if ($use_popup_windows)
$js .= get_js_open_window(900, 500);
-page(_($help_context = "Items"), @$_REQUEST['popup'], false, "", $js);
+page(_($help_context = "Items"), false, false, "", $js);
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/date_functions.inc");
include_once($path_to_root . "/includes/ui.inc");
if (isset($_GET['stock_id']))
- $_POST['stock_id'] = $stock_id = $_GET['stock_id'];
-elseif (isset($_POST['stock_id']))
- $stock_id = $_POST['stock_id'];
+ $_POST['stock_id'] = $_GET['stock_id'];
if (list_updated('stock_id')) {
$_POST['NewStockID'] = get_post('stock_id');
+$stock_id = get_post('stock_id');
if (list_updated('category_id') || list_updated('mb_flag')) {
-if (db_has_stock_items())
+function item_settings($stock_id)
- start_row();
- stock_items_list_cells(_("Select an item:"), 'stock_id', null,
- _('New item'), true, check_value('show_inactive'));
- $new_item = get_post('stock_id')=='';
- check_cells(_("Show inactive:"), 'show_inactive', null, true);
- end_row();
- end_table();
+ global $SysPrefs, $path_to_root, $new_item, $pic_height;
- if (get_post('_show_inactive_update')) {
- $Ajax->activate('stock_id');
- set_focus('stock_id');
- }
+ div_start('details');
+ start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2);
+ table_section(1);
+ table_section_title(_("Item"));
-if ($new_item)
- text_row(_("Item Code:"), 'NewStockID', null, 21, 20);
- $_POST['inactive'] = 0;
-{ // Must be modifying an existing item
- if (get_post('NewStockID') != get_post('stock_id') || get_post('addupdate')) { // first item display
- $_POST['NewStockID'] = $_POST['stock_id'];
- $myrow = get_item($_POST['NewStockID']);
- $_POST['long_description'] = $myrow["long_description"];
- $_POST['description'] = $myrow["description"];
- $_POST['category_id'] = $myrow["category_id"];
- $_POST['tax_type_id'] = $myrow["tax_type_id"];
- $_POST['units'] = $myrow["units"];
- $_POST['mb_flag'] = $myrow["mb_flag"];
- $_POST['sales_account'] = $myrow['sales_account'];
- $_POST['inventory_account'] = $myrow['inventory_account'];
- $_POST['cogs_account'] = $myrow['cogs_account'];
- $_POST['adjustment_account'] = $myrow['adjustment_account'];
- $_POST['assembly_account'] = $myrow['assembly_account'];
- $_POST['dimension_id'] = $myrow['dimension_id'];
- $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $myrow['dimension2_id'];
- $_POST['no_sale'] = $myrow['no_sale'];
- $_POST['del_image'] = 0;
- $_POST['inactive'] = $myrow["inactive"];
- $_POST['editable'] = $myrow["editable"];
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if ($new_item)
+ {
+ text_row(_("Item Code:"), 'NewStockID', null, 21, 20);
+ $_POST['inactive'] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { // Must be modifying an existing item
+ if (get_post('NewStockID') != get_post('stock_id') || get_post('addupdate')) { // first item display
+ $_POST['NewStockID'] = $_POST['stock_id'];
+ $myrow = get_item($_POST['NewStockID']);
+ $_POST['long_description'] = $myrow["long_description"];
+ $_POST['description'] = $myrow["description"];
+ $_POST['category_id'] = $myrow["category_id"];
+ $_POST['tax_type_id'] = $myrow["tax_type_id"];
+ $_POST['units'] = $myrow["units"];
+ $_POST['mb_flag'] = $myrow["mb_flag"];
+ $_POST['sales_account'] = $myrow['sales_account'];
+ $_POST['inventory_account'] = $myrow['inventory_account'];
+ $_POST['cogs_account'] = $myrow['cogs_account'];
+ $_POST['adjustment_account'] = $myrow['adjustment_account'];
+ $_POST['assembly_account'] = $myrow['assembly_account'];
+ $_POST['dimension_id'] = $myrow['dimension_id'];
+ $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $myrow['dimension2_id'];
+ $_POST['no_sale'] = $myrow['no_sale'];
+ $_POST['del_image'] = 0;
+ $_POST['inactive'] = $myrow["inactive"];
