- val = val.replace(/\\".$ts."/g,'');
- val = val.replace(/\\".$ds."/g,'.');
- return 1*val;
- }
- ";
- cache_js_file($fpath, $js);
- }
- add_js_ufile($fpath);
-function add_js_allocate() {
- global $comp_path;
- $fpath = $comp_path.'/'.user_company().'/js_cache/'.'allocate.js';
- if (!file_exists($fpath)) {
- $js =
- "function allocate_all(doc) {
- var amount = get_amount('amount'+doc);
- var unallocated = get_amount('un_allocated'+doc);
- var total = get_amount('total_allocated', 1);
- var left = get_amount('left_to_allocate', 1);
- if(unallocated<amount) amount = unallocated;
- if((unallocated-amount)<=left){
- left-=unallocated-amount;
- total+=unallocated-amount;
- amount=unallocated;
- }else{
- total+=left;
- amount+=left;
- left=0;
- }
- price_format('amount'+doc, amount, ".user_price_dec().");
- price_format('left_to_allocate', left, ".user_price_dec().", 1);
- price_format('total_allocated', total, ".user_price_dec().", 1);
- }
- function allocate_none(doc) {
- amount = get_amount('amount'+doc);
- left = get_amount('left_to_allocate', 1);
- total = get_amount('total_allocated', 1);
- price_format('left_to_allocate',amount+left, ".user_price_dec().", 1);
- price_format('amount'+doc, 0, ".user_price_dec().");
- price_format('total_allocated', total-amount, ".user_price_dec().", 1);
- }";
- cache_js_file($fpath, $js);
- }
- add_js_ufile($fpath);
- add_js_user_num();
function alert($msg)
echo "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"