2013-06-08 Maxime BourgetAdd offsets.
2013-06-08 Maxime BourgetCall db_hook on priority update.
2013-06-08 Maxime BourgetCall hooks on split.
2013-06-08 Maxime BourgetBasic split, seems to work (and save).
2013-06-08 Maxime BourgetAll tests pass.
2013-06-07 Maxime BourgetSplitter Test written. Doesn't pass.
2013-06-07 Maxime BourgetAdding Splitter Tests
2013-06-07 Maxime BourgetTests Split class pass.
2013-06-07 Maxime BourgetAdd Splitter. no test yet
2013-06-07 Maxime BourgetAdd Split fields and button.
2013-06-07 Maxime BourgetOnly allow priority to be reset to null.
2013-06-07 Maxime BourgetDate saves properly.
2013-06-07 Maxime BourgetAll date columns are editable.
2013-06-07 Maxime BourgetDisplay new dates in order view. But BUG
2013-06-06 Maxime BourgetIgnore tags
2013-06-06 Maxime BourgetAdd config.php
2013-06-06 Maxime BourgetAdd untracked files.
2013-06-06 Maxime BourgetAdd hold_until_date and expiry_date fields.
2013-06-06 Maxime BourgetSet default priority on db_write hook.
2013-06-06 Maxime BourgetAdd on order quantity to location quantity
2013-06-05 Maxime BourgetAdd db_prevoid
2013-06-04 Maxime BourgetAdd hook to update cache on db write.
2013-06-04 Maxime BourgetAdd OrderXtraConfig to configure location.
2013-06-04 Maxime BourgetAdd create order summary view file, (missing)
2013-06-03 Maxime BourgetFix displayed required date
2013-06-03 Maxime BourgetCompute available summary (and view)
2013-06-03 Maxime BourgetAdd color on available quantity
2013-06-03 Maxime BourgetDisplay available quantity in order line view (for...
2013-06-03 Maxime BourgetImplements get_allowed_quantity hook.
2013-06-03 Maxime BourgetAdd denorm_qoh
2013-06-03 Maxime BourgetFix install hook returning error
2013-06-02 Maxime BourgetFix quantity not taking into account quantity invoiced.
2013-06-02 Maxime BourgetRemove trace.
2013-06-02 Maxime BourgetFix 0 qoh bug.
2013-06-02 Maxime BourgetUpdate works.
2013-06-02 Maxime BourgetHide Update button if not needed
2013-06-02 Maxime BourgetAdding Mode
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetFilter params on new stock
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetAdd missing location at the end.
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetSorting sorted.
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetParse POST data.
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetCretaing rowDetails hash.
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetAdd ScheduleParameters class
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetRefactoring orders()
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetExtract misc classes into relevant files.
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetMerge branch 'add_jquery_sortable'
2013-06-01 Maxime Bourgetsimplify Ajax activation test.
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetonDrop send data to backend.
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetSending form tho Ajax
2013-06-01 Maxime BourgetUse Behavior to make table draggable on Ajax refresh
2013-05-31 Maxime BourgetAdd Ajax : change stock_id update page.
2013-05-31 Maxime Bourgetuse POST prior to GET for stock_id
2013-05-31 Maxime Bourgetrows have an id.
2013-05-31 Maxime BourgetHide before/after quantities when dragged (as they...
2013-05-31 Maxime BourgetAdd js to Drag and Drop.
2013-05-31 Maxime BourgetFix button icons.
2013-05-31 Maxime BourgetAdd js script.
2013-05-30 Maxime BourgetChange color of partial After quantity.
2013-05-30 Maxime BourgetAdd link to customer order view.
2013-05-30 Maxime BourgetDisplay colors according to late status.
2013-05-30 Maxime BourgetStill formatting
2013-05-30 Maxime BourgetUse next location only if no stock left
2013-05-30 Maxime BourgetFix order location display.
2013-05-30 Maxime BourgetFormatting table
2013-05-30 Maxime BourgetCache Location.getQuantityOnHand
2013-05-28 Maxime BourgetDisplay order and location in good order.
2013-05-28 Maxime BourgetMix location and order
2013-05-28 Maxime BourgetGet QOH
2013-05-28 Maxime BourgetAdd Location class.
2013-05-27 Maxime BourgetAdd header
2013-05-27 Maxime Bourgetdb_query works. Returned object needs to be warped.
2013-05-27 Maxime BourgetQueryIterator compiles.
2013-05-27 Maxime BourgetAdding FA.db_query in Haxe.
2013-05-27 Maxime BourgetAdding Haxe
2013-05-27 Maxime BourgetAdding item_schegule page.
2013-05-26 Maxime BourgetMerge branch 'master' of bb:elax/fa-order_line_extra
2013-05-26 Maxime Bourgetdenorm queue works (with running quantity)
2013-05-07 Maxime BourgetAdd denorm table
2013-05-07 Maxime BourgetAdd - separator between comments in tooltip.
2013-05-07 Maxime BourgetFix tooltips not readable on small screen
2013-05-06 Maxime BourgetFix sort not working if customer id in URL.
2013-05-06 Maxime BourgetFix typo
2013-05-06 Maxime BourgetAdd extract cell functions.
2013-05-06 Maxime BourgetMerge branch 'master' of bb:elax/fa-order_line_extra
2013-05-06 Maxime BourgetFix ref column type in alter table
2013-05-06 Maxime BourgetFix quantity column format.
2013-05-06 Maxime BourgetTidy up inline css.
2013-05-06 Maxime BourgetAdd tooltips with comments.
2013-05-06 Maxime BourgetCustomer links work.
2013-05-06 Maxime BourgetAdd order summary
2013-05-05 Maxime BourgetSave in database.
2013-05-05 Maxime BourgetOrder by more stuff, plus clean code.
2013-05-05 Maxime BourgetAdd Update and Cancel button.
2013-05-05 Maxime BourgetDate work (js + empty value)
2013-05-05 Maxime BourgetAdd input for date and comment
2013-05-05 Maxime BourgetAdd input date text.
2013-05-04 Maxime Bourgetin progress
2013-05-04 Maxime BourgetClean up + start writting query
2013-05-04 Maxime BourgetLoad and display orders
2013-05-04 Maxime BourgetPermissions for main page works.