+ $_POST['editable'] = $myrow["editable"];
+ }
+ label_row(_("Item Code:"),$_POST['NewStockID']);
+ hidden('NewStockID', $_POST['NewStockID']);
+ set_focus('description');
- label_row(_("Item Code:"),$_POST['NewStockID']);
- hidden('NewStockID', $_POST['NewStockID']);
- set_focus('description');
-text_row(_("Name:"), 'description', null, 52, 200);
+ text_row(_("Name:"), 'description', null, 52, 200);
-textarea_row(_('Description:'), 'long_description', null, 42, 3);
+ textarea_row(_('Description:'), 'long_description', null, 42, 3);
-stock_categories_list_row(_("Category:"), 'category_id', null, false, $new_item);
+ stock_categories_list_row(_("Category:"), 'category_id', null, false, $new_item);
-if ($new_item && (list_updated('category_id') || !isset($_POST['units']))) {
+ if ($new_item && (list_updated('category_id') || !isset($_POST['units']))) {
- $category_record = get_item_category($_POST['category_id']);
+ $category_record = get_item_category($_POST['category_id']);
- $_POST['tax_type_id'] = $category_record["dflt_tax_type"];
- $_POST['units'] = $category_record["dflt_units"];
- $_POST['mb_flag'] = $category_record["dflt_mb_flag"];
- $_POST['inventory_account'] = $category_record["dflt_inventory_act"];
- $_POST['cogs_account'] = $category_record["dflt_cogs_act"];
- $_POST['sales_account'] = $category_record["dflt_sales_act"];
- $_POST['adjustment_account'] = $category_record["dflt_adjustment_act"];
- $_POST['assembly_account'] = $category_record["dflt_assembly_act"];
- $_POST['dimension_id'] = $category_record["dflt_dim1"];
- $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $category_record["dflt_dim2"];
- $_POST['no_sale'] = $category_record["dflt_no_sale"];
- $_POST['editable'] = 0;
+ $_POST['tax_type_id'] = $category_record["dflt_tax_type"];
+ $_POST['units'] = $category_record["dflt_units"];
+ $_POST['mb_flag'] = $category_record["dflt_mb_flag"];
+ $_POST['inventory_account'] = $category_record["dflt_inventory_act"];
+ $_POST['cogs_account'] = $category_record["dflt_cogs_act"];
+ $_POST['sales_account'] = $category_record["dflt_sales_act"];
+ $_POST['adjustment_account'] = $category_record["dflt_adjustment_act"];
+ $_POST['assembly_account'] = $category_record["dflt_assembly_act"];
+ $_POST['dimension_id'] = $category_record["dflt_dim1"];
+ $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $category_record["dflt_dim2"];
+ $_POST['no_sale'] = $category_record["dflt_no_sale"];
+ $_POST['editable'] = 0;
-$fresh_item = !isset($_POST['NewStockID']) || $new_item
- || check_usage($_POST['stock_id'],false);
+ }
+ $fresh_item = !isset($_POST['NewStockID']) || $new_item
+ || check_usage($_POST['stock_id'],false);
-item_tax_types_list_row(_("Item Tax Type:"), 'tax_type_id', null);
+ item_tax_types_list_row(_("Item Tax Type:"), 'tax_type_id', null);
-stock_item_types_list_row(_("Item Type:"), 'mb_flag', null, $fresh_item);
+ stock_item_types_list_row(_("Item Type:"), 'mb_flag', null, $fresh_item);
-stock_units_list_row(_('Units of Measure:'), 'units', null, $fresh_item);
+ stock_units_list_row(_('Units of Measure:'), 'units', null, $fresh_item);
-check_row(_("Editable description:"), 'editable');
+ check_row(_("Editable description:"), 'editable');
-check_row(_("Exclude from sales:"), 'no_sale');
+ check_row(_("Exclude from sales:"), 'no_sale');
-if (!$new_item)
- if (!@$_REQUEST['popup'])
+ table_section(2);
+ $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension');
+ if ($dim >= 1)
- start_row();
- echo '<td class="label"> </td><td>';
- echo viewer_link('<b>'. _('Inventory Item Movement').'</b>', "inventory/inquiry/stock_movements.php?stock_id=$stock_id&popup=1");
- echo "</td>\n";
- end_row();
- start_row();
- echo '<td class="label"> </td><td>';
