--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+$page_security = 'SA_SOFTWAREUPGRADE';
+include($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc");
+page(_($help_context = "System Diagnostics"));
+include($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");
+// Type of requirement for positive test result
+$test_level = array(
+ 0 => _('Info'),
+ 1 => _('Optional'),
+ 2 => _('Recomended'),
+ 3 => _('Required ')
+$system_tests = array('tst_mysql', 'tst_php', 'tst_server', 'tst_system', 'tst_browser',
+ 'tst_gettext', 'tst_debug', 'tst_logging',
+ 'tst_dbversion', 'tst_subdirs', 'tst_langs', 'tst_tmpdir', 'tst_sessionpath',
+ 'tst_dbconfig', 'tst_config', 'tst_extconfig'
+ );
+function tst_mysql()
+ $test['descr'] = _('MySQL version'). ' >3.23.58';
+ $test['type'] = 3;
+ $test['test'] = mysql_get_server_info();
+ $test['result'] = $test['test']>'3.23.58';
+ $test['comments'] = _('Upgrade MySQL server to version at least 3.23.58');
+ return $test;
+function tst_php()
+ $test['descr'] = _('PHP version').' >4.3.2';
+ $test['type'] = 3;
+ $test['test'] = phpversion();
+ $test['result'] = $test['test']>'4.3.2';
+ $test['comments'] = _('Upgrade PHP to version at least 4.3.2');
+ return $test;
+function tst_system()
+ $test['descr'] = _('Server system');
+ $test['type'] = 0;
+ $test['test'] = PHP_OS;
+ $test['result'] = true;
+ return $test;
+function tst_sessionpath()
+ $test['descr'] = _('Session save path');
+ $test['type'] = 0;
+ $test['test'] = session_save_path();
+ $test['result'] = true;
+ return $test;
+function tst_browser()
+ $test['descr'] = _('Browser type');
+ $test['type'] = 0;
+ $test['test'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
+ $test['result'] = true;
+ $test['comments'] = _('Any browser is supported');
+ return $test;
+function tst_server()
+ $test['descr'] = _('Http server type');
+ $test['test'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'];
+ $test['type'] = 0;
+ $test['result'] = true;
+ $test['comments'] = _('Any server is supported');
+ return $test;
+function tst_gettext()
+ $test['descr'] = _('Native gettext');
+ $test['test'] = function_exists('gettext') ? _('Yes'): _('No');
+ $test['type'] = 1;
+ $test['result'] = true;
+ $test['comments'] = _('In case of no getext support, php emulation is used');
+ return $test;
+function tst_debug()
+ global $go_debug;
+ $test['descr'] = _('Debugging mode');
+ $test['type'] = 0;
+ $test['test'] = $go_debug ? _("Yes") : _("No");
+ $test['result'] = $go_debug != 0;
+ $test['comments'] = _('To switch debugging on set $go_debug=1 in config.php file');
+ return $test;
+function tst_logging()
+ global $error_logfile;
+ $test['descr'] = _('Error logging');
+ $test['type'] = 2;
+ // if error lgging is on, but log file does not exists try write
+ if ($error_logfile && !is_file($error_logfile))
+ {
+ @fclose(@fopen($error_logfile, 'w'));
+ }
+ $test['result'] = @$error_logfile != '' && is_writable($error_logfile);
+ $test['test'] = @$error_logfile == '' ? _("Disabled") : $error_logfile;
+ if (@$error_logfile == '')
+ $test['comments'] = _('To switch error logging set $error_logging in config.php file');
+ else
+ if (!is_writable($error_logfile))
+ $test['comments'] = _('Log file is not writeable');
+ return $test;
+// Installed FA database structure version
+function tst_dbversion()
+ $test['descr'] = _('Current database version');
+ $test['type'] = 3;
+ $test['test'] = get_company_pref('version_id');
+ $test['result'] = $test['test'] == '2.2';
+ $test['comments'] = _('Database structure seems to be not upgraded to current version')
+ .' (2.2)';
+ return $test;
+function tst_subdirs()
+ global $db_connections, $comp_path;
+ $comp_subdirs = array('images', 'pdf_files', 'backup','js_cache');
+ $test['descr'] = _('Company subdirectories consistency');
+ $test['type'] = 3;
+ $test['test'] = array($comp_path.'/*');
+ foreach($comp_subdirs as $sub) {
+ $test['test'][] = $comp_path.'/*/'.$sub;
+ }
+ $test['result'] = true;
+ if (!is_dir($comp_path) || !is_writable($comp_path) ) {
+ $test['result'] = false;
