update_company_prefs( get_post( array( 'retained_earnings_act', 'profit_loss_year_act',
'debtors_act', 'pyt_discount_act', 'creditors_act', 'freight_act', 'deferred_income_act',
'exchange_diff_act', 'bank_charge_act', 'default_sales_act', 'default_sales_discount_act',
- 'default_prompt_payment_act', 'default_inventory_act', 'default_cogs_act',
- 'default_adj_act', 'default_inv_sales_act', 'default_assembly_act', 'legal_text',
+ 'default_prompt_payment_act', 'default_inventory_act', 'default_cogs_act', 'depreciation_period',
+ 'default_loss_on_asset_disposal_act', 'default_adj_act', 'default_inv_sales_act', 'default_assembly_act', 'legal_text',
'past_due_days', 'default_workorder_required', 'default_dim_required', 'default_receival_required',
'default_delivery_required', 'default_quote_valid_days', 'grn_clearing_act', 'tax_algorithm',
'no_zero_lines_amount', 'show_po_item_codes', 'accounts_alpha', 'loc_notification', 'print_invoice_no',
$_POST['print_invoice_no'] = $myrow['print_invoice_no'];
$_POST['allow_negative_prices'] = $myrow['allow_negative_prices'];
$_POST['print_item_images_on_quote'] = $myrow['print_item_images_on_quote'];
+$_POST['default_loss_on_asset_disposal_act'] = $myrow['default_loss_on_asset_disposal_act'];
+$_POST['depreciation_period'] = $myrow['depreciation_period'];
+table_section_title(_("Fixed Assets Defaults"));
+gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Loss On Asset Disposal Account:"), 'default_loss_on_asset_disposal_act', $_POST['default_loss_on_asset_disposal_act']);
+array_selector_row (_("Depreciation Period:"), 'depreciation_period', $_POST['depreciation_period'], array(FA_MONTHLY => _("Monthly"), FA_YEARLY => _("Yearly")));
table_section_title(_("Manufacturing Defaults"));
text_row(_("Work Order Required By After:"), 'default_workorder_required', $_POST['default_workorder_required'], 6, 6, '', "", _("days"));
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+class assets_app extends application
+ function assets_app()
+ {
+ $this->application("assets", _($this->help_context = "&Fixed Assets"));
+ $this->add_module(_("Transactions"));
+ $this->add_lapp_function(0, _("FA &Purchase"),
+ "purchasing/po_entry_items.php?NewInvoice=Yes&FixedAsset=1", 'SA_SUPPLIERINVOICE', MENU_TRANSACTION);
+ $this->add_lapp_function(0, _("FA Location &Transfers"),
+ "inventory/transfers.php?NewTransfer=1&FixedAsset=1", 'SA_ASSETTRANSFER', MENU_TRANSACTION);
+ $this->add_lapp_function(0, _("FA &Disposal"),
+ "inventory/adjustments.php?NewAdjustment=1&FixedAsset=1", 'SA_ASSETDISPOSAL', MENU_TRANSACTION);
+ $this->add_lapp_function(0, _("FA &Sale"),
+ "sales/sales_order_entry.php?NewInvoice=0&FixedAsset=1", 'SA_SALESINVOICE', MENU_TRANSACTION);
+ $this->add_rapp_function(0, _("Process &Depreciation"),
+ "fixed_assets/process_depreciation.php", 'SA_DEPRECIATION', MENU_MAINTENANCE);
+ // TODO: needs work
+ //$this->add_rapp_function(0, _("FA &Revaluation"),
+ // "inventory/cost_update.php?FixedAsset=1", 'SA_STANDARDCOST', MENU_MAINTENANCE);
+ $this->add_module(_("Inquiries and Reports"));
+ $this->add_lapp_function(1, _("FA Item In&quiry"),
+ "fixed_assets/inquiry/stock_inquiry.php?", 'SA_ASSETSANALYTIC', MENU_INQUIRY);
+ $this->add_rapp_function(1, _("FA Item &Movements"),
+ "inventory/inquiry/stock_movements.php?FixedAsset=1", 'SA_ASSETSTRANSVIEW', MENU_INQUIRY);
+ $this->add_module(_("Maintenance"));
+ $this->add_lapp_function(2, _("Fixed &Assets"),
+ "inventory/manage/items.php?FixedAsset=1", 'SA_ASSET', MENU_ENTRY);
+ $this->add_rapp_function(2, _("FA &Locations"),
+ "inventory/manage/locations.php?FixedAsset=1", 'SA_INVENTORYLOCATION', MENU_MAINTENANCE);
+ $this->add_rapp_function(2, _("FA Item &Categories"),
+ "inventory/manage/item_categories.php?FixedAsset=1", 'SA_ASSETCATEGORY', MENU_MAINTENANCE);
+ $this->add_rapp_function(2, _("FA Cl&asses"),
+ "fixed_assets/fixed_asset_classes.php", 'SA_ASSETCLASS', MENU_MAINTENANCE);
+ $this->add_extensions();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+$page_security = 'SA_ASSETCLASS';
+$path_to_root = "..";
+include($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/fixed_assets/includes/fixed_assets_db.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/fixed_assets/includes/fa_classes_db.inc");
+page(_($help_context = "Fixed asset classes"));
+if ($Mode=='ADD_ITEM' || $Mode=='UPDATE_ITEM')
+ //initialise no input errors assumed initially before we test
+ $input_error = 0;
+ /* actions to take once the user has clicked the submit button
+ ie the page has called itself with some user input */
+ if ($input_error != 1)
+ {
+ if ($selected_id != -1)
+ {
+ update_fixed_asset_class($selected_id, $_POST['parent_id'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['long_description'],
+ $_POST['depreciation_method'], $_POST['depreciation_rate'], $_POST['depreciation_period']);
+ display_notification(_('Selected fixed asset class has been updated'));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ add_fixed_asset_class($_POST['fa_class_id'], $_POST['parent_id'], $_POST['description'], $_POST['long_description'],
+ $_POST['depreciation_method'], $_POST['depreciation_rate'], $_POST['depreciation_period']);
+ display_notification(_('New fixed asset class has been added'));
+ }
+ $Mode = 'RESET';
+ }
+function can_delete($selected_id)
+ if (key_in_foreign_table($selected_id, 'stock_master', 'fa_class_id'))
+ {
+ display_error(_("Cannot delete this class because it is used by some fixed asset items."));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+if ($Mode == 'Delete')
+ if (can_delete($selected_id))
+ {
+ delete_fixed_asset_class($selected_id);
+ display_notification(_('Selected fixed asset class has been deleted'));
+ } //end if Delete Location
+ $Mode = 'RESET';
+if ($Mode == 'RESET')
+ $selected_id = -1;
+ unset($_POST);
+$result = get_fixed_asset_classes();
+$th = array(_("Fixed asset class"), _("Description"), _("Depreciation method"), _("Depreciation rate"), _("Depreciation period"), "", "");
+$k = 0; //row colour counter
+while ($myrow = db_fetch($result))
+ alt_table_row_color($k);
+ label_cell($myrow["fa_class_id"]);
+ label_cell($myrow["description"]);
+ label_cell($depreciation_methods[$myrow["depreciation_method"]]);
+ label_cell($myrow["depreciation_rate"].'%');
+ label_cell($myrow["depreciation_period"].' years');
+ inactive_control_cell($myrow["fa_class_id"], $myrow["inactive"], 'stock_fa_classes', 'fa_class_id');
+ edit_button_cell("Edit".$myrow["fa_class_id"], _("Edit"));
+ delete_button_cell("Delete".$myrow["fa_class_id"], _("Delete"));
+ end_row();
+echo '<br>';
+if ($selected_id != -1)
+ if ($Mode == 'Edit') {
+ $myrow = get_fixed_asset_class($selected_id);
+ $_POST['fa_class_id'] = $myrow["fa_class_id"];
+ $_POST['parent_id'] = $myrow["parent_id"];
+ $_POST['description'] = $myrow["description"];
+ $_POST['long_description'] = $myrow["long_description"];
+ $_POST['depreciation_method'] = $myrow["depreciation_method"];
+ $_POST['depreciation_rate'] = $myrow["depreciation_rate"];
+ $_POST['depreciation_period'] = $myrow["depreciation_period"];
+ }
+ hidden("selected_id", $selected_id);
+ hidden("fa_class_id");
+ hidden('parent_id');
+ label_row(_("Parent class:"), $_POST['parent_id']);
+ label_row(_("Fixed asset class:"), $_POST['fa_class_id']);
+ text_row(_("Parent class:"), 'parent_id', null, 3, 3);
+ text_row(_("Fixed asset class:"), 'fa_class_id', null, 3, 3);
+text_row(_("Description:"), 'description', null, 42, 200);
+textarea_row(_('Long description:'), 'long_description', null, 42, 3);
+array_selector_row(_("Depreciation Method").":", "depreciation_method", null, $depreciation_methods, array('select_submit'=> true));
+small_amount_row(_("Depreciation Rate").':', 'depreciation_rate', null, null, '%', user_percent_dec());
+text_row_ex(_("Depreciation Period").':', 'depreciation_period', 3, 3, '', null, null, _("years"));
+//text_row(_("Parent id:"), 'parent_id', null, 3, 3);
+//if ($selected_id != -1)
+submit_add_or_update_center($selected_id == -1, '', 'both');
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+ ***********************************************************************/
+function next_depreciation_date($depreciation_date) {
+ $start = strtotime($depreciation_date);
+ $y = date('Y', $start);
+ $m = date('n', $start) + 1;
+ if ($m > 12) {
+ $m = 1;
+ $y++;
+ }
+ return strtotime("$y-$m-1");
+function depreciation_months($depreciation_start) {
+ // assume that depreciation start is the same fiscal year
+ //$start = strtotime($depreciation_start);
+ //$end = strtotime($year['end']);
+ $start = next_depreciation_date($depreciation_start);
+ return 12 - date('n', $start) + 1;
+ //$d1 = date('j', $start); // day of the month
+ //$d2 = date('t', $start); // number of days in month
+ //if ($d2 > $d1)
+ //$months++;
+function months_between_dates($start, $end) {
+ $start = strtotime($start);
+ $end = strtotime($end);
+ $y1 = date('Y', $start);
+ $m1 = date('n', $start);
+ $y2 = date('Y', $end);
+ $m2 = date('n', $end);
+ return 12 * ($y2 - $y1) + $m2 - $m1;
+function compute_gl_rows_for_depreciation($item, $no_months, $period) {
+ $rows = array();
+ $year = get_current_fiscalyear();
+ $y = date('Y', strtotime($year['end']));
+ switch ($item['depreciation_method']) {
+ case 'D':
+ $value = $item['material_cost'] * $item['depreciation_rate'] / 100 / 12;
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ // depreciation_rate is the period here.
+ $done_months = months_between_dates($item['depreciation_start'], $item['depreciation_date']);
+ $remaining_months = $item['depreciation_rate'] * 12 - $done_months;
+ $value = $item['material_cost'] / $remaining_months;
+ break;
+ case 'O':
+ $value = $item['material_cost'];
+ break;
+ }
+ $next = next_depreciation_date($item['depreciation_date']);
+ $m = date('n', $next);
+ $total = 0;
+ $cnt = 0;
+ for ($i=$m; $i < $m + $no_months; $i++) {
+ $date = sql2date(date("$y-$i-t", strtotime("$y-$i-1")));
+ $total += $value;
+ if (FA_YEARLY == $period) {
+ // yearly
+ if ($i == $m + $no_months - 1)
+ $rows[] = array('date' => $date, 'value' => $total);
+ /*else
+ $rows[] = array('date' => $date, 'value' => 0);
+ */
+ }
+ else {
+ // monthly
+ $rows[] = array('date' => $date, 'value' => $value);
+ }
+ $cnt++;
+ if ($item['depreciation_method'] == 'S') {
+ if ($cnt >= $remaining_months)
+ $value = 0;
+ }
+ elseif ($item['depreciation_method'] == 'O') {
+ // depreciate only in the first month
+ $value = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return $rows;
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+function get_fixed_asset_classes()
+ $sql="SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_fa_class";
+ $result = db_query($sql,"fixed asset classes could not be retrieved");
+ return $result;
+function update_fixed_asset_class($fa_class_id, $parent_id, $description, $long_description, $depreciation_method, $depreciation_rate, $depreciation_period)
+ $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."stock_fa_class SET
+ parent_id=".db_escape($parent_id).",
+ description=".db_escape($description).",
+ long_description=".db_escape($long_description).",
+ depreciation_method=".db_escape($depreciation_method).",
+ depreciation_rate=".db_escape($depreciation_rate).",
+ depreciation_period=".db_escape($depreciation_period)."
+ WHERE fa_class_id=".db_escape($fa_class_id);
+ db_query($sql, "The fixed asset class could not be updated");
+function add_fixed_asset_class($fa_class_id, $parent_id, $description, $long_description, $depreciation_method, $depreciation_rate, $depreciation_period)
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."stock_fa_class (fa_class_id, parent_id, description, long_description,
+ depreciation_method, depreciation_rate, depreciation_period) VALUES ("
+ .db_escape($fa_class_id).", ".db_escape($parent_id).", "
+ .db_escape($description).", ".db_escape($long_description).", "
+ .db_escape($depreciation_method).", ".db_escape($depreciation_rate).", "
+ .db_escape($depreciation_period).")";
+ db_query($sql, "The fixed asset class could not be added");
+function delete_fixed_asset_class($fa_class_id)
+ $sql = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_fa_class WHERE fa_class_id=".db_escape($fa_class_id);
+ db_query($sql, "The fixed asset class could not be deleted");
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+function process_fixed_asset_depreciation($stock_id, $gl_rows, $refline, $memo_)
+ global $Refs;
+ $row = get_item($stock_id);
+ $old_cost = $row['material_cost'];
+ begin_transaction();
+ $date_ = Today();
+ if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($date_))
+ $date_ = end_fiscalyear();
+ $stock_gl_code = get_stock_gl_code($stock_id);
+ $cart = new items_cart(ST_JOURNAL);
+ $cart->tran_date = $cart->doc_date = $cart->event_date = $date_;
+ $cart->tran_date = end_fiscalyear();
+ $cart->reference = $Refs->get_next(ST_JOURNAL, $refline, $cart->tran_date, $date_);
+ $value_of_change = 0;
+ foreach ($gl_rows as $row) {
+ $value_of_change += round($row['value'], 2);
+ $cart->add_gl_item($stock_gl_code["adjustment_account"],
+ $stock_gl_code["dimension_id"], $stock_gl_code["dimension2_id"], -$row['value'],
+ '', null, null, $row['date']);
+ $cart->add_gl_item($stock_gl_code["cogs_account"], 0, 0, $row['value'],
+ '', null, null, $row['date']);
+ }
+ $new_cost = $old_cost - $value_of_change;
+ if (empty($memo_))
+ $cart->memo_ = sprintf(_("Fixed asset has been deprecated by the value of %s"),
+ number_format2($value_of_change, 2));
+ else
+ $cart->memo_ = $memo_;
+ $trans_no = write_journal_entries($cart);
+ $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."stock_master SET
+ depreciation_date='".date2sql($cart->tran_date)."',
+ material_cost=".db_escape($new_cost).",
+ last_cost=".db_escape($old_cost)."
+ WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($stock_id);
+ db_query($sql,"The depreciation start date could not be updated");
+ $update_no = -1;
+ add_audit_trail(ST_JOURNAL, $update_no, $date_);
+ commit_transaction();
+ return $trans_no;
+function get_fixed_asset_move($stock_id, $tran_type) {
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves
+ WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($stock_id)."
+ AND type=".db_escape($tran_type);
+ $result = db_query($sql, "cannot retrieve fixed asset move");
+ if (db_num_rows($result) == 0)
+ return false;
+ $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
+ return $row;
+function get_fixed_asset_disposal($stock_id) {
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves
+ WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($stock_id)."
+ $result = db_query($sql, "cannot retrieve fixed asset move");
+ if (db_num_rows($result) == 0)
+ return false;
+ $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
+ return $row;
+function get_fixed_asset_purchase($stock_id) {
+ $sql = "SELECT *
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master m, "
+ .TB_PREF."supp_invoice_items i, "
+ .TB_PREF."supp_trans t
+ WHERE m.stock_id=".db_escape($stock_id)."
+ AND i.supp_trans_no=t.trans_no
+ AND m.stock_id=i.stock_id";
+ $result = db_query($sql, "cannot retrieve fixed asset move");
+ if (db_num_rows($result) == 0)
+ return false;
+ $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
+ return $row;
+function get_initial_price($stock_id) {
+ $row = get_fixed_asset_move($stock_id, ST_SUPPRECEIVE);
+ return $row['price'];
+function get_fixed_asset_class($id)
+ $sql="SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_fa_class WHERE fa_class_id=".db_escape($id);
+ $result = db_query($sql,"a fixed asset class could not be retrieved");
+ return db_fetch($result);
+function get_sql_for_fixed_assets($show_inactive = false)
+ $sql = "SELECT s.stock_id, c.description, s.units, s.long_description,
+ s.depreciation_rate, s.depreciation_method, s.inactive, rcv.tran_date as purchase_date, rcv.trans_no as purchase_no,
+ adj.tran_date as disposal_date, adj.type as disposal_type, adj.trans_no as disposal_no
+ FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master s"
+ ." LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."stock_moves rcv ON rcv.stock_id=s.stock_id AND rcv.type=".ST_SUPPRECEIVE
+ ." LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."stock_moves adj ON adj.stock_id=s.stock_id AND adj.type IN(".ST_INVADJUST.",".ST_CUSTDELIVERY.")"
+ ." LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."stock_fa_class c ON s.fa_class_id=c.fa_class_id"
+ ." WHERE s.mb_flag='F'";
+ if (!$show_inactive)
+ $sql .= " AND !s.inactive AND !ISNULL(rcv.tran_date) AND ISNULL(adj.tran_date)";
+ return $sql;
+//function get_sql_for_fa_journal_inquiry($stock_id)
+// $sql = "SELECT IF(ISNULL(a.gl_seq),0,a.gl_seq) as gl_seq,
+// gl.tran_date,
+// gl.type as trans_type,
+// gl.type_no as trans_no,
+// IFNULL(max(supp.supp_name), max(cust.name)) as name,
+// refs.reference,
+// SUM(IF(gl.amount>0, gl.amount,0)) as amount,
+// com.memo_,
+// IF(ISNULL(u.user_id),'',u.user_id) as user_id";
+// $sql.= " FROM ".TB_PREF."gl_trans as gl
+// LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."audit_trail as a ON
+// (gl.type=a.type AND gl.type_no=a.trans_no)
+// LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."comments as com ON
+// (gl.type=com.type AND gl.type_no=com.id)
+// LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."refs as refs ON
+// (gl.type=refs.type AND gl.type_no=refs.id)
+// LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."users as u ON
+// a.user=u.id
+// LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtor_trans dt ON dt.type=gl.type AND gl.type_no=dt.trans_no
+// LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."debtors_master cust ON gl.person_type_id=2 AND gl.person_id=cust.debtor_no
+// LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."supp_trans st ON st.type=gl.type AND gl.type_no=st.trans_no
+// LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."suppliers supp ON gl.person_type_id=3 AND gl.person_id=supp.supplier_id
+// WHERE gl.amount!=0
+// AND NOT ISNULL(a.gl_seq)";
+//// if (!$alsoclosed) {
+//// $sql .= " AND gl_seq=0";
+//// }
+//// else
+//// $sql .= " AND NOT ISNULL(a.gl_seq)";
+// $sql .= " GROUP BY tran_date, gl_seq, trans_type, trans_no";
+// return $sql;
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+$page_security = 'SA_ASSETSANALYTIC';
+$path_to_root = "../..";
+include($path_to_root . "/includes/db_pager.inc");
+include($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc");
+include($path_to_root . "/purchasing/includes/purchasing_ui.inc");
+include($path_to_root . "/reporting/includes/reporting.inc");
+include($path_to_root . "/fixed_assets/includes/fixed_assets_db.inc");
+$js = "";
+if ($SysPrefs->use_popup_windows)
+ $js .= get_js_open_window(900, 500);
+if (user_use_date_picker())
+ $js .= get_js_date_picker();
+page(_($help_context = "FA Item Inquiry"), false, false, "", $js);
+if (isset($_GET['location']))
+ $_POST['location'] = $_GET['location'];
+//locations_list_cells(_("From Location:"), 'location', null, false, false, true);
+check_cells( _("Show inactive:"), 'show_inactive', null);
+submit_cells('RefreshInquiry', _("Search"),'',_('Refresh Inquiry'), 'default');
+ $Ajax->activate('totals_tbl');
+function gl_view($row)
+ $row = get_fixed_asset_move($row['stock_id'], ST_JOURNAL);
+ //if ($row === false)
+ //return "";
+ //return get_journal_trans_view_str(ST_JOURNAL, $row["trans_no"], sql2date($row["tran_date"]));
+ return get_gl_view_str(ST_JOURNAL, $row["trans_no"]);
+function fa_link($row)
+ $url = "inventory/manage/items.php?FixedAsset=1&stock_id=".$row['stock_id'];
+ return viewer_link($row['stock_id'], $url);
+function depr_method_title($row) {
+ global $depreciation_methods;
+ return $depreciation_methods[$row['depreciation_method']];
+function depr_rate_title($row) {
+ if ($row['depreciation_method'] == 'S')
+ return $row['depreciation_rate'].' years';
+ else
+ return $row['depreciation_rate'].'%';
+function status_title($row) {
+ if ($row['inactive'] || ($row['disposal_date'] !== NULL))
+ return _("Disposed"); // disposed or saled
+ elseif ($row['purchase_date'] === NULL)
+ return _("Purchasable"); // not yet purchased
+ else
+ return _("Active"); // purchased
+function purchase_link($row)
+ if ($row['purchase_date'] === null)
+ return "";
+ return get_supplier_trans_view_str(ST_SUPPRECEIVE, $row["purchase_no"], sql2date($row["purchase_date"]));
+function disposal_link($row)
+ switch ($row['disposal_type']) {
+ return get_inventory_trans_view_str(ST_INVADJUST, $row["disposal_no"], sql2date($row["disposal_date"]));
+ return get_customer_trans_view_str(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $row["disposal_no"], sql2date($row["disposal_date"]));
+ default:
+ return "";
+ }
+$sql = get_sql_for_fixed_assets(get_post('show_inactive'));
+$cols = array(
+ //_("Type") => array('fun'=>'systype_name', 'ord'=>''),
+ //_("#") => array('fun'=>'trans_view', 'ord'=>''),
+ _("Item") => array('fun' => 'fa_link'),
+ _("FA Class"),
+ _("Units of Measure") => array('align' => 'center'),
+ _("Long description"),
+ _("Depreciation Rate or Lifecycle") => array('fun' => 'depr_rate_title'),
+ _("Depreciation Method") => array('fun' => 'depr_method_title'),
+ _("Status") => array('fun' => 'status_title'),
+ _("Purchase") => array('fun' => 'purchase_link'),
+ _("Liquidation or Sale") => array('align' => 'center', 'fun' => 'disposal_link'),
+ //array('insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'gl_view'),
+ //array('insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'rm_link'),
+ //array('insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'edit_link'),
+ //array('insert'=>true, 'fun'=>'prt_link'),
+ );
+/*show a table of the transactions returned by the sql */
+$table =& new_db_pager('fixed_assets_tbl', $sql, $cols);
+$table->width = "85%";
--- /dev/null
+ Copyright (C) FrontAccounting, LLC.
+ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, GPL,
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
+ ***********************************************************************/
+$page_security = 'SA_DEPRECIATION';
+$path_to_root = "..";
+include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/date_functions.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/admin/db/fiscalyears_db.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/data_checks.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui/items_cart.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/fixed_assets/includes/depreciation.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/fixed_assets/includes/fixed_assets_db.inc");
+$js = "";
+if (user_use_date_picker())
+ $js .= get_js_date_picker();
+page(_($help_context = "Process Depreciation"), false, false, "", $js);
+function check_data()
+ $myrow = get_item($_POST['stock_id']);
+ if ($_POST['months'] > depreciation_months($myrow['depreciation_date'])) {
+ display_error(_("The number of months is greater than the timespan between the depreciation start and the end of the fiscal year."));
+ set_focus('months');
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+function handle_submit()
+ if (!check_data())
+ return;
+ $item = get_item($_POST['stock_id']);
+ $period = get_company_pref('depreciation_period');
+ $gl_rows = compute_gl_rows_for_depreciation($item, $_POST['months'], $period);
+ $trans_no = process_fixed_asset_depreciation($_POST['stock_id'], $gl_rows, $_POST['refline'], $_POST['memo_']);
+ meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID=".$trans_no);
+if (get_post('process'))
+ handle_submit();
+if (isset($_GET['AddedID']))
+ $trans_no = $_GET['AddedID'];
+ $trans_type = ST_JOURNAL;
+ display_notification(_("The fixed asset has been depreciated for this year"));
+ display_note(get_gl_view_str($trans_type, $trans_no, _("View the GL &Postings for this Depreciation")), 1, 0);
+ hyperlink_no_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Depreciate &Another Fixed Asset"));
+ display_footer_exit();
+check_db_has_depreciable_fixed_assets(_("There are no fixed assets that could be depreciated."));
+function show_gl_rows() {
+ $item = get_item($_POST['stock_id']);
+ hidden('stock_id');
+ hidden('months');
+ hidden('refline');
+ hidden('memo_');
+ start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=40%");
+ $th = array(_("Item"), _('Date'), _('Account'), _('Debit'), _("Credit"));
+ table_header($th);
+ $k = 0; //row colour counter
+ $period = get_company_pref('depreciation_period');
+ $gl_rows = compute_gl_rows_for_depreciation($item, $_POST['months'], $period);
+ foreach($gl_rows as $myrow)
+ {
+ alt_table_row_color($k);
+ label_cell($item['stock_id']);
+ label_cell($myrow["date"]);
+ label_cell($item['cogs_account'].' '.get_gl_account_name($item["cogs_account"]));
+ amount_cell($myrow["value"]);
+ label_cell("");
+ end_row();
+ alt_table_row_color($k);
+ label_cell($item['stock_id']);
+ label_cell($myrow["date"]);
+ label_cell($item["adjustment_account"].' '.get_gl_account_name($item["adjustment_account"]));
+ label_cell("");
+ amount_cell($myrow["value"]);
+ end_row();
+ }
+ end_table(1);
+ submit_center('process', _("Process Depreciation"), true, false);
+function show_gl_controls() {
+ global $Ajax;
+ check_db_has_stock_items('There are no active fixed asset defined in the system.');
+ start_row();
+ stock_depreciable_fa_list_cells(_("Select an item:"), 'stock_id', null,
+ false, true);
+ end_row();
+ end_table();
+ $myrow = get_item($_POST['stock_id']);
+ if (list_updated('stock_id') || !isset($_POST['months'])) {
+ //$_POST['depreciation_start'] = sql2date($myrow['depreciation_start']);
+ $_POST['months'] = depreciation_months($myrow['depreciation_date']);
+ unset($_POST['memo_']);
+ }
+ $Ajax->activate('depreciation_date');
+ $Ajax->activate('months');
+ $Ajax->activate('memo_');
+ start_table(TABLESTYLE2);
+ if (!isset($_POST['date']))
+ $_POST['date'] = Today();
+ $start = next_depreciation_date($myrow['depreciation_date']);
+ $start_text = _(date('F', $start)).' '.date('Y', $start);
+ //date_row(_("Starting from month").":", 'depreciation_start', '', null, 0, 0, 0, null, true);
+ label_row(_("Starting from month").":", $start_text, null, null, 0, 'depreciation_date');
+ $period = get_company_pref('depreciation_period');
+ if ($period != FA_YEARLY) {
+ text_row(_("Period").":", 'months', null, 4, 3, null, null, _("months"));
+ }
+ else {
+ label_row(_("Period").":", '1 year');
+ hidden ('months');
+ }
+ refline_list_row(_("Reference line:"), 'refline', ST_JOURNAL, null, false, true);
+ textarea_row(_("Memo:"), 'memo_', null, 40,4);
+ end_table(1);
+ submit_center_first('show', _("Show GL Rows"), true, false);
+ submit_center_last('process', _("Process Depreciation"), true, false);
+if (isset($_POST['show']) && check_data())
+ show_gl_rows();
+ show_gl_controls();
include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/customers.php');
include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/suppliers.php');
include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/inventory.php');
+ include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/fixed_assets.php');
include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/manufacturing.php');
include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/dimensions.php');
include_once($path_to_root . '/applications/generalledger.php');
$this->add_application(new customers_app());
$this->add_application(new suppliers_app());
$this->add_application(new inventory_app());
+ $this->add_application(new assets_app());
$this->add_application(new manufacturing_app());
$this->add_application(new dimensions_app());