- echo viewer_link('<b>'. _('Inventory Item Status').'</b>', "inventory/inquiry/stock_status.php?stock_id=$stock_id&popup=1");
- echo "</td>\n";
- end_row();
- }
+ table_section_title(_("Dimensions"));
+ dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension")." 1", 'dimension_id', null, true, " ", false, 1);
+ if ($dim > 1)
+ dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension")." 2", 'dimension2_id', null, true, " ", false, 2);
+ }
+ if ($dim < 1)
+ hidden('dimension_id', 0);
+ if ($dim < 2)
+ hidden('dimension2_id', 0);
-$dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension');
-if ($dim >= 1)
- table_section_title(_("Dimensions"));
+ table_section_title(_("GL Accounts"));
- dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension")." 1", 'dimension_id', null, true, " ", false, 1);
- if ($dim > 1)
- dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension")." 2", 'dimension2_id', null, true, " ", false, 2);
-if ($dim < 1)
- hidden('dimension_id', 0);
-if ($dim < 2)
- hidden('dimension2_id', 0);
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Sales Account:"), 'sales_account', $_POST['sales_account']);
-table_section_title(_("GL Accounts"));
+ if (!is_service($_POST['mb_flag']))
+ {
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Inventory Account:"), 'inventory_account', $_POST['inventory_account']);
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("C.O.G.S. Account:"), 'cogs_account', $_POST['cogs_account']);
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Inventory Adjustments Account:"), 'adjustment_account', $_POST['adjustment_account']);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("C.O.G.S. Account:"), 'cogs_account', $_POST['cogs_account']);
+ hidden('inventory_account', $_POST['inventory_account']);
+ hidden('adjustment_account', $_POST['adjustment_account']);
+ }
-gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Sales Account:"), 'sales_account', $_POST['sales_account']);
-if (!is_service($_POST['mb_flag']))
- gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Inventory Account:"), 'inventory_account', $_POST['inventory_account']);
- gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("C.O.G.S. Account:"), 'cogs_account', $_POST['cogs_account']);
- gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Inventory Adjustments Account:"), 'adjustment_account', $_POST['adjustment_account']);
- gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("C.O.G.S. Account:"), 'cogs_account', $_POST['cogs_account']);
- hidden('inventory_account', $_POST['inventory_account']);
- hidden('adjustment_account', $_POST['adjustment_account']);
+ if (is_manufactured($_POST['mb_flag']))
+ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Item Assembly Costs Account:"), 'assembly_account', $_POST['assembly_account']);
+ else
+ hidden('assembly_account', $_POST['assembly_account']);
+ table_section_title(_("Other"));
-if (is_manufactured($_POST['mb_flag']))
- gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Item Assembly Costs Account:"), 'assembly_account', $_POST['assembly_account']);
- hidden('assembly_account', $_POST['assembly_account']);
+ // Add image upload for New Item - by Joe
+ file_row(_("Image File (.jpg)") . ":", 'pic', 'pic');
+ // Add Image upload for New Item - by Joe
+ $stock_img_link = "";
+ $check_remove_image = false;
+ if (isset($_POST['NewStockID']) && file_exists(company_path().'/images/'
+ .item_img_name($_POST['NewStockID']).".jpg"))
+ {
+ // 31/08/08 - rand() call is necessary here to avoid caching problems. Thanks to Peter D.
+ $stock_img_link .= "<img id='item_img' alt = '[".$_POST['NewStockID'].".jpg".
+ "]' src='".company_path().'/images/'.item_img_name($_POST['NewStockID']).
