$today1 = date2sql($today);
$past1 = get_company_pref('past_due_days');
$past2 = 2 * $past1;
- // removed - debtor_trans.alloc from all summations
$sign = "IF(`type` IN(".implode(',', array(ST_CUSTCREDIT,ST_CUSTPAYMENT,ST_BANKDEPOSIT))."), -1, 1)";
- $value = "IFNULL($sign*((trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount -
- trans.alloc)*trans.rate),0)";
+ $value = "$sign*(IF(trans.prep_amount, trans.prep_amount,
+ ABS(trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount)) - trans.alloc)*trans.rate";
$due = "IF (trans.type=".ST_SALESINVOICE.", trans.due_date, trans.tran_date)";
$sql = "SELECT Sum($value) AS Balance,
Sum(IF ((TO_DAYS('$today1') - TO_DAYS($due)) > 0,$value,0)) AS Due,
debtor.payment_terms = terms.terms_indicator
AND debtor.credit_status = credit_status.id";
- $sql .= " AND ABS(trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount) - trans.alloc > ".FLOAT_COMP_DELTA;
+ $sql .= " AND ABS(IF(trans.prep_amount, trans.prep_amount, ABS(trans.ov_amount) + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount) - trans.alloc) > ".FLOAT_COMP_DELTA;
$result = db_query($sql,"The customer details could not be retrieved");
$row = db_fetch($result);
$PastDueDays2 = 2 * $PastDueDays1;
$sign = "IF(`type` IN(".implode(',', array(ST_CUSTCREDIT,ST_CUSTPAYMENT,ST_BANKDEPOSIT))."), -1, 1)";
$value = "$sign*(IF(trans.prep_amount, trans.prep_amount,
ABS(trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount)) ".($all ? '' : "- trans.alloc").")";
$due = "IF (type=".ST_SALESINVOICE.", due_date, tran_date)";
$sql = "SELECT type, reference, tran_date,
- $sign*$value as Balance,
- IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) > 0,$sign*$value,0) AS Due,
- IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) > $PastDueDays1,$sign*$value,0) AS Overdue1,
- IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) > $PastDueDays2,$sign*$value,0) AS Overdue2
+ $value as Balance,
+ IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) >= 0,$value,0) AS Due,
+ IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) >= $PastDueDays1,$value,0) AS Overdue1,
+ IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) >= $PastDueDays2,$value,0) AS Overdue2
FROM ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans trans
AND debtor_no = $customer_id
AND tran_date <= '$todate'
- AND ABS(IF(trans.prep_amount, trans.prep_amount, ov_amount + ov_gst + ov_freight + ov_freight_tax + ov_discount) ".($all ? '' : '-trans.alloc').") > " . FLOAT_COMP_DELTA;
+ AND ABS($value) > " . FLOAT_COMP_DELTA;
$sql .= "ORDER BY tran_date";
function print_invoices()
global $path_to_root, $SysPrefs;
- $show_this_payment = true; // include payments invoiced here in summary
include_once($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/pdf_report.inc");
// calculate summary start row for later use
$summary_start_row = $rep->bottomMargin + (15 * $rep->lineHeight);
+ $show_this_payment = $rep->formData['prepaid'] == 'partial'; // include payments invoiced here in summary
if ($rep->formData['prepaid'])
$result = get_sales_order_invoices($myrow['order_']);
$prepayments = array();
while($inv = db_fetch($result))
$allocs += $pmt['amt'];
label_row(_("Payments received:"), implode(',', $list));
label_row(_("Invoiced here:"), price_format($_SESSION['Items']->prep_amount), 'class=label');
- label_row(_("Left to be invoiced:"), price_format($_SESSION['Items']->get_trans_total()-max($_SESSION['Items']->prep_amount, $allocs)), 'class=label');
+ label_row($_SESSION['Items']->payment_terms['days_before_due'] == -1 ? _("Left to be invoiced:") : _("Invoiced so far:"),
+ price_format($_SESSION['Items']->get_trans_total()-max($_SESSION['Items']->prep_amount, $allocs)), 'class=label');
textarea_row(_("Memo:"), 'Comments', null, 50, 4);
ABS(trans.ov_amount + trans.ov_gst + trans.ov_freight + trans.ov_freight_tax + trans.ov_discount)) ".($all ? '' : "- trans.alloc").")";
$due = "IF (trans.type=".ST_SALESINVOICE.", trans.due_date, trans.tran_date)";
$sql = "SELECT debtor.name, debtor.curr_code, terms.terms,
debtor.credit_limit, credit_status.dissallow_invoices, credit_status.reason_description,
- Sum($sign*IFNULL($value,0)) AS Balance,
- Sum(IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) > 0,$sign*$value,0)) AS Due,
- Sum(IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) > $past1,$sign*$value,0)) AS Overdue1,
- Sum(IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) > $past2,$sign*$value,0)) AS Overdue2
+ Sum(IFNULL($value,0)) AS Balance,
+ Sum(IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) >= 0,$value,0)) AS Due,
+ Sum(IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) >= $past1,$value,0)) AS Overdue1,
+ Sum(IF ((TO_DAYS('$todate') - TO_DAYS($due)) >= $past2,$value,0)) AS Overdue2
FROM ".TB_PREF."debtors_master debtor
LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans trans ON trans.tran_date <= '$todate' AND debtor.debtor_no = trans.debtor_no AND trans.type <> ". ST_CUSTDELIVERY.",
} else {
$prepaid_factor = 1;
// write_customer_trans have to be called after optional void_cust_allocations above
$invoice_no = write_customer_trans(ST_SALESINVOICE, $trans_no, $invoice->customer_id,
$invoice->Branch, $date_, $invoice->reference, $items_total, 0,
function prepaid_invoice_remainder($order)
- $sql = "SELECT so.total - IFNULL(SUM(inv.prep_amount),0) FROM "
- .TB_PREF."sales_orders so,
- ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans inv,
- ".TB_PREF."payment_terms pt
+ $sql = "SELECT so.total - SUM(IFNULL(inv.prep_amount,0)) FROM "
+ .TB_PREF."sales_orders so
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."payment_terms pt ON so.payment_terms=pt.terms_indicator AND pt.days_before_due = -1
+ LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans inv ON inv.type=".ST_SALESINVOICE ." AND inv.order_=so.order_no
WHERE so.order_no=".db_escape($order)
." AND so.trans_type=".ST_SALESORDER
- ." AND inv.type=".ST_SALESINVOICE
- ." AND inv.order_=so.order_no"
- ." AND so.payment_terms=pt.terms_indicator"
- ." AND inv.payment_terms=pt.terms_indicator"
- ." AND pt.days_before_due = -1";
+ ." AND so.payment_terms=pt.terms_indicator";
$result = db_fetch(db_query($sql, "cannot find final invoice value"));
return $result[0] ? $result[0] : 0;