$this->add_application(new general_ledger_app());
define('SS_ITEMS', 32<<8);
+define('SS_ASSETS', 37<<8);
define('SS_MANUF', 42<<8);
SS_ITEMS_C => _("Inventory configuration"),
SS_ITEMS => _("Inventory operations"),
SS_ITEMS_A => _("Inventory analytics"),
+ SS_ASSETS_C => _("Fixed Assets configuration"),
+ SS_ASSETS => _("Fixed Assets operations"),
+ SS_ASSETS_A => _("Fixed Assets analytics"),
SS_MANUF_C => _("Manufacturing configuration"),
SS_MANUF => _("Manufacturing transactions"),
SS_MANUF_A => _("Manufacturing analytics"),
'SA_ITEMSANALYTIC' => array(SS_ITEMS_A|2, _("Items analytical reports and inquiries")),
'SA_ITEMSVALREP' => array(SS_ITEMS_A|3, _("Inventory valuation report")),
+// Fixed Assets
+ 'SA_ASSET' => array(SS_ASSETS_C|1, _("Fixed Asset items add/edit")),
+ 'SA_ASSETCATEGORY' => array(SS_ASSETS_C|2, _("Fixed Asset categories")),
+ 'SA_ASSETCLASS' => array(SS_ASSETS_C|4, _("Fixed Asset classes")),
+ 'SA_ASSETSTRANSVIEW' => array(SS_ASSETS|1, _("Fixed Asset transactions view")),
+ 'SA_ASSETTRANSFER' => array(SS_ASSETS|2, _("Fixed Asset location transfers")),
+ 'SA_ASSETDISPOSAL' => array(SS_ASSETS|3, _("Fixed Asset disposals")),
+ 'SA_DEPRECIATION' => array(SS_ASSETS|4, _("Depreciation")),
+ 'SA_ASSETSANALYTIC' => array(SS_ASSETS_A|1, _("Fixed Asset analytical reports and inquiries")),
// Manufacturing module
display_error($msg, true);
- exit;
- }
+ exit;
+ }
function db_has_currency_rates($currency, $date_, $msg=false)
$date = date2sql($date_);
if (is_company_currency($currency))
return 1;
$ret = check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."exchange_rates WHERE curr_code = '$currency' && date_ <= '$date'");
if ($ret == 0 && $msg)
display_error(sprintf(_("Cannot retrieve exchange rate for currency %s as of %s. Please add exchange rate manually on Exchange Rates page."),
$currency, $date_), true);
- return $ret;
+ return $ret;
function db_has_sales_types()
function db_has_stock_items()
- return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master");
+ return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master WHERE mb_flag!='F'");
function check_db_has_stock_items($msg)
+function check_db_has_fixed_asset_classes($msg)
+ global $path_to_root;
+ if (!db_has_fixed_asset_classes())
+ {
+ display_error($msg, true);
+ end_page();
+ exit;
+ }
+function db_has_fixed_asset_classes()
+ return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_fa_class");
+function db_has_depreciable_fixed_assets()
+ $year = get_current_fiscalyear();
+ $y = date('Y', strtotime($year['end']));
+ return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master
+ WHERE mb_flag='F'
+ AND material_cost > 0
+ AND stock_id IN ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE type=".ST_SUPPRECEIVE." AND qty!=0 )
+ AND stock_id NOT IN ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE (type=".ST_CUSTDELIVERY." OR type=".ST_INVADJUST.") AND qty!=0 )
+ AND depreciation_date < '".$y."-12-01'
+ AND depreciation_date >= '".($y-1)."-12-01'");
+function check_db_has_depreciable_fixed_assets($msg)
+ global $path_to_root;
+ if (!db_has_depreciable_fixed_assets())
+ {
+ display_error($msg, true);
+ end_page();
+ exit;
+ }
+function db_has_fixed_assets()
+ return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master WHERE mb_flag='F'");
+function check_db_has_fixed_assets($msg)
+ global $path_to_root;
+ if (!db_has_fixed_assets())
+ {
+ display_error($msg, true);
+ end_page();
+ exit;
+ }
+function db_has_purchasable_fixed_assets()
+ return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master
+ WHERE mb_flag='F'
+ AND !inactive
+ AND stock_id NOT IN
+ ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE type=".ST_SUPPRECEIVE." AND qty!=0 )");
+function check_db_has_purchasable_fixed_assets($msg)
+ global $path_to_root;
+ if (!db_has_purchasable_fixed_assets())
+ {
+ display_error($msg, true);
+ end_page();
+ exit;
+ }
+function db_has_disposable_fixed_assets()
+ return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master
+ WHERE mb_flag='F'
+ AND !inactive
+ AND stock_id IN
+ ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE type=".ST_SUPPRECEIVE." AND qty!=0 )
+ AND stock_id NOT IN
+ ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE (type=".ST_CUSTDELIVERY." OR type=".ST_INVADJUST.") AND qty!=0 )");
+function check_db_has_disposable_fixed_assets($msg)
+ global $path_to_root;
+ if (!db_has_disposable_fixed_assets())
+ {
+ display_error($msg, true);
+ end_page();
+ exit;
+ }
function db_has_stock_categories()
- return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_category");
+ return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_category WHERE dflt_mb_flag!='F'");
+function check_db_has_fixed_asset_categories($msg)
+ global $path_to_root;
+ if (!db_has_fixed_asset_categories())
+ {
+ display_error($msg, true);
+ end_page();
+ exit;
+ }
+function db_has_fixed_asset_categories()
+ return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_category WHERE dflt_mb_flag='F'");
function check_db_has_stock_categories($msg)
display_error($msg, true);
- exit;
- }
+ exit;
+ }
function db_has_workcentres()
function db_has_locations()
- return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."locations");
+ return check_empty_result("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."locations WHERE fixed_asset=0");
function check_db_has_locations($msg)
function count($type, $all=false)
$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".TB_PREF."reflines WHERE trans_type=".db_escape($type);
if (!$all)
$sql .= " AND !inactive";
$result = db_query($sql, "cannot retreive refline count for transaction type $type");
Recognize refline by reference prefix
- function find_refline_id($reference, $type, $fallback = true)
+ function find_refline_id($reference, $type, $fallback=true)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."reflines WHERE trans_type=".db_escape($type)
." AND CHAR_LENGTH(`prefix`) AND LEFT('$reference', CHAR_LENGTH(`prefix`)) = `prefix`";
function save_next($type, $reference, $line=null)
$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."reflines SET pattern=SUBSTRING(" . db_escape(trim($reference)) .", LENGTH(`prefix`)+1)"
- . " WHERE trans_type = ".db_escape($type) . " AND ";
+ . " WHERE trans_type = ".db_escape($type)." AND ";
if (isset($line))
$sql .= "`id`=".db_escape($line);
function get_stock_moves($type, $type_no)
- $sql = "SELECT move.*, item.description, item.units, stock.location_name,
+ $sql = "SELECT move.*, item.description, item.mb_flag, item.units, stock.location_name,
item.material_cost + item.labour_cost + item.overhead_cost AS FixedStandardCost
FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves move,"
.TB_PREF."locations stock,"
return ($mb_flag == 'D');
+function is_fixed_asset($mb_flag)
+ return ($mb_flag == 'F');
function has_stock_holding($mb_flag)
return is_purchased($mb_flag) || is_manufactured($mb_flag);
ST_SALESORDER => _("Sales Order"),
ST_SALESQUOTE => _("Sales Quotation"),
ST_COSTUPDATE => _("Cost Update"),
- ST_DIMENSION => _("Dimension")
+ ST_DIMENSION => _("Dimension"),
+ );
+$fa_systypes_array = array (
+ ST_INVADJUST => _("FA Disposal"),
+ ST_COSTUPDATE => _("FA Revaluation"),
$type_shortcuts = array(
QE_SUPPINV => _("Supplier Invoice/Credit")
+// depreciation methods
+$depreciation_methods = array(
+ 'D' => _("Declining balance"),
+ 'S' => _("Straight line"),
+ 'O' => _("One-time"),
// Types of stock items
$stock_types = array(
define('ST_MANUISSUE', 28);
define('ST_MANURECEIVE', 29);
+// Depreciation period types
+define('FA_MONTHLY', 0);
+define('FA_YEARLY', 1);
define('ST_SALESORDER', 30);
define('ST_SALESQUOTE', 32);
$fresh = $selected_id == $this->_none || !$this->data_set->is_used(get_post($this->name.'prefix'), get_post($this->name.'trans_type'));
if ($fresh)
systypes_list_row(_("Transaction Type:"), $this->name.'trans_type');
var $tax_info; // tax info for the GL transaction
+ var $fixed_asset;
function items_cart($type, $trans_no=0)
$this->trans_type = $type;
$low_stock = array();
- if (!$SysPrefs->allow_negative_stock())
+ if (!$SysPrefs->allow_negative_stock() || is_fixed_asset($line_item->mb_flag))
foreach ($this->line_items as $line_no => $line_item)
- if (has_stock_holding($line_item->mb_flag))
+ if (has_stock_holding($line_item->mb_flag) || is_fixed_asset($line_item->mb_flag))
$quantity = $line_item->quantity;
if ($reverse)
// ----------- GL item functions
- function add_gl_item($code_id, $dimension_id, $dimension2_id, $amount, $memo='', $act_descr=null, $person_id=null)
+ function add_gl_item($code_id, $dimension_id, $dimension2_id, $amount, $memo='', $act_descr=null, $person_id=null, $date=null)
if (isset($code_id) && $code_id != "" && isset($amount) && isset($dimension_id) &&
- $this->gl_items[] = new gl_item($code_id, $dimension_id, $dimension2_id, $amount, $memo, $act_descr, $person_id);
+ $this->gl_items[] = new gl_item($code_id, $dimension_id, $dimension2_id, $amount, $memo, $act_descr, $person_id, $date);
return true;
$total_gl = 0;
foreach($this->gl_items as $gl)
- $total_gl += add_gl_trans($this->trans_type, $this->order_id, $this->tran_date, $gl->code_id, $gl->dimension_id, $gl->dimension2_id,
+ if (!isset($gl->date))
+ $gl->date = $this->tran_date;
+ $total_gl += add_gl_trans($this->trans_type, $this->order_id, $gl->date, $gl->code_id, $gl->dimension_id, $gl->dimension2_id,
$gl->reference, $gl->amount, $this->currency, $gl->person_type_id, $gl->person_id, "", $this->rate);
// post to first found bank account using given gl acount code.
var $person_type_id;
var $person_name;
var $branch_id;
+ var $date;
function gl_item($code_id=null, $dimension_id=0, $dimension2_id=0, $amount=0, $memo='',
- $act_descr=null, $person_id=null)
+ $act_descr=null, $person_id=null, $date=null)
//echo "adding $index, $code_id, $dimension_id, $amount, $reference<br>";
$this->dimension2_id = $dimension2_id;
$this->amount = round($amount, 2);
$this->reference = $memo;
+ $this->date = $date;
'supplier' => array('/purchasing/manage/suppliers.php?supplier_id=',
113, _("Suppliers"), 900, 700),
'item' => array('/inventory/manage/items.php?stock_id=',
+ 115, _("Items"), 800, 600),
+ 'fa_item' => array('/inventory/manage/items.php?FixedAsset=1&stock_id=',
115, _("Items"), 800, 600)
$_POST[$name] = $init;
} else {
- $_POST[$name] = $Refs->get_next($type, $_POST[$name.'_list'], $context); // set default
+ $_POST[$name] = $Refs->get_next($type, $_POST[$name.'_list'], $context);
$Ajax->addUpdate(true, $name, $_POST[$name]);
return $selector;
+function array_selector_row($label, $name, $selected_id, $items, $options=null)
+ echo "<tr><td class='label'>$label</td>\n<td>";
+ echo array_selector($name, $selected_id, $items, $options);
+ echo "</td></tr>\n";
function _format_add_curr($row)
static $company_currency;
-function locations_list($name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false)
+function locations_list($name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false, $fixed_asset=false)
- $sql = "SELECT loc_code, location_name, inactive FROM ".TB_PREF."locations";
+ $sql = "SELECT loc_code, location_name, inactive FROM ".TB_PREF."locations WHERE fixed_asset=".(int)$fixed_asset;
return combo_input($name, $selected_id, $sql, 'loc_code', 'location_name',
) );
-function locations_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false)
+function locations_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false, $fixed_asset=false)
if ($label != null)
echo "<td>$label</td>\n";
echo "<td>";
- echo locations_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change);
+ echo locations_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change, $fixed_asset);
echo "</td>\n";
-function locations_list_row($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false)
+function locations_list_row($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false, $fixed_asset=false)
echo "<tr><td class='label'>$label</td>";
- locations_list_cells(null, $name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change);
+ locations_list_cells(null, $name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change, $fixed_asset);
echo "</tr>\n";
$sql = "SELECT stock_id, s.description, c.description, s.inactive, s.editable
FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master s,".TB_PREF."stock_category c WHERE s.category_id=c.category_id";
+ if (isset($opts['fixed_asset']) && $opts['fixed_asset'])
+ $sql .= " AND mb_flag='F'";
+ else
+ $sql .= " AND mb_flag!='F'";
if ($editkey)
set_editor('item', $name, $editkey);
function stock_items_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false,
$submit_on_change=false, $all=false, $editkey = false, $opts= array())
+ if (isset($opts['fixed_asset']) && $opts['fixed_asset'])
+ $editor_item = 'fa_item';
+ else
+ $editor_item = 'item';
+// if ($editkey) ??
+// set_editor($editor_item, $name, $editkey);
if ($label != null)
echo "<td>$label</td>\n";
+// ??
+// $opts = array_merge($options, array('cells'=>true, 'show_inactive'=>$all, 'new_icon' => $editkey ? 'item' : false));
+// echo stock_items_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change, $opts);
echo stock_items_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change,
array_merge(array('cells'=>true, 'show_inactive'=>$all), $opts), $editkey);
function stock_items_list_row($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false)
".TB_PREF."stock_category c
ON i.category_id=c.category_id
- WHERE i.stock_id=s.stock_id";
+ WHERE i.stock_id=s.stock_id
+ AND mb_flag != 'F'";
if ($type == 'local') { // exclude foreign codes
+function stock_purchasable_fa_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false,
+ $submit_on_change=false, $all=false, $editkey = false, $exclude_items = array())
+ // Check if a fixed asset has been bought.