+ $test['comments'][] = sprintf(_("'%s' is not writeable"), $comp_path);
+ return $test;
+ };
+ foreach ($db_connections as $n => $comp) {
+ $path = "$comp_path/$n";
+ if (!is_dir($path) || !is_writable($path) ) {
+ $test['result'] = false;
+ $test['comments'][] = sprintf(_("'%s' is not writeable"), $path);
+ continue;
+ };
+ foreach($comp_subdirs as $sub) {
+ $spath = $path.'/'.$sub;
+ if (!is_dir($spath) || !is_writable($spath) ) {
+ $test['result'] = false;
+ $test['comments'][] = sprintf(_("'%s' is not writeable"), $spath);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $test;
+function tst_tmpdir()
+ global $path_to_root;
+ $test['descr'] = _('Temporary directory');
+ $test['type'] = 3;
+ $test['test'] = $path_to_root.'/tmp';
+ $test['result'] = is_dir($test['test']) && is_writable($test['test']);
+ $test['comments'][] = sprintf(_("'%s' is not writeable"), $test['test']);
+ return $test;
+function tst_langs()
+ global $installed_languages, $path_to_root;
+ $test['descr'] = _('Language configuration consistency');
+ $test['type'] = 3;
+ $test['result'] = true;
+ $test['comments'] = array();
+ $old = setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, '0');
+ $langs = array();
+ foreach ($installed_languages as $lang) {
+ $langs[] = $lang['code'];
+ if ($lang['code'] == 'en_GB') continue; // native FA language
+ $file = $path_to_root.'/lang/'.$lang['code'].'/LC_MESSAGES/'.$lang['code'];
+ $file .= function_exists('gettext') ? '.mo' : '.po';
+ if (!is_file($file)) {
+ $test['result'] = false;
+ $test['comments'][] = sprintf( _('Missing %s translation file.'), $file);
+ }
+ if (!setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $lang['code'].".".$lang['encoding']))
+ {
+ $test['result'] = false;
+ $test['comments'][] = sprintf(_('Missing system locale: %s'), $lang['code'].".".$lang['encoding']);
+ };
+ }
+ setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $old);
+ $test['test'] = $langs;
+ return $test;
+function tst_config()
+ global $path_to_root;
+ $test['descr'] = _('Main config file');
+ $test['type'] = 2;
+ $test['test'] = $path_to_root.'/config.php';
+ $test['result'] = is_file($test['test']) && !is_writable($test['test']);
+ $test['comments'][] = sprintf(_("'%s' file should be read-only"), $test['test']);
+ return $test;
+function tst_dbconfig()
+ global $path_to_root;
+ $test['descr'] = _('Database auth file');
+ $test['type'] = 2;
+ $test['test'] = $path_to_root.'/config_db.php';
+ $test['result'] = is_file($test['test']) && !is_writable($test['test']);
+ $test['comments'][] = sprintf(_("'%s' file should be read-only if you do not plan to add or change companies"), $test['test']);
+ return $test;
+function tst_extconfig()
+ global $path_to_root, $db_connections, $comp_path;
+ $test['descr'] = _('Extensions configuration files');
+ $test['type'] = 3;
+ $test['test'] = $path_to_root.'/installed_extensions.php';
+ $test['result'] = is_file($test['test']) && is_writable($test['test']);
+ $test['test'] . ','.$comp_path.'/*/installed_extensions.php';
+ $test['comments'][] = sprintf(_("'%s' file should be writeable"), $test['test']);
+ foreach ($db_connections as $n => $comp) {
+ $path = "$comp_path/$n";
+ if (!is_dir($path)) continue;
+ $path .= "/installed_extensions.php";
+ if (!is_file($path) || !is_writable($path) ) {
+ $test['result'] = false;
+ $test['comments'][] = sprintf(_("'%s' is not writeable"), $path);
+ continue;
+ };
+ }
+ return $test;
+start_table("$table_style width=80%");
+$th = array(_("Test"), _('Test type'), _("Value"), _("Comments"));
+$k = 0; //row colour counter
+foreach ($system_tests as $test)
+ alt_table_row_color($k);
+ $result = $test();
+ if (!$result) continue;
+ label_cell($result['descr']);
+ label_cell($test_level[$result['type']]);
+ $res = is_array(@$result['test']) ? implode('<br>', $result['test'])
+ : $result['test'];
+ label_cell($res);
+ $comm = is_array(@$result['comments']) ? implode('<br>', $result['comments'])
+ : @$result['comments'];
+ label_cell($result['result'] ? _('Ok') : '<b>'.$comm.'</b>');
+ end_row();