+ ".jpg?nocache=".rand()."'"." height='$pic_height' border='0'>";
+ $check_remove_image = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $stock_img_link .= _("No image");
+ }
+ label_row(" ", $stock_img_link);
+ if ($check_remove_image)
+ check_row(_("Delete Image:"), 'del_image');
-// Add image upload for New Item - by Joe
-file_row(_("Image File (.jpg)") . ":", 'pic', 'pic');
-// Add Image upload for New Item - by Joe
-$stock_img_link = "";
-$check_remove_image = false;
-if (isset($_POST['NewStockID']) && file_exists(company_path().'/images/'
- .item_img_name($_POST['NewStockID']).".jpg"))
- // 31/08/08 - rand() call is necessary here to avoid caching problems. Thanks to Peter D.
- $stock_img_link .= "<img id='item_img' alt = '[".$_POST['NewStockID'].".jpg".
- "]' src='".company_path().'/images/'.item_img_name($_POST['NewStockID']).
- ".jpg?nocache=".rand()."'"." height='$pic_height' border='0'>";
- $check_remove_image = true;
- $stock_img_link .= _("No image");
+ record_status_list_row(_("Item status:"), 'inactive');
+ end_outer_table(1);
+ div_end();
+ div_start('controls');
+ if (!isset($_POST['NewStockID']) || $new_item)
+ {
+ submit_center('addupdate', _("Insert New Item"), true, '', 'default');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ submit_center_first('addupdate', _("Update Item"), '',
+ @$_REQUEST['popup'] ? true : 'default');
+ submit_return('select', get_post('stock_id'),
+ _("Select this items and return to document entry."), 'default');
+ submit('clone', _("Clone This Item"), true, '', true);
+ submit('delete', _("Delete This Item"), true, '', true);
+ submit_center_last('cancel', _("Cancel"), _("Cancel Edition"), 'cancel');
+ }
+ div_end();
-label_row(" ", $stock_img_link);
-if ($check_remove_image)
- check_row(_("Delete Image:"), 'del_image');
-record_status_list_row(_("Item status:"), 'inactive');
-if (!isset($_POST['NewStockID']) || $new_item)
+if (db_has_stock_items())
- submit_center('addupdate', _("Insert New Item"), true, '', 'default');
+ start_row();
+ stock_items_list_cells(_("Select an item:"), 'stock_id', null,
+ _('New item'), true, check_value('show_inactive'));
+ $new_item = get_post('stock_id')=='';
+ check_cells(_("Show inactive:"), 'show_inactive', null, true);
+ end_row();
+ end_table();
+ if (get_post('_show_inactive_update')) {
+ $Ajax->activate('stock_id');
+ set_focus('stock_id');
+ }
- submit_center_first('addupdate', _("Update Item"), '',
- @$_REQUEST['popup'] ? true : 'default');
- submit_return('select', get_post('stock_id'),
- _("Select this items and return to document entry."), 'default');
- submit('clone', _("Clone This Item"), true, '', true);
- submit('delete', _("Delete This Item"), true, '', true);
- submit_center_last('cancel', _("Cancel"), _("Cancel Edition"), 'cancel');
+ hidden('stock_id', get_post('stock_id'));
+if ($stock_id != "")
+ unset($_POST['_tabs_sel']); // force settings tab for new customer
+tabbed_content_start('tabs', array(
+ 'settings' => array(_('&General settings'), $stock_id),
+ 'movement' => array(_('&Movement'), $stock_id),
+ 'status' => array(_('&Status'), $stock_id),
+ ));
+ switch (get_post('_tabs_sel')) {
+ default:
+ case 'settings':
+ item_settings($stock_id);
+ break;
+ case 'movement':
+ $_GET['stock_id'] = $stock_id;
+ $_GET['popup'] = 1;
+ include_once($path_to_root."/inventory/inquiry/stock_movements.php");
+ break;
+ case 'status':
+ $_GET['stock_id'] = $stock_id;
+ $_GET['popup'] = 1;
+ include_once($path_to_root."/inventory/inquiry/stock_status.php");
+ break;
+ };
hidden('popup', @$_REQUEST['popup']);