+ $where_opts[] = "stock_id NOT IN
+ ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE type=".ST_SUPPRECEIVE." AND qty!=0 )";
+ // exclude items currently on the order.
+ foreach($exclude_items as $item) {
+ $where_opts[] = "stock_id != ".db_escape($item->stock_id);
+ }
+ $where_opts[] = "mb_flag='F'";
+ echo stock_items_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change, $all, $editkey,
+ array('fixed_asset' => true, 'where' => $where_opts));
+function stock_disposable_fa_list($name, $selected_id=null,
+ $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false)
+ // Check if a fixed asset has been bought....
+ $where_opts[] = "stock_id IN
+ ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE type=".ST_SUPPRECEIVE." AND qty!=0 )";
+ // ...but has not been disposed or sold already.
+ $where_opts[] = "stock_id NOT IN
+ ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE (type=".ST_CUSTDELIVERY." OR type=".ST_INVADJUST.") AND qty!=0 )";
+ $where_opts[] = "mb_flag='F'";
+ echo stock_items_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change,
+ array('fixed_asset' => true, 'where' => $where_opts));
+function stock_disposable_fa_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null,
+ $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false, $exclude_items = array())
+ // Check if a fixed asset has been bought....
+ $where_opts[] = "stock_id IN
+ ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE type=".ST_SUPPRECEIVE." AND qty!=0 )";
+ // ...but has not been disposed or sold already.
+ $where_opts[] = "stock_id NOT IN
+ ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE (type=".ST_CUSTDELIVERY." OR type=".ST_INVADJUST.") AND qty!=0 )";
+ $where_opts[] = "mb_flag='F'";
+ foreach($exclude_items as $item) {
+ $where_opts[] = "stock_id != ".db_escape($item->stock_id);
+ }
+ if ($label != null)
+ echo "<td>$label</td>\n";
+ echo stock_items_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change,
+ array('fixed_asset' => true, 'cells'=>true, 'where' => $where_opts));
+function stock_depreciable_fa_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null,
+ $all_option=false, $submit_on_change=false)
+ // Check if a fixed asset has been bought....
+ $where_opts[] = "stock_id IN
+ ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE type=".ST_SUPPRECEIVE." AND qty!=0 )";
+ // ...but has not been disposed or sold already.
+ $where_opts[] = "stock_id NOT IN
+ ( SELECT stock_id FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_moves WHERE (type=".ST_CUSTDELIVERY." OR type=".ST_INVADJUST.") AND qty!=0 )";
+ $year = get_current_fiscalyear();
+ $y = date('Y', strtotime($year['end']));
+ // check if current fiscal year
+ $where_opts[] = "depreciation_date < '".$y."-12-01'";
+ $where_opts[] = "depreciation_date >= '".($y-1)."-12-01'";
+ $where_opts[] = "material_cost > 0";
+ $where_opts[] = "mb_flag='F'";
+ if ($label != null)
+ echo "<td>$label</td>\n";
+ echo stock_items_list($name, $selected_id, $all_option, $submit_on_change,
+ array('fixed_asset' => true, 'where' => $where_opts, 'cells'=>true));
function tax_types_list($name, $selected_id=null, $none_option=false, $submit_on_change=false)
$sql = "SELECT id, CONCAT(name, ' (',rate,'%)') as name FROM ".TB_PREF."tax_types";
-function stock_categories_list($name, $selected_id=null, $spec_opt=false, $submit_on_change=false)
+function stock_categories_list($name, $selected_id=null, $spec_opt=false, $submit_on_change=false, $fixed_asset=false)
+ $where_opts = array();
+ if ($fixed_asset)
+ $where_opts[0] = "dflt_mb_flag='F'";
+ else
+ $where_opts[0] = "dflt_mb_flag!='F'";
$sql = "SELECT category_id, description, inactive FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_category";
return combo_input($name, $selected_id, $sql, 'category_id', 'description',
'spec_option' => $spec_opt,
'spec_id' => -1,
'select_submit'=> $submit_on_change,
- 'async' => true
+ 'async' => true,
+ 'where' => $where_opts,
-function stock_categories_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $spec_opt=false, $submit_on_change=false)
+function stock_categories_list_cells($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $spec_opt=false, $submit_on_change=false, $fixed_asset=false)
if ($label != null)
echo "<td>$label</td>\n";
echo "<td>";
- echo stock_categories_list($name, $selected_id, $spec_opt, $submit_on_change);
+ echo stock_categories_list($name, $selected_id, $spec_opt, $submit_on_change, $fixed_asset);
echo "</td>\n";
-function stock_categories_list_row($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $spec_opt=false, $submit_on_change=false)
+function stock_categories_list_row($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $spec_opt=false, $submit_on_change=false, $fixed_asset=false)
echo "<tr><td class='label'>$label</td>";
- stock_categories_list_cells(null, $name, $selected_id, $spec_opt, $submit_on_change);
+ stock_categories_list_cells(null, $name, $selected_id, $spec_opt, $submit_on_change, $fixed_asset);
echo "</tr>\n";
+function fixed_asset_classes_list($name, $selected_id=null, $spec_opt=false, $submit_on_change=false)
+ $sql = "SELECT c.fa_class_id, CONCAT(c.fa_class_id,' - ',c.description) `desc`, CONCAT(p.fa_class_id,' - ',p.description), c.inactive FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_fa_class c, ".TB_PREF."stock_fa_class p WHERE c.parent_id=p.fa_class_id";
+ return combo_input($name, $selected_id, $sql, 'c.fa_class_id', 'desc',
+ array('order'=>'c.fa_class_id',
+ 'spec_option' => $spec_opt,
+ 'spec_id' => -1,
+ 'select_submit'=> $submit_on_change,
+ 'async' => true,
+ 'search_box' => true,
+ 'search' => array("c.fa_class_id"),
+ 'search_submit' => false,
+ 'spec_option' => '',
+ 'spec_id' => '',
+ 'size' => 3,
+ 'max' => 3,
+ 'category' => 2,
+ ));
+function fixed_asset_classes_list_row($label, $name, $selected_id=null, $spec_opt=false, $submit_on_change=false)
+ echo "<tr><td class='label'>$label</td>";
+ echo "<td>";
+ echo fixed_asset_classes_list($name, $selected_id, $spec_opt, $submit_on_change);
+ echo "</td></tr>\n";
function gl_account_types_list($name, $selected_id=null, $all_option=false, $all=true)
#: /includes/system_tests.inc:276
#, php-format
msgid "Missing system locale: %s"
-msgstr "Falta configuración regional del sistema:"
+msgstr "Falta configuración regional del sistema: %s"
#: /includes/system_tests.inc:289
msgid "Main config file"
#: /includes/system_tests.inc:296 /includes/system_tests.inc:318
#, php-format
msgid "Can't write '%s' file. Check FA directory write permissions."
-msgstr "No se puede escribir el archivo '% s'. Compruebe que el sistema tiene permisos de escritura."
+msgstr "No se puede escribir el archivo '%s'. Compruebe que el sistema tiene permisos de escritura."
#: /includes/system_tests.inc:297 /includes/system_tests.inc:319
#, php-format
#: /includes/system_tests.inc:301
#, php-format
msgid "'%s' file should be read-only"
-msgstr "El archivo '% s' debe ser de sólo lectura"
+msgstr "El archivo '%s' debe ser de sólo lectura"
#: /includes/system_tests.inc:310
msgid "Database auth file"
#: /includes/system_tests.inc:323
#, php-format
msgid "'%s' file should be read-only if you do not plan to add or change companies"
-msgstr "El archivo '% s' debe ser de sólo lectura si no vas a agregar o cambiar empresa"
+msgstr "El archivo '%s' debe ser de sólo lectura si no vas a agregar o cambiar empresa"
#: /includes/system_tests.inc:334
msgid "Extensions system"
#: /includes/system_tests.inc:385
#, php-format
msgid "Non-standard theme directory '%s' is not writable"
-msgstr "El directorio del tema '% S' no tiene permisos de escritura"
+msgstr "El directorio del tema '%s' no tiene permisos de escritura"
#: /includes/system_tests.inc:395
msgid "OpenSSL PHP extension have to be enabled to use extension repository system."
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/date_functions.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/data_checks.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/fixed_assets/includes/fixed_assets_db.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/inventory/includes/item_adjustments_ui.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/inventory/includes/inventory_db.inc");
$js = "";
$js .= get_js_open_window(800, 500);
if (user_use_date_picker())
$js .= get_js_date_picker();
-page(_($help_context = "Item Adjustments Note"), false, false, "", $js);
-check_db_has_costable_items(_("There are no inventory items defined in the system which can be adjusted (Purchased or Manufactured)."));
+if (isset($_GET['NewAdjustment'])) {
+ if (isset($_GET['FixedAsset'])) {
+ $page_security = 'SA_ASSETDISPOSAL';
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "FA Disposal");
+ } else {
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Item Adjustments Note");
+ }
+page($_SESSION['page_title'], false, false, "", $js);
$trans_no = $_GET['AddedID'];
$trans_type = ST_INVADJUST;
- display_notification_centered(_("Items adjustment has been processed"));
- display_note(get_trans_view_str($trans_type, $trans_no, _("&View this adjustment")));
+ $result = get_stock_adjustment_items($trans_no);
+ $row = db_fetch($result);
+ if (is_fixed_asset($row['mb_flag'])) {
+ display_notification_centered(_("FA disposal has been processed"));
+ display_note(get_trans_view_str($trans_type, $trans_no, _("&View this disposal")));
- display_note(get_gl_view_str($trans_type, $trans_no, _("View the GL &Postings for this Adjustment")), 1, 0);
+ display_note(get_gl_view_str($trans_type, $trans_no, _("View the GL &Postings for this Disposal")), 1, 0);
+ hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter &Another Disposal"), "NewAdjustment=1&FixedAsset=1");
+ }
+ else {
+ display_notification_centered(_("Items adjustment has been processed"));
+ display_note(get_trans_view_str($trans_type, $trans_no, _("&View this adjustment")));
- hyperlink_no_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter &Another Adjustment"));
+ display_note(get_gl_view_str($trans_type, $trans_no, _("View the GL &Postings for this Adjustment")), 1, 0);
+ hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter &Another Adjustment"), "NewAdjustment=1");
+ }
hyperlink_params("$path_to_root/admin/attachments.php", _("Add an Attachment"), "filterType=$trans_type&trans_no=$trans_no");
$_SESSION['adj_items'] = new items_cart(ST_INVADJUST);
+ $_SESSION['adj_items']->fixed_asset = isset($_GET['FixedAsset']);
$_POST['AdjDate'] = new_doc_date();
if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['AdjDate']))
$_POST['AdjDate'] = end_fiscalyear();
if (isset($_POST['Process']) && can_process()){
+ $fixed_asset = $_SESSION['adj_items']->fixed_asset;
$trans_no = add_stock_adjustment($_SESSION['adj_items']->line_items,
$_POST['StockLocation'], $_POST['AdjDate'], $_POST['ref'], $_POST['memo_']);
+ if ($fixed_asset)
+ meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID=$trans_no&FixedAsset=1");
+ else
meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID=$trans_no");
} /*end of process credit note */
if (isset($_GET['NewAdjustment']) || !isset($_SESSION['adj_items']))
+ if (isset($_GET['FixedAsset']))
+ check_db_has_disposable_fixed_assets(_("There are no fixed assets defined in the system."));
+ else
+ check_db_has_costable_items(_("There are no inventory items defined in the system which can be adjusted (Purchased or Manufactured)."));
+if ($_SESSION['adj_items']->fixed_asset) {
+ $items_title = _("Disposal Items");
+ $button_title = _("Process Disposal");
+} else {
+ $items_title = _("Adjustment Items");
+ $button_title = _("Process Adjustment");
start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='70%'", 10);
-display_adjustment_items(_("Adjustment Items"), $_SESSION['adj_items']);
+display_adjustment_items($items_title, $_SESSION['adj_items']);
end_outer_table(1, false);
submit_center_first('Update', _("Update"), '', null);
-submit_center_last('Process', _("Process Adjustment"), '', 'default');
+submit_center_last('Process', $button_title, '', 'default');
$js = "";
if ($SysPrefs->use_popup_windows)
$js .= get_js_open_window(900, 500);
-page(_($help_context = "Inventory Item Cost Update"), false, false, "", $js);
+if (isset($_GET['FixedAsset'])) {
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "FA Revaluation");
+ $_POST['fixed_asset'] = 1;
+} else {
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Inventory Item Cost Update");
+page($_SESSION['page_title'], false, false, "", $js);
-check_db_has_costable_items(_("There are no costable inventory items defined in the system (Purchased or manufactured items)."));
+if (get_post('fixed_asset') == 1)
+ check_db_has_disposable_fixed_assets(_("There are no fixed assets defined in the system."));
+ check_db_has_costable_items(_("There are no costable inventory items defined in the system (Purchased or manufactured items)."));
if (isset($_GET['stock_id']))
+$should_update = false;
if (isset($_POST['UpdateData']))
$update_no = stock_cost_update($_POST['stock_id'],
input_num('material_cost'), input_num('labour_cost'),
- input_num('overhead_cost'), $old_cost);
+ input_num('overhead_cost'), $old_cost,
+ $_POST['refline'], $_POST['memo_']);
display_notification(_("Cost has been updated."));
-if (list_updated('stock_id'))
+if (list_updated('stock_id') || $should_update) {
+ unset($_POST['memo_']);
$action = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$action .= "?stock_id=".get_post('stock_id');
start_form(false, false, $action);
if (!isset($_POST['stock_id']))
$_POST['stock_id'] = get_global_stock_item();
if (!$page_nested)
echo "<center>" . _("Item:"). " ";
- echo stock_items_list('stock_id', $_POST['stock_id'], false, true);
+ if (get_post('fixed_asset') == 1)
+ echo stock_disposable_fa_list('stock_id', $_POST['stock_id'], false, true);
+ else
+ echo stock_items_list('stock_id', $_POST['stock_id'], false, true);
echo "</center><hr>";
hidden("labour_cost", 0);
hidden("overhead_cost", 0);
+refline_list_row(_("Reference line:"), 'refline', ST_COSTUPDATE, null, false, get_post('fixed_asset'));
+textarea_row(_("Memo"), 'memo_', null, 40, 4);
update_average_material_cost(null, $stock_id, $standard_cost, $quantity, $date_);
+ if (is_fixed_asset($mb_flag)) {
+ $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."stock_master SET inactive=1
+ WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($stock_id);
+ db_query($sql,"The inactive flag for the fixed asset could not be updated");
+ }
add_stock_move(ST_INVADJUST, $stock_id, $adj_id, $location,
$date_, $reference, $quantity, $standard_cost);
- if ($standard_cost > 0)
+ $inv_value = $standard_cost * $quantity;
+ $adj_value = $standard_cost * -($quantity);
+ if (is_fixed_asset($mb_flag)) {
+ // get the initial value of the fixed assset.
+ $row = get_fixed_asset_move($stock_id, ST_SUPPRECEIVE);
+ $inv_value = $row['price'] * $quantity;
+ $adj_value = (-($row['price']) + $standard_cost) * $quantity;
+ }
+ if ($standard_cost > 0 || is_fixed_asset($mb_flag))
$stock_gl_codes = get_stock_gl_code($stock_id);
add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_INVADJUST, $adj_id, $date_,
- $stock_gl_codes['adjustment_account'], $stock_gl_codes['dimension_id'], $stock_gl_codes['dimension2_id'], $memo_, ($standard_cost * -($quantity)));
+ $stock_gl_codes['adjustment_account'], $stock_gl_codes['dimension_id'], $stock_gl_codes['dimension2_id'], $memo_, $adj_value );
+ add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_INVADJUST, $adj_id, $date_, $stock_gl_codes['inventory_account'], 0, 0, $memo_, $inv_value);
+ }
- add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_INVADJUST, $adj_id, $date_, $stock_gl_codes['inventory_account'], 0, 0, $memo_, ($standard_cost * $quantity));
+ if (is_fixed_asset($mb_flag)) {
+ // Additional gl entry for fixed asset.
+ $grn_act = get_company_pref('default_loss_on_asset_disposal_act');
+ add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_INVADJUST, $adj_id, $date_, $grn_act, 0, 0, $memo_, ($standard_cost * -($quantity)));
db_query($sql,"an item category could not be deleted");
-function get_item_categories($show_inactive)
+function get_item_categories($show_inactive, $fixed_asset=false)
$sql = "SELECT c.*, t.name as tax_name FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_category c, "
.TB_PREF."item_tax_types t WHERE c.dflt_tax_type=t.id";
if (!$show_inactive)
$sql .= " AND !c.inactive";
+ if ($fixed_asset)
+ $sql .= " AND c.dflt_mb_flag='F'";
+ else
+ $sql .= " AND c.dflt_mb_flag!='F'";
$sql .= " ORDER by description";
return db_query($sql, "could not get stock categories");
function update_item($stock_id, $description, $long_description, $category_id,
$tax_type_id, $units='', $mb_flag='', $sales_account, $inventory_account,
$cogs_account, $adjustment_account, $assembly_account, $dimension_id,
- $dimension2_id, $no_sale, $editable, $no_purchase)
+ $dimension2_id, $no_sale, $editable, $no_purchase,
+ $depreciation_method = 'D', $depreciation_rate=100, $depreciation_start=null,
+ $fa_class_id=null)
$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."stock_master SET long_description=".db_escape($long_description).",
- editable=".db_escape($editable);
+ editable=".db_escape($editable).",
+ depreciation_method=".db_escape($depreciation_method).",
+ depreciation_rate=".db_escape($depreciation_rate).",
+ fa_class_id=".db_escape($fa_class_id);
if ($units != '')
$sql .= ", units=".db_escape($units);
if ($mb_flag != '')
$sql .= ", mb_flag=".db_escape($mb_flag);
+ if ($depreciation_start != '') {
+ $sql .= ", depreciation_start='".date2sql($depreciation_start)."'"
+ .", depreciation_date='".date2sql($depreciation_start)."'";
+ }
$sql .= " WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($stock_id);
db_query($sql, "The item could not be updated");
function add_item($stock_id, $description, $long_description, $category_id,
$tax_type_id, $units, $mb_flag, $sales_account, $inventory_account,
$cogs_account, $adjustment_account, $assembly_account, $dimension_id,
- $dimension2_id, $no_sale, $editable, $no_purchase)
+ $dimension2_id, $no_sale, $editable, $no_purchase,
+ $depreciation_method='D', $depreciation_rate=100, $depreciation_start=null,
+ $fa_class_id=null)
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."stock_master (stock_id, description, long_description, category_id,
tax_type_id, units, mb_flag, sales_account, inventory_account, cogs_account,
- adjustment_account, assembly_account, dimension_id, dimension2_id, no_sale, no_purchase, editable)
+ adjustment_account, assembly_account, dimension_id, dimension2_id, no_sale, no_purchase, editable,
+ depreciation_method, depreciation_rate, depreciation_start, depreciation_date, fa_class_id)
VALUES (".db_escape($stock_id).", ".db_escape($description).", ".db_escape($long_description).",
".db_escape($category_id).", ".db_escape($tax_type_id).", "
.db_escape($units).", ".db_escape($mb_flag).",
.db_escape($dimension_id).", ".db_escape($dimension2_id).","
- .db_escape($editable).")";
+ .db_escape($editable).","
+ .db_escape($depreciation_method).",".db_escape($depreciation_rate).",'"
+ .date2sql($depreciation_start)."','".date2sql($depreciation_start)."',"
+ .db_escape($fa_class_id).")";
db_query($sql, "The item could not be added");
return db_fetch($result);
-function get_items()
+function get_items($fixed_asset = 0)
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master";
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."stock_master WHERE fixed_asset=".db_escape($fixed_asset);
return db_query($sql,"items could not be retreived");
See the License here <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
-function add_item_location($loc_code, $location_name, $delivery_address, $phone, $phone2, $fax, $email, $contact)
+function add_item_location($loc_code, $location_name, $delivery_address, $phone, $phone2, $fax, $email, $contact, $fixed_asset = 0)
- $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."locations (loc_code, location_name, delivery_address, phone, phone2, fax, email, contact)
+ $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TB_PREF."locations (loc_code, location_name, delivery_address, phone, phone2, fax, email, contact, fixed_asset)
VALUES (".db_escape($loc_code).", ".db_escape($location_name).", ".db_escape($delivery_address).", "
.db_escape($phone).", ".db_escape($phone2).", ".db_escape($fax).", ".db_escape($email).", "
- .db_escape($contact).")";
+ .db_escape($contact).", ".db_escape($fixed_asset).")";
db_query($sql,"a location could not be added");
-function update_item_location($loc_code, $location_name, $delivery_address, $phone, $phone2, $fax, $email, $contact)
+function update_item_location($loc_code, $location_name, $delivery_address, $phone, $phone2, $fax, $email, $contact, $fixed_asset = 0)
$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."locations SET location_name=".db_escape($location_name).",
phone=".db_escape($phone).", phone2=".db_escape($phone2).", fax=".db_escape($fax).",
- email=".db_escape($email).", contact=".db_escape($contact)."
+ email=".db_escape($email).", contact=".db_escape($contact).",
+ fixed_asset=".db_escape($fixed_asset)."
WHERE loc_code = ".db_escape($loc_code);
db_query($sql,"a location could not be updated");
-function get_item_locations($show_inactive)
+function get_item_locations($show_inactive, $fixed_asset = 0)
- $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."locations";
- if (!$show_inactive) $sql .= " WHERE !inactive";
- return db_query($sql, "could not query locations");;
+ $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREF."locations WHERE fixed_asset = ".db_escape($fixed_asset);
+ if (!$show_inactive) $sql .= " AND !inactive";
+ return db_query($sql, "could not query locations");
-function get_loc_details($stock_id)
+function get_loc_details($stock_id, $fixed_asset = 0)
$sql = "SELECT stock.loc_code, stock.location_name, "
.db_escape($stock_id)." as stock_id, reorders.reorder_level
FROM ".TB_PREF."locations stock LEFT JOIN ".TB_PREF."loc_stock reorders ON
AND reorders.stock_id = ".db_escape($stock_id)
+ ." WHERE stock.fixed_asset = ".db_escape($fixed_asset)
." ORDER BY reorders.loc_code";
return db_query($sql,"an item reorder could not be retreived");
function stock_cost_update($stock_id, $material_cost, $labour_cost, $overhead_cost,
- $last_cost)
+ $last_cost, $refline, $memo_)
$mb_flag = get_mb_flag($stock_id);
$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."stock_master SET material_cost=".db_escape($material_cost).",
- last_cost=".db_escape($last_cost)."
+ last_cost=".db_escape($last_cost)."
WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($stock_id);
db_query($sql,"The cost details for the inventory item could not be updated");
$cart->tran_date = $cart->doc_date = $cart->event_date = $date_;
if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($cart->tran_date))
$cart->tran_date = end_fiscalyear();
- $cart->reference = $Refs->get_next(ST_COSTUPDATE, null, $cart->tran_date, $date_);
- $cart->memo_ = sprintf(_("Cost was %s changed to %s x quantity on hand of %s"),
- number_format2($last_cost, 2), number_format2($new_cost), $qoh);
+ $cart->reference = $Refs->get_next(ST_COSTUPDATE, $refline, $cart->tran_date, $date_);
+ if (empty($memo_))
+ $cart->memo_ = sprintf(_("Cost was %s changed to %s x quantity on hand of %s"),
+ number_format2($last_cost, 2), number_format2($new_cost), $qoh);
+ else
+ $cart->memo_ = $memo_;
$stock_gl_code["dimension_id"], $stock_gl_code["dimension2_id"], -$value_of_change);
$date = date2sql($date);
$sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."stock_moves SET standard_cost = standard_cost + ".db_escape($diff_cost). " WHERE stock_id = "
- . db_escape($stock_id)." AND tran_date <= '$date' AND qty <> 0 AND standard_cost > 0.001 AND type <> ".ST_LOCTRANSFER;
+ .db_escape($stock_id)." AND tran_date <= '$date' AND qty <> 0 AND standard_cost > 0.001 AND type <> ".ST_LOCTRANSFER;
db_query($sql,"The stock moves cost details for the inventory item could not be updated");
start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2, "width='70%'"); // outer table
- locations_list_row(_("Location:"), 'StockLocation', null);
+ locations_list_row(_("Location:"), 'StockLocation', null, false, false, $order->fixed_asset);
date_row(_("Date:"), 'AdjDate', '', true);
table_section(2, "50%");
start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='80%'");
- $th = array(_("Item Code"), _("Item Description"), _("Quantity"),
+ if ($order->fixed_asset) {
+ $th = array(_("Item Code"), _("Item Description"), _("Quantity"),
+ _("Unit"), _("Unit Cost"), _("Initial Value"), "");
+ } else {
+ $th = array(_("Item Code"), _("Item Description"), _("Quantity"),
_("Unit"), _("Unit Cost"), _("Total"), "");
+ if ( count($order->line_items)) $th[] = '';
+ }
if ( count($order->line_items)) $th[] = '';
- view_stock_status_cell($stock_item->stock_id);
+ if ($order->fixed_asset)
+ label_cell($stock_item->stock_id);
+ else
+ view_stock_status_cell($stock_item->stock_id);
qty_cell($stock_item->quantity, false, get_qty_dec($stock_item->stock_id));
- amount_cell($stock_item->standard_cost * $stock_item->quantity);
- edit_button_cell("Edit$line_no", _("Edit"),
- _('Edit document line'));
- delete_button_cell("Delete$line_no", _("Delete"),
- _('Remove line from document'));
+ if ($order->fixed_asset) {
+ $price = get_initial_price($stock_item->stock_id);
+ amount_cell($price);
+ } else
+ amount_cell($stock_item->standard_cost * $stock_item->quantity);
+ if (!$order->fixed_asset) {
+ edit_button_cell("Edit$line_no", _("Edit"), _('Edit document line'));
+ }
+ delete_button_cell("Delete$line_no", _("Delete"), _('Remove line from document'));
- stock_costable_items_list_cells(null, 'stock_id', null, false, true);
+ if ($order->fixed_asset)
+ stock_disposable_fa_list_cells(null, 'stock_id', null, false, true, $order->line_items);
+ else
+ stock_costable_items_list_cells(null, 'stock_id', null, false, true);
if (list_updated('stock_id')) {
+ $Ajax->activate('std_cost_view');
+ $Ajax->activate('initial_price');
$item_info = get_item_edit_info($_POST['stock_id']);
$_POST['units'] = $item_info["units"];
- qty_cells(null, 'qty', $_POST['qty'], null, null, $dec);
+ if ($order->fixed_asset) {
+ hidden('qty', 1);
+ qty_cell(1, false, 0);
+ } else
+ qty_cells(null, 'qty', $_POST['qty'], null, null, $dec);
label_cell($_POST['units'], '', 'units');
- amount_cells(null, 'std_cost', null, null, null, $dec2);
- label_cell(" ");
+ if ($order->fixed_asset) {
+ /* TODO: check if this is a correct way of creating a fixed item
+ that still has to be submitted in the form */
+ hidden('std_cost');
+ label_cell($_POST['std_cost'], "nowrap align=right ", 'std_cost_view');
+ $price = get_initial_price($_POST['stock_id']);
+ amount_cell($price, false, '', 'initial_price');
+ } else {
+ //amount_cells(null, 'std_cost', $_POST['std_cost']);
+ amount_cells(null, 'std_cost', null, null, null, $dec2);
+ label_cell(" ");
+ }
if ($id != -1)
- locations_list_row(_("From Location:"), 'FromStockLocation', null);
- locations_list_row(_("To Location:"), 'ToStockLocation', null);
+ locations_list_row(_("From Location:"), 'FromStockLocation', null, false, false, $order->fixed_asset);
+ locations_list_row(_("To Location:"), 'ToStockLocation', null,false, false, $order->fixed_asset);
table_section(2, "50%");
date_row(_("Date:"), 'AdjDate', '', true);
- ref_row(_("Reference:"), 'ref', '', $Refs->get_next(ST_LOCTRANSFER, null, array('date'=>get_post('Adjdate'), 'location'=> get_post('FromStockLocation'))),
+ ref_row(_("Reference:"), 'ref', '', $Refs->get_next(ST_LOCTRANSFER, null, array('date'=>get_post('AdjDate'), 'location'=> get_post('FromStockLocation'))),
end_outer_table(1); // outer table
start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='80%'");
$th = array(_("Item Code"), _("Item Description"), _("Quantity"), _("Unit"), '');
- if ( count($order->line_items)) $th[] = '';
+ if (!$order->fixed_asset && count($order->line_items)) $th[] = '';
$k = 0; //row colour counter
- view_stock_status_cell($stock_item->stock_id);
+ if ($order->fixed_asset)
+ label_cell($stock_item->stock_id);
+ else
+ view_stock_status_cell($stock_item->stock_id);
qty_cell($stock_item->quantity, false, get_qty_dec($stock_item->stock_id));
- edit_button_cell("Edit$line_no", _("Edit"),
- _('Edit document line'));
- delete_button_cell("Delete$line_no", _("Delete"),
- _('Remove line from document'));
+ if (!$order->fixed_asset)
+ edit_button_cell("Edit$line_no", _("Edit"), _('Edit document line'));
+ delete_button_cell("Delete$line_no", _("Delete"), _('Remove line from document'));
- stock_costable_items_list_cells(null, 'stock_id', null, false, true);
+ if ($order->fixed_asset)
+ stock_disposable_fa_list_cells(null, 'stock_id', null, false, true, $order->line_items);
+ else
+ stock_costable_items_list_cells(null, 'stock_id', null, false, true);
if (list_updated('stock_id')) {
$_POST['units'] = $item_info["units"];
- small_qty_cells(null, 'qty', $_POST['qty'], null, null, $dec);
+ if ($order->fixed_asset) {
+ hidden('qty', 1);
+ qty_cell(1, false, 0);
+ } else
+ small_qty_cells(null, 'qty', $_POST['qty'], null, null, $dec);
label_cell($_POST['units'], '', 'units');
if ($id != -1)
$js .= get_js_open_window(800, 500);
if (user_use_date_picker())
$js .= get_js_date_picker();
-page(_($help_context = "Inventory Item Movement"), isset($_GET['stock_id']), false, "", $js);
+if (isset($_GET['FixedAsset'])) {
+ $page_security = 'SA_ASSETSTRANSVIEW';
+ $_POST['fixed_asset'] = 1;
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "FA Item Movement");
+} else {
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Inventory Item Movement");
+page($_SESSION['page_title'], isset($_GET['stock_id']), false, "", $js);
-check_db_has_stock_items(_("There are no items defined in the system."));
+if (get_post('fixed_asset') == 1)
+ check_db_has_fixed_assets(_("There are no fixed asset defined in the system."));
+ check_db_has_stock_items(_("There are no items defined in the system."));
if (!isset($_POST['stock_id']))
$_POST['stock_id'] = get_global_stock_item();
if (!$page_nested)
- stock_costable_items_list_cells(_("Item:"), 'stock_id', $_POST['stock_id']);
+ if (get_post('fixed_asset') == 1) {
+ stock_items_list_cells(_("Item:"), 'stock_id', $_POST['stock_id'],
+ false, false, check_value('show_inactive'), false, array('fixed_asset' => true));
+ check_cells(_("Show inactive:"), 'show_inactive', null, true);
+ if (get_post('_show_inactive_update')) {
+ $Ajax->activate('stock_id');
+ set_focus('stock_id');
+ }
+ } else
+ stock_costable_items_list_cells(_("Item:"), 'stock_id', $_POST['stock_id']);
-locations_list_cells(_("From Location:"), 'StockLocation', null, true);
+locations_list_cells(_("From Location:"), 'StockLocation', null, true, false, (get_post('fixed_asset') == 1));
date_cells(_("From:"), 'AfterDate', '', null, -user_transaction_days());
date_cells(_("To:"), 'BeforeDate');
$trandate = sql2date($myrow["tran_date"]);
- $type_name = $systypes_array[$myrow["type"]];
+ if (get_post('fixed_asset') == 1 && isset($fa_systypes_array[$myrow["type"]]))
+ $type_name = $fa_systypes_array[$myrow["type"]];
+ else
+ $type_name = $systypes_array[$myrow["type"]];
if ($myrow["qty"] > 0)
$path_to_root = "../..";
include($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc");
-page(_($help_context = "Item Categories"));
+if (isset($_GET['FixedAsset'])) {
+ $page_security = 'SA_ASSETCATEGORY';
+ $help_context = "FA Item Categories";
+ $_POST['mb_flag'] = 'F';
+else {
+ $help_context = "Item Categories";
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");
$selected_id = -1;
$sav = get_post('show_inactive');
+ $mb_flag = get_post('mb_flag');
$_POST['show_inactive'] = $sav;
+ if (is_fixed_asset($mb_flag))
+ $_POST['mb_flag'] = 'F';
if (list_updated('mb_flag')) {
+$fixed_asset = is_fixed_asset(get_post('mb_flag'));
-$result = get_item_categories(check_value('show_inactive'));
+$result = get_item_categories(check_value('show_inactive'), $fixed_asset);
start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='80%'");
-$th = array(_("Name"), _("Tax type"), _("Units"), _("Type"), _("Sales Act"),
-_("Inventory Account"), _("COGS Account"), _("Adjustment Account"),
-_("Assembly Account"), "", "");
+if ($fixed_asset) {
+ $th = array(_("Name"), _("Tax type"), _("Units"), _("Sales Act"),
+ _("Asset Account"), _("Deprecation Cost Account"),
+ _("Depreciation/Disposal Account"), "", "");
+} else {
+ $th = array(_("Name"), _("Tax type"), _("Units"), _("Type"), _("Sales Act"),
+ _("Inventory Account"), _("COGS Account"), _("Adjustment Account"),
+ _("Assembly Account"), "", "");
label_cell($myrow["dflt_units"], "align=center");
- label_cell($stock_types[$myrow["dflt_mb_flag"]]);
+ if (!$fixed_asset)
+ label_cell($stock_types[$myrow["dflt_mb_flag"]]);
label_cell($myrow["dflt_sales_act"], "align=center");
label_cell($myrow["dflt_inventory_act"], "align=center");
label_cell($myrow["dflt_cogs_act"], "align=center");
label_cell($myrow["dflt_adjustment_act"], "align=center");
- label_cell($myrow["dflt_assembly_act"], "align=center");
+ if (!$fixed_asset)
+ label_cell($myrow["dflt_assembly_act"], "align=center");
inactive_control_cell($myrow["category_id"], $myrow["inactive"], 'stock_category', 'category_id');
edit_button_cell("Edit".$myrow["category_id"], _("Edit"));
delete_button_cell("Delete".$myrow["category_id"], _("Delete"));
item_tax_types_list_row(_("Item Tax Type:"), 'tax_type_id', null);
-stock_item_types_list_row(_("Item Type:"), 'mb_flag', null, true);
+if (is_fixed_asset(get_post('mb_flag')))
+ hidden('mb_flag', 'F');
+ stock_item_types_list_row(_("Item Type:"), 'mb_flag', null, true);
stock_units_list_row(_("Units of Measure:"), 'units', null);
-check_row(_("Exclude from sales:"), 'no_sale');
+if (is_fixed_asset($_POST['mb_flag']))
+ hidden('no_sale', 0);
+ check_row(_("Exclude from sales:"), 'no_sale');
check_row(_("Exclude from purchases:"), 'no_purchase');
hidden('inventory_account', $_POST['inventory_account']);
hidden('adjustment_account', $_POST['adjustment_account']);
+elseif (is_fixed_asset($_POST['mb_flag']))
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Asset account:"), 'inventory_account', $_POST['inventory_account']);
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Depreciation cost account:"), 'cogs_account', $_POST['cogs_account']);
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Depreciation/Disposal account:"), 'adjustment_account', $_POST['adjustment_account']);
gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Inventory Account:"), 'inventory_account', $_POST['inventory_account']);
if (user_use_date_picker())
$js .= get_js_date_picker();
-page(_($help_context = "Items"), false, false, "", $js);
+if (isset($_GET['FixedAsset'])) {
+ $page_security = 'SA_ASSET';
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "FA Items");
+ $_POST['mb_flag'] = 'F';
+ $_POST['fixed_asset'] = 1;
+else {
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Items");
+ if (!get_post('fixed_asset'))
+ $_POST['fixed_asset'] = 0;
+page($_SESSION['page_title'], false, false, "", $js);
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/date_functions.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/data_checks.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/inventory/includes/inventory_db.inc");
+include_once($path_to_root . "/fixed_assets/includes/fixed_assets_db.inc");
$user_comp = user_company();
$new_item = get_post('stock_id')=='' || get_post('cancel') || get_post('clone');
-if (list_updated('category_id') || list_updated('mb_flag')) {
+if (list_updated('category_id') || list_updated('mb_flag') || list_updated('fa_class_id') || list_updated('depreciation_method')) {
$upload_file = "";
/* EOF Add Image upload for New Item - by Ori */
-check_db_has_stock_categories(_("There are no item categories defined in the system. At least one item category is required to add a item."));
+if (get_post('fixed_asset')) {
+ check_db_has_fixed_asset_categories(_("There are no fixed asset categories defined in the system. At least one fixed asset category is required to add a fixed asset."));
+ check_db_has_fixed_asset_classes(_("There are no fixed asset classes defined in the system. At least one fixed asset class is required to add a fixed asset."));
+} else
+ check_db_has_stock_categories(_("There are no item categories defined in the system. At least one item category is required to add a item."));
check_db_has_item_tax_types(_("There are no item tax types defined in the system. At least one item tax type is required to add a item."));
+ unset($_POST['depreciation_method']);
+ unset($_POST['depreciation_rate']);
+ unset($_POST['depreciation_start']);
+ if (get_post('fixed_asset')) {
+ if ($_POST['depreciation_rate'] > 100) {
+ $_POST['depreciation_rate'] = 100;
+ }
+ elseif ($_POST['depreciation_rate'] < 0) {
+ $_POST['depreciation_rate'] = 0;
+ }
+ $move_row = get_fixed_asset_move($_POST['NewStockID'], ST_SUPPRECEIVE);
+ if (isset($_POST['depreciation_start']) && strtotime($_POST['depreciation_start']) < strtotime($move_row['tran_date'])) {
+ display_warning(_('The depracation cannot start before the fixed asset purchase date'));
+ }
+ }
if ($input_error != 1)
if (check_value('del_image'))
update_item($_POST['NewStockID'], $_POST['description'],
$_POST['long_description'], $_POST['category_id'],
$_POST['tax_type_id'], get_post('units'),
- get_post('mb_flag'), $_POST['sales_account'],
+ get_post('fixed_asset') ? 'F' : get_post('mb_flag'), $_POST['sales_account'],
$_POST['inventory_account'], $_POST['cogs_account'],
$_POST['adjustment_account'], $_POST['assembly_account'],
$_POST['dimension_id'], $_POST['dimension2_id'],
- check_value('no_sale'), check_value('editable'), check_value('no_purchase'));
+ check_value('no_sale'), check_value('editable'), check_value('no_purchase'),
+ get_post('depreciation_method'), get_post('depreciation_rate'), get_post('depreciation_start'),
+ get_post('fa_class_id'));
update_record_status($_POST['NewStockID'], $_POST['inactive'],
'stock_master', 'stock_id');
update_record_status($_POST['NewStockID'], $_POST['inactive'],
add_item($_POST['NewStockID'], $_POST['description'],
$_POST['long_description'], $_POST['category_id'], $_POST['tax_type_id'],
- $_POST['units'], $_POST['mb_flag'], $_POST['sales_account'],
+ $_POST['units'], get_post('fixed_asset') ? 'F' : get_post('mb_flag'), $_POST['sales_account'],
$_POST['inventory_account'], $_POST['cogs_account'],
$_POST['adjustment_account'], $_POST['assembly_account'],
$_POST['dimension_id'], $_POST['dimension2_id'],
- check_value('no_sale'), check_value('editable'), check_value('no_purchase'));
+ check_value('no_sale'), check_value('editable'), check_value('no_purchase'),
+ get_post('depreciation_method'), get_post('depreciation_rate'), get_post('depreciation_start'),
+ get_post('fa_class_id'));
display_notification(_("A new item has been added."));
$_POST['stock_id'] = $_POST['NewStockID'] =
function item_settings(&$stock_id, $new_item)
- global $SysPrefs, $path_to_root, $page_nested;
+ global $SysPrefs, $path_to_root, $page_nested, $depreciation_methods;
$_POST['units'] = $myrow["units"];
$_POST['mb_flag'] = $myrow["mb_flag"];
+ $_POST['depreciation_method'] = $myrow['depreciation_method'];
+ $_POST['depreciation_rate'] = $myrow['depreciation_rate'];
+ $_POST['depreciation_start'] = sql2date($myrow['depreciation_start']);
+ $_POST['depreciation_date'] = sql2date($myrow['depreciation_date']);
+ $_POST['fa_class_id'] = $myrow['fa_class_id'];
+ $_POST['material_cost'] = $myrow['material_cost'];
$_POST['sales_account'] = $myrow['sales_account'];
$_POST['inventory_account'] = $myrow['inventory_account'];
$_POST['cogs_account'] = $myrow['cogs_account'];
hidden('NewStockID', $_POST['NewStockID']);
+ $fixed_asset = get_post('fixed_asset');
text_row(_("Name:"), 'description', null, 52, 200);
textarea_row(_('Description:'), 'long_description', null, 42, 3);
- stock_categories_list_row(_("Category:"), 'category_id', null, false, $new_item);
+ stock_categories_list_row(_("Category:"), 'category_id', null, false, $new_item, $fixed_asset);
if ($new_item && (list_updated('category_id') || !isset($_POST['units']))) {
item_tax_types_list_row(_("Item Tax Type:"), 'tax_type_id', null);
- stock_item_types_list_row(_("Item Type:"), 'mb_flag', null, $fresh_item);
+ if (!get_post('fixed_asset'))
+ stock_item_types_list_row(_("Item Type:"), 'mb_flag', null, $fresh_item);
stock_units_list_row(_('Units of Measure:'), 'units', null, $fresh_item);
check_row(_("Editable description:"), 'editable');
- check_row(_("Exclude from sales:"), 'no_sale');
+ if (get_post('fixed_asset'))
+ hidden('no_sale', 0);
+ else
+ check_row(_("Exclude from sales:"), 'no_sale');
check_row(_("Exclude from purchases:"), 'no_purchase');
+ if (get_post('fixed_asset')) {
+ table_section_title(_("Depreciation"));
+ fixed_asset_classes_list_row(_("Fixed Asset Class").':', 'fa_class_id', null, false, true);
+ array_selector_row(_("Depreciation Method").":", "depreciation_method", null, $depreciation_methods, array('select_submit'=> true));
+ if (!isset($_POST['depreciation_rate']) || (list_updated('fa_class_id') || list_updated('depreciation_method'))) {
+ $class_row = get_fixed_asset_class($_POST['fa_class_id']);
+ if ($_POST['depreciation_method'] == 'S')
+ $_POST['depreciation_rate'] = $class_row['depreciation_period'];
+ else
+ $_POST['depreciation_rate'] = $class_row['depreciation_rate'];
+ }
+ switch ($_POST['depreciation_method']) {
+ case 'D':
+ small_amount_row(_("Depreciation Rate").':', 'depreciation_rate', null, null, '%', user_percent_dec());
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ text_row_ex(_("Depreciation Period").':', 'depreciation_rate', 3, 3, '', null, null, _("years"));
+ break;
+ case 'O':
+ hidden('depreciation_rate', 100);
+ label_row(_("Depreciation Rate").':', "100 %");
+ break;
+ }
+ // do not allow to change the depreciation start after this item has been depreciated
+ if ($new_item || $_POST['depreciation_start'] == $_POST['depreciation_date'])
+ date_row(_("Depreciation Start").':', 'depreciation_start', null, null, 1 - date('j'));
+ else {
+ hidden('depreciation_start');
+ label_row(_("Depreciation Start").':', $_POST['depreciation_start']);
+ label_row(_("Last Depreciation").':', $_POST['depreciation_date']);
+ }
+ hidden('depreciation_date');
+ if (!$new_item) {
+ hidden('material_cost');
+ label_row(_("Current Value").':', price_format($_POST['material_cost']));
+ }
+ }
$dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension');
gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Sales Account:"), 'sales_account', $_POST['sales_account']);
- if (!is_service($_POST['mb_flag']))
+ if (get_post('fixed_asset')) {
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Asset account:"), 'inventory_account', $_POST['inventory_account']);
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Depreciation cost account:"), 'cogs_account', $_POST['cogs_account']);
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Depreciation/Disposal account:"), 'adjustment_account', $_POST['adjustment_account']);
+ }
+ elseif (!is_service($_POST['mb_flag']))
gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Inventory Account:"), 'inventory_account', $_POST['inventory_account']);
gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("C.O.G.S. Account:"), 'cogs_account', $_POST['cogs_account']);
stock_items_list_cells(_("Select an item:"), 'stock_id', null,
- _('New item'), true, check_value('show_inactive'));
+ _('New item'), true, check_value('show_inactive'), false, array('fixed_asset' => get_post('fixed_asset')));
$new_item = get_post('stock_id')=='';
check_cells(_("Show inactive:"), 'show_inactive', null, true);
if (!$stock_id)
unset($_POST['_tabs_sel']); // force settings tab for new customer
-tabbed_content_start('tabs', array(
+$tabs = (get_post('fixed_asset'))
+ ? array(
+ 'settings' => array(_('&General settings'), $stock_id),
+ 'movement' => array(_('&Transactions'), $stock_id) )
+ : array(
'settings' => array(_('&General settings'), $stock_id),
'sales_pricing' => array(_('S&ales Pricing'), $stock_id),
'purchase_pricing' => array(_('&Purchasing Pricing'), $stock_id),
'standard_cost' => array(_('Standard &Costs'), $stock_id),
'reorder_level' => array(_('&Reorder Levels'), (is_inventory_item($stock_id) ? $stock_id : null)),
'movement' => array(_('&Transactions'), $stock_id),
- 'status' => array(_('&Status'), $stock_id),
- ));
+ 'status' => array(_('&Status'), (is_inventory_item($stock_id) ? $stock_id : null)),
+ );
+tabbed_content_start('tabs', $tabs);
switch (get_post('_tabs_sel')) {
case 'settings':
+hidden('fixed_asset', get_post('fixed_asset'));
+if (get_post('fixed_asset'))
+ hidden('mb_flag', 'F');
$path_to_root = "../..";
include($path_to_root . "/includes/session.inc");
-page(_($help_context = "Inventory Locations"));
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/inventory/includes/inventory_db.inc");
+if (isset($_GET['FixedAsset'])) {
+ $help_context = "FA Locations";
+ $_POST['fixed_asset'] = 1;
+} else
+ $help_context = "Inventory Locations";
if ($Mode=='ADD_ITEM' || $Mode=='UPDATE_ITEM')
update_item_location($selected_id, $_POST['location_name'], $_POST['delivery_address'],
- $_POST['phone'], $_POST['phone2'], $_POST['fax'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['contact']);
+ $_POST['phone'], $_POST['phone2'], $_POST['fax'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['contact'], $_POST['fixed_asset']);
display_notification(_('Selected location has been updated'));
/*selected_id is null cos no item selected on first time round so must be adding a record must be submitting new entries in the new Location form */
add_item_location($_POST['loc_code'], $_POST['location_name'], $_POST['delivery_address'],
- $_POST['phone'], $_POST['phone2'], $_POST['fax'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['contact']);
+ $_POST['phone'], $_POST['phone2'], $_POST['fax'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['contact'], $_POST['fixed_asset']);
display_notification(_('New location has been added'));
$selected_id = -1;
$sav = get_post('show_inactive');
+ $sav2 = get_post('fixed_asset');
$_POST['show_inactive'] = $sav;
+ $_POST['fixed_asset'] = $sav2;
-$result = get_item_locations(check_value('show_inactive'));
+$result = get_item_locations(check_value('show_inactive'), get_post('fixed_asset', 0));
echo '<br>';
$_POST['email'] = "";
if ($selected_id != -1)
$js .= get_js_open_window(800, 500);
if (user_use_date_picker())
$js .= get_js_date_picker();
-page(_($help_context = "Inventory Location Transfers"), false, false, "", $js);
+if (isset($_GET['NewTransfer'])) {
+ if (isset($_GET['FixedAsset'])) {
+ $page_security = 'SA_ASSETTRANSFER';
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "FA Location Transfers");
+ }
+ else {
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Inventory Location Transfers");
+ }
+page($_SESSION['page_title'], false, false, "", $js);
display_notification_centered(_("Inventory transfer has been processed"));
display_note(get_trans_view_str($trans_type, $trans_no, _("&View this transfer")));
- hyperlink_no_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter &Another Inventory Transfer"));
+ $itm = db_fetch(get_stock_transfer_items($_GET['AddedID']));
+ if (is_fixed_asset($itm['mb_flag']))
+ hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter &Another FA Item Transfer"), "NewTransfer=1&FixedAsset=1");
+ else
+ hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter &Another Inventory Transfer"), "NewTransfer=1");
$_SESSION['transfer_items'] = new items_cart(ST_LOCTRANSFER);
+ $_SESSION['transfer_items']->fixed_asset = isset($_GET['FixedAsset']);
$_POST['AdjDate'] = new_doc_date();
if (!is_date_in_fiscalyear($_POST['AdjDate']))
$_POST['AdjDate'] = end_fiscalyear();
if (isset($_GET['NewTransfer']) || !isset($_SESSION['transfer_items']))
+ if (isset($_GET['fixed_asset']))
+ check_db_has_disposable_fixed_assets(_("There are no fixed assets defined in the system."));
+ else
+ check_db_has_costable_items(_("There are no inventory items defined in the system (Purchased or manufactured items)."));
var $alloc; // sum of payments allocated
var $prepayments = array();
+ var $fixed_asset = false;
function purch_order()
/*Constructor function initialises a new purchase order object */
if ($editable)
- ref_row(_("Reference:"), 'ref');
+ ref_row(_("Reference:"), 'ref', '', null, false, $order->trans_type, array('date'=> @$_POST['OrderDate']));
dimensions_list_row(_('Dimension').':', 'dimension', null, true, _('Default'), false, 1);
if (get_company_pref('use_dimension') == 2)
dimensions_list_row(_('Dimension 2').':', 'dimension2', null, true, _('Default'), false, 2);
- locations_list_row(_("Receive Into:"), 'StkLocation', null, false, true);
+ locations_list_row(_("Receive Into:"), 'StkLocation', null, false, true, $order->fixed_asset);
_("Required Delivery Date"), $order->tax_included ? _("Price after Tax") : _("Price before Tax"), _("Line Total"), "");
if ($order->trans_type != ST_PURCHORDER)
array_remove($th, 5);
if (count($order->line_items)) $th[] = '';
$id = find_submit('Edit');
- qty_cell($po_line->quantity, false, get_qty_dec($po_line->stock_id));
+ if ($order->fixed_asset)
+ label_cell(1);
+ else
+ qty_cell($po_line->quantity, false, get_qty_dec($po_line->stock_id));
qty_cell($po_line->qty_received, false, get_qty_dec($po_line->stock_id));
if ($order->trans_type == ST_PURCHORDER)
- // Manufcatured item can be purchased
- stock_items_list_cells(null, 'stock_id', null, false, true, false, true, array('editable' => 30));
+ // Manufactured item can be purchased
+ if ($order->fixed_asset)
+ stock_purchasable_fa_list_cells(null, 'stock_id', null, false, true, false, true, $order->line_items);
+ else
+ stock_items_list_cells(null, 'stock_id', null, false, true, false, true, array('editable' => 30));
if (list_updated('stock_id')) {
$qty_rcvd = '';
- qty_cells(null, 'qty', null, null, null, $dec);
+ if ($order->fixed_asset) {
+ label_cell(1, '', 'qty');
+ hidden('qty', 1);
+ } else
+ qty_cells(null, 'qty', null, null, null, $dec);
qty_cell($qty_rcvd, false, $dec);
label_cell($_POST['units'], '', 'units');
} elseif (isset($_GET['NewInvoice'])) {
- $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Direct Purchase Invoice Entry");
create_new_po(ST_SUPPINVOICE, 0);
+ if (isset($_GET['FixedAsset'])) {
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Fixed Asset Purchase Invoice Entry");
+ $_SESSION['PO']->fixed_asset = true;
+ } else
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Direct Purchase Invoice Entry");
page($_SESSION['page_title'], false, false, "", $js);
check_db_has_suppliers(_("There are no suppliers defined in the system."));
-check_db_has_purchasable_items(_("There are no purchasable inventory items defined in the system."));
if (isset($_GET['AddedID']))
hyperlink_params($path_to_root . "/purchasing/po_receive_items.php", _("&Receive Items on this Purchase Order"), "PONumber=$order_no");
+ // TODO, for fixed asset
hyperlink_params($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], _("Enter &Another Purchase Order"), "NewOrder=yes");
hyperlink_no_params($path_to_root."/purchasing/inquiry/po_search.php", _("Select An &Outstanding Purchase Order"));
+if ($_SESSION['PO']->fixed_asset)
+ check_db_has_purchasable_fixed_assets(_("There are no purchasable fixed assets defined in the system."));
+ check_db_has_purchasable_items(_("There are no purchasable inventory items defined in the system."));
function line_start_focus() {
. "<br>" . _("The line item quantities may be modified to quantities more than already received. prices cannot be altered for lines that have already been received and quantities cannot be reduced below the quantity already received."));
+ $fixed_asset = $_SESSION['PO']->fixed_asset;
if($_SESSION['PO']->order_no != 0)
- {
- } else {
+ else {
- meta_forward($path_to_root.'/index.php','application=AP');
+ if ($fixed_asset)
+ meta_forward($path_to_root.'/index.php','application=assets');
+ else
+ meta_forward($path_to_root.'/index.php','application=AP');
var $prepayments = array(); // allocation records for this document
var $ex_rate;
+ var $fixed_asset = false;
// $trans_no==0 => open new/direct document
-$delivery_line->qty_dispatched, $delivery_line->standard_cost,
+ $mb_flag = get_mb_flag($delivery_line->stock_id);
+ if (is_fixed_asset($mb_flag)) {
+ $sql = "UPDATE ".TB_PREF."stock_master SET inactive=1
+ WHERE stock_id=".db_escape($delivery_line->stock_id);
+ db_query($sql,"The cost details for the fixed asset could not be updated");
+ }
$stock_gl_code = get_stock_gl_code($delivery_line->stock_id);
// If there is a Customer Dimension, then override with this,
/*first the cost of sales entry*/
+ $delivery_gl_code = $stock_gl_code["cogs_account"];
+ if ($delivery->fixed_asset)
+ $delivery_gl_code = $stock_gl_code["adjustment_account"];
add_gl_trans_std_cost(ST_CUSTDELIVERY, $delivery_no,
- $delivery->document_date, $stock_gl_code["cogs_account"], $dim, $dim2, "",
+ $delivery->document_date, $delivery_gl_code, $dim, $dim2, "",
$delivery_line->standard_cost * $delivery_line->qty_dispatched,
PT_CUSTOMER, $delivery->customer_id,
"The cost of sales GL posting could not be inserted");
if ($transactions)
add_comments(ST_SALESINVOICE, $invoice_no, $date_, $invoice->Comments);
if ($trans_no == 0) {
- $Refs->save(ST_SALESINVOICE, $invoice_no, $invoice->reference);
+ $Refs->save(ST_SALESINVOICE, $invoice_no, $invoice->reference, null, $invoice->fixed_asset);
if ($invoice->payment_terms['cash_sale'] && $invoice->pos['pos_account']) {
$amount = $items_total + $items_added_tax + $invoice->freight_cost
+ $freight_added_tax;
} /* inserted line items into sales order details */
add_audit_trail($order->trans_type, $order_no, $order->document_date);
- $Refs->save($order->trans_type, $order_no, $order->reference);
+ $Refs->save($order->trans_type, $order_no, $order->reference, null, $order->fixed_asset);
hook_db_postwrite($order, $order->trans_type);
if ($order->trans_type == ST_SALESORDER)
reallocate_payments($order_no, ST_SALESORDER, $ord_date, $total, $allocs);
add_audit_trail($order->trans_type, $order_no, $order->document_date, _("Updated."));
- $Refs->save($order->trans_type, $order_no, $order->reference);
+ $Refs->save($order->trans_type, $order_no, $order->reference, null, $order->fixed_asset);
hook_db_postwrite($order, $order->trans_type);
else // prepare new line
- sales_items_list_cells(null,'stock_id', null, false, true, true);
+ if ($order->fixed_asset)
+ stock_disposable_fa_list_cells(null,'stock_id', null, _('[Select item]'), true, $order->line_items);
+ else
+ sales_items_list_cells(null,'stock_id', null, false, true, true);
if (list_updated('stock_id')) {
$_POST['Disc'] = percent_format($order->default_discount * 100);
- qty_cells(null, 'qty', $_POST['qty'], null, null, $dec);
+ if ($order->fixed_asset) {
+ label_cell(1, '', 'qty');
+ hidden('qty', 1);
+ } else
+ qty_cells(null, 'qty', $_POST['qty'], null, null, $dec);
if ($order->trans_no!=0) {
qty_cell($line_no==-1 ? 0 :$order->line_items[$line_no]->qty_done, false, $dec);
start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2, "width='90%'");
- locations_list_row(_("Deliver from Location:"), 'Location', null, false, true);
+ locations_list_row(_("Deliver from Location:"), 'Location', null, false, true, $order->fixed_asset);
if ($order->payment_terms['days_before_due'] < 0)
$Ajax->addUpdate('items_table', 'prep_amount', price_format($order->get_trans_total())); // bind to items_table update
} elseif (isset($_GET['NewInvoice']) && is_numeric($_GET['NewInvoice'])) {
- $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Direct Sales Invoice");
create_cart(ST_SALESINVOICE, $_GET['NewInvoice']);
+ if (isset($_GET['FixedAsset'])) {
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "FA Sale");
+ $_SESSION['Items']->fixed_asset = true;
+ } else
+ $_SESSION['page_title'] = _($help_context = "Direct Sales Invoice");
} elseif (isset($_GET['ModifyOrderNumber']) && is_numeric($_GET['ModifyOrderNumber'])) {
$help_context = 'Modifying Sales Order';
-check_db_has_stock_items(_("There are no inventory items defined in the system."));
+if ($_SESSION['Items']->fixed_asset)
+ check_db_has_disposable_fixed_assets(_("There are no fixed assets defined in the system."));
+ check_db_has_stock_items(_("There are no inventory items defined in the system."));
check_db_has_customer_branches(_("There are no customers, or there are no customers with branches. Please define customers and customer branches."));
INSERT INTO `0_chart_master` VALUES ('1510', '', 'Inventory', '2', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_chart_master` VALUES ('1520', '', 'Stocks of Raw Materials', '2', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_chart_master` VALUES ('1530', '', 'Stocks of Work In Progress', '2', 0);
-INSERT INTO `0_chart_master` VALUES ('1540', '', 'Stocks of Finsihed Goods', '2', 0);
+INSERT INTO `0_chart_master` VALUES ('1540', '', 'Stocks of Finished Goods', '2', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_chart_master` VALUES ('1550', '', 'Goods Received Clearing account', '2', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_chart_master` VALUES ('1820', '', 'Office Furniture & Equipment', '3', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_chart_master` VALUES ('1825', '', 'Accum. Amort. -Furn. & Equip.', '3', 0);
`fax` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`contact` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ `fixed_asset` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`loc_code`)
-- Dumping data for table `0_locations`
-INSERT INTO `0_locations` VALUES ('DEF', 'Default', 'N/A', '', '', '', '', '', 0);
+INSERT INTO `0_locations` VALUES ('DEF', 'Default', 'N/A', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0);
-- --------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (1, 'Inquiries', 'Inquiries', '768;2816;3072;3328;5632;5888;8192;8448;10752;11008;13312;15872;16128', '257;258;259;260;513;514;515;516;517;518;519;520;521;522;523;524;525;773;774;2822;3073;3075;3076;3077;3329;3330;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5377;5633;5640;5889;5890;5891;7937;7938;7939;7940;8193;8194;8450;8451;10497;10753;11009;11010;11012;13313;13315;15617;15618;15619;15620;15621;15622;15623;15624;15625;15626;15873;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132;775', 0);
-INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (2, 'System Administrator', 'System Administrator', '256;512;768;2816;3072;3328;5376;5632;5888;7936;8192;8448;10496;10752;11008;13056;13312;15616;15872;16128', '257;258;259;260;513;514;515;516;517;518;519;520;521;522;523;524;525;526;769;770;771;772;773;774;2817;2818;2819;2820;2821;2822;2823;3073;3074;3082;3075;3076;3077;3078;3079;3080;3081;3329;3330;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5377;5633;5634;5635;5636;5637;5641;5638;5639;5640;5889;5890;5891;7937;7938;7939;7940;8193;8194;8195;8196;8197;8449;8450;8451;10497;10753;10754;10755;10756;10757;11009;11010;11011;11012;13057;13313;13314;13315;15617;15618;15619;15620;15621;15622;15623;15624;15628;15625;15626;15627;15873;15874;15875;15876;15877;15878;15879;15880;15883;15881;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132;775', 0);
+INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (2, 'System Administrator', 'System Administrator', '256;512;768;2816;3072;3328;5376;5632;5888;7936;8192;8448;9472;9728;10496;10752;11008;13056;13312;15616;15872;16128', '257;258;259;260;513;514;515;516;517;518;519;520;521;522;523;524;525;526;769;770;771;772;773;774;2817;2818;2819;2820;2821;2822;2823;3073;3074;3082;3075;3076;3077;3078;3079;3080;3081;3329;3330;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5377;5633;5634;5635;5636;5637;5641;5638;5639;5640;5889;5890;5891;7937;7938;7939;7940;8193;8194;8195;8196;8197;8449;8450;8451;9217;9218;9220;9473;9474;9475;9476;9729;10497;10753;10754;10755;10756;10757;11009;11010;11011;11012;13057;13313;13314;13315;15617;15618;15619;15620;15621;15622;15623;15624;15628;15625;15626;15627;15873;15874;15875;15876;15877;15878;15879;15880;15883;15881;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132;775', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (3, 'Salesman', 'Salesman', '768;3072;5632;8192;15872', '773;774;3073;3075;3081;5633;8194;15873;775', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (4, 'Stock Manager', 'Stock Manager', '768;2816;3072;3328;5632;5888;8192;8448;10752;11008;13312;15872;16128', '2818;2822;3073;3076;3077;3329;3330;3330;3330;3331;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5633;5640;5889;5890;5891;8193;8194;8450;8451;10753;11009;11010;11012;13313;13315;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132;775', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (5, 'Production Manager', 'Production Manager', '512;768;2816;3072;3328;5632;5888;8192;8448;10752;11008;13312;15616;15872;16128', '521;523;524;2818;2819;2820;2821;2822;2823;3073;3074;3076;3077;3078;3079;3080;3081;3329;3330;3330;3330;3331;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5633;5640;5640;5889;5890;5891;8193;8194;8196;8197;8450;8451;10753;10755;11009;11010;11012;13313;13315;15617;15619;15620;15621;15624;15624;15876;15877;15880;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132;775', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_stock_category` VALUES (2, 'Charges', 1, 'each', 'D', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `0_stock_category` VALUES (3, 'Systems', 1, 'each', 'M', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `0_stock_category` VALUES (4, 'Services', 1, 'hr', 'D', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Structure of table `0_stock_fa_class` ###
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `0_stock_fa_class`;
+CREATE TABLE `0_stock_fa_class` (
+ `fa_class_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ `parent_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ `description` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ `long_description` tinytext NOT NULL,
+ `depreciation_method` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'D',
+ `depreciation_rate` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ `depreciation_period` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ `inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`fa_class_id`)
-- --------------------------------------------------------
`no_sale` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`no_purchase` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`editable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ `depreciation_method` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'D',
+ `depreciation_rate` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ `depreciation_start` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
+ `depreciation_date` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
+ `fa_class_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
PRIMARY KEY (`stock_id`)
INSERT INTO `0_stock_master` VALUES
-('101', '1', '1', 'iPad Air 2 16GB', '', 'each', 'B', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '200', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'),
-('102', '1', '1', 'iPhone 6 64GB', '', 'each', 'B', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '150', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'),
-('103', '1', '1', 'iPhone Cover Case', '', 'each', 'B', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '10', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'),
-('201', '3', '1', 'AP Surf Set', '', 'each', 'M', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '360', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'),
-('202', '4', '1', 'Maintenance', '', 'hr', 'D', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1'),
-('301', '4', '1', 'Support', '', 'hr', 'D', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0');
+('101', '1', '1', 'iPad Air 2 16GB', '', 'each', 'B', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '200', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'D', '0', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', ''),
+('102', '1', '1', 'iPhone 6 64GB', '', 'each', 'B', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '150', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'D', '0', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', ''),
+('103', '1', '1', 'iPhone Cover Case', '', 'each', 'B', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '10', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'D', '0', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', ''),
+('201', '3', '1', 'AP Surf Set', '', 'each', 'M', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '360', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'D', '0', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', ''),
+('202', '4', '1', 'Maintenance', '', 'hr', 'D', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', 'D', '0', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', ''),
+('301', '4', '1', 'Support', '', 'hr', 'D', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', 'D', '0', '0000-00-00', '0000-00-00', '');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('allow_negative_prices','glsetup.inventory', 'tinyint', 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('print_item_images_on_quote','glsetup.inventory', 'tinyint', 1, '0');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('suppress_tax_rates','setup.company', 'tinyint', 1, '0');
+INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('default_loss_on_asset_disposal_act', 'glsetup.items', 'varchar', '15', '5660');
+INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('depreciation_period', 'glsetup.company', 'tinyint', '1', '1');
-- --------------------------------------------------------
`fax` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
`contact` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
+ `fixed_asset` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`loc_code`)
-- Dumping data for table `0_locations`
-INSERT INTO `0_locations` VALUES ('DEF', 'Default', 'N/A', '', '', '', '', '', 0);
+INSERT INTO `0_locations` VALUES ('DEF', 'Default', 'N/A', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0);
-- --------------------------------------------------------
INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (1, 'Inquiries', 'Inquiries', '768;2816;3072;3328;5632;5888;8192;8448;10752;11008;13312;15872;16128', '257;258;259;260;513;514;515;516;517;518;519;520;521;522;523;524;525;773;774;2822;3073;3075;3076;3077;3329;3330;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5377;5633;5640;5889;5890;5891;7937;7938;7939;7940;8193;8194;8450;8451;10497;10753;11009;11010;11012;13313;13315;15617;15618;15619;15620;15621;15622;15623;15624;15625;15626;15873;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132;775', 0);
-INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (2, 'System Administrator', 'System Administrator', '256;512;768;2816;3072;3328;5376;5632;5888;7936;8192;8448;10496;10752;11008;13056;13312;15616;15872;16128', '257;258;259;260;513;514;515;516;517;518;519;520;521;522;523;524;525;526;769;770;771;772;773;774;2817;2818;2819;2820;2821;2822;2823;3073;3074;3082;3075;3076;3077;3078;3079;3080;3081;3329;3330;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5377;5633;5634;5635;5636;5637;5641;5638;5639;5640;5889;5890;5891;7937;7938;7939;7940;8193;8194;8195;8196;8197;8449;8450;8451;10497;10753;10754;10755;10756;10757;11009;11010;11011;11012;13057;13313;13314;13315;15617;15618;15619;15620;15621;15622;15623;15624;15628;15625;15626;15627;15873;15874;15875;15876;15877;15878;15879;15880;15883;15881;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132;775', 0);
+INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (2, 'System Administrator', 'System Administrator', '256;512;768;2816;3072;3328;5376;5632;5888;7936;8192;8448;9472;9728;10496;10752;11008;13056;13312;15616;15872;16128', '257;258;259;260;513;514;515;516;517;518;519;520;521;522;523;524;525;526;769;770;771;772;773;774;2817;2818;2819;2820;2821;2822;2823;3073;3074;3082;3075;3076;3077;3078;3079;3080;3081;3329;3330;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5377;5633;5634;5635;5636;5637;5641;5638;5639;5640;5889;5890;5891;7937;7938;7939;7940;8193;8194;8195;8196;8197;8449;8450;8451;9217;9218;9220;9473;9474;9475;9476;9729;10497;10753;10754;10755;10756;10757;11009;11010;11011;11012;13057;13313;13314;13315;15617;15618;15619;15620;15621;15622;15623;15624;15628;15625;15626;15627;15873;15874;15875;15876;15877;15878;15879;15880;15883;15881;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132;775', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (3, 'Salesman', 'Salesman', '768;3072;5632;8192;15872', '773;774;3073;3075;3081;5633;8194;15873;775', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (4, 'Stock Manager', 'Stock Manager', '768;2816;3072;3328;5632;5888;8192;8448;10752;11008;13312;15872;16128', '2818;2822;3073;3076;3077;3329;3330;3330;3330;3331;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5633;5640;5889;5890;5891;8193;8194;8450;8451;10753;11009;11010;11012;13313;13315;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132;775', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_security_roles` VALUES (5, 'Production Manager', 'Production Manager', '512;768;2816;3072;3328;5632;5888;8192;8448;10752;11008;13312;15616;15872;16128', '521;523;524;2818;2819;2820;2821;2822;2823;3073;3074;3076;3077;3078;3079;3080;3081;3329;3330;3330;3330;3331;3331;3332;3333;3334;3335;5633;5640;5640;5889;5890;5891;8193;8194;8196;8197;8450;8451;10753;10755;11009;11010;11012;13313;13315;15617;15619;15620;15621;15624;15624;15876;15877;15880;15882;16129;16130;16131;16132;775', 0);
INSERT INTO `0_stock_category` VALUES (2, 'Charges', 1, 'each', 'D', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `0_stock_category` VALUES (3, 'Systems', 1, 'each', 'M', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `0_stock_category` VALUES (4, 'Services', 1, 'hr', 'D', '4010', '5010', '1510', '5040', '1530', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+-- --------------------------------------------------------
+-- Structure of table `0_stock_fa_class` ###
+DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `0_stock_fa_class`;
+CREATE TABLE `0_stock_fa_class` (
+ `fa_class_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ `parent_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ `description` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+ `long_description` tinytext NOT NULL,
+ `depreciation_method` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'D',
+ `depreciation_rate` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ `depreciation_period` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ `inactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ PRIMARY KEY (`fa_class_id`)
-- --------------------------------------------------------
`no_sale` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`no_purchase` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
`editable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
+ `depreciation_method` char(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'D',
+ `depreciation_rate` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
+ `depreciation_start` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
+ `depreciation_date` date NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00',
+ `fa_class_id` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
PRIMARY KEY (`stock_id`)
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('allow_negative_prices','glsetup.inventory', 'tinyint', 1, '1');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('print_item_images_on_quote','glsetup.inventory', 'tinyint', 1, '0');
INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('suppress_tax_rates','setup.company', 'tinyint', 1, '0');
+INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('default_loss_on_asset_disposal_act', 'glsetup.items', 'varchar', '15', '5660');
+INSERT INTO `0_sys_prefs` VALUES ('depreciation_period', 'glsetup.company', 'tinyint', '1', '1');
-- --------------------------------